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Nothing comes out of nowhere. Not a good design without references and inspiration
can come from the most antagonistic concepts, since the advance of time reforms an
idea to work, either in itself or as a complement to a different theme, as can be seen
in the example of the Pompejus lookout tower, by RO&AD Architecten.

The Pompejus lookout tower was built in 2017, and its name comes from the first
commander of the war fort (Pompejus de Roovere) in Bergen op Zoom, the
Netherlands. This monument, which is itself a lookout tower, was built where a fort
once stood, in an extensive water defense line of West Brabant.

The construction of this monument with wooden plates installed with the Voronoi
pattern, which leave the steel structure inside very little visible, measures a total of 25
meters in height, and has a vision range of 20 kilometers away in its 360 °, in a visual
form where you can see the entire West Brabant defense. Thus, the idea of this
observation tower came from the towers already existing at the beginning, which
functioned as watchtowers of this group of forts, high surveillance points, which over
time became a concept in a place for appreciating the visual of the aquifer obstacle in

In conclusion, the inspiration for a design comes from any idea, and this idea
transforms and evolves as needed by its environment. As evidenced in the previous
example, the concept does not need to exist within the same scope, nor does this
concept come from scratch.

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