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Reflection Paper: What is Operations Management?

Within organizations encompasses operations management which is deemed

very important as it creates value to goods and services for its customers. In addition,
this includes sets of activities and strategies that are involved in the management of the
transformation process from inputs to outputs. With the variety of products that we
consume on a daily basis, I realized the importance of both manufacturing and service
companies providing quality products and services wherein operations’ role is to
effectively manage and control the organization process.

Operations management does not only cover production but also affects every
aspect of the business including Marketing, Financial, Accounting and Information
systems. This shows how important proper management of operation is as it is
interrelated with the different areas affecting the company as a whole . With this, it is
important for them to focus on system operations and design operations that will benefit
the company in the long-term. These initiatives include forecasting, planning,
monitoring, motivating employees, facilities layout and more that will enable the
company to move towards its goals and improve its operations. Furthermore, this will
help us understand the reasons why companies fail and succeed for these
organizations to be able to implement plans and strategies addressing these issues.
Considering the location, product plans and design, cost, quick response, flexibility and
more, these are all in relation to operations that will establish the organization’s
competitive advantage.

Overall, operations management is one of the most integral parts of the

organizational body. The company needs to really assess the process in the supply
chain, from the raw materials until the distribution making sure that the products are
high quality. With that being said, it is necessary to take note of these factors that will
achieve the highest efficiency possible where raw materials are maximized as well as
increasing productivity for the company.

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