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Talking about Past Actions

SOLD OUT A. Talking about Past Actions

They phoned to the cinema. They wanted to book four Mark phoned the cinema.
tickets for the 8.20 performance.
They wanted to book four tickets.
Girl: Good afternoon. Warner cinemas.
I sold the last two ones some minutes ago.
Mark: Good afternoon. Have you got any tickets for the
8.20 p0erformance? Last week John and his girlfriend went to the
Girl: I´m afraid I can´t help you. I´ve got no tickets for
today´s soirée. I sold the last two ones some minutes ago.
1. This is a list of things Mr. Miller did
Mark: Thanks. Bye. yesterday. Repeat them, beginning like
this: Yesterday at 8.00 Mrs. Miller
Girl: Bye. prepared breakfast for the children.
The four friends were really disappointed… But they had
8.00 – Prepare breakfast for the children.
other ways of spending the evening.
8.30 – take them to school.
Mark: Well, today isn´t our lucky day, is it? 13.00- have lunch at the canteen.
14.00 – phone to the cinema.
Sarah: No, it isn´t, but there is another way of spending a 17.00 – go to the cinema and get the
nice evening, I think. last week John and his girlfriend went tickets.
to the “ Purple Pussy Cat”, a wonderful…. _______________________________
Bob: Did you say “Pussy cat”?
Sarah: Yes, “Purple Pussy Cat”, the best discotheque in _______________________________
recorded and live music. _______________________________

Deborah: Wow! Why don´t we go there tonight?

Mark: Great idea.

2. Build up five sentences expressing actions you did last Sunday by using the verbs get up, go,
play, listen, watch and have.



According to the text, build up five sentences using elements from the columns.

Mark phoned to go to a discotheque
The tickets were for any more tickets for the soirée
They hadn´t got recorded and live music
the four friends decided because he wanted to book four tickets
at the discotheque they listened to the 8.20 performance

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