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Organizational Impact of Implementing HRIS

What is HRIS?
A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution that is used for
data entry, data tracking and the data information requirements of an organization's human
resources (HR) management, payroll and bookkeeping operations. A HRIS is usually offered as
a database.
Many firms implement a new HRIS so they can replace several different systems, including
payroll systems, benefit systems, and employee information storage systems. The new HRIS
boasts one system that performs all functions. Other companies may implement HRIS to
modernize non-automated systems or update legacy systems.
Evaluation Process Impact
Even before a HRIS is completely implemented, the process of evaluation may begin to impact
the way various departments work together.
A team is typically assembled with representatives from every involved department to outline
goals for the new system. Departments may include HR, IT, training, payroll, and benefits. As
the team discusses goals for the new system, each member of the team gleans new insight into
how the other departments operate and accomplish tasks within the organization.
Process Improvement Insights
As HRIS evaluation teams begin to see the different organizational processes on a wider scale,
new ideas for improving processes emerge. This is accomplished by aligning department tasks
with the goals of other departments. As these potential improvements are discussed, the goals
and expectations for the HRIS may evolve.
It is important for project managers to carefully consider the team’s thoughts regarding the
improvement of processes.
Technical Aspect of HRIS implementation
To successfully set up the new HRIS, people that have acquired a thorough understanding of
both the business and the HRIS will need to configure the system to meet the needs of the
organization. Configuration requires personnel that can manage to spend time away from
“home” tasks. Requiring employees to try and keep up with both HRIS implementation and
standard organizational activities can cause burnout and a failure at both tasks.
Third parties may assist in making the process of implementation run smoother. Even so, care
must be taken to ensure self-sufficiency of the organization in HRIS support and management to
avoid future issues.
Human Aspect of HRIS Implementation
Many organizations make the mistake of solely focusing on the technical aspects of HRIS
implementation, and completely disregard the human side of the equation. This can become an
issue, simply because configuring a system to conform to a new and improved hiring process is
much easier than training all the departments to understand, execute, and enter the required
information into the new HRIS.
Not only that, but everyone must agree with every portion of the new process. Organizations
must budget and plan for the amount of time that it will take to ready employees for all of the
organizational and structural changes, otherwise employees may become confused and
Turnover after HRIS Implementation
After successfully implementing a new HRIS, many aspects of the organizational structure and
processes are bound to be different. Ideally, these changes should be viewed positively, but it is
not realistic for all employees to happily adapt to the changes in daily tasks and overall job
description that the HRIS will create. Companies must prepare themselves for some turnover, as
employees come to terms with the changes that the new HRIS has brought about.
If you’re looking for a new HRIS and want to ensure a smooth implementation process, we can
help you select a vendor that focuses on implementation support. Visit our vendor match page to
get started.
HRIS Features
The efficiency of HRIS solutions has enabled companies to produce more effective and efficient
results than what can be accomplished on paper. By automating tasks and analyzing reports,
companies use systems to their greatest potential.
HRIS system features commonly include:
 Applicant tracking and recruitment
 Training and development tracking
 Risk management
 Payroll
 Flexible-benefits administration
 Succession planning
 Time and attendance tracking
 Financial planning and analytics
 Turnover reporting
 Government compliance reporting and assistance
 Accident reporting and prevention
Impact on Employee Engagement and Culture
By fully integrating a HRIS into the structure of a workforce, employee engagement and even
company culture may be improved. Employee self-service often inspires greater employee
empowerment and a delegation of tasks that helps “flatten” the structure. If HRIS are used
properly, employee expectations are clarified, employees are put in charge of their own
development, and the communication and collaboration improves throughout the workplace.

HRIS Advantages:
 Compliance with federal and state laws.
 Streamline processes for recruitment and selection produce.
 Analyses data and reports for internal and external use.
 Ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists.
 Accuracy of information.

HRIS Disadvantages:
 Human error during information input.
 Costly technology to update your system.
 Malfunctions or insufficient applications to support your human resources need.
 Finding a qualified specialist with human resources functional area knowledge is difficult.
 Unauthorized Access.

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