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Name : Nadia Ramadani

NIM : 20059078

Simple Past (exercises)

Write the past simple form of each verb.

1. do - did
2. buy - bought
3. come - come
4. hear - heard
5. feed - fed
6. hurt - hurt
7. forget - forgot
8. write - wrote
9. think - thought
10. speak - spoke

Write the past simple form of each verb.

1. begin - began
2. find - found
3. tell - told
4. steal - stole
5. swear - swore
6. take - took
7. let - ley
8. keep - kept
9. freeze - froze
10. bring - brought
Complete the chart.

Base - Simple Past - Past Participle

● Teach - Taught - Taught
● Shoot - shot - Shot
● Run - Ran - run
● Fight - fought - fought
● Have - had - Had
● Win - won - Won
● Take - Took - taken
● shake - Shook - Shaken
● Drive - Drove - driven
● Bring – brought - Brought

Choose the correct verb form of the following sentences!

1. I took my father to Spain last week.

2. Did you hear me?
3. I broke a cup yesterday.
4. Where did that woman keep all her money?
5. I saw Eric in the supermarket yesterday.
6. Mary didn’t like her teacher.
7. Mary come to see us at the weekend.
8. Peter didn’t write to me for a long time.
9. Derek learned English when he was young.
10. I didn’t see Bill at the party.
11. The train didn’t arrive on time.
12. Sorry – I forgot to buy milk.
13. Did John bring his wife with him?
14. I didn’t feel well last night.
15. Did Fred speak to you about Andy?
Fill in the blanks with the past simple form of the verb in parentheses.

1. A mosquito bit (bite) me!

2. Grandpa caught (catch) eight fish on our fishing trip.
3. When Whitney stepped in the gum, her flip-flop stuck (stick) to it.
4. They woke (wake) up at 4:30 a.m. to catch their 7:00 flight.
5. We flew (fly) from New York to Atlanta for the conference last month.
6. My stomach felt (feel) strange for hours after I ate that old bread.
7. Stephanie gave (give) her sister a CD for her birthday.
8. Ben and Matt made (make) a movie about a really smart janitor at Harvard.
9. The dog dug (dig) a hole in the yard.
10. I stepped in the hole and broke (break) my ankle.

Fill in the blanks with the past simple form of one of the following
verbs: go, be,see, drink, swim, eat, fall, get, blow, hit. Some verbs may be used more than

Alicia’s birthday party was a lot of fun. We were all so happy to be together. We went for a
walk on the nature trail, where we saw a snake! Then we swam in the lake. That was fun until
Joey fell off of the rope swing and hit his head. Then we decided to stop swimming, and Alicia
opened her gifts. She got lots of great presents. After that, she blew out the candles on her cake,
and we ate cake, drunk soda and played games until dark.

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