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Doom Lingers
Coming back from a college class, feeling tired I crawl on top on my bed for
a midday nap and slip into a blissful sleep. Aroused from slumber, my bed
shaking violently and turning , I expect to see a human, recognizable and
known to me. Familiar and welcome. There is no one. Checking to see I am
awake Checking to see if I am alone. Checking my mental state to find
derangement. Nothing . Dismissed, I start to slip into the slumber and it
shakes again. I am hyper alert Wide awake. I ask myself Is it really shaking
Yes. My eyes open and I go to rebuke what this is and it enters without
warning- In through the top of my head following a path leading to where my
soul resides, it screams at me in foreign tongue. Computerized,
synthesized, screeching and vile. The voice drips with evil, hate and
threatens to touch the core of my human essence. I am in danger of
replacement. I am being hijacked for this body My soul runs from this entity
and screams for our maker to witness this violation, to raise His sword at
this reptile, to help me fight the unseen. It is forced back out through the top
of my head and I lay there sweating, panting, contorted. Violated.Impure.
Tainted and broken, I feel terrorized. At my next sleep, I am awakened to
find I cannot move my body- only my eyes and I hear that voice laughing at
me. Mocking me. Reminding me he is there, stalking me and waiting for the
chance to do it again. Years go by, the shaking starts- Earthquake- I run out
to the street to find people everywhere, while the earth shakes, all talking
and laughing in that voice. Destruction awaits, but the voice consumes.


I’m a simple teenage boy who is trying to pass at school. In my
life I experienced ups and downs but I still good right now. Let
go and join me me countering struggles in life and let me be
your inspiration.

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