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$50+/Day in 10


“Simple to Rinse & Repeat”


1. Introduction

2. The Method

a. EnviroFile

b. Linkbucks

c. The Powerful Combination

3. Implementing The System

a. Step 1 – Creating the Accounts

b. Step 2 – Finding Items To Put For

Download I. Free Legal Software

II. Software Including Cracks, or Game Hacks

III. “Fake Programs”

c. Step 3 – Creating The Link

d. Step 4 – Promoting Your Download

Link I. Youtube

III. Password Protection

4. Final Words
Introduction Letter


Thanks for downloading this ebook, with the knowledge placed carefully within this book
you WILL be able to generate incomes of $50+ a day with only 10 minutes work! You never
have to look at it again, the money will just constantly continue to roll in, how great is that?
Well, that's not the best thing you will learn from this book, it's that this method can be
“Rinsed and Repeated” as many times as you like!

Imagine, two weeks down the track, patting yourself on the back as you realize reading and
utilizing the information in this book was one of the best things you've ever done! While
happily sitting back and watching how UNLIMITED cash streams of $50 or more per day
start rolling in, its really that easy.

So without boring you with any more nonsense, lets get right into the method:

$50+ a Day In 10 Minutes!

The Method

The secret to making consistent fast cash online is harnessing the power of two
money making services and fusing them with easy promotion techniques.

The services used in this ebook are:




In short, you simply upload files people want to download to EnviroFile, and then mask your
link with Linkbucks. After-which you must promote your download link via popular outlets,
the main outlet focused on in this ebook is YouTube.

EnviroFile is a simple to use pay-per-download file-hosting site that offers amazing rates on each
download, from $0.23 to $0.45 per download!

The way EnviroFile can afford to pay so much per download is that all customers directed to their site
must first complete an offer (usually a survey) before being allowed to continue and download the

EnviroFile uses a tier system to manage the payments per download, below is the system:

This is great for us because our payments per download increase as the download becomes
more and more popular.

Sign-up to EnviroFile and continue on...


Many would of heard of Linkbucks, but if you haven't here's a heads up; Every time somebody clicks
on your Linkbucks link, they are shown an ad before then continuing onto your link. In return for this,
you receive a small payment every time somebody clicks on your ad.

The payment for each click largely depends on which ad type you choose to display.

Sign up to Linkbucks and move along throughout this book..

The Powerful Combination

If you haven't already worked it out, EnviroFile and Linkbucks together is a POWERFUL
combination, maximizing your revenue from each download.

Once somebody clicks your link, you automatically get paid, (just for them clicking a link!), then,
once that person continues and downloads your software, you get paid AGAIN!

Think about the possibilities...

Look at these calculations based on only If you achieve 250 people visiting your link everyday (easily
possible if you follow this ebook), and 225 continue with the download:

(250 * 4/1000) + (225 * 0.23) = $52.75 a Day per LINK!

Now, this is only using one link, and promoting one link only takes around 10 minutes. You could
easily do this many times a day, creating more and more cash streams of over $50 a day!

Also, EnviroFile's tier system constantly increases the amount of money you make with your
downloads, look at the example below once a download as reached the last tier (10000+
downloads, taking 5 weeks at 250 clicks a day):

(250 * 4/1000) + (225 * 0.45) = $102.25 a Day per LINK!

That's right! Within 5 weeks after set-up,all your links will be earning double as much as they
initially did, incredible!
Implementing The System

A Step-by-Step Explanation

Step 1 – Creating the Accounts

For this system to work you will need both an EnviroFile account and a Linkbucks account, if you
have already created both of this accounts, skip down to step 2.

Creating an EnviroFile account

Head over to and sign-up for their service.

Creating a Linkbucks Account

Simply head over to and sign-up to their service:

Now that both accounts are created it's time to move onto the next step:
Finding software/music/movies/etc to put up for download...
Step 2 – Finding Items To Put For Download

Finding items to put up for download is a crucial step in the system, you must choose the right item
that people actually want to go through the effort of filling out an offer or survey to download.

You could go with music, movies, ebooks, etc. But the most effective and easiest type of items to
put up for download is:

Software Applications

Why? Well, not only are they small, which means even people with bad internet will still download
them, most must be purchased, and when uploading software applications you can upload a second
download containing a crack, key-gen or activation for the application.

Thus doubling your earning income!

Also, software applications are incredibly easy to find, with and without cracks. Though before
explaining where to find these applications, first let me go through each type of software
application you could upload:

• Free Legal Software

• Software including Cracks or Key-gens or Game hacks

• “Fake” software

As the list increases, so does the potential to make more money. Free and legal software will
obtain the least hits, while paid software with cracks or key-gens will gain more hits.
Then there is “Fake” software, the most profitable item to upload, yet the most flamed and risky.

What is “Fake” software? Well, its software that doesn't exist, yet a lot of people wish it would.
Therefor, you gain a lot of hits on your link, as nobody has ever downloaded a working version
of your application.

An example of “Fake” software is say, a Valid Credit Card Generator that supposedly can generate
an unlimited amount of credit card numbers that have no bank limit attached to them.

If you were offered a download to this application, will you bother to fill out a quick 5 minute survey
to obtain it? This is exactly why “Fake” software is the most profitable form of software to upload.

But if it doesn't exist, what do we upload? Well, later on I will explain how to create this “Fake”
software to be very releasable and believable, including how to create a fake application to put up
for download, but for now let’s go through how to obtain the other items on the list.
Free Legal Software

Software that is freely available and legal to download can be reuploaded to EnviroFile for users
to download, though this method attracts the least amount of downloads due to the file being
freely available anywhere else.

Such Free Legal Software includes:

– WinRAR

– Web Browsers

– Paint Programs

– Free Games

– Etc

Software including Cracks/Keygens

This is my favorite item of software to put up on EnviroFile. People who want software yet do not
want to pay the hefty price will usually be more then happy to sit through a small survey to get
their download for free.

Examples of this type of software are:

• Adobe Photoshop

• Microsoft Office

• Sony Vegas

• Etc

The best place to find this type of software is to look through warez forums, my favorite being:
“Fake” Software

“Fake” Software is going to get you the most downloads by far. All it takes is an idea for what you
think would be an amazing popular software application.

After that, all you have to do is create a fake file with a believable amount of bytes and your done!

An example of one of my very popular “fake” software applications is shown in this video:


How to create a “Fake” Software Application

1) The Idea

First think up of an idea for your fake software application, the most popular are those based on
popular free online games.

2) The Creation

Simply create and save a new txt file with a few words inside, then, rename the file so that it reads
“FakeNameHere.exe”. Of course, replace “FakeNameHere” with whatever you want your software
to be named.

3) The Realism

A 1kb .exe file isn't something most people would go ahead and download, so, search Google for
a large image file, around 11.5mb large, and put it in a .rar with your fake software application.

That's all there is to it!

Step 3 – Creating the link

The next step in the $50+ a Day In 10 Minutes Method is to create your download link, so that you
receive payment from both Linkbucks and EnviroFile.

NOTE : Currently EnviroFile is having issues with uploading files from Internet Explorer, please
download and use Firefox to continue with the method.

So after you have chosen your file to upload, head over to and log-in

Now click on the “Upload” button in the main menu.

Next click Add File, then Browse to your chosen software.

After you have uploaded your file, head over to the Account section and click View Files.

Here you will be able to see your files uploaded for download, the link for each file, and how many
downloads they have received.

Grab the link for the file you have just uploaded and head over to

After logging into your account, choose the “Create Links” option from the menu.

From here you can now create a redirection for your download link.

Fill out the form with the following information:

Link to Convert: Enter your URL from EnviroFile

Landing Page Content Is: Choose “Clean (All Ages)”

Ad Type: VERY IMPORTANT choose “Intermission”

Alias URL: Choose either “” or “”

After you have filled out all the information click Generate Link!
You will then be presented with the link you must promote!

Step 4 – Promoting Your Link

The final and most important step of the system is to promote the crap out of your linkbucks link.

The most powerful tools to promote your link are:

• Youtube – My personal favorite which has earned me insane amounts of cash.

• Warez Forums – Uploading cracks in EnviroFile files gets you a lot and a lot of downloads

• Password Protection – Similar to Warez Forums

Firstly, I will cover Youtube.

The Youtube Method

The Youtube Method is the fastest to setup, most efficient way to achieve high amounts of
downloads on your files. Follow my simple formula for great results!

• Create a short 30-60 second video on your download and upload it to Youtube with a keyword
specific title.

• Insert download links to your upload, a virus scan and winrar in the description box

• Repeat the process on another two Youtube accounts I will explain each in detail

Create a short 30-60 second video

For this you will need two software applications:

• Video Creation Software (Windows Movie Maker)

• Voice Recording Software (Audacity)

Now all you need to do is a create a small video, with a title screen, two photos of the software, and
repeat the title screen to close. Then just record your self explaining how to download the software
(and the crack if it has one) from the description box.

Add both together, produce the video and viola! You now have a video

<5mb to upload and promote your link with.

Upload this video to a YouTube account.

Insert Download Links

In the description of the video, insert linkbucks + EnviroFile links to the software, the software's crack
if needed, a virus scan and to a download of WinRAR.
This way, each video will have 4 links where visitors can go and download, making you money.

Finally, finish off your description box with a set list of targeted keywords about your software.

Below is a sample template to use for your description.

“ Download “Namehere”:

Linkbucks url

Download Crack:

Linkbucks url

Virus Scan:

Linkbucks url

To UNRAR use WinRAR:

Linkbucks url

keyword keyword keyword keyword keyword keyword “ Remember to

use the keywords in the actually Tag box on YouTube.

Repeat The Process

Upload your video, with a different targeted name to another two Youtube accounts, keeping the
same description for each.

Not only does this triple your earnings, it creates a link structure between videos, so that
potential downloaders will visit all three of your videos as they will show in “Related Videos”

The YouTube Method is very, very effective.

Creating a video and uploading it to 3 different accounts takes no more than 10 minutes, work
on this for an hour a day and you can have 6 videos with 4 links each up every day!

That's 168 links a week!

Think about the earning potential. If the system flops (which it won't) and you only get $1 per link
per day, you are still earning $168 a day, for an hour a day's work for one week!

But, if the system goes ahead (which it will), those 168 links will generate many many downloads,
if they only generate 10 each that's still

168 * 10 * 0.23 = $386.4 PER DAY!

And then once you complete 10000+ downloads, the tier program kicks in and DOUBLES your
earnings to

168 * 10 * 0.45 = $756 PER DAY!

Just from YouTube, 10 clicks and an hours work.

Warez Forums

Another simple promotion technique is to upload games and software to other popular
uploading sites such as:

• Rapidshare

• Hotfile

• Etc

Then adding the crack or activation in an EnviroFile upload, after the user downloads all the other
files from major file sharing networks, they wont mind having to download one more from EnviroFile.

You can use this technique on sites such as:


• Team3x

• Etc

Password Protection

Password Protection promotion earns the big guys THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS per month and
can be very very effective if done right.

The general jiff of this type of promotion is that the user downloads a file, then when the user goes
to unrar their file, they are presented with a password screen, the password screen then instructs
them to visit your EnviroFile link in order to download a txt file with the password in it.

This method is extremely effective as the user just went through the trouble of downloading
a massive file, they don't mind another small download to obtain access to their file.
This method works well with software application, but the big money is in a controversial topic:

Porn Passwords

That's right, you supply a file with a list of porn passwords, then when the user goes to unrar the file,
they must obtain a password from another file of yours hosted on EnviroFile.

What makes this so effective is that there is so many people out their desperate for free
porn passwords that they will do anything to get them.

Using this technique on famous porn forums will let you a lot and a lot of cash.
Final Words

Well, that's pretty much it.

Use EnviroFile and Linkbucks together and drive traffic to your links, your earnings will SKYROCKET
as mine have. I spent two weeks implementing my system and now I earn a consistent $2000 a
week, and I never have to look at it again.

I hope my methods work for you as much as they did for me, as long as you take action and do
everything I have said in this eBook, you WILL be able to construct cash streams of $50 a Day in
only 10 minutes of your time.

Thanks for reading!

Learn More: "New Book Reveals How I Built A 7-Figure Online Business
Using Nothing But Ethical Email Marketing To Drive Revenue, Sales and

Download: 110 Ebook MMO 2021

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