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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. My brother likes (jumping) ________________ on the trampoline.
2. They like (read) ______________ magazines and (dance) ____________
3. My sister hates (do)_______________the same things day after day.
4. Our uncle sometimes (meet)_______________his friends for coffee.
5. I (collect)_____________ a lot of stamps from foreign countries so far.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.
I have a very interesting and (1)_______hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was
my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2)_________ three short films. It’s
great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3)___________ in the films. I have tried to
write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”. Each
scene is small and they can look at the words just (4)___________we start filming. We film at the
weekend in my neighbourhood, (5)____________ no one has to travel far. When the video clip is
finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house.
1. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable

2. A. done B. played C. made D. watched

3. A. part B. role C. scene D. film

4. A. before B. after C. only D. until

5. A. although B. because C. but D. so

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer

1. If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will ___________ your own clothes.
A. do B. make C. take D. get

2. You need to be ___________ to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete
one shell.
A. careful B. interested C. fit D. patient

3. I think this hobby does not cost you much, and ____________ you need is time.
A. most B. all C. some D. all of

4. ______________ is a popular hobby of the people living around this forest.

A. Collecting dolls B. Bird-watching C. Ice-skating D. Surfing

5. My father is doing the _______________ and my mother is cooking.

A. gardening B. horse-riding C. skating D. monopoly

6. A lot of people enjoy _____________ things such as dolls, stamps or bottles.

A. making B. arranging C. doing D. collecting

7. You shouldn’t go ...................... if you can’t swim.

A. skating B. board game C. gallery D. surfing
8. Can you ride a horse? - Of course. It’s a piece of _________________.
A. cake B. horse C. collage D. art

9. There are many____________why it is important to have a hobby.

A. facts B. details C. reasons D. answer

10. Mai often helps her mother ______________ and water trees in her free time.
A. hurt B. burn C. carve D. plant

11. My family enjoys_____________because we can sell vegetables and flowers ___________money.

A. garden-to B. garden-of C. gardening-for D. gardening-with

12. Nowadays people_____________hours sitting in front of the computers.

A. set B. spend C. take D. last

13. I think you should take up swimming _____________it is suitable for your health condition
A. because B. but C. although D. so

14. A hobby help you connect with people

A. the other B. another C. other D. others

15. Do you think that hobby is _____and boring?

A. danger B. easy C. interesting D. difficult

Exercise 4: Read and answer the question

“America: Land of Opportunity”

America is known as the land of opportunity, where one could achieve anything they put their mind to, no
matter who they are. Thousands of people immigrate to the United States every year from different parts
of the world to have access to these kinds of opportunities. This is what is known as "the American
dream". One of the many reasons America is such a great country is the diversity you see all
around.America is one big melting pot of citizens from different backgrounds.
America is also home to many of the world's top colleges and universities. The California Institute of
Technology is a top world-ranked college that focuses highly on science and engineering. It is located in
the city of Pasadena. Harvard University is another top world-ranked college that you might be familiar
with. The buildings at Harvard date all the way back to the year 1636, making Harvard the oldest
university in the United States. It is located in the state of Massachusetts. University of California, Los
Angeles is another institute worthy of recognition. Located next to Hollywood, UCLA has distinguished
itself as a prestigious and selective university due to the number of people who apply for admission
throughout the United States.The universities mentioned are but a few of the many other excellent schools
that make the United States so outstanding.
America is also known for being at the forefront of freedom and equality. Although our history may be
contradictory to these ideals, we have progressed and now live in a land of equal opportunity. Whether
you wish to become a doctor, a lawyer, or a librarian, America is the best place to be at to achieve these
1. Immigrating to America to have different opportunities is _____________.
A. illegal in America B. the American Dream

C. looked down on in America D.encouraged in America

2. Why is America considered a melting pot?

3. Where is Harvard University located, and what year do their buildings date back?

4. What is America also known for?

5. What does the word "prestigious" mean?

Exercise 5: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

It’s wonderful to have a hobby to do for pleasure in your free time. My favorite hobby is gardening. I love
watching flowers and eating vegetables, so I (1. grow) __________ a lot of plants in my garden. I usually
(2. water) ___________them in the early mornings. Sometimes my mother also (3. help) ____________
me care for them and my father (4. take)_____________ me to the market to buy seeds. I often (5.
read)_________ books to understand more about gardening. This weekend I (6. harvest) ________ carrots
and cabbages. Do you know how eager I am? I (7. give) ______________ some of them to my
grandparents. Also, I (8. take)________________ photos of them and post on facebook. Let’s wait and

Exercise 6: Write a five sentences essay that answers this question “What do you like to do in your
spare time and why?” (Suggest: You should mention how often you do it and what benefit/ harm it
gives you?)


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