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Answer the following

1.Name the various materials from which the following

things can be made?
Shoes --leather, Canvas, rubber
Chair ----wood ,plastic ,Steel
utensils ---copper aluminium stainless steel
clothes –cotton, Silk, wool ,nylon
Coins ---copper , gold,silver

2.Why do we need to group materials?

Materials are grouped
• for our convenience
• easy handling
• to know the properties clearly

3. Write few properties of materials?

• Appearance()
• . hardness
• solubility
• float or sink
• . transparency
4. Name and explain the three types of objects on the
basis of transparency?
Transparent objects
An object, which allows light to pass through it, is called a
transparent object. We can clearly see through a
transparent object. E.g.:- glass,water,air
Translucent objects
An object, which allows light to pass through it partially
is called a translucent object.
E.g.:oiled paper,butter paper
Opaque objects
An object, which does not allow light to pass through it
is called an opaque object. We cannot see through an
opaque object. E.g.:-wood, metals.

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