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It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim

energy and resolute courage, that we move on to

better things…
- Theodore Roosevelt…

Malu Sabar Gomes Lins Santos de,

You don't need to read (and I don't need to write) the amount of time
that we’ve been dealing with this unprecedented global disruption.

We all know how many months it has been.

We all know that it's been longer than expected.

We’ve all believed that we were at the finish line before being suddenly
pulled back into the challenges, discomfort and uncertainty.

And there is nothing more unremarkable than losing ourselves

somewhere in the middle.

Whether it is losing our energy, our motivation, our sense of identity or

our hope for the future – it's a pretty expected reaction to the kinds of
triggers we’ve been dealing with.

I'm sure it has already happened to you, and if it happens again it

means nothing. Don’t let it terrify you. Don't let yourself think that the
loss is permanent. Don't give it more weight than it deserves.

It comes with the package. It’s part of the process. There is nothing to
overanalyze or be ashamed of.

You’ve been dealt a harsh, sustained, and chaotic disruption to every

single ingredient of your daily life.

Disruptions can only create chaos – in neurotransmitters, in thoughts,

in motivation, in energy, in moods, and in spiritual balance.

Whether or not you liked your life in 2019, the ingredients were stable.
Your social connections, personal finances, career dreams, sense of
identity, life story, body composition, family dynamics, and nutritional
habits were part of a “structural normal” that allowed you to feel like
yourself every day.

Whether that was the best version of yourself or what you deserved is
a different subject altogether. Suffice it to say that it was a version you
had gotten used to and felt secure in.

Suffice it to say that it has been many months since you completely
lost it, and rebuilding a new “structural normal” can only be a slow,
unpredictable and uncomfortable process.

So long as the disruptions continue, and so long as it brings with it

new ingredients that continue to throw off that delicate balance – you
will not feel completely like yourself.

On some days you'll be a “better version”. You’ll take notes, define the
improvements, and strive to take those new aspects of your mind into
the future.

On others, you'll become an uncomfortable, flawed and even

“unacceptable” version. You won’t let those days define you. You’ll
forgive yourself. You’ll apologize to others if you need to. You’ll take
notes, develop wisdom from your shortcomings and strive to heal
whatever it was that brought you to that place.

You'll take it day by day, and slowly but surely, you'll arrive at a new
"structural normal".

Of course, you’re sick and tired of feeling “lost in the woods”. You’re
DONE. I’m right there with you.
We will succomb to desperation and forget what life can be like in the
very best of times.

We will surrender to pessimism, give in to cynicism, and even laugh at

our own misfortunes.

We will seek explanations that give us some sort of reassurance that

our lives are not any less complicated than everyone else’s (because it
sure seems like they are sometimes).

We will lose faith that the paradise we so clearly envision when we

close our eyes will ever come to us.

It doesn’t matter how much we know about the intelligence of the

universe, the beauty of the experience of life or the unquestonable
truth that every obstacle can only enter our orbit to help us achieve
something important.

It doesn’t matter how many of these “times of disruption” we’ve already

experienced with positive results at both the individual and collective

It doesn’t matter how positive we’ve proven ourselves to be and how

inevitable it is that we will one day snap back into happiness.

We won't save ourselves from temporarly sinking because we’ve

already swam too far out into the waters.

The shore we came from is too far gone. The shore we’re swimming to
is nowhere in sight.

On days like that, we won’t need more theory. We know the theory.

We won’t need more analysis of the spiritual, metaphysical,

psychological or scientific. We’ve heard it, taken it in and could not
understand it better if we tried.

We won’t even need a “shoulder to cry on” because we've already

stopped crying long ago.

We will just need to hear the universe deliver the following message in
clear and unequivocal form:
Nothing about where you stand is broken. You didn’t come here by
mistake. You didn’t mishandle the journey. You’re not reacting in weak,
unevolved or immature ways.

You’re fighting and it’s working. You can’t see it as clearly as I can.
You can’t understand it as well as I do. But you’ve done it perfect (and
you’re still doing it right).

Everything I’ve delivered is triggering everything I hoped it would

within you.

Every challenge and sorrow that you believed was drowning you was
nothing but a perfectly planted seed of future abundance.

Every single one of those "catastrophes" helped you walk closer to the
things you’ve begged me to deliver for decades. 

Every future blessing you can’t even imagine, let alone fantasize
about, will be born out of all this 'shit'.

All I’ve been doing is sprinkling seeds – seeds that will soon bloom
into a new era.

They had to be planted where they were planted, they had to be

watered in the way that they were watered, and although the process
has felt confusing, wrong and deeply upsetting, they were exactly what
you needed to have all those great things finally come into your hands.

They were what had to happen so you could move on to the rest of
your life.

Hopefully I was a good enough vessel for that message. Hopefully it

helped (and hopefully you remember to come back to it if you need it
in the near future).

All I have to add is this: I bet you’re closer to the finish line than you

I bet the less you worry about “how much more is left” the faster you’ll

I bet the more you accept that “all doesn't need to feel 'right' every
single moment" the better you’ll feel.
So long as you’re fighting to rebuild, learn, and heal, you don’t need to
worry about what comes next.

Your intuition will guide you, you’ll continue getting closer, and soon
enough you’ll get there.

If you want to hear good news, here they are: we are less than 24
hours away from September.

I know you know this, but I also know that you're not fully aware of the
numerological implications of that statement.

Numerologically speaking, September and October are the two most

important months of the Gregorian Calendar.

September always brings a completion to the storyline of your

experiences in the year. Regardless of what kind of year you had or
what challenges you faced, September is always the month where you
come to understand what you learned, how you've changed and what
opportunities those transformations will trigger.

September is the month where the accomplishments of the year begin

to materialize. It is the month where challenges become wisdom. It is
the month that finally lifts you up into a new plane in preparation for a
new cycle that is about to begin.

October is the slow but palpable beginning of a different vibration that

will be with you throughout the following year.

Though a new vibration doesn't officially begin until January 1, it slowly

creeps in starting in October (along with new characters, opportunities
and storylines that begin to take over your environment).

Look back at your recent past and you’ll notice important changes,
meaningful opportunities, and sudden accelerations always take place
in September and October.

The types of accelerations you should expect depend on what’s going

on in your specific chart.

Some years they take place in your personal life. Others, they help
you push forward on your life mission. Yet others have to do with new
social settings, friend groups and partnerships.

But changes and accelerations always take place in those two pivotal

Though this is a message I could send every year, it feels more

poignant (and overdue) in 2021.

Your experience in 2021 comes to a conclusion. The people, places,

vibrations and projects that will be with you in 2022 make their first

You will feel the vibrational shift and you will start to adapt to it. 

Above all else: you'll understand what 2021 came here to teach YOU,
how it changed YOU, how you will start living differently and what
miracles those transformations will trigger. 

If 2021 has been especially tough on you (whether it was due to

health, finances, relationships or the progress of your life mission), you
are bound to see and experience a shift in September and October
(don't get impatient if you don't see it on the first week).

If you’re ready to learn more about what the rest of the year has in
store, there is something I can do to help you – I can be more present
in your life with special, long emails exactly like this one with

If you missed last week’s MASSIVE DISCOUNTS on this new

experience, you have one more chance TODAY.

This 12 month membership includes two weekly premium emails

(including a weekly forecast similar to the monthly forecasts you've
come to know and love), two full PDF reports (personal and
compatibility), unlimited digital compatibility reports, and access to the
audio course 6 Steps to Mastering the 21st Century: A Numerology
Guide to Building Dreams.

It's the Teledipity experience you've come to know and love, but on
STEROIDS (with 10+ emails per month and a more active interaction
with the newest sections of our software and algorithms).

As you know the rush to enroll in the new membership has been
insane since we first launched. We already have 2,300 active
members and are now nearing the end of the pre-sale period.

I have to close these discounts tomorrow night!

So, I’m offering you ONE LAST CHANCE to join us and get 60% off.

Click below to claim yours before it is gone!

ONE YEAR of Teledipity Premium + 2 Bonus Reports

TWO YEARS of Teledipity Premium + 2 Bonus Reports +

LIFETIME 60% discount on Teledipity Premium.

THREE YEARS of Teledipity Premium + 2 Bonus Reports +

LIFETIME 70% discount on Teledipity Premium.

Here is what current members have to say about their experiences

reading PREMIUM emails:

“I cannot beleive how spot on you are with PREMIUM emails. Are you
sure you're not spying on me?"

"Wow, thank you so much as always, Andrew! This weekly forecast hit
me hard, and I immediately switched on to the chapter in the book you
recommended. Wow. Just wow. I’m a third of the way through and,
yes, this is exactly what I am currently feeling.”

“My weekly forecasts are always so right on that it blows me away.

They get me through the week and give me hope. I know there’s so
much work that goes into something like your app and website and
running it smoothly and I want to say thank you on behalf of myself
and so many others. I have subscribed to a lot of astrology type things
over my life but this one is truly amazing and magical.”

“Loved your personal story about going to Porto Alegre in my past

forecast. It was so inspiring and exciting. I heard many of these stories
over time. I also know that it will happen to all of us that take chances.”

I’m very grateful to have you in the Teledipity community. I'm sending
you a big hug and my greatest wishes for the rest of 2021.

I’ll be back soon for your much anticipated September forecast :)


Andrew Gabelic 
CEO & Founder

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