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S. H. KHARAWALA, A. G. & L. D.

Std. I to VIII (English Medium)
Academic Year: 2021-22
Std.: II Subject: Mathematics Date: 05/08/2021

Note: Solve the following exercises in Math Notebook.

Unit 3: How Much Can You Carry?

Ex.1: Fill in the blanks using word ‘lighter’ or ‘heavier’:

1) A football is ______ than a pen.
2) An orange is ______ than a watermelon.
3) A cricket ball is _______ than a volleyball.
4) A school bag is _______ than a pencil box.
5) A balloon is _______ than a book.
6) A coat is ______ than a shirt.
7) A pen is ______ than a feather.
8) A needle is ______ than a sword.
9) A pillow is ______ than a mattress.
10) A wheel is ________ than a button.

Ex.2: Tick the heaviest object and cross the lightest object.

1) Bicycle, scooter, Motorcar, Truck, Aeroplane

2) Mouse, Earphone, Desktop, Tablet, Mobile

3) Balloon, Pen, Eraser, Book, Pencil

4) Cat, Tortoise, Elephant, Horse, Donkey

5) Apple, Watermelon, Lemon, Banana, Cherry

Ex.3: How much weight can they carry? Match the suitables in an appropriate way:
1) An Ant School bag
2) A Crow Sacks of salt
3) A Donkey Sugar cube
4) An Elephant Pebbles
5) A Boy Bunch of Wood

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