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WPF –Descriptive Questions Introduction


1. What is WPF?
2. What is WPF stands for?
3. What are the benefits of WPF?
4. What is the need of WPF when we have a windows forms?
5. What are the types of WPF Applications?
6. What is a Standalone Applications?
7. What is a Browser-Hosted Applications?
8. What are the core WPF assemblies?
9. What are the layers in the WPF architecture?
10. What is Managed Layer in WPF?
11. What is UnManaged Layer in WPF?
12. What is Dispatcher Object?
13. What are different kinds of controls in WPF?

1. What is WPF?
Ans. The Windows Presentation Foundation is Microsoft’s next generation UI framework to create
applications with a rich user experience.

2. What is WPF Stands for?

Ans. WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation.

3. What are the benefits of WPF?

i. Separation of Appearance and Behavior (A web-like layout model).
ii. Rich Composition.
iii. Highly Customizable
iv. Resolution Independence

4. What is the need of WPF when we have a windows forms?

i. WinForms provides access to the native Microsoft Windows interface elements by
wrapping the existing Windows API in managed code. WPF on the other hand, is the
new platform for Microsoft Windows application development, based on the .NET
Framework. This framework provides a clear, object-oriented, extensible set of classes
that enable you to develop rich Windows applications.

WPF –Descriptive Questions Introduction

ii. Databinding in WPF is superior to what Windows Forms offers.

iii. UI and C# business logic can be cleanly separated in WPF.
iv. 3D Support in WPF
v. Common look and feel in WPF
vi. Declartive programming (XAML) in wpf.
vii. Reusability

5. What are the types of WPF Applications?

Ans. There are two main types of WPF Applications:-
i. Standalone Applications.
ii. Browser-Hosted Applications.

6. What is a Standalone Applications?

i. Standalone application are equivalent of a Windows Form application.
ii. It is installed on a client computer.
iii. It is installed via MSI, XCOPY or ClickOnce technology.
iv. It acts as a user interface automation client for standalone Window.

7. What is Browser-Hosted Applications?

i. Browser-hosted applications are known as XAML browser applications (XBAPs),
ii. It runs only inside an Internet Explorer. So, it can display pure Extensible Application Markup
Language (XAML) pages directly in Internet Explorer.
iii. It requires to run in a Web browser, as it is not installed on the client computer.
iv. It is automatically deployed via ClickOnce technology.
v. It can act as a client for Web applications built using ASP.NET, JavaServer Pages (JSP), or other
Web technologies. It uses HTTP or SOAP to communicate back to the Web application.

8. What are the core WPF assemblies?

Ans. The Core WPF assemblies are windowsBase.dll,PresentationCore.dll,PresentationFoundation.dll.

9. What are the layers in the WPF architecture?

Ans. Managed Layer,Unmanaged Layer and Core API.

10. What is Managed Layer in WPF?

Ans. Managed layer of WPF is built using windowsBase.dll , PresentationCore.dll,
PresentationFoundation.dll . These assemblies build up the WPF framework, communicates with
lower level unmanaged API to render its content.

11. What is UnManaged Layer in WPF?

Ans. The unmanaged layer of WPF is called milcore or Media Integration Library Core. It
basically translates the WPF higher level objects like layout panels, buttons, animation etc. into
textures that Direct3D expects. It is the main rendering engine of WPF.

WPF –Descriptive Questions Introduction

12. What is Dispatcher Object?

Ans. It is the Mother of all WPF controls which takes care of UI thread.

13. What are different kinds of controls in WPF?

Ans. Control,Shape,panel and Content Presenter.

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