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Read the text about the Great Lakes then watch a video on the same topic.

You will notice that

some ideas coincide and some differ in them. Look through the statements 1- 30 and choose A if
the idea is expressed in both materials, B if it can be found only in the reading text, C if it can
be found only in the video, and D if neither of the materials expresses the idea. Now you have
10 minutes to read the text and then to look through the statements 1-30. Then you will watch a
video on the same topic. You will do it twice.

The Great Lakes — Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Erie — make up the largest body of
fresh water on Earth, accounting for one-fifth of the freshwater surface on the planet at 6
quadrillion gallons. The area of all the Great Lakes is 95,160 square miles (246,463 square
kilometers) and span 750 miles (1,200 km) from west to east. The square mileage is larger than
the state of Texas.
The lakes, called "the nation's fourth seacoast," are on the U.S. and Canadian border, touching
Ontario in Canada and Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania
and New York in the United States. As of 2017, more than 30 million people live in the Great
Lakes basin, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This equates to 10
percent U.S. residents and 30 percent Canadian residents. More than 3,500 species of plants and
animals inhabit the Great Lakes basin, as well, including 170-plus species of fish.
Today, the Great Lakes are popular recreation spots for boating, fishing and other recreational
activities, and they still serve as an important mode of transportation of goods, but they have not
always been in their current form. About 14,000 years ago, the Great Lakes area was covered
with a glacier that was more than a half-mile (1 km) thick. As the glacier melted, it slowly
moved toward Canada and left behind a series of large depressions that filled with water. These
formed the basic shape of the Great Lakes, and about 10,000 years ago the Great Lakes took the
form that is familiar today.
The Great Lakes are dotted with more than 35,000 islands. While many of the islands are small
and uninhabitable, the largest is Lake Huron's Manitoulin Island (1,068 square miles or 2,766
square km), which is also the largest island in any inland body of water on the planet.
The lakes have been changes considerably from pollution and invasive species. Currently, there
are more than 140 federal programs designated for environmental restoration and management of
The Great Lakes, according to the EPA. Eight U.S. states, Canada and 40 Tribal Nations are part
of the initiative to clean up and protect the lakes.
Lake Erie: The name was derived from erielhonan, the Iroquoian word for "long tail," which
describes its shape. It is the fourth largest of the Great Lakes when measured in surface area
(9,910 square miles / 25,700 square km.) and the smallest by water volume (116 cubic miles /
484 cubic km).
Lake Huron: Named for the Wyandot Indians, or Hurons, who lived there. Lake Huron is the
second largest Great Lake by surface area (23,000 square miles / 59,600 square km) and has the
longest shoreline (3,827 miles / 6,157 km), taking into account its many islands.

Lake Michigan: This is truly a great body of water, as the name is derived from the Ojibwa
Indian word mishigami, meaning "large lake." However, it is only the third largest of the Great
Lakes when measured by water surface (22,300 square miles / 57,800 square km). It has an
unusual water flow that goes in almost a cul-de-sac formation, moving slowly in a circular
pattern. It is also the only Great Lake located entirely in the United States. Michigan and Huron
are actually two halves of one body of water, though, according to the University of Wisconsin.
Lake Ontario: Ontario is the Huron word for "lake of shining water." This lake is the smallest of
the Great Lakes when measured in surface area (7,340 square miles / 18,960 square km). While
it is similar in width and length to Lake Erie, it is much deeper and holds about four times the
water volume (393 cubic miles/1,640 cubic km). Situated downstream from Lake Erie, Lake
Ontario is at the base of Niagara Falls.
Lake Superior: At 31,699 square miles (82,100 square km), it is the largest in surface area and in
water volume (2,903 cubic miles / 12,100 cubic km), thus earning it the name Lake Superior.
The name comes from the French word lac supérieur, meaning upper lake, as it is north of Lake

1. There are five Great Lakes

2. There are a bunch of smaller lakes that do not belong to the system of Great Lakes though
they are quite close
3. The square mileage of the Lakes is larger than Texas
4. The Lakes are situated on the border between Canada and the USA
5. There used to be a glacier on the territory of the lakes
6. The lakes got formed about 10,000 years ago
7. There are many islands on the lakes
8. Some of the islands are inhabited
9. Great Lakes are a popular recreation place
10. Great Lakes are suffering from pollution
11. Lake Erie is not the largest lake
12. 30 million people live in the lake basin
13. Great Lakes are not considered seas because they are freshwater
14. Great Lakes have no connection with the Ocean
15. Lake Ontario is the smallest lake of all
16. There are 3 million lakes on the territory of Canada
17. Fishing is very important for the economy of the Great Lake region
18. Great Lakes contain about 21% of freshwater of the planet
19. Great Lakes are a very important transportation system
20. All the names of the Lakes originated from the language of the Native Americans
21. The Great Lake region used to be the core region of the USA
22. Lake Superior is situated on the territory of Canada
23. There is a connection between two Great Lakes – Lake Michigan and Lake Huron
24. Lake Superior is the second largest lake in the world
25. There are many cities on the shores of Lake Erie
26. The Niagara Falls connect Lake Erie with Lake Ontario
27. The name “Michigan” means “large lake”
28. Lake Ontario is deeper than Lake Erie
29. Lake Superior is the largest lake of all five
30. Lake Ontario is at the base of the Niagara Falls

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