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Series on Soviet & East European Mathematics - Vol. 1



V. S. Vladimirov, I . V. Volovich and E. I . Zelenov

Steklov Mathematical Institute

Vfe World Scientific

wh Singapore • New Jersey • London • Hong Kong
Published by

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First published 1994

First repint 1998


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Chapter 1

I. The Field of p-Adic Numbers 1

1. p-adic norm 1
2. p-adic numbers 3
3. Non-Archimedean topology of the field Q of p-adic p 5
4. Quadratic extensions of the field Q p 9
5. Polar coordinates and circles in the field Q ( V ? ) P 12
6. Q and §
p 13
7. Space Qp 16

II. Analytic Functions 17

1. Power series 17
2. Analytic functions 20
3. Algebra of analytic functions 22
4. Functions e", l n ( l + x), s i n r , cosa: 23
5. Theorem on inverse function 28

III. A d d i t i v e a n d M u l t i p l i c a t i v e Characters 30
1. Additive characters of the field Q p 30
2. Multiplicative characters of the field Q p 34
3. Multiplicative characters of the field Q (\/£) p 37

IV. Integration Theory 38

1. Invariant measure on the field Q p 38
2. Change of variables in integrals 39
3. Some examples of calculation of integrals 42
4. Integration in tQ^ 48

vi Contents

V. T h e Gaussian Integrals 54
L The Gaussian integrals on the circles S y 55
2. The Gaussian integrals on the discs B y 65
3. The Gaussian integrals on Q p 67
4. Further properties of the function A (a). p 68
5. Example 72
6. Analysis of the function S(a, q) 77

V I . Generalized Functions ( D i s t r i b u t i o n s ) 78
1. Locally constant functions 79
2. Test functions, n = 1 81
3. Generalized functions (distributions), n = 1 84
4. Linear operators in V 86
5. Test and generalized functions (distributions), n > 1 89
6. The direct product of generalized functions 90
7. The "kernel" Theorem 91
8. Adeles 92

V I I . C o n v o l u t i o n a n d the Fourier T r a n s f o r m a t i o n 94
1. Convolution of generalized functions 94
2. The Fourier-transform of test functions 99
3. The Fourier-trans form of generalized functions 106
4. The space L 110
5. Multiplication of generalized functions 112

V I I I . Homogeneous Generalized Functions 116

1. Homogeneous generalized functions 116
2. The Fourier-transform of homogeneous generalized 122
functions and T-function
3. Convolution of homogeneous generalized functions and 131

4. Homogeneous generalized functions of several variables 134

Chapter 2

IX. T h e O p e r a t o r D ° 143
1. The operator D ,a £ - 1 144
2. Operator D~ 147
Contents vii

3. Equation D i> = g 154
4. Spectrum of the operator D in Q a > 0 P I 156
5. Orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions of the operator D 158
6. Expansions on eigen-functions 165

X. p - A d i c S c h r o d i n g e r O p e r a t o r s 167
1. Bounded from below selfadjoint operators 167
2. Compactness in Lj{Q") 170
3. The operator a' + V 171
4. Operator D", a > 0 i n B r 176
5. Operator D , a > 0 in S r 179
6. Operator D" + V(\x\ ), a > 0 in Q , p / 2
p P 181
7. Operator D" + V{\x\ ), a > 0 in L (Q )
p a(p f 2 )
p 183
8. The lowest eigen-value Aq 184
9. Operator D" + V(\x\ ), a > 0 in Q , p ^ 2 (continuation)
p p 188
10. Example. Potential cv > 0 (p ^ 2 ) 190
11. Operator D + K ( | x | ) , a > 0 outside of a disc (p ^ 2 )
P 192
12. Justification of the method of Sec. 1 0 . 1 1 195
13. Further results on the spectrum of the operator D" + 198

14. Non-stationary p-adic Schrodinger equation 200

Chapter 3

XI. p-Adic Q u a n t u m Mechanics 204

1. Classical mechanics over Q P 205
2. The Weyl representation 207
3. Free particle 210
4. Harmonic oscillator 212
5. Lagrangian formalism 215
6. Feynman path integral 220
7. Quantum mechanics with p-adic valued functions 224

X I I . Spectral T h e o r y i n p-Adic Q u a n t u m Mechanics 226

1. Harmonic analysis 227
2. Operator theory 229
3. The theorem about dimensions of invariant subspaces 229
4. Study of the eigenfunctions 236
5. Weyl systems and coherent states 241
viii Content!

6. Symplectic group 250

7. Investigation of eigen-fu net ions for p s 3 (mod 4) 253

X I I I . W e y l Systems. I n f i n i t e D i m e n s i o n a l Case 262

1. Weyl algebras 262
2. Positive functionals 263
3. Fock representation 265
4. Equivalence of L-Fock representations 270

X I V . p - A d i c Strings 272
1. Dual amplitudes 272
2. p-Adic amplitudes 275
3. Adelic products 278
4. String action 281
5. Moduli space and theta-fu net ions 282
6. Multiloop amplitudes 284
7. Rigid analytic geometry and p-adic strings 287

X V . q-Analysis ( Q u a n t u m G r o u p s ) a n d p - A d i c A n a l y s i s 290
1. p-Adic and q-integrals 290
2. Differential operators 292
3. Spectra of the g-deformed oscillator and the p-adic model 292

X V I . Stochastic Processes over the F i e l d o f p - A d i c N u m b e r s 293

1. Random maps and Markov processes 293
2. Brownian motion on the p-adic line 297
3. Generalized stochastic processes 299
4. Quantum field theory 300

Bibliography 302

References 309

Since the Newton and Leibnitz time differential equations over the real
number field have been used in mathematical physics. I t is not customary to
discuss why exactly real numbers should be used. Why has this happened?
The point is that physical processes take place in space and time and space-
time coordinates are usually considered as real numbers. Since the Euclid
time the three-dimensional Euclidean space R has been treated as the
physical space. As i t is known an important development of this point
of view has been done by Riemann and Einstein using the Riemannian
geometry, but basically up to now IR is a mathematical model for space
and ]R is a model for space-time.
These ideas have become so common, that IK is perceived as the true
physical space. But in fact the Euclidean space R is not more than a math-
ematical model for the real physical space. I n order to convince ourselves
that the Euclidean space is a good model for the physical space geometrical
axioms from elementary geometry should be checked in practice. To this
end lengths of segments, angles etc. should be measured precisely. How-
ever in quantum gravity and in string theory it was proved that there is the
following obstacle to perform such measurements . I f A i is an uncertainty
in a length measurement, then the inequality

A*>' ' = / p r
P (i)

takes place. This inequality is stronger than the Heisenberg uncertainty

principle. Here h is the Planck constant, c is the velocity of light and G
is the gravitational constant. l i is called the Planck length and it is an

- 3 3
extremely small quantity, approximately 1 0 cm. We are not going to
discuss here a derivation of the fundamental inequality (1) which has a long
history. Let us emphasize that by virtue of (1) a measurement of distances
smaller than the Planck length is impossible.

X p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Let us turn our attention to axioms of Euclidean geometry. I n a list

of axioms there exists the so-called Archimedean axiom, which was at
first pointed out and analyzed by Veroneze and Hilbert. According to the
Archimedean axiom any given large segment on a straight line can be sur-
passed by successive addition of small segments along the same line. Really,
this is a physical axiom which concern the process of measurement. Two
different scales are compared in this axiom. I t means that we can mea-
sure distances as small as we want. But as we just discussed, the Planck
length is the smallest possible distance that can in principle be measured.
So a suggestion emerges to abandon the Archimedean axiom at very small
distances. This leads to a non-Euclidean and non-Riemanian geometry of
space at small distances.
How can one construct a physical theory corresponding to a non-Archi-
medean geometry? As it is well known there is an analytical description of
geometry. One uses coordinates to describe a geometrical picture.
There are two equivalent approaches

geometry •—• number system.

The usual Euclidean geometry is described by means of real numbers. I f we

want to abandon the standard geometry for description of small distance
in physical space-time we have to abandon real numbers. What should be
used instead of real numbers?
In computations in everyday life, in scientific experiments and on com-
puters we are dealing with integers and fractions, that is with rational
numbers and we never have dealings with irrational numbers - infinite non-
periodic decimals. Results of any practical action we can express only in
terms of rational numbers which are considered to have been given us by
God. Certainly, there exists generally accepted confidence that i f we carry
out measurements more and more precisely, then in principle we can get
any large number of decimal digits and interpret a result as a real num-
ber. However this is an idealization and as it follows from the previous
discussion we should be careful with such statements. Thus, fef us take as
our starting point the field Q of rational numbers. A geometric notion of
distance corresponds to a notion of a norm on Q . Norm is a real valued
function |x| with the following properties
1) |z| > 0, |a>| = 0 4=> X = 0,
2) M = |z||t/|,
Introduction xi

3) l * + y | < | * | + |»|
for any rational numbers x, y. What norms do exist on Q? There is a
remarkable Ostrowski theorem describing all norms on Q. According to
this theorem any nontrivial norm on Q is equivalent to either ordinary
absolute value or p-adic norm for some prime number p. p-Adic norm \x\ P

is defined by the following. Let us fix a prime number p = 2 , 3 , 5 , . . , . Any

rational number x can be represented in the form x = p " ^ , where v is
an integer and m and n are integers which are not divisible by p. This
representation is unique. Then by definition

\x\ = 1/p- .
p (2)

At first sight this definition looks artificial but according to the Ostrowski
theorem there are no others nonequivalent norms on Q, I t is easy to verify
the validity of the properties l ) - 3 ) for \x\ . In fact instead of triangle

inequality a stronger inequality takes place

3') \x + y\ <max{\x\ ,\y\ }.
P p p

A norm that satisfies 3') is called non-Archimedean.

The completion of the field Q of rational numbers with respect to usual
absolute value leads to the field IR of real numbers. Analogously, the com-
pletion of the field Q with respect to p-adic norm \x\ leads to the field Q p p

of p-adic numbers for any prime p.

Any real number can be represented as a decimal, that is a series
±10" £ 6„10- • (3)

Analogously, any p-adic number can be represented as a series

x = p" £ a n P , (4)
0<n< do

where a are integers, 0 < a < p — 1. I f <Jo / 0, then the representation

n n

(4) is unique. Note that in contrast to (3) where we have a power series
in the small parameter 1/10, in (4) we have a power series in the prime
number p. The series (4) converges in p-adic norm.
The expression (4) can be considered as a definition of p-adic number.
Addition, multiplication etc. of p-adic numbers of the form (4} are carried
out as for power series. Any rational number including negative numbers,
can he represented in the form (4). For example,
- l = (p+l)+ <p-l)p+(p-l)p + ...
xii p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Pkyaica

p-Adic numbers were introduced by K.Hensel at the end of X I X century.

They form an integral part of number theory, algebraic geometry, represen-
tation theory and other branches of modern mathematics.
Geometry of the space Q is surprisingly unlike the geometry of the

space K, that follows from the property 3') of the norm. In particular the
Archimedean axiom is not true in Q ( Q is a non-Archimedean space). For
p p

two different balls in non-Archimedean geometry one has that either one of
them is contained in another or they have no common points. I t resembles
the behavior of two drops of mercury. The field of p-adic numbers has a
natural hierarchical structure: every disc consists of the finite number of
disjoint discs of smaller radius; the field t j is homeomorphic to a Cantor

set on the real line.

Thus we come to the following picture. Fundamental physical theory
should be based on rational numbers, at very small distances an important
role have to play p-adic numbers and at large distances — real numbers.
It leads us to the necessity of reconsidering of the basis of mathematical
and theoretical physics beginning from the classical mechanics and right
up to the string theory using number theory, p-adic analysis and algebraic
geometry. I t is a huge volume of material and in this book we cannot involve
all of its aspects. The purpose of this book is to give an introduction to
those parts of p-adic analysis which are proved to be the most important in
applications and to describe some results of p-adic mathematical physics.
There is a natural hierarchical and fractal-like structure in the field of
p-adic numbers. Therefore p-adic analysis and non-Archimedean geometry
can be used not only for the description of geometry at small distances,
but also for describing chaotic behavior of complicated systems such as spin
glasses and fractals in the framework of traditional theoretical and mathe-
matical physics.
We are only at the beginning of the p-adic mathematical physics. We
hope that p-adic numbers would find applications in such fields as the theory
of turbulence, biology, dynamical systems, computers, problems of an infor-
mation transference, cryptography, economy etc. and also in other natural
sciences which study systems with chaotic fractal behavior and hierarchical
The book starts from an account of p-adic analysis. Mainly two types
of analysis are considered. One is for p-adic valued functions of the type
/ : Q —* Q and the other is that of complex valued functions, / : <Q> —* C.
P P p

The analysis of functions from Q to Q is constructed in many respects

p p
Introduction xiii

by analogy to ordinary real analysis. For example, the exponential function

is denned by the formula


where z g Q and the series converges in p-adic norm for \x\ < 1 if p ^ 2.
p p

Derivatives are defined in a standard manner, but with the help of p-adic
norm. They have standard properties. One can write out ordinary and
partial differential equations and study properties of their solutions. I n
particular equations of p-adic classical mechanics for harmonic oscillator
have the form
• _m p _jjl
dp' dx '
where the Hamiltonian is

+ 5
» = T X - <>

Here time (, coordinate X = X(t) and momentum P = P(t) are p-adic

variables. For p-adic valued functions there is no natural analogy of the
Lebesgue integral.
On the contrary for functions / : Q —* C there exists a natural integral

calculus, because on Q as on any locally-compact group there exists the


Haar measure. But problems of differentiation of such functions appeared.

Complex valued exponential function (additive character) is defined by
the expression
X (x)
P = exp2iri{r} ,
where {x} is the rational part of the series (4). Using the character xp( )
and the Haar measure dx one constructs the Fourier-transform for complex
valued functions f(x),

no =J f(x)xpti*)d2

A complex valued function f(x) cannot be differentiated on p-adic argu-

ment x in the usual sense. In the theory of generalized functions over Q p
xiv p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

the role of differentiability of test functions is played by a condition of lo-

cal constancy of f(x). A n analogy of the operator of differentiation is a
pseu do differential operator

o» F

How to compare results of p-adic theory with a theory over real numbers?
Let us remind, that only rational numbers are directly observed. Conse-
quently, one should look into rational points of solutions of our equations.
For example, for harmonic oscillator (5) let us consider rational solutions
of the trajectory in phase space

2 2
P +X = \ . (7)

As it is known, rational solutions of the equation (7) are given by the

2 2
m - n _ Imn
2 2 2 2
m + n ' ~ m + n '
where m and n are integers. Thus, we have an infinite set of rational points
on the algebraic curve (7) and the form of the phase trajectory of p-adic
harmonic oscillator cannot be experimentally distinguished from the phase
trajectory of harmonic oscillator over real numbers. Of course, for other
systems the result will be different as the number of rational points on an
algebraic curve essentially depends on the type of the curve.
Quantum mechanics is defined by a triple

{I (Q ),V7( ),[/(()},
p 2 (8)

where £ ( Q ) is the Hilbert space of complex valued functions on Q , W(z)
p p

is a unitary representation of the He is en berg-Weyl group in i ( Q ) , that p

is the representation of canonical commutation relation and U{t) is a uni-

tary evolution operator. For harmonic oscillator U{t) is a restriction of
unitary representation of metaplectic group on an abelian subgroup. In the
book we study the spectral properties of the evolution operator. To this
end we investigate an expansion of the representation U(t) over irreducible
Introduction xv

How p-adic quantum mechanics correlates with ordinary one? The fol-
lowing formula takes place:

expr>.0r - kx)] = n*(*< " **> -


for rational numbers k, t and x. Thus the wave-function of free particle, the
so-called plane wave can be represented as a product of plane waves of p-
adic particles. It can be interpreted by saying that an ordinary free particle
consists of p-adic ones, like an elementary particle consists of quarks.
Formulas like (9) are called Euler or adelic products. A well known
example of such formulas is the Euler representation for the zeta function

p *

An analogous representation takes place for propagator in the field theory:

and also in p-adic string theory.

Elaboration of the formalism of mathematical physics over p-adic num-
ber field is an interesting enterprise apart from possible applications, as i t
promotes deeper understanding of the formalism of standard mathematical
physics. One can think that there is the following principle. Fundamen-
tal physical laws should admit a formulation invariant under a choice of
a number field. Thus we include into consideration not only rational, real
and p-adic number fields but also other fields.
There are a number of other formulations of quantum mechanics and
field theory which are equivalent over the real number field, but they are
different over Qp..

In Euclidean formulation of p-adic quantum mechanics one uses an action

S= j[<fi(x)D <p(x)
2 2 2
+ m -p (x)]dx . (10)

Here <p is a real valued function of p-adic argument and the operator D
is defined in ( 6 ) . I t is not clear at the moment in which sense one has
xvi p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

an equivalence of the quantum mechanics (8) and the quantum mechanics

with the action (10). One of the possible actions for p-adic field theory has
the form

S= J 0(*)«(>)fl-*)dfc + / V(<p(x))dx

where a(k) is a function on k and V(<p) describes an interaction. For this

action the quantum field theory is developed using ordinary methods of
theoretical physics, such as classical equations, path integrals etc.
The modern string theory began as it is known from the Veneziano am-
plitude describing scattering of four particles

+ *)

Here a and b are parameters depending on momenta of colliding particles.

The function x is a multiplicative character on the real line. One can
interpret (11) as a convolution of two characters. Then a generalization of
the Veneziano amplitude wilt be of the following expression

A ( , T * ) = J-y {xhi(l-x)dz,
T o a (12)
where K is a field, 7 is a character and dx is a measure on K. For different

K, in particular for K equals to ffi, C , Q or the Galois field F one gets

P p

formulas important in string theory and number theory. The Veneziano

amplitude is a special case of more general Koba-Nielsen amplitude which
in abstract form looks like

A n = jY[y„ .(x -x )dx ...dx .

l i j 1 n


I f we take K = Q we come to a theory of p-adic dual amplitudes and


strings. In the development of p-adic mathematical physics the adelic for-


n/ x\° \l-x\ dx
p p = l

discovered by Freund and Witten is important.

Introduction xvii

I t is possible to extend the formula (11) in another way using the p-adic
valued gamma function. In this way there appeared interesting connections
of p-adic strings with the Jacobi sums and /-adic cohomology of the Fermat
curves over the Galois fields .
There exists an unexpected connection of p-adic analysis with g-analysis
and quantum groups and thus with non commutative geometry. 7-analysis
is sort of a g-deformation of ordinary analysis, i t was spared by such math-
ematicians as Euler, Gauss and others. Spherical functions on quantum
groups are (/-special functions. The Haar measure on the quantum group
5f7 (2) can be expressed in terms of g-integral

/ / ( i H ^ d - g ) ^ / ( « T . (13)

Here 0 < q < 1 and / ( x ) is a real function. On the other hand the integral
with respect to the Haar measure on Q has the form p

/ f()x\ )dx=(l- -)f^f(p-)p-'
p . (14)

We see that for 9 the expressions (13) and (14) are equal. There exists

a number of other surprising relations between q-deformations and p-adic

Let us summarize in conclusion general directions of applications of p-
adic analysis in mathematical physics
-geometry of space-time at small distances
-extensions of the formalism of theoretical physics to other number fields
-classical and quantum chaos; investigation of complicated systems such
as spin glasses and fractals
-adelic formulas giving a decomposition of certain physical systems on
more simple parts
-stochastic processes and probability theory
-connections with q-analysis and quantum groups.
In concluding the Introduction let us give a short guide for reader. First
of all we would like to emphasize that no knowledge of p-adic analysis is
assumed. I t is not necessary to read this book section by section. The
xviii p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

interdependence table is very simple. After reading the first two subsec-
tions (1.1) and (1.2) containing the definitions of p-adic norms and p-adic
numbers, one can read any other section.

We are very grateful to all our friends and colleagues for the encour-
agement they gave and numerous enthusiastic discussions of exciting topics
covered in this book.
Chapter 1

A N A L Y S I S O N T H E F I E L D OF p - A D I C N U M B E R S

I . The Field of p-Adic Numbers

In this section the definition of p-adic norm and p-adic numbers is given
and basic properties of the field Q of p-adic numbers are discussed.

1. p-Adic Norm

Let Q be the field of rational numbers.

The absolute value \x\ of any x € Q satisfies the following well-known
(i) \x\ > 0, \x\ = O ^ x = 0,
(ii) \xy\ = \x\\y\ }

(iii) jic + 9 | < M + | » l -

Any function on Q with properties (i)-{iii) is called a norm.
One can consider another norm on the field Q of rational numbers. Let
p be a prime number, p = 2 , 3 , 5 , . . . ,137, We introduce a norm \x\ p

on the field Q by the rule

K = o, (U)

where an integer y = -y(x) is defined from the representation


2 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

integers m and n are not divisible by p. The norm \x\ is called the p-adic p



iela-llSU-i H b H f b - * |137| = 1 . 2

The p-adic norm possesses the characteristic properties (i)-(iii) of a

norm even in a stronger form, namely:

1) | r | p > 0 , \x\ = Q&x = Q,


2) \xy\ p = \z\p\y\p ,
3) | i + ff|,<inax(lx| , |yl ,). J 1 J

In the case when \x\ £ \y\ we have equalityp p

3') |« + » | = m a x ( M , | i ) . W

For p = 2 we also have

3") \x + y\ < 1/2|*| , i f \ \
2 2 X 2 = \yU-
The properties 1) and 2) are obvious. Let us prove property 3). I f x
- 1
and y = p~> are represented in the form (1.2) then by (1.1) \x\ = p p

and \y\p = p~i . Let m i n ( 7 , y ) = 7 for definiteness. Then

7 - 7
m ,m' 1
mn' + n m ' p ' 7 7
x + y=p — +p — = p ; . 1.3
n n' nn'
7 - 7
The integer nn' is not divided by p but the integer mn' + n m ' p '
may be divided by p. Therefore y(x + y) > 7 = min(7,7') and thus
7 I +
|* + H> = p - < f ' < max(p-^,p->') = max(\x\ ,\y\ ) and inequality (3) P P

1 7
is proved. If 7' > 7 then in (1.3) the integer mn'+nm'p ~ is not divisible
by p. Therefore 7(1 + y) = 7 and

+ y ) v
I * + V\ = p - ^
P = P-' = m a x ( p - ' , p - ) = maxf>L,,\y\ ) , p

and equality 3') is proved. For p - 2 and | x | = | y | = 2 in (1.3) numbers 2 2

m,rc,m ' , n ' are odd and thus the number inn' + nm' is even, and also the
number nn' is odd, so j(x + y) > 7 + 1. Therefore

and inequality 3") is proved. •

Analyst! on ihe Field of p-Adic Numbers 3

Notice that the norm \x\ may take only countable set of values: p ,7 £

Z. Here 2 is the ring of integers, S = { 0 , ± 1 , . . . } . The p-adic norm

defines an ultrametric on Q (because of inequality 3)). This norm is a

non-Archimedean one. I n fact for any n € 2 |na:| < \x\ , x 6 Q. p p

The following Ostrowski theorem is valid.

T h e o r e m . The norms \x\ and \x\ , p = 2 , 3 , . . . exhaust all nonequiv-


alent norms on the field of rational numbers Q.

For the proof see for example [37,186].

We denote the standard absolute value by \x\tx, = \x\, x € Q- The
following (adelic) formula takes place.

J] k i p = 1, x
G Qp, **0. (1.4)

• Expanding a rational number x by prime factors

where pj are different prime numbers and cVj £ 2 , j = 1,2,... , n, owing

to (1-1) and (1-2) we obtain

The formula (1.4) follows immediately. •

2. p-Adic Numbers

The field Q of p-adic numbers is defined as the completion of Q with


respect to the p-adic metric determined by the p-adic norm | • j . Thus, Q p p

is obtained from the p-adic norm | • | in the same way as the real number

field K is obtained from the usual absolute value: as the completion of Q.

Any p-adic number x £ 0 is uniquely represented in the canonical
X + x -rx p
0 + ...) ,
lP 2 (2.1)

where 7 = j(x) £ % and Xj are integers such that 0 < Xj < p — 1, x u > 0,
3 = 0,1
4 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Note that the series in (2.1) converges with respect to the norm |ir|p
because one has

w*tf i ; = m....

The representation (2.1) is similar to expansion of any real number i in

infinite decimal

x = i l O ^ o + tfilO^ + ^ l O - ^ . . . ) , ^£2, x - = 0,1

} 9,1-0 f 0 ,

and it can be proved analogously.

The representation (2.1) means that any p-adic number x is a limit (with
respect to p-adic norm) of a sequence {x^"\n —* oo} of rational numbers

x^=p->(xo-r iP+... X + x n P )

- 7
I f i € Q is represented in the form (2.1) then \x\ = p
p and properties p

l ) - 3 ) for p-adic norm are fulfilled. The representation (2.1) gives rational
numbers i f and only i f the numbers (xj, j = 0 , 1 , . . . ) beginning from some
number form a periodic sequence.


- l = p - l + (p-l)p + (p-l)p + ...

By means of representation (2.1) one defines a fractional part {x} p of a

number x g Q : p

= TO i f ( . ) > 0 o r * = 0 ,

T 1 1 K
" l l ' ( % + *lP+... + % | ^ " ) if7(*)<0. ' '
I t is easy to see that

P < [ x } p < l - P \ if y(x) < 0 . (2.3)

A sum of two p-adic numbers x of the form (2.1) and

7(!,) 2
v = P ( y o + VIP + V2P + • • •), o < j < V P - 1 , ft > o

is represented in canonical form

x + ! = p'< - v\co x+
+ c p + C2p
+ •••), 0<cj<p-l,c >0, a
Analysis on ike Field of p-Adic Numbers 5

where numbers 7 ( 1 + y) and Cj are uniquely determined from the equation

+ Xl p+,..) + pf(y)(y 0 + m + . .. ) = p ^ + v ) ( e o + C i p + . .. )

by the method of indefinite coefficients modulo p.

The equation a + x = 0 is uniquely solvable in Q for any a £ Q , a ^ 0, p p

and x = (—l)a = —a is its solution. The equation ax = 1 also is uniquely

solvable in Q for any a e Q , a ^ 0, and x = \ja. (For determination
p p

of a canonical form of number 1/a one uses the method of indefinite co-
efficients modulo p for equation ax = 1.) Thus in Q we have ordinary p

arithmetic operations: addition, substraction, multiplication and division.

This means that Q is a field. p

The field Q is a commutative and associative group with respect to ad-


dition. Q = Q \ { 0 } is a commutative and associative group with respect

p p

to multiplication; Q* is called the multiplicative group of Q . p

p-Adic numbers for which \x\ < 1 (i.e. y(x) > 0 or {x} — 0), are called
p P

integers p-adic numbers and their set is denoted by Z . Z is a subring of p p

the ring Q ; the set of natural numbers 2 + = { 1 , 2 , . . . } is dense in S .

p p

Integers x € Z for which \x\ = 1 are called units in Q .

p p p

The set of x e 2p for which \x\ < 1 (i.e. 7(1) > I or \x\ < 1/p) forms p P

the principal ideal of the ring S . Obviously this ideal has the form pZp.

The residue field 2 p / p 2 consists of p elements. In multiplicative group of


the field Z / p S there exists a unity 77 / 1 (for p ^ 2; for p = 2 n = 1) of

p p

2 v
order p — 1 such that the elements 0, n , n , . . . ,rf~ = 1 form a complete
set of representatives of residue classes of the field Z / p 2 (see [128,121]). p p

E x a m p l e s . For p = 3, n = — 1 ; for p = 5, n = 2. As numbers 0 , 1 , . . . ,

p — 1 form also a complete set of representatives of residue classes of the
field S / p 2 p then from representation (2.1) it follows the second canonical

form of any p-adic number x ^ 0;

x = p->W(x' + x' p + x' p - ...)
0 1 2 r ,
X. = 0 , 1 , 7 ) , . . . ,rf~\ x^O, 0=0,1,...} .

3. Non-Archimedean Topology of the Field Q p of p-Adic Numbers

Owing to the inequality 3) of Sec. 1.1 the norm on the field Q p satisfies
the triangle inequality
\x + y\ p < max(|x|p,|t/|p) < \x\ + \y\ , p p x,y £ Q . p
6 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Therefore in Q one possible introduces the metric p{x, y) = \x — y\ , and

p p

Q becomes a complete metric space. From representation (2.1) it follows


that Qp is a separable space.

Denote by B (a) the disc of radius p with center at a point a € Q
y P

and by S (a) its boundary (circle):


B (a)y = [x:\x- a\ < p ] , p

S (a)
y = [x :\x- a\ = pT\, p y £ Z

It is clear that B (a) y is an abelian additive group and

[x:\x- \ <pi)
a p = B - {a)cB (a),
y 1 y

S (a)
y = B ^ a A ^ . j ^ . S ^ a ) C B .{o),y y < y'\ (3.1)
B {a)
y = \ J 5 (a), f | v fl» = [a], [j B » = (J S » = Q - p

l'<y -r£l i€l itZ

For a = 0 we denote by B-,(0) = and S (0) - 5 .

y 7

L e m m a 1 . If be B (a) y then B (b) = y B (a).y

m Let x e B (b). y Then

|»-o| F = | * - * + * - a l < maxfl* - b\ , \b - a\ ) < p
F p p ,

i.e. x 6 B (a), so B (b) C B (a),

y As a £ B (b) y y y then as we have just
proved S ( o ) C B ( 6 ) , and hence B [a) = S (6).
7 T y 7 •

Corollaries. 1 . The disc B (a) and the circle S (a)are both open and y y

closed sets in Q . P

A closed and open set we shall call a clopen set.

2. Every point of the disc B-,(a) is its center.
3. Any two discs in Q either disjoint or one is contained in another. p

4. Every open set in Q is a union at most of a countable set of disjoint P


L e m m a 2. / / a set M C Q contains two points u and b, a b, then P

it can be represented as a union of disjoint clopen (in M) sets Af, and M 2

such that a G Mi,b £ M2-

Analysis on ike Field oj p-Adic Numbers 7

• We consider three possible cases.

1) a = 0, \b\ = p . As Mi and M we can take sets M — M PI 5 _ i
p 2 t T

and M = M D ( Q p \ 5 _ i ) .
2 T

2) |a| = p \ H , = P , T ' > 7 ; then Afi = M f l S y M = M n f Q p ^ ) .
p 2

3) | a | = p = | & | . Let
p p

7 3 7 2
a = p " ( a + aiP+O2p + . ••),
0 6 - P" (6o + & i P + hp + ...) ,

7 -
where On = Jrj, Oi = t i , . . . , a * - i = a* ^ o , |a - fc| - p * . Then
t p

Mi = M n B - * _ i ( ) , Mi = MC
7 a (Q \S _ _ {a)).
p T i 1 •

Lemma 2 asserts that any set of the space Q which consists of more p

then one points is disconnected (see [174,186], I n other words, a connected

component of any point coincides with this point. Thus Q is a totally p

disconnected space.
By following the proof of Lemma 2, for the case when the set M consists
only of two points, we can see that there exist disjoint neighborhoods of
these points. I t means, that the space Q is Hausdorff. p

L e m m a 3. A set K C Q p is compact in Q p if and only if it is closed

and bounded in Q . p

• Necessity of conditions is obvious. We will prove their sufficiency.

As Q is a complete metric space then it is sufficient to prove countably

compactness of any bounded closed (infinite) set K (see [237]), i.e. that
every infinite set M C K contains at least one limit point. Let x G M,
then \x\ = p-T( > < C (M is bounded), so 7(3;) is bounded from below.

Let us consider two cases. 1) j(x) is not bounded from above on M.

Then there exists a sequence {sfc.fc — 00} C M such that 7(211) —• 00,
k —* 00. I t means that | i | = p ~ * —* 0, k —* 00, i.e. n —* 0, t —* 00 in

Q and 0 £E K. 2) 7(2) is bounded from above on M. Then there exists


such number 70 that M contains an infinite set of points of the form

p ( i o + n p + •••).*> < *i < v-

7 o
Km # 0

As xn takes only p— 1 values then there exists an integer an, 1 < an < p— 1,
such that M contains infinite set of points of the form p (ao + X\p+ ),
and so on. As a result we obtain a sequence { a j , j ' = 0 , 1 , . . . }, 0 < <JU <
8 p-Aiic Analytit and Mathematical Physics

7 o 2
p - 1, a ^ 0. The desired limit point is p ( a + &ip+ a p + ...)€
0 0 2 K
(K is closed). •

Corollaries. 1. Every disc B (a) and circle S (a) art compact. y y

2. The space Q is locally-compact.


3. Every compact in Q can be covered by a finite number of disjoint


discs of a fixed radius (see Corollary 3 from the Lemma 1).

4. In space Q the Heine-Borel Lemma is valid: from every infinite

covering of a compact K it is possible to choose a finite covering of K.

7 - 7 - 1
E x a m p l e 1. The circle S can be covered by (p — l j p "y ' disjoint
discs B y ( a ) , 7 > 7', with the centers

7 r ) _ 1
a = p " ( a + 0.1P + •-. + a _ _ p ' " ' '
0 7 v 1 ) ,
0 < a, <p- 1, a / 0.

• A n y point x = p ( x o + x\p + . . . ) € S7 can be uniquely represented

_ 7

in the form x = a + x' where a is of the form (3.2) and x' £ B -. Therefore y

S y = [j{ a + By} = \jB ( ) Y a .

a a

We notice now that discs By(a) are disjoint as their centers { a } , owing to
7 + 1
(3.2), remove from each other on distance > p (see Corollary 3 from
7 - 7 - 1
the Lemma 1). The number of centers is equal to (p — l ) p . •

7 7
E x a m p l e 2. The disc B y can be covered by p ~ ' disjoint discs
,By(a),7 > 7' with the centers

a = p " ( o + aip+...+
0 <j _ _ipr v
r _ 1
' _ 1
), r = 7,7-1 y' + l ,
0<aj<p-l, a /0

• I t follows from Example 1, i f one notices, that

B y = B .{J y (J S f

An&lyiit on lie Field o] p-Adic Numbers 9

and the sets Bji and S ', r r = 7' + 1,... ,7 are disjoint. The number of
discs is

r 7 1 1 1 y
i + (p-i) £ P - '- = i+ ( p - i ) ^ ^ = p - • •

We call coverings of Examples 1 and 2 eanonieaf coverings of the circle 5 7

and the disc B respectively.


Dimension of a complete metric space X is defined as the smallest in-

teger n such that for every covering of the space X there exists a refined
subcovering of multiplicity n + 1. (Multiplicity of a covering is the largest
integer m such that in this covering there exist m sets with nonempty
intersection.) For example, dim W = n.

T h e o r e m . Dimension of the space Q p is equal to 0.

• T h e space Q is complete and a metric one. From every covering of


Q we can find a subcovering of Q by disjoint discs (see Corollary 4 from

p p

the Lemma 1). I t means that n = 0 in the definition of dimension of Q . p

Thus d i m Q = 0.
p •

4. Quadratic Extensions of the Field Q p

Let e be such a p-adic number which is not a square of any p-adic

number, e £ Q* . Let us join to the field Q a number (symbol) p

all elements of the form z - x + y^/z, x,y € Q we shall call quadratic p

extension of the field Q . We denote it by ty (y/i~). Elements x + y^/e

p p

can be added and multiplied by the usual rules under additional condition
{Jef = e.
Obviously, x + y\/s = 0 i f and only i(x = y = 0.
The equation (x + y\f£)z = 1, x + y^/e £ 0 has a unique solution in
Q p ( v ^ ) which is equal to

* = - r ^ - 2 - - - r ^ v ^ . (4.1)
1 c
x — cy x — ey
2 2
(Notice that the denominator in (4.1) x — ey ^ 0, otherwise £ would be
a square of a p-adic number.)
10 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Thus the quadratic extension Q>>(\/F) forms a field. Denote by Q (\/z) I P

the multiplicative group of the field Q ( ^ e ) . p

Now we find out which p-adic numbers are no square of any p-adic
numbers, and for which non isomorphic quadratic extensions exist.
Be remind that an integer a £ 7L is called a quadratic residue modulo p
if the equation x = a(mod p) has a solution x € 2 ; otherwise a is called
quadratic non-residue modulo p. For notion of these affirmations one uses
the Legendre symbol:

( a\
f 1 if o is quadratic residue modulo p,
1 —1 if a is quadratic non-residue modulop .

L e m m a . In order that the equation

x = n, Q?a a
= p* \a 0 + a p+...)
1 ,
0 < aj < p - 1, ao/0 (4.2)

has a solution x 6 Q , it is necessary and sufficient that the following


conditions are fulfilled :

1) 7(a) is even,
2) ( ^ ) = l < / p / 2 , a = a = 0 > / p = 2.1 2

7 1
• Necessity. I f the equation (4.2) has a solution x — p ' ' ^ + x\p +
. . . ) , so
2 2
p ^*\x + x +...) = Q p^"\ + a + ...)
lP (4.3) ao lP

whence i t follows that ( a ) = 2y(x) is even and x\ = a (mod p), if p ^ 2,

7 0

i.e. = 1. Foi p = % we have

2 %M(1 + X l 2 + ... ) = *Mti [ i

+ (^±^1 +
+ *j
X 2
2 + ...

2 a 2
= 2 ->( >{l + a 2 + 1 a ! 2 + ...) (4.4)

and thus a\ ~ a = 0. 2

Sufficiency. Let a satisfy the conditions 1) and 2). Let us construct a

solution of Eq. (4.2). We put 7(3;) = (1/2)7(0.).
Analyait on the Field of p-Adic Numbcri 11

Let p ^ 2. From ( 4 . 3 ) it follows that a number xo has to satisfy the

Q = a X (mod p),
0 1< < p— 1 ,
Such x exists as 1 < a < p— 1, ^^J ^ = 1. From ( 4 . 3 ) it follows also that
0 0

numbers Xj, J = 1 , 2 , . . . have to satisfy the conditions

2xc,Xj = a, + Nj (mod p), 0 < x, < p - 1 (4.5)

where integers Nj depend only on a J b , % - l . Therefore numbers i j t

are successively denned (uniquely) from Eq. ( 4 . 5 ) as 2XQ is not divisible by

Let p = 2. From ( 4 . 4 . ) it follows the equation

a ^ * _ 1 ( l + l )
I + x 2 ( m o d 2 )

which is always solvable for (13 = 0 , 1 . From ( 4 . 4 ) it follows also that

integers Xj, j = 3 ) 4 , . . . have to satisfy the conditions

xj = o , j i + jVj
+ (mod 2 ) , xj = 0 , 1 (4.6)

where integers jVj depend only on Xi,xs,... ,£j—i- Therefore numbers Xj

are successively defined (uniquely) from Eq. ( 4 . 6 ) . •

Let n be unity which is not a square of any p-adic number, i.e. = 1,

This fact we shall write as n g Q * . (For p ^ 2 it is possible to take as 17

the unity introduced in Sec. 1.2.)

C o r o l l a r i e s . 1 . For p ^ 2 numbers £\ = n, £2 = p, £3 = pn are not

squares of any p-adic numbers.
2 . Every p-adic number x can be represented in one of the four following
forms: x = Cjy where y <E Q and£o = 1, £ 1 = n, £2 = p, £3 = pn (p / 2 ) .

3. There exists only three non-isomorpkic quadratic extensions of the

field®? :® ( /ej),j
p y = 1,2,$ (p? 2)-
4 . For p = 2 every 2-adic number x can be represented in one of the
eight following forms: x = e^y where y £ Q2 and £0 = 1 . £1 = 1 + 2 = 3,

e = 1 + 4 = 5, £3 = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7, e = 2, £5 = 2 ( 1 + 2 ) = 6, £ =
2 4 6

2 ( 1 + 4 ) = 1 0 , £7 = 2 ( 1 + 2-1-4) = 1 4 (or equivalently Sj = ± 1 , ± 2 , ± 3 , ± 6 ) .

12 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

5. There exists only seven non-isomorphic quadratic extensions of the

field Q : Q ( E 7 ) , j = l , 2 , . . . , 7 .
2 2 V

6. The quotient group <Q> \Q consists of four elements €j,j = 0, 1,2,3
p p

for p ^ 2 and of eight elements £j ,jj — 0 , 1 , . . . ,7 for p — 2.

Note that for p = 3 (mod 4) as a number n can be taken —1 because

(see [204])

= ( 1 , 1 ; 4 J )
( y ) - " = - <
for p = 3 (mod 8) or p = 5 (mod 8) as a number n can be taken 2 because
(*) = —1 owing to the formula

7. Jn order that the equation x = —1 has a solution in Q , it is p

necessary and sufficient that p = 1 (mod 4); in addition there exist two
solutions of this equation which we denote by ± r .
8. Forp= 3 (mod 4) the equality

2 2 2 2
\x + y \ p = nu>x(\x\ ,\y\ ) p p (4.8)

1 2
is valid. Jn particular, from x + y = 0, it follows that x = y = 0.

• I t is sufficient to verify Eq. (4.8) only for the case \x\ = \y\ . I f it p p

2 2 2
would be | i + j/ |p < \x \ = \y\j, then the congruence x% = —yl (mod p)

would be solvable and thus —1 would be quadratic residue modulo p which

contradicts to the formula (4.7). •

5. Polar Coordinates and Circles in the Field Q (y/e)


Any element of the field <$p(y/e),e £ Q* , is uniquely represented in the
form z = x + -y/iy, x, y 6 (see Sec. 1.4). The numbers (x, y) are called
the Cartesian coordinates of the element z\ the element z — x — -Jcy is
called conjugate to 2; the set of elements z 6 Qp(i/?)i which satisfy the
2 2
zz = x - ey = c, cf 0 (5.1)

is called "circle" in Q (^/7)

P (with the center at 0).
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Number* 13

I t is clear that the equality 22 = 0 is equivalent to 2 = 0.

Denote by Q a subgroup of the group Q* which consists of numbers
p £

c of the form (5.1).

By the Lemma of Sec. 1.4 the number c can be represented in the form:
either c — r or c = nr where r £ Q , and K q\ Q* , hence K — cr~ £ Q
2 2
2 2
P j [

i.e. K = VV,V£ Qp(y/e).

-1 i 1
A pair (p, &) with either (p = r, <r = r z) or {p = i/r, tr - v~ r~ z) is
called polar coordinates of the point r £ Qp(\/e), z = po~, o~& = 1-
I t is clear that (—p, —tj) is also polar coordinates of the point z.
The unit "circle" in Q (%/e) 22 = 1, which is denned by the equation

(5.1) for c = 1 play a special role. Elements of this "circle" form a multi-
plicative group which we denote by C . e

Let us find a parametric representation of the "circle" C , £

^ - r f s l . (5.2)
By introducing the parameter t = from the equation (5.2) we obtain
1 -+- rt It
J £ ( 5 3 )
• = IT5i- »= I = 3 * * '
C is compact in Q ( \ / £ ) -
e p

• C is obviously closed, we shall prove its boundedness (see Sec. 1.3).


2 2 2
For | E ( | > 1 we have [1 ± e t | = | e i | and owing to (5.3) | x | - 1; for
p p p p

2 2 2
| e t | < 1 we have | 1 ± E t | = 1 and owing to (5.3) j x | = 1; for | e i | = 1
p p p p

2 2
we shall prove that j l - e f | = 1 and owing to (5.3) \x\ = |1 + e ( | < I .
p p p

In all three cases | x | < 1, and thus from the equation (5.2) it follows that

|y|p < Ie:I~ , and C is bounded. c

2 2
I t remains to prove that from |e( | = 1 it follows that [1 — e t | = 1. p p

Let p 2. I n Sec 1.4 it was proved that as e can be taken the numbers
n,p and np. But £ = p or E = rjp contradict to the equality |ef | = 1. 2

Therefore e = n. But the equation 1 - n i = 0 (mod p) is not solvable 0 o

otherwise rjn would be a quadratic residue modulo p what contradict to

the Lemma of Sec 1.4.Thus |1 - n t | = 1. For p = 2 a proof is similar, p

but more complicated. I

6. Q p and R

We shall construct a one-to-one continuous mapping <p from the set of

p-adic numbers Q to some Cantor-like subset <p(Q ) of real numbers R.
p P
14 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Let us define the function ip : Q —• K+ by the formula p

<p(x) = \x\„ £ x~ kP
, (6.1)

where numbers x*, 0 < xt <p — I , xo 7* 0 are determined by the canonical

representation (2.1) of x.
We put in order numbers of the set Q by the following way: x precedes p

y, x < y, i f either \x\ < \y\ , or when \x\ = \y\ there exists such integer
p p p p

j > 0 that yo = x ,yi = X\,...,

u j/y_ 1 = X j _ i , Xj <yj. I t is clear that the
transitive axiom is fulfilled: i f y < x and x < z then y < z. Thus Q is a p

completely ordered set, and also 0 < i , i £ Qp\{0}-

L e m m a . f(x) > tp(y) if and only if x > y.

• Sufficiency. Let x > y and | x | > \y\ ^ 0, i.e. | x [ > p | y | . We p p p p


<p(y) = \y\ P Yi W ' " < ( F - I H E P " M

0<<;<oo 1=0

*>(*) - > 1*1, * p ^ y l f l p > P l f l P (1 - ^ 7 ) = > 0 •

Let now \x\ = | y | , x

p p 0 = y, x
0 : = y,,... ,x _i = y ^ ; u x } > yj for
some j > 0. Then

> kip E **p~ * i 2


<p(y)<\y\ P E !/*p- 2t
+ l!/l P T
£ :
ip" 2 0
' + 1 )


+ 1
0<t<j P


^ ( x ) - <p(y) > \x\ p~ ' p

(xt —j-j-j > 0 .
Analysis on the Field of ji-Adic Numbers 15

Necessity. I f <p{x) > <p(y) then either x = y or x < y is impossible,

which has been proved, •

I t follows from the lemma that the mapping <p is one-to-one.

The function <p is continuous.

• I t follows from the estimate

\<p(x) - <p(y)\ < p\x - y\ , p x,y € Q P

which can be proved in a similar way to the Lemma. I

Let us note K = <p{Q ). P The structure of the set K is given by the


T h e o r e m . The set K is a countable union of disjoint perfect nowhere

dense sets of the Lebesgue measure zero.

• As Q = U
p (see Sec. 1.3). Then

K = [J K,
y = K y n Ky =4, *f4 i , (6.3)

Let us study a structure of the set Ko (structure of the remaining sets

K is similar). As 1 < <p(x) < p , x € So then Ko C [ l , p ) . Let us consider

the following system of disjoint intervals on [ l , p ) :

\0<j<n ' 0<j<n }

r» = 0 , 1 . 2 , . . . ,

e = (£ ,£i,.
0 ,£„), 0 < E <p- } 1,

i = l,2,..,,n-l, £ ^ 0,
0 £ ^P-
n 1 •

I n = {jl nl J= [J In-
e 0<n<oo
The Lebesgue measure of the set / is equal to
16 p-Adic Analytia and Mathematical Phyiiei

= ( p _ I ) ( 1 _ _ l _ ) + ( p _ 1 ) ! j / - v - , ( 1 _ _ l T )

P ( P - I ) , 0-1)

P+l P+l ^

By using the Lemma one can prove that J f l Kn — <j>, i.e. there are no
x £ SQ, and n = 0 , 1 , . . . for which the inequalities

E *T* + j £ <
2 i 2 n
< E ^p- +p-

take place. Besides, using the Lemma on imbedded segments we establish

that Ko Ul = [1, p) • From here and from (6.4) i t follows that the Lebesgue
measure of the set K is equal to 0. The process of construction of the set

Ko = [ l , p ) \ J coincides, within unessential details, with the known process

of construction of the Cantor canonical perfect set on the segment [0,1].
Therefore proofs of the remaining properties of the set K are similar to a

the proofs of corresponding properties of the Cantor set. •

7. Space

= Q p X Q p X . . . x Q consists of points x = (x ,x ,...

p 1 2 ,x ),
n Zj G Q , p

j 1 = 1 , 2 , . . . , n . The norm on is

ky=mf„ l jlp.*eQp* . (7.1)

This norm is a non-Archimedean one as

\x + y\ < maxd^lp, \y\ ),
p p i,jieQ p (7.2)

• l*j + < m^maxdijlpjj/jlp)

= max(max | ^ | p , max \ \ ) yj p = m^x(\x\ \y\ )

pt p
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 17

The space QJJ is complete metric locally-compact and totally discon-

nected space.
We introduce the inner product

(x,y) = i , ! / ! + xiyi + ... + x y ,x,y n n € Qj; .

The following inequality is valid

H*,y)\p<\*\p\y\p,*,ye®Z - ( -3)

Denote by B ( a ) the ball of radius p with center at the point a G Qp

and by S (a) its boundary (sphere); B ( 0 ) = B and S (0) = S , 7 6 Z

y 7 7 7 7

(cf. 1.3). S ( a ) and S ( a ) are closed-open sets in QJ).

7 7

I t is easy to verify: if a = (01,02,... , a „ ) then B (a) y = B (ai) x


S (a ) x ... x B (o ) .
7 2 7 n

I I . A n a l y t i c Functions

In this section we consider analytic functions in the field of p-adic num-

bers. The bases of this theory are presented in books by H.Koblitz [121],
J.-P. Serre [190] and W . H . Schikhof [186].

1 . Power series

First we consider a numerical series in the field of p-adic numbers

£ ft, <** G Q P . (1.1)


Denote by 5 „ the n-th partial sum of the series (1.1)

S n = £ at, n = 0,1,....

The convergence of the series (1-1) to a p-adic number S means that

\S — Sp| —» 0, n —• 00; we call S its sum and

S= £ a .

18 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Physics

Some properties of series in the field Q essentially differ from those in


the field of real (or complex) numbers. For example, there is only absolute
convergence of series. More precisely the following Lemma is valid.

L e m m a t. The series (1.1) converges tf and only if

lofclj —> 0, k —> oo.

• Necessity of the condition is obvious:

K I p = l-S* - S -i\ k p — ' 0, k - » co.

To prove the sufficiency we use the Cauchy criterion. As K | —• 0, p

k —* oo then for any e > 0 there exists a N = N such that for all it > N e

the inequality K | < E is fulfilled. Hence for any integers n > N and

m >N

\Sm Sri \p —
E <
" n<*<m
max b L <
E .

Thus the sequence {S ,n n —* oo} of partial sums converges and hence the
series (1.1) converges. •

From the Lemma 1 it follows that the sum of series (1.1) does not depend
on the order of summation.
Now we examine a p-adic power series

m = E M (1.2)
which define a p-adic valued function f(x) for those x € Q for which it p


D e f i n i t i o n . A number R = R(f) is called the radius of convergence of

the series (1.2) i f it converges for all \x\ < R and diverges for | x | > R.
f p

We note that R may take values 0 and p , 7 £ 2. In the last case the
series (1.2) converges uniformly in (open-closed) disc B as by the Lemma 1 7

E m n —* 00,

A-* < max \ftR \ 0, t

n<k<m m<k<n
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 19

and defines a continuous function f(x) in B . y

For determination of the radius of convergence of the series (1.2) like in

the real case we introduce a number r — r(f) by the formula

-= Hm l/ftl*/* (1.3)

or denoting r = p"
t r = 5 = i Km i l n l A I , , . r
lnp t—oo i

L e m m a 2. T/ie series (1.2) converges for all \x\ < r and diverges for p

\x\ > r.

U Let [ajjp < r. Then = (1 - 2e)r where 0 < e < 1/2. From (1.3) i t
follows that there exists N = N such that for all k > N the inequality


is valid, and hence

/ f c 1
= (HiM P ) ) ' — o, k * oo.

By Lemma 1 the series (1.2) converges at the point x.

Let now \x\ > r . Then | x | = (1 + 2e)r where e > 0. From (1.3) i t
p p

follows that there exists a subsequence {n%, k —* oo) such that

lim \fn \l = rl
k~-oo kr

Therefore the inequality

is valid for some N = N .e Hence

20 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

and by Lemma 1 the series (1.2) diverges.

Note that r is not necessarily an integer power of p, i.e. the number c

in (1.3') is not always an integer (see examples in Sec. 2.4).
Relations between numbers R(f) and r ( / ) are given by the following
lemma which follows from Lemmas 1 and 2.

L e m m a 3. R(f) < r(f), moreover if p~> < r(f) < pf* , y € 1 then
y T 7 7 1
R{f) = P i >f K / ) - P ik™ "ther R(f) = p or R(f) = p " .

Note that in the case r(f) — p , 7 £ 2 convergence of the series (1.2)
on circumference \x\ = p requires a special investigation like in the real


2. Analytic functions

D e f i n i t i o n . A function f{x) is called analytic in a disc B i f it can be y

represented by a power series convergent in B . (Obviously, one can always


assume R(f) = p , see Sec. 2.1.)
Analytic functions in a disc possess some usual properties, for instance,
they form a ring with respect to ordinary operations of addition and mul-
tiplication. However there are some differences, for instance, superposition
of analytic functions may turn out to be a non-analytic function (see [186]).
We introduce the series for n = 0 , 1 , . . .

/(">(*)= E *(*-!)---(*-« + 1 ) / ^ * " " , (2.1')


o i ^ ^ X * * 2
) + ' (2.1")

which are obtained from the series (2.1) by termwise differentiation and
integration respectively; f(x) = f^(x).
These functions are called derivative and primitive of order 11 respec-

It ie clear that radii of convergence of the series (2.1) satisfy inequalities

( n)
R(f - ) < R(f) < R(f ), {n)
n = 1,2,... (2.2)
Analyiis on the Field oj p-Adic Nurnbtrt 21

To obtain a more detailed information about radii of convergence of the

series (2.1) we shall prove

|Jbfp > \ , fc€Z+, lim |fc|i'* = L (2.3)

it k—•oo,ibeZ +

m m
• In fact, let k G S + , k = p fco, \k\ = p~ p where m and ka are integers,
m > 0, 1 < fc < P - 1- Then

In & — In &o In
= i > 1—
Inp Inp
and thus

= lim p * = lim p '!" = 1. •

*—co,JteZ+ t—eo,*eZ +

By using the formula (1-3) to the series (2.1) and the relation (2.3) we
obtain the equalities

( , ( n ,
' • ( / " ) = >-{/) = r ( / - ) , 0 = 0,1,... . (2.4)

From here and from Lemma 3 of Sec. 2.1 it follows that i f p < r(f) <
7 + 1 7
p then R(f) = p and

«(/ ) - RU) = «=0,1,...; (2.5)

7 7
if r(f) = p then two cases are possible: 1) R(f) = p then either the
equalities (2.5) are valid or

p i r ; ( / f - > ) = R(f) = R(fW), n > no (2.5')

1 - 1
for some «o > 1; 2) R{f) = P then either the equalities (2.5) are valid
/£(/<"">) = R(f) = mjW), n > n 0 (2.5")
for some «o > 1-
22 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The formulas (2.5) can be interpreted by the following way. I t is possible

to differentiate and to integrate an analytic termwise any times; by differen-
tiation a radius of convergence may increase in p times, but by integration
this radius may decrease in p times.
As we see the situation somewhat differs from the case of real numbers.

3. Algebra of Analytic Functions

We denote by A a set of analytic functions in the unit disc B . Such 0

functions are the only ones denned by the series (1.2) for which the condition
\fk\ — • 0. k -*• oo is fulfilled (see Sec. 2.1).

The set A is linear over the field <Q>. On the set A we introduce norm p

] | / | | by the formula

11/11 = f « J / * l p .
0 / € A (3.1)

The functional (3,1) is in fact a norm, besides the non-Archimedian one.

• Let ll/H = 0, / € A, i.e. max \f \ t p = 0 then f k = 0, k = 0 , 1 , . . . and

hence / = 0. Let a G Qp, a £ 0. Then

M = max|o:/*| - | a | m a x | / , |p P p = | | ||/||.
a p

Finally, i f f,g 6 A then

+ = m a x | / +g \t t p < max max | ,

p |„] < max[||/j|, | | | | ] .
? •

Theorem. The space A is a Banach algebra.

• Prove completeness of A. Let a sequence {/",« —* oo}, / " £ A be

fundamental. As
" -n\=™jft-fjr\p

then the sequences {/£, n —. oo) are fundamental for every fc = 0 , 1 , . . . ,

thus they converge to some f G Q uniformly with respect to k (see
k p

Sec. 1.3) and hence

lim f k = lim l i m f? = l i m lim f k = 0.

-co t—oo n--oo n—-oo I—.oo
Analysis on ihe Field of p-Adic jVumiera 23

Therefore the function

/*»= J2 h>

belongs to A and
lim ||/" - /II = lim max
n-tca 0<i<oo
Let f,g £ A and h = fg. Then h £ A (see Sec. 2.2) and



\\h\\ = max |/ijtL = max

0<j <t

< f% ^J/jlj>l0*-jl
m m
; P < max | / j | max |
p f f t | = l l / l l l|ff|

R e m a r k . The algebra A is called algebra of bounded power series and

is a special case of Tate's algebras.

4. F u n c t i o n s e , l n ( l + x), s i n s , cosa:

These functions like in real case are defined by the series

" jfc' '

m(l + x ) = £ (4.2)
E (2* + l ) f (4.3)

cos x = (4.4)

To study convergence of these series we need to estimate | n ! | for any p

n GZ . +
24 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Phytici

) + 1
Let n S Z+, n < p — 1, s 6 Z+. Then n can be uniquely represented
in the form

n = n + niP + .-- + n . p ' ,

a 0 < nj < p - 1, j = 0 , 1 , . . . , s. (4.5)


From (4.5) it follows that

lim — = 0. (4.7)

Now we shall prove the equality


A power M ( n ) in which factor p enters in n! is equal to

1J 1

Here [a\ is the entire part of a number a.

+ n"
P. + ...+ -P
= M(TJ).

By using the representation (4.5) and the notation (4.6) we get

i»i \ "-"o , n-no-njp n - n - f » i p - . . . - n,p* 0

M[n) = ^r +•••+ 2
1-p"- 1
1-p- — 1-p- 1
1 - p -1
= n n : ; rt - 0 l
p-1 p-1 p-1 ' p-1
n - s„ 7i
—p-'- 1
+ (no + n + ... + n , p ' ) ^ — =
l P
p - l p - - i1 ' p
P—1- 1 pP - 1

from which the equality (4.8) follows.

x 1
Function e is denned by the series (4.1) from which i t follows ( e ) ' = ef.
Taking into account the equalities (4.7) and (4.8) for the radius r ( e ) (see
Sec. 2.2) we get
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 25

For p 2 we obtain from (4.9)

- < r ( e ) < 1.

x M
Rtf?) = R((e ) ) = - , n £ l (4.10)
x - 1
For p = 2 we get from (4.9) r(e ) = 2 . Let us investigate the conver-
- 1
gence of the series (4.1) on the circle \x\ = 2 . Let x = 2 and k = 2". 2

Then «t = 1 and owing to (4.3)

1 1
= 2-*2*- = 2 - 7 4 0, fc-oo.

Hence on the circle \x\ = 2~ the series (4.1) diverges, and by Lemma 3

x - 2
of Sec. 2.1 R(e ) = 2 , and then (see Sec. 2.2)

x (n) 2
R(e ) = R((e') ) = 2" , n£Z. (4.11)

So for any p the series (4.1) for e can be termwise integrated and dif-
ferentiated any times in the same radius of convergence.
Denote by G the disc of convergence of the series (4.1); G is the additive
p p

_ 1 - 2
group \x\ < p
p for p ^ 2 and \x\ < 2 for p = 2. 2

By using the series (4.1) we verify the relation

e'e^e ^, x, eG . y p (4.12)

Now we prove the equalities

x x
\e - 1\ = \x\ , P p \e \ P = l l xeG .
p (4.13)

• The second one follows from the first one. To prove it we establish
beforehand the inequality

(1 c
< \x\ p -V ',
P x6G p i fce2 , + (4.14)
26 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

where e = j j ^ f , p / 2 and e = 1- In fact, it follows from the equality

p 2

(4.8) that

IF |fc!|.
as owing to (4.6) s > 1; for p = 2 the proof is similar.

Now by using the inequality (4.14) we obtain (4.13) :

\e -K = = x „ max fcj

< (i-t)<- <
p l i fc — 2 . 3 , . . . ,x £ G . p

Function l n ( l + x ) is defined by the series (4.2). Its radius r owing to
(2.3) is equal to
r ( l n ( l + * ) ) = l i m |fc|>" = 1.
I—too r
_ 1
But at the point x — 1 the series (4.2) is divergent as | i | p > 1, k € !•+-

R(ln(l+ i » = - . (4.15)

The function l n ( l + r ) possesses the property

l n [ ( l + x ) ( l + y)} = l n ( l + x) + l n ( l + y), \x\ < i | j , | < i ,

p p (4.16)

which can be verified with the help of the series (4.2).

The following equality is valid

| i n ( l + x)|p = | x | ,p x Gp.
6 (4.17)

Taking into account the equality (2.3) \k *| < k we have (4.17) p

|ln(l + = |«Lm«|x|*- |«- 1 1

Analysis on Ike Field 0/p-Adic Numbers 27

1 1 f P P^ 2

1 - < 1
l*^ !* V< { ^ - a ^ p l 2 ' *= 2,3,...,x G, € •

Denote by
P is a multiplicative group where it follows from the identity
l-xy = l - + l-y+(l-x)(l-y).

From the relations (4.12), (4.13), (4.16) and (4.17) i t follows that Ike
function e realizes an isomorphism of the additive group G onto the mul- P

tiplicative group Jp. The inverse isomorphism is realized by the function

In x = l n ( l + x — 1) and the equalities are valtd
i n x
\ne* = x, x£G, e , x&J ,
p (4.18)

which can be verified directly with the help of the series (4.1) and (4.2).
Functions sin x and cos a; are defined by the series (4.3) and (4 .4). These
series like in the case of the function e converge in G , and the following p

relations are valid

| s i n x | = \x\ ,
p p |cosx| = l , p igG . p (4-19)

The standard trigonometrical formulas are valid, established by the help

of the series (4.3) and (4.4), in particular
2 2 TX
cos x + sin i = l , e = cosx + r s i n x , i£Q p (4.20)
where r = - 1 , r € Q , p = 1 (mod 4) (see Sec 1.4).


x x
x ln +I
are squares of p-adic functions in G p (for p = 2 functions e and (^ )
- 3
are squares in Q p only for \x\? < 2 ) .

• These assertion follow from the Lemma of 1.4. In fact, the norms
of functions (4.21) are equal to 1 owing to the equations (4.13),(4.17) and
(4.19). Moreover their canonical forms are
1 + C (x)p+... ,p^2,
1 l + C ( ^ ) 2 - + . . . , = 2.
3 P (4.22)
28 y-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Let p £ 2. For e the representation (4.22) follows from (4.13)

le - 1L = IxL < - . x € G . P

For other functions it follows from the similar estimates which can be ob-
tained by using the estimates (4.14) and (2.3).
For p = 2 the situation is similar, more complicated. By using the
estimate (4.14) we have for | x | < 2~ 2

I cos x — l|a < max < |*|a2 -" < 2" , 1 3

sin x — 1 < max < \x\ max 2 - 1 - 2
* < 2 - 3

2 * e Z
+ ( 2 * + 1)! k€Z+

x x 2 2 l n 1 + I
The similar estimate for functions e = (e * ) and t ) are valid only
- 3
for | x | < 2 . Hence the representation (4.22) follows.
2 •

Finally we note that the functions sinx and tanx = map one-to-one
G p onto G . The inverse functions are

inx =
arcsin E
« 2k
2 {k\)
x — , XtGp, (4.23)

arctanx = £ , x £ G, p
2A + 1
jarcsinx|p — |arctanx| p = |x| .p (4.25)

5. Theorem on Inverse Function

Let / ( x ) be an analytic function in the disc B {a) and f'(a) y± 0, r

| / ' ( a ) | = p . Then there exists a disc B (a), p < r such that / maps
p p

i t on a disc B (b), b = / ( a ) , one-to-one, the inverse function g(y) is


analytic in the disc B (b) and the equality


is valid.
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Number! 29

I By using the classical Theorem on inverse function we conclude that

there exists a disc B (a) of sufficiently small radius p , p < r which the

function / maps one-to-one onto some neighborhood U(b) of the point 6 and
the inverse function g{y) is analytic in U(b) and the equality (5.1) holds.
It remains to prove that for a sufficiently small p" U(b) = B + (b)- p n

As the function f(x) is analytic in the disc B ( a ) then it can be repre- r

sented in the form of a series (see Sec. 2.2)

2 2
f(x) = / ( a ) + / ' ( a ) ( x - a) + (x - a ) £ a (x - a ) * "
k (5.2)

max M „ p ' < * - > = p*, SGZ.
t — £,3,...

Then choosing p < n — s (p < r ) from (5.2) we have

\f(x)-b\ p = \f'(a)\ \x-a\ , p p x£B (a).

p (5.3)

From (5.3) i t follows that

f(B,{a)) = U{b)cB (b) f+n (5.4)

and there exists a point x' € S (a) such that p

, n p
\f(*')-t>\ P = \f'(*)\p\* -a\p=P + -
Hence f(x') = y € S + (b) D U{b). Therefore the power series for the
p n

inverse function
g(y) = g>(b)(y-b) + ... a +

converges at the point y € S (b) and thus in the disc B +„(b). Reducing
p+n p

i f necessary the radius p we achieve that the function g(y) also will
satisfy the equality (5.3)

|s(y)-a| P = ^ \y-b\ , p y€B . p+n

From here it follows that the inclusion

9(B (b)) p+n C B (a)fi = g(U(b))

which together with (5.4) gives U(b) = B + (b)- p n •

30 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Phyiics

I I I . A d d i t i v e a n d M u l t i p l i c a t i v e Characters
The field Q is an additive group.
P We denote by Q* = Q \ { 0 } its P

multiplicative group.

1 . Additive Characters of the Field Q P

Additive character of the field Q is called a character of additive group


Q , i.e. a continuous (complex-valued) function x( ) defined on Q and

satisfied the conditions Ixt )! — 1>

1 1
x(* + y) = x(*)x(y). *.S>GQ . P C - )

a n a
Analogously one defines (additive) characters of the field Q ( i / £ ) of p

subgroup By, y G S, of the group Q . P

It is clear that every additive character of the field Q is a character of P

any group B . y

The function
vp(^) = exp(2 ri{^} ) 1(1.2) p

for every fixed £ G Q is an additive character of the field Q and the group

By. I t follows from the relation for fractional parts (see Sec. 1.2)

{x + y} p = {x} p + {y} -N. p AT = 0 , 1 .

Our goal is to prove that the formula (1.2) gives a general representation
x D e a n
of additive characters of the field Q and the group B . Let x( ) P 7

arbitrary additive character. From (1.1) we have the relations

x(0) = l , x(-x) = W) = x- (*l x H - ^ W f , n£Z
At first we investigate characters of the group B . y

Let x £ 1 be such a character. Prove that there exists k G 7L such that

X(a0 = l , xGB t . (1,4)

• By virtue of the conditions x(0) = 1, \x(x)\ = 1 and x(i) is a con-

tinuous function on B i t is possible to choose such branch of the function
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 31

l n x ( z ) = t a r g x ( i ) that it will be continuous at 0 and argx(O) = 0. In

particular there exists k £ S such that | a r g x ( x ) | < 1 for all x 6 B . k

Taking into account that nx e Bt for all x £ B and n £ S+ we conclude k

from (1.3) that

|argx(x)| = |-argc(na0| < - ; nEZ , + x G B k

n n

and thus arg\(a:) = 0 and x(x) = l , x € B . k •

We assume that the disc B in (1.4) is maximal so that as x(x) ^ 1 in


By then k < y.
Now we prone for any integer r, k < r < 7, the equality

p +i 7
v ( p - ) = exp(27rimp-' ), 3m = 1 , 2 p "* - 1 , (1.5)

where m does not depend on r,

• For r = y i t follows from (1.4) and (1.3) as

k r p1
1 - X(P-*) = x(p-^- ) = [x(p- )] ~' •

For k < r < y

r r + y y 7+i T r
X(p" ) = X ( p - ^ ) = [X(p- )}" " = [exp(2 rimp- 7 )]" " . •
k k +k 7
Denote £ = p m where | £ | = p ~ * | m | > p- p--> = p " and | f | < p p p

k y =
p~ . Then owing to (1.2) the representation (1.5) takes the form Xp(p~ )
X p ( p 0 > and thus owing to (1.3) we have

X(P~ ) T
= X (p" O, P k<r<y (1.6)
k - 7
for some £ £ Q such that p~ > ]£| > p .
p p

Let now x 6 By\B . The following representation is valid


X = x {Sx), P 3£GQ , P Ki >P"
P - (1.7)

• Let x £ B-y\Bt- Such x can be represented in the form

r r+1 h+1
x = x p~0 + xip" + x - p-
r k+1 + x', x' G B , k xo^Q
32 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for some r, k < r < 7. By using (1.6) and (1.4) we get the representation

r i o r + 1 k+1 i
xO) = [ x { - ) ] [ x ( p -
P )r'... \x(p- )r'-+ x(*')
r r+1 k+l k+i
= [xp(p- or\xp(p- tw° •-• [x (p- z)r'- xp(*'o

r T+1 k + 1
= x {z - t
P ap + x - t: lP + ... + ^ x k + l P - i + x'i) = x {*0 P •

x =
The case £ = 0 is impossible otherwise x( ) X (0) = 1 in B
p T which
contradicts to the definition of the number it. •

Hence we have just proved that any additive character of the group B y

T + 1
has a form (1.2) where either^ = 0 or | £ | > p ~ ' . p

Now let x(0 ^ 1 be an additive character of the field Q . Then in a p

disc Bo it is represented in the form

( 0
x(*) = x « < ° M . P £ 'eQ , P > 1• (1.8)

We shall prove that in the disc Bi i t is represented in the form

ll) w
x(«) = Xp(Z *), =t -Kb, 3*0 = 0 , 1 , . . . , p - 1 (1.9)

• As S i = Bo U Si and Bo (~l Si = <j> v/e shall prove at first the repre-

sentation (1.9) in the circumference S i . Any point a: £ Si is represented in
the form

x = p- x 0 + x', 3 x = 1,2,... , p - l ,
0 x' <= B Q .

Then using (1.8) we shall have the representation (1.9) in S i :

Io/p (0
x(x) = [ x f p - ' P x p ^ V ) = [ x ( i ) ] x (* V)

= M<- < 0 ,
r / p
x (^V) P = X p ^ ) ^ ) p
X (*f)

xp{t *'i0)
+ €0*') = x P (tf + 6 )
+ * ' ) } = x «- >*) P

for some £0 = 0 , 1 , . . . ,p — 1. The representation (1.9) is valid also in B a

owing to (1.8). •
Ano/yiij on ike Field of p-Adic Numbers 33

Continuing this process we obtain in the disc B 2 the representation

x{*)=xpie *), +&+&i>
for some t]\ = 0 , 1 , . . . ,p — 1, and so on. As a result in Q p we obtain the
representation (1-2)

X(x) = Y ( £ ; E ) ,
p £ = ?<°> + & + Sip + - • • € Q . p

Hence, any additive character of the field Q p has a form (1.2) for some

x s a
In other words, the mapping £ —• Xp(£ ) ' homomorphism of the
additive group of the field Q onto the group of additive characters. This

x x r a
mapping is one-to-one (i.e. from the equality Xp{£i ) = Xp(& ) f ° "
x e Q it follows that £ = £3).
p L

Now we have

T h e o r e m . The group of additive characters of the field Q is isomorphic p

to its additive group Q , and the mapping £ —* Xp{£ ) gives this isomor-


Let us denote

Xoo(i) = e x p ( - 2 ^ ) , x e R . (1.10)

Then the following (adelic) formula is valid

II X P ( « ) = 1. *eQ. (l.ii)

• Let a; be an arbitrary positive rational number

ai a
x = N ^p - -..p - "
P 2 n

where EN G , PJ are prime numbers and N is positive integer not divisible

by p j , j = 1,2,... , n. From the theory of congruence i t follows (see [204])*
that the number x is represented in the form

We use the following result: if natural numbers c and d are relatively prime then
the congruence cx + dy = 1 (mod cd) is solvable; indeed, dy = 1 (mod c) i = * ^ f £

(mod d).
34 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for some N, G 2 + , 1 < Nj < pJ - 1 and M G Z. From (1.12) i t follows
= J*7, {*)P = 0. P^P;. > = 1,2 n

and hence the equality (1.11) is valid

n xr(«) = n =n ^nm^
2<p< oo !<)<«
= exp(2iri ^ { j r } ) = exp(27rta:) .
P i •

At last we note that any additive character x of the field Q (y/e~) (see p

Sec. 1.4) has the form

x{x + V 5 ) - x (£ix)x (£2y),

P P £1,6 e QP (113)

2. Multiplicative Characters of the Field Q p

Multiplicative character of the field Q is called a character of the mul-


tiplicative group Q", i.e. a continuous (complex valued) function n(x),

defined on Q* and satisfied the condition

•x(xy) = x(x)x{y), x,y e Q ; .

Analogously one defines (multiplicative) characters of the field Q ( \ / E ) , P

of subgroup S of the group Q (^/e) and of subgroup So of the group Q*.

c p

Any multiplicative character ir of the field Q has the form p

*(x) = IX^MI^P'), M * % = 1- x- G S ,
0 a GC (2.1)

where JTQ is a character of the group So; conversely, any multiplicative char-
acter of the group So is extended up to a multiplicative character of the field
Q by the formula (2.1).

• Let IT be a multiplicative character of the field Q . Any element x G Q p p

is represented in the form (see Sec. 1.2)

x = \x\ x,
p x' = \x\ x G So ,
Anatytie on ike Field oj p-Adic Number) 35

and therefore the representation (2.1) is valid

_ J V 1 _ c
where i t is denoted | x | = p p , ff(p) = p *. •

We notice that the set of multiplicative characters of the compact group

So is discrete (see [174], ch.VI).
From (2.1) i t follows that i r ( l ) = 1. 0

Let ?ro(a:) £ 1 be a multiplicative character of the group So- Then there

exists such k £ that

ir <«) s i ,
0 x € S_fc(l) = [x G Q i j * - 1| < p-"] .
P P (2.2)

• A proof follows from the conditions 7T (1) = 1, |ir (a:)| = 1 and 7ro(z) 0 0

is a continuous function on So, and it is similar to the proof of the corre-

sponding statement for an additive character of the group B (see Sec. 4.1). y

The lowest k eZ+li {0} for which the equality (2.2) is fulfilled is called
a rank of the character ITQ(X).
There exists only one character of rank 0 : J T O ( Z ) = 1, as So C BQ(1).
Let the rank of a character xo(z) be positive. Then

x k 1
*o(x) = it (xo + iP+
0 ••• + x -iP ~ ) k (2.3)

So TVO(X) depends only on XQ,XI,.., ,xjb_i.

• In fact a number x € So is represented in the form (see Sec. 1.2)

_ 1 k
X = x + xip -f-... = (»o + * & + • • - + £ * - i p * ) ( l + tp )

k 1
where \t\ < 1 so 1 + tp € fl-t(l).
p Then owing to (2.2) m , ( l + i p ) = 1
and the equality (2.3) follows. •

Now we prove the equality: if the rank k > 2 then

E *o(*o + xjp + . . . + XM-IP*' ) 1

= 0 . (2.4)
36 p-Adic Anaiysit and Mathematical Physici

• There exists a number ( = 0, l , . . . , p - l such that

p = *o(l+ <j>*- )#l .

(Otherwise the rank of the character 7T() would be less then k.) Therefore r

using (2.4) we get the equalities

x x k 1
53 *o( 0 + * i P + •• • + t-iP ~ )

= - 53 + tp^Mto + tip + • • • + zk-\p k l


= - 53 *„[(*„+ X l P +...+^.xp'-^a+tp*- )] 1

^ 0<i _,<p-l k

0<I _,<p-l

= , : 1
e 53 To(^o + x i p + . . . + i i _ i P " ) t

from which the equality (2.4) follows.

Examples of multiplicative characters.

1) w(x)= \x\ -\M*')= p 1

_ / 1, if z € Q p >
2) r ( x ) = sgn x = (

-1, if**Q; , i C P^2,

where s £ Q* (see Sec. 1.4) and Q* is defined in Sec. 1.5: £

®; it = [*e%:x = a -eb\2
0,66 0,,]. (2.5)

To be convinced that the function sgn x defines a multiplicative charac- £

ter of the field Q it is sufficient to prove that


rank (Qp/Qp ) = 2, i£ rank (Q^/Q*,*) = 2 . (2.6)

• Let p ^ 2. In Sec. 1.4 it was shown that the rank of the group Qp/Qp'
is equal to 4. Therefore owing to inclusions Q* C QJ C Qp it remains to t

prove that
Of j* Qg* 7* QP • ( 2 7
Analysis on tke Field of p-Adic Numbers 37

I t is necessary to consider three cases: z = J),np,p, where n Q* (see
Sec. 1.4).
We shall prove

mt%, m n t % w vt%, P • (2.8)

which means that Q* / Q*. it

2 2
Let conversely prj G Q* , i.e. prj = a — nb for some a,6 £ Q , 6 ^ 0 .
iP p

But the last equality is impossible for none of a and 6 ^ 0 . Indeed rewriting
it in the form

we see that for 1) \y\ p < 1 the number 1 + j - is a square of a p-adic number
(see Sec. 1.4) and then pn would be a square, 2) | y \ > 1 the number 1 + ^ j p

is a square of a p-adic number and then n would be a square, 3) \y\p = 1

is impossible. Other statements (2.8) are proved similarly.
Now we prove that Q " ^ Q"*. Let z = n. Then rj G QJ by the Lemma
( >fl

of Sec. 8.2. Let c = p,pv. Then - e G Q as i t is represented in the form

P i £

(2.5) with a = 0 and b = 1. •

R e m a r k . For p = 2 (2.6) takes the form

rank ( Q J / Q " ^ ) = 2, rank ( Q ^ / Q ^ ) - 4 ,

see [37] Sec. 6.

3. Multiplicative Characters of the Field Qp(i/£)

According to Sec. 1.5 every element z of the field Q p ( v ^ ) is represented

in the form either z ~ r<r or z = vro where r G Qp, vv £ Qp , V G Q p ( v ^ )
and <7<r = 1 (i.e. a G C ) . e

Let ir{z) be a multiplicative character of the field Q [^/e). Let us de- p

note by and TT2 its restrictions on the field Q and on the "circle" C p c

respectively. Then we shall have

n(rcr) = jri.(r)jr2(<T), 7r(ircr) = •n(v)ir(rtr) . (3.1)

From the equality per = ( - p ) ( - f ) it follows the condition

Ti(-l)7r (-l) = l .
3 (3.2)
38 p-Adic Antxlyti) and Mathematical Phyiici

Further as
v = i>i> e Q* - £ C
r L
we have the equality

Tr (f) — Tt\{yv)Tr-i(ylv) • (3-3)

Conversely, let Ti and T3 be arbitrary multiplicative characters of the field

Qp and the "circle" C respectively satisfied the condition (3.2). Then the

function rr{z) defined on the multiplicative group Qp(i/^) by the formulas

v , s a
(3.1) and (3.3) for some v € Q p ( v ^ ) . & £ QJ multiplicative character
of the field Qp(yF).

R e m a r k . The set of multiplicative characters W2 of the compact group

C (see Sec. 1.5) is discrete.

I V . Integration Theory

In this section the theory of integration of complex valued functions of

p-adic arguments will be presented and some examples of calculations of
specific integrals will be given.

1 . Invariant Measure on the Field Q p

As the field Q is a locally-compact commutative group with respect to


addition then in Q there exists the Haar measure, a positive measure dx


which is invariant with respect to shifts, d(x + a) = dx (see [163]). We

normalize the measure dx such that

J dx = 1 . (1.1)

Under such agreement the measure dx is unique.

For any compact K C Q the measure dx defines a positive linear

continuous functional on C(K) by the formula J f(x)dx, f e C{K). Here

C(K) is the space of continuous functions on K with the norm
Analyti) on the Field of p-Adic N-umbert 3 9

A function / € L \ o c is called integrable on Q p (improper integral) i f

there exists

Jim f m m = lim ^ / f(*)d* . (1.2)

This limit is called an integral (improper) of the function / on Q , and it p

is denoted by / f(x)dx so that

ff(x)dx = 53 / f(z)dz. (1.3)

Analogously one defines the improper integral with respect to a point

a(=Q : i f / € Ll (q„\{a})
p c then

/ f(x)dx = Jim 53 / f(x)dx. (1.4)

2. Change of Variables in Integrals

A t first we shall prove the formula

d{xa) = \a\ dx, p aEQt. (2.1)

• For any a € Q£ the measure d ( i a ) is invariant with respect to shifts,

and therefore i t differs from the measure dx by a factor C(a) > 0, d(xa) =
C(a)dx. From here it follows that C(a) is a continuous function satisfying
the condition C{ab) = C(d)C{b) i.e. C is a multiplicative character of the
group Q*, and hence it has a form (2.1) of Sec. (3.2).

C(a) = \a\ '- ir {«')>
p 0 |»o(o')| = 1 , «' € S,0 «eC.

But C(a) > 0 and therefore w (a') = 1. Hence C(a) = | a | £ ~ \ a e C. We


shall find a number a. As 5o is a union of disjoint sets pBo + k = 5_i(fc),

k = 0,1,... ,p — 1 whose measures are equal then measure Bn — p measure
B-i and hence d(xp) = ^dx i.e. C(p) = * = | p | . Thus a = 2, C(a) — |a| p p

and (2.1) is valid. •

0 p-Adic Analyait and Mathematical Physics

By using the formula (2.1) to an integral we get

j f(x)dx = \a\ j p f(ay + b)dy, ^ 0 .

Let us show how to use this formula to do simple integrals.

Example 1.

j dx = p , y
It follows from the formulas (2.1) and (2.2) that

j dx= j d(p-> ) y = \p-\ j'dy = ^ .


I«l»<i»"» W\,<i B„

E x a m p l e 2.
fdx = p-'(l--), yeZ.
It follows from the formula (2.3)

Jdx = J dx- j dx = p~< - p " 7 1

S-, B-, B-,-i

Thus the "area" of a circle in Q is positive! p

E x a m p l e 3. From (1.3) and (2.4) it follows that

ff(\x\ )dx=
p f i - i ] Y, f W

E x a m p l e 4. In particular,
Analysis on Iht Field of p-Adic Numbers 41

E x a m p l e 5.

[\ \x\ dxP=
.p (2.6)

j ln|*| dx = - ( l - I ) l n p
P £ TP- = - ^ -

Here we have used the equality

0<7<co "(P-1)

R e m a r k . A n invariant measure da;* of the multiplicative group Q* of

the field Q has the form

tTx = Wr * .

• It follows from (2.1)

d>x) = M " 1
^ * ) = I x f M x = d*x, a 6 Q* . •

G e n e r a l change o f variables i n integrals. /,< <t(y) be an anal

function which maps homeomorpkica

set K C Q and also o-'{y) / 0, y G JCi. TAen /or any

formula (2.8) is ua/irf,

j f(x)dx = J W'(y)\ f(o-(y))dy . P

• As an integral is a linear continuous functional on C(K) (see Sec. 4.1)

then it is sufficient to prove the formula (2.8) for locally-constant functions
on K, the set of which is dense in C(K) (see Sec. 6.2). Hence i t is sufficient
to prove the equality (2.8) for / ( x ) = 1, x (j K i.e.

Jdx = J \o-'(y)\ dy . p
K K,
42 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

We cover compact K% by a finite number of disjoint discs B (yk) p {see

Sec. 1.3) of a sufficiently small radius p" such that

\<r'(y)\p = W'{yk)\ P =p, y€B (y ) p k

and the disc B (yt) is mapped onto the disc B + {xi:),

p x = c{y ) ac- p ri k k

cording to the Theorem on inverse function of Sec. 2.5. From here using
the formula (2.3) we get the equality (2.9)

=E / K(»)I*=E / K ( » ) I F * •

* *,(*») * B,<su.) Ki

Examples. I f a function / is integrable on <Q> then (see (1.4)) p

( 2 1 0 !
/ ' « * - / ! * ' ( ; ) * • • •

The following formulas are valid (see Sec. 2.4)

j f{x)dx = j f( my)dy
S = J f(t aay)dy . (2.11)

/ /f>)<fe = j f(\ny)dy, j f{x)dx = J f(e»)dy .

G, J p J r C,

3. Some Examples of Calculation of Integrals

In addition to Sec. 4.2 we shall list some examples of calculation of
integrals in explicit form (see [206]).

E x a m p l e 6.
Analysis on tlie Field of p-Adic Numbers 43

y r
• For [£|p < p~ we have \t]x\ < 1 and therefore x p ( £ ) = I - Hence

owing to (2.3)
J X (£x)dx
P = j dx=f .

7 + 1
If KIP > P " then for some x' G 5 , we have |c>'| = \t\ \x'\ > p and p p p

therefore Xp(i ') ^ 1. Then performing the change of variable x = y — x'
we get that the desired integral is equal to zero:

j X p m d x = j Xp{i{y-x ))dy ,
= (-ix-)
Xp j {cly)dy.

B-, B,(*<) B ,

Here we have used the fact that B^(x') = B i f \x'\ < p" (see Sec. 1.3).
7 p

E x a m p l e 7.

P (l"f), \t\ <P\

JXp{£x)dx = -f- ,1
KIP = P " 1 + 1
> 3
( - )2

0, m >p- \
7 CX-

lt follows from the formulas (3.1) as

/ Xp(t*)dx = J Xv(i')dx - j X p{fx)dx .

E x a m p l e 8.* I f £ I / O - 7
) ! ? - 7
< oo then for £ f 0

/ f(\x\ )x (tx)dx

V W 0< <oo
T (3.3)

* About improper integrals see Sec. 4.1

44 p-Adic Analytii and Mathematical Pkytici

• I t follows from the formulas (1.3) and(3.2). Denoting | £ | = p p we

Q, -oo<7«» I



Example 9.

x>«»)«ir = 0, 0 . (3.4)
i t follows from (3.3) for / = 1.

Example 10.


It follows from (3.3) for / = I s ] " - :

Q, 0<7<~

netrV^iet** = (rrp= - p ° ' ) let* •


Example 11.

j ln\x\ (Cx)d pXp x

= -J^iet . f / 0 . (3.
Analyiie on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 45

I t follows from (3.3) for / = In \x\ : p

J M x
\ \pX (£x)dx


1 _1
= ( -;)ia £ P ^ - T ^ P - l n l ^ + l^'Ona-lnp)

= -|£L- lnp 1 + 1


Here we have used the equality (2.7).

E x a m p l e 12.

2 2 7
,-7 P - P '
7- (3-7)
.x\j +m

2 2 1
It follows from (3.3) for / = {\x\ + m ) " :

/ x\l m+dx 2

= a-i)ifi- 1
y ^ - let
2 7 2 + m Z 2 _ 2 2
P o<T?»P" l^p p ia + ™

V ~ P) e k
0 £ 0
l >
" 1
(p- 2 7
+ m 2
iei? " i ^+ ^ l e l . ) 3

From the formula (3.7) it follows an asymptotics

2 2
HI, - » oo . (3.8)
[xtt + m p++ P lm*m'
46 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

lim mI r
I, —oo J

p 2
= f i _ I ^ i _ H r n y p-*h?-p-**)(i- , " \ l c l 2

v y /

p / tn \ 1 — p 4 1
1 — -p3

Note that in the real case the similar integral is equal to

/ X - « f L 2
I = / "P(- ^') 2 2
& = ZL -^Htl
e (3.9)
y T + m2
j x +m m
— CO —CO

and hence exponentially decreases as |£| —> CO.

E x a m p l e 13.

jf i a r = p -\ y
7 e 2, t = 1,2, -,p~l (3.10)

• By virtue of invariance of the measure dx with respect to shifts from

the formula (2.4) we have

and the formula (3.10) follows.

E x a m p l e 14.

| (te=p (i--J, T es, i = i,2,...,p-i. (3.ii)
S,,i ** 0
Anttfti* on the Field of p-Adic Number! 47

It follows from the formulas (2.1) and (3.10):

|f T _ 1
J dx = j dx- j dx=p* f l - - p .
5,^0^1 S T S-,,x a =k

E x a m p l e 15. I = 1,2,...

J dx = p'- 1
(l - , 7 e S, k = 0,1,2 p-1, (3.12)

E x a m p l e 16. i = 0,1,2,...

j dx=p -'-\ yeZ, 0<tj<p-l, to?£0.
S,i*a **>*i=*i<— >*i = *r

E x a m p l e 17. ( = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .

j dM^pt-'-ifl-j), 7€Z,0<^<p-l,
S x x :4
T' O = *Di l '*l
-.=*|.*I+1**J + 1
io^O. (3.14)

E x a m p l e 18.

J l l
- < ~ l d x =
l(i - ~°v
P 9 i Q > 0
' ( 3 1 5 )
48 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

• By using the formulas (3.11) and ( 3 - 1 4 ) we get (3.15):

J\\-z\ - dx
= j |1

+ J n-*lf**+ / 1
|i-*r*- %+...
Se,»g=li'i#0 S„,10 = 1,11=0,1:^0^l S ,* =l,*i^0
e o S , r o = l,*i=D.*3i*0

- l - I + ± ( l - i ) + ^ ( t - i ) + ...

V p / i - p - * p

E x a m p l e 19.

5 0
ln|l-x| rfx= - - ^

P - 1

Acting as in Example 1 8 we get

j In |1 - x\ dx p = In 1 y dfe + h i - y

- In 4 2
/ (fx + . . .

2 - 1
p V P 7VP p ' 7 P P ( I - P )

Here we have used the equality (2.7). •

4. J n t e g r a i i o n i n Q "
The invariant measure dx on Q in a standard way is extended up to anp

invariant measure dx = dxidx? • • • dx on QJJ (see Sec. 1 . 7 ) , and all whichn

was said in 4 . 1 for Q caries over to (KJ. A reduction of multidimensional


integration to a one dimentional one is given by the following theorem (see

Analysis cti ike Field 0] p-Adic Numbers 49

Fubini's theorem (on a change of order of integration).

Let a function f(x,y}, x G QJJ, y G Q™ be such that an iterated integral

J I \f(*,v)\dv dx

+ m
exists. Then the function f is integrable on Q p , and there exist all
iterated integrals of f, and they are equal

j J f(x,y)dy dx= j f(x,y)dxdy= j J f(x,y)d dy. (4.1)

Conversely, if a function f is (absolutely) integrable on <Q£ then all in-
tegrals in (4.1) ens I and the equality (4.1) is valid.

Change of variables in integral. Let x = x(y) (i.e. Xi = Xi(jfi, jftj

..., y ),i = 1,2,... , n) be a komeomorpkic mapping of an open compact

Ki C Qp onto (open) compact K C Qp, and also functions Xi(y) are

analytic in K\ and

d e t $ m = d e t
* 0, y G K1 •

Then for any f G L\K) the equality (4.2) ts valid,

J f(x)dx = j ^ t d x ( y )
f(x(y))dy . (4.2)
K K,

I A proof of the formula (4.2) carries out by induction on n like in a

real case using the one dimensional formula (2.8). I

We note also an analogy of the Lebesgue Theorem on limiting

passage under the sign of an integral (see [163]); If a sequence
{fk,b —* oo} of functions ft G L ( Q p ) converges almost everywhere in
Qp (with respect to the measure dx) to a function f,

h(x)^f(x), fc^co, zGQ; a.e. ,

50 j. Analytis and Mathematical Phytic!

1 1
and inert exists a function yj £ L ( Q ) suck that p

lM*)|<lK«). * = 1.2 xeL (Q?)

then the equality is true

Km / f (x)dx
k = J f(x)dx .

E x a m p l e 20. The function


is locally integrable in QJJ i f 2a < n.

• By using the formula (2.4) we have

1 = j J-•• J{\xi\l + \X2? P +...+ K5)""

flg fig £J(J

^ ' -™<1i,-,7.<0

- ( ' - ; ) " E
0<iV<co ^
J 3 I W t + 2 B
E (p- " + ... + p - ' - U p - " '
0<v, + ...+v.<N

Note the equality

min ( <*! + . . . + Or„_i +

O < Q , < I V^
)<Q,<1 a ...a _i
1 B

r 2N2N
„- p-
= min ( n — l ) a + -
- 1 np "
°<»<i [ a"
Continuing our estimates we get for 0 < a < 2n

<n" £ p - W f l - ^ - l < ^ ,
Analyiit on the Field 0/ p-Adic Numbers 51

E x a m p l e 2 1 . p = 3 (mod 4).

/ /((x.xj^ae.z^rfn^a
l(£.£) l


2 7 _ 2 l
£ p" i/(p )i<^-

• Let us denote the desired integral by ./(£). Owing to its symmetrey

on £ = (£1,^2) is sufficient to prove the formula (4.4) for \£i\ < |£2|p- p

Denote folp = p~ , |£ | = P~ , N < M. Using the equality
2 p

\{x,x)\ p = \x\ + xl\ = ^W\lMtf )

p m p

(see Sec. 1.1) and the formulas {3.1)—(3.4) we get the equalities

J(t) = j j f(\xy\l)Xp(S2X2)d*2

/ /(l*j£)Xp(&* )<ka Xp(£i»i)^i



= 1 /(k,| )ki| Xp(£^i)fi(l£2^il )^i


+1 /{|x | )Xp(£2X2) •
2 p
j X p(tixi)dxidxi


- j
H l ^ l ^ l p x A ^ ^ ^ i x ^ d x ,
52 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

= j f(\x \l)\x \ dx + -
1 1 P 1
j f(\x \l)\x \„dxi
2 2


+ I f(\x2\l)\^\pXp(Z2X2)dX7

s r /
-oo<7<JV r

y 2y
+ " £ P f(p ) [ Xp(t2*2)d*2
AT+l<7<Af+l §

= ( 1
- ^ ) £ P - W / ( P ^ ^ ) - V W + 1
/ ( P 2 J V + 3
> ' 0<7<oo

He £ 2y 2y 2
p- f(p- \h\; )-f(p*\b\ - ) P


2 2 2
from where the formula ( 4 . 4 ) follows if we note that fol = |£ + £ ] = p

IK,e)lp when < Ifsl,,. •

In particular, for the propagator

G = {\(x,x)\ p + m )-' (4.5)

(cf. ( 3 . 7 ) ) the formula ( 4 . 4 ) takes the form

/ Xp((*»)
\(x,x)\ + m*

2 2 7 2
P / <^„ 0 VP" + P + m'KCOB ; ( 4 .6)

From here i t follows as in the case of the propagator ( 3 . 7 ) that the right-
hand part of the equality ( 4 . 6 ) is positive and have an asymptotks

l«.OI* (4.7)
P + lm*\(U)\j'

By another method the integral ( 4 . 6 ) has been calculated in Bikulov [ 3 5 ] .

Analyiii on the Field of p-Adic jVumierJ S3

E x a m p l e 22. p = 1 (mod 4).

J f((x,x)) {{f,x))dx Xp

H) 0<T<OO


£ TP I / ( P
) | < oo .

• There exists a solution r £ Q of the equation T = — 1 (see Sec. 1.4).

Change of variables in the integral

yi = K * ! - TX ), 2 Xi = J/i + J/2,
VI = §(*i + ™2), x = T(yi - y ),
2 2

\(x,x)\j, = \xl+x \ 2 p = |2(l-T) t f l ! f t | = knlplsal, ,
(€.*) = +&*a - £ i ( ! / i + j/2)+6''(!(i -y2) = Ciyi + C2y2 - (C,y)

where i t is denoted

Ci=Ci + r 6 , C2 = 6 - r& (C1C2 = + £ - (£.£)) •

Therefore the desired integral / ( £ ) takes the form (see (4.2))

J(0 = j f(\yi\p\y2\p)x {«.y))dy


X (<iJ/i)^i
P (4-9)
54 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

By using the formula (3.3) twice to the iterated integral in (4.9) we get
the formula (4.8):

V /
^ V = 0 L ^ 7=0

1 1 1
-/(p-^lCilp- ^!; )^!;

7+1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
•/(p- Kil - K2l " )Kilp" IC2| - + /(p lCil - IC2| - )Ki| - lC2lp
p F p p p p

=IC C2| - [ ( i - J ) ' £ ( 7 + i J p - V ^ I C i ^ l p - )

1 P
1 1

2 1 7 1 T 1 2 1
- f - - ) £ P " / ( P - K I < 2 | - ) + /(P ICIC2| - ) p p

=idc ir 3 i - ^)£(t^)^^"W)

V. T h e Gaussian Integrals
Integrals of the form / x ( a z + bx)dx are called Gaussian ones. Here

we shall consider the cases when sets of integration are the circumference
, the circle B-, and the whole space Q . p

In particular, the important formula will be obtained (see (3.1) of

Sec. 5.3)

J (ax Xp
+ bx)dx = X (a)\a\; " p
Xp , a# 0

Here we used an important number-theoretical function A : Q* —* C by p

Anatysii on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 55

the following way:

if 7(a) is even,

if 7(0) is odd and p = 1 (mod 4),

if 7(a) is odd and p = 3 (mod 4);

W A f 7f[ 1+
(- ) ' l 1 f l 1
I ^•' "(- ) < 1 a a
We note the simplest properties of the function A (a): p

| A , ( a ) | , = 1, A ( ) A ( - n ) = 1,
p a p n^O,
A (ac ) = A ( ) ,
p p a a, C ? £0.

The furthest properties of the function A (a) will be given in Sec. 5.4. p

Calculation of the Gaussian integrals for p / 2 is based on the Gauss

sums (see [37])

if p — 1 (mod 4) ,

0<*<p- if p = 3 (mod 4)

where m is an integer not divisible by p, ( y ) is the Legendre symbol (see

Sec. 1.4).
In terms of the function A (a) the Gauss sum (*) takes the form

= A (m),/p,p

v y /
;jc< -i
0<Jt<p- P

1. The Gaussian Integrals on the Circles S y

E x a m p l e 1 . ptjk 2, |e| = 1, (see [215,218])


<P~ , 7<0,

-p'-'Xric* ), 2
XL -= p„-y+i 7 < 0,
/ X {e(?-V) )dy
t = 0, 1+2
>P~ : 7<0,
1, *IP
= P> 7>1,
I 0,
56 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

• For 7 < 0, \x\ < p - \ y e S we have \e(y - 2xy)\

P y
p = |e| |(j/
2 1
1xy)\ < max(|j/| , \2xy\ ) < m a x ^ , ? ^ - ) = 1 and hence
p p

2 2 2
Xp (e(x - y) ) = (e(y Xp - 2xy)+£x )
2 2 2
= (£(y Xp - 2xy)) (ex ) Xp = (£x ) Xp .

The desired integral owing to (2.4) of Sec. 4.2 is equal to

{cx )
Jdx = p>(l- ± ) x (ex ) P

For 7 < 0, jxjp = p ~ 7 + 1

, y 6 S y we have \ey \ 2
P = p 2 7
< 1 and hence

Xp - y) ) 2
= X p(ex 2
+ £y 2
- lexy) = Xp (£x )x (-2£xy)
P .

The integral owing to (3.2) of Sec. 4.3 is equal to

Xp (cx ) 2
j (-2exy)dy
Xp = -p^'xp^x ) 2

For 7 < 0, \x\ = p , p

N > - 7 + 2, y € S y we have

2 2N - 7
{e(x - y) } = | p " (ep 0 + e,p + . . . )(x 0 + p+...+Xl (**_, - yelp*

+ • • - + (*w-i ~ y ^ - i j p ^ " + •• - ? \
- L(y ,y\,... 0 , yN+1-2) - -e xlyx -,-i
0 +

where L does not depend on yN+-,-i- Then taking into account the formula
(3.13) of Sec. 4.3 for I = JV + 7 - 1 we have for the integral

p- £ E - E -p(2-i)

E exp f - — £ i y w 0 + 7 -i J= 0 .
Analysis on tke Field of p-Adic Numbers 57

Acting similarly we are convinced that in cases y > 1, | x j ft p* the p

desired integral equal to 0, and in the case 7 > 1, | x | = p i t is equal to p


j fcOO - y) )dy 2
= J X M* - y?)dy = •••
S ,y =*o
T 0 •S,,yo=io,yi=ii

j Xp (e(x ~ y) )dy2
J dy
S ,yo=x ,...
y 0 ,y-,-i=x -, y

= p 7 -( -l)-l7 = l i

owing to the formula (3.13) of Sec. 4,3 for I = 7 — 1.

E x a m p l e 2 . p # 2, |e| = 1, 7 € Z (see [215,218]) p

2 7 + 1
P^l-^Xpiep* ), *lp < P " , 7<0,
7 + Z
z| = p -
P . 7<0,
7 + 3
*IP>P~ . 7<0,
/ x (ep(x-y) )dy
K{£p)y/P-Xp(£px ),
2 *\P

*\p >P >

<P, 7 = 1 .
7 = 1.
Ap(erp)Vp\ 4>=P > T
0, x|p^P , 7 > 2 . 7


• Similar to the Example 1. Some peculiar are:

For 7 = 1, | x | < 1, y € Si we have p

2 2
|ep(x - 2 x y ) | = | e | | p | | i - 2 x y |
p P P p

< ^ max(|*| , |2xj/| ) < i max( 1,p) = 1 . p


2 2 2
X (cp(3! - y) ) = Xp(epy )x [£p{z
p P - 2xy)} = x (epy) . p


{spy } = | i ( e + £ip + .. .)(yo + yip + • • • ) | a

p 0 =
58 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

and owing to (3.10) of Sec. 4.3 and (*) the integral is equal to

i l<y <p-l
r (^f)
= E e x p ( 2 ^ ) - l = A ( p)Vp-l
p £

0<v <P-l
o ^ '

For 7 = 1, k l = P. y € 5 i we have

2 :
{ e p ( * - y ) } p = {^(eo + £iP + •••)[*<! - i / o + -yi)p+ ...]

and the integral is equal to

e x £ x 2
/ e x p ( — £ o ( x - y o ) M dy = 0 P (~ °( ° ~ f°) )
i i<!/ <p-i
0 '

= Y\ exp ( — e ( ^ o - yo) ) - exp ( — £ x\ 0

a j
O<V7<P-I ' V P /

= £ e x p
( 2 , r i
— ) -ex 27ri{epz } P
p = A (£p)^p -p x (epx )P

0<*<p-l \ P /

For 7 > 2, j « | = p , y £ Sp 7 we have

{£p(z-y) } p

2 r + 1
= {p* " } ( £ + £lP + . . . ) [ x - J f e + fci - * i ) p + • • -
0 0

2 7 Z 2
+ ( * 2 - 2 - y 2 - z ) p " + . . . ] }}p,
7 7

As in Example 1 the integral over that part of S where Xo ^ yo is equal y

to 0. Therefore the integral is equal over that part of S where xn = j/o. 7

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numlert 59

and so on. So we have

J X > M x - y) )dy 2
= j x {ep(x
- y) )dy =„ .

j Xp(ep(x - 2
y) )dy


Yl *p [ " - * _ = ^p(ep)VP •
= e 2 5 r i a

o<*<»-i p

Here we have used the formulas (3.13) of Sec. 4.3 for / = y — 1 and (*)

E x a m p l e 3. p = 2, |e| = l,y€Z 2 (see[239,218])

V-^iex ), 2
ss|a<i2^ +1
1 T<0,
-2^ {ex ) X2 i|2 = 2 - ^ , + !

0, I | >2-^+ ,
3 7 < 0 ,
z|2<l, 7=1,
/ X2(e(z 2
- y) )dy =
i, z|a = 2,
a| >4,
o, 2

V2X (e), 3
*|2=27, 7>2,
0, *b*2\ 7>2.
• Similar to Examples 1 and 2. Special cases are the following.
For 7 = 1, | x | < 1, y € Si we have

2 2
\e{x - 2xy)\ 2 < m a x ( | x | , \2xy\ ) < m a x ( l , - | y | j ) = 1 ,

{ey }2-{\(l + ei2 + --.)(l + y i 2+...f^ = \ +^ ,

and the integral is equal to

j X2^y )dy 2
= j exp [ 7ri Q + | 2 dy
Si 5 ,

—KM = <(-!)'
60 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

For 7 — 1) \z\v = 2, y E Si we have

\z(x~y) \ 2
2 = \(x-y) \ 2
2 = ^[(*i-!/i)2 + (* -i/ )4 + ...] 2 2
< 1

and the integral is equal to


For 7 > 2, | i | 2 = 2 \ y e S we have 7

H* - yfh = {2 _ 2 T
( 1 + M + . . . ) [ ( * , - !fi)2 + £ i - y )4 + .. . ] }
a 2

= L(y ,yi,...
0 .^37-4) - ^ ( ^ i - ai)»3r-8 1

and the desired integral is equal to

J xM* - y?)dy = f xM* - y) )dy 2

= •••
y i=»i, sg =13

v-.-J = ' i - a

For the last integral we have

{ e ( * - y) >2 = + Ei2 + . • • H K - j - y - i ) + 7 - *,)2 + . . . ] '

and hence the desired integral is equal to

y w» 2 , r i x
(^+Y)( 7-i-!/T-i) ;

= e x p ^ i Q + ^ ^ T - i - ^ - i )

2«t a

(M)]—h(l t)]
= l + i ( - i ) * * = v^A (e) . 2
Analysis on ike Field of p-Adic Numbers 61

Here we have used the formular (3.13) of Sec. 4.3 for I = y — 2. •

E x a m p l e 4. p = 2, |e|a = *> 7 G Z (see [239,218])

7 + 3
M»<2~ . 7 <0,
-2^- v (2« ) 1
k b = 2-r+», 7 <0,
o, |xb > 2 - » + , 7<0,

-1, Ma < I . 7=1,

1, Ma = 2, 7=1.

J X (2e(x - y) )dy
= A (2e),
2 Ma = . 4
5 T
0, Ma>8, 7 = 1,
2A (2e), 2 Ma<2. 7 = 2,

0, Ma > *. 7 = 2,

2A (2£), 2 Ma = 7 > 3,

0, Ma#2\ 7>3.
• Similar to Examples 1-3. Special cases are the following.
For 7 = 1, |z|2 = 4, y G Si we have

{2 (x - y) )
2 = j ^(1 + 2 + £ 4 . . . )[1 + (xi - 1)2 + (x - )4
£ l 3

(«, " l ) 2
, *1 -
a Vi +
+ +
1 4 2 '

and the integral is equal to

= exp

1 + i. a
.•"(-ir = A (2£) .
62 v-Aiic Antlytii and Mathematical Phytict

For 7 = 2, N
= 1 ,N <\,yeSi we have

= | i ( l +£ 2 + 4...)[-(l- 1 e 2 I / l ) 2 + ... + ( l - y _ ) 2 -
2 N
2 N
+ ...] J^ 2

= / I + £i + £ + ^ + ^ l

+ + 1
8 4 2

and the integral is equal to

/ e x p [ 2 « ( 1 + ^ + f ) ] rf = 2exp [ft* g + § + f ) ] = 2A (2 ) V 2 £

For 7 > 3, |ir| = 2"", 7 € S we have 2 7

Z l + 3
2- ( l + E I 2 + - . - ) [ ( * ! " » ) + (as - » ) 2 + . . .

+ («7-a + !/7-3)2 " + • - • + (Z2-,-4 - y 2 7 - 4 ) 2 " + .. /

7 4 21 5

and the integral is equal to

*T*1"1 !.-l- T-l

In the last integral we have


= | j ( l + e 2 + c 4 4 " ) [ « T - a - 1/7-2 +
1 2 - ^-1)2+.. . ] J 2

= £ [('7-3-Vr-a)*+4(«T-i - * r - i ) ' + - * r - i ) ( « r - a - 1*7-2)]

Analyst! on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 63

and the integral is equal to

S ,yi — c,,...
/ ,y _)=T -
y y 3
e x p
- irT-3) + 3
- y-i-i)2

= E E e X
P< j[(z7-2-!/7-2) + («7-l-S/7-l! a 4

+ 4(%_i - s f y _ i ) ( % _ - y - 2 ) + (2ci + e ) ( : r , _ - y - 2 ) ]
3 7 2 2 7

e ! A k e 2
E E *p { T l * + ^ + i +^ + *)* ]}
*=0,1; = 0,1 '

= 1 + e" + 2 e x P [ — ( 1 + 2ci + e ) = 2 ^ < - l ) ' ' i ' > = 2A (2£) a a

E x a m p l e 5. p # 2, | o | > p p
2 - 2 7
, 7 € Z

_ j X (a)\a\; \ p p (-£),
I Xp(ax + bx)dx =


• Let a = o~p~ where either a = e or a = ep, |e| = 1 (see Sec. 1.4). p

2 2 1
Under the condition |aj > p ' ' , either N > 1—7 (for c — t) or N > 2—j

(for IT = ep). Performing in the integral change of variables of integration

p~ x = y, dx = p~ dy we get

2 7
Xp (p- "cTX + bx)dx


= p~ N
J 2
Xp(vy -rl>P y)dy N

b p aw

= P~ Xp
64 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Using the formulas (1.1) for a = e, N + 7 > 1 and (1.2) for IT = ep,
N + 7 > we get for the desired integral the expressions

~ N x
> ("in") =
I 0
M*P)VP ^ I S
i f otherwise.
= P W + 7
. « = *

By combining these cases and taking into account that

1 = A (0, P P N
= K\ !
P \^\; N ,
= \a\ H<r = e,

A (n) = A M ,
p p p - ^ = \a\ >\ p p f~ = |a| i f <r = , p

we get the formulas (1-5). I

E x a m p l e 6. p = 2, | « | , > 2 " ' ', 7 e 2. 4 2 1

• Similar to Example 5 by using the formulas (1.3) and (1.4).

The formulas (1.5) and (1.6) admit unification.

E x a m p l e 7. |4a| > p " ' , 7 € Z. p

2 2 7

/ v p a i ' T t e ^ = < .. . (I- )

E x a m p l e 8. p / 2, \a\ = p p
1 - 2 7
, 7 S S.

7 + 1
H P < P - ,
7 + 2
H P > P " .

Analysis on ike Field 0/ p-Adic Numbers 65

2y 1 7 l
• As a = p e, |e| = 1 then after substitution p
p x = y the integral
takes the form
7 2
6p- +i\ l
7 *p 2ep
If l l < p " P
7 + 1
then ^ ~ < p, and we use the formula (1.2) for 7 = 1,
I r \p

2 3 I , + s
( b \ \ { 6 p~ ' Y

I f |6L > p " 7 + 2

then > p , and we use the formula (1.2) for 7 = 1,

2< P

2 s 0 t n e
kip 5 P - integral is equal to 0. •

2. The Gaussian integrals on the discs B y

E x a m p l e 9. p ft 2, 7 € 2
2 t
, f P ^ J W I P ) , K P < i,

y * < « = j X p i m ; v % (_£) Q ( p -. , K p * > L


27 2 2
• For |a|pP < 1, y € S we have | a x | = | a | k | < 1 hence 7 P P p

X ( a x ) = 1, and the formula (2.1) follows from the formula (3.1) of Sec. 4.3

j x (bx)dx P
= p fi(p |6|p) . 7

2 7 m 2 2 7 2
Let now H p ? > 1, \a\ = p " \ JV = 1, 2 , . . . , a = s p " " , |c|p = 1, p

Performing the change of variable of integration

N y N N y N
x = p ~ y, dx = p->~ dy, \y\ = p ~ \x\ < p we get p p

P<- N
j Xp{zy +p -*by)dy 2 N

= 7
"" £
N 2 N y

fxp(p -''by)dy+ [ Xp(ey +p - by)dy
66 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

For | | | p > pT, i.e. \h\p > \a\ pi = p™~\ we have \p -<b\ = p p

y N N 2 1 2
p ~ \b\ p > p. Taking in account that in (2.2) \e\ p ' ' > p , i = P

1,2,... ,N we conclude owing to the formulas (3.1) of Sec. 4.3 and (1.7)
that all integrals i n (2.2) are equal to 0, and the formula (2.1) is proved in
this case.
For | £ I P < P , i-e- I P *
" 7
^ < P • the integral in the left-hand side of
(2.2) takes the form (2.1):
P~ X N

= K Xr

because the integrals under sign of sum are equal to 0.

2 7 2N l 2 2 1
The case | | p > 1, \a\ = p ~ ~ \
a p N = 1,2,..., a = e p ^ " ^ , p

= 1 is considered analogously, owing to the formulas (3.1) of Sec. 4.3

and (1.8). •

E x a m p l e 10. p = 2, y £ %,

JX2(ax 2
+ bx)dx

7 7 27
2 fl(2 |6| ), 2 |n| 22 < 1,
1 / 2 1 7 27
A (a)|2«j
2 2 X 2 ( - £ ) 6(\b\ - 2 " ) , 2 |al 22 = 2,
1 / 2 7 27
A ( )| 2 a 2 a |- X 2 (-£)fl(2 |6| ), 2 |a| 22 = 4, ( 2 3 )

1 / 2 2 7
A («)|2a|-
2 X 2 ( - £ ) 0 (2-7 , |«| 23 > 8,
l i f T
tfU T» / H>=P >
Analysis on the Field oj p-Adic Numbers 67

• Similar to the Example 9. The cases \a\ 2 "> = 2 and |n| 2 "' = 4 are 2

considered specifically. •

The formulas (2.1) and (2.3) admit the inification.

Example 11. 7 € 2

/ Xp {ax +bx)dx

f P'toWK), \a\ p
p < I,
- { \ W)l2aS*'%
p ( - £ ) n ( -<\l\ ),
P p m *>
pP > L { 2 A )

3. The Gaussian integrals on Q p

E x a m p l e 12. a / 0

j XP(™ 2
+ bx)dx = U«)Mp X* ( m
~ S • (3-1)

I t follows from the formula (2.3) by 7 —* 00.

Note that a formula similar to (3.1) is valid in the real case Q m = IE :

J X o(ax
+ bx)dx = X ( )\2a\Z Xoo^-^y
00 a :


ial™ = M , X » ( * ) = e x p ( - 2 i r i x ) and
Aoo(a) = exp I - ' 7 signal = < (3.3)
V 4 / { Ifi , f a< 0.

• The formula (3,2) follows from the classical formula

y e x p ( - t a a - ibx)dx = A ( a ) | 2 a | " ' e x p J^i—J ,

l 2
a/ 0.

• (3.4)
68 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

4. Further Properties of the Function X (a)


We prove the equality

X (a)X (b)
p p = X (a + b)X (^p p + ^j , a,b,a + b€%. (4.1)

It follows from the formula (3.1)

/x (°-x )dx J Xp{h )dy 2
= X (a)X (b)\2a\-^\2b\-
P p

= J x (*(x P
- y) )xp(h )d*dy 2
=J j x M * - y ? + 2
h ]dxdy

= JX {*z )dx P
j Xp [(a + b)y 2

= j X (ax )X (a P p + b)\2a + 2b\;^ Xp ( - ~ ) dx

= X„(a + b)\2a + Zbf j (^^) ^


= A ( + p a fc)|2 -r2i.| - A
a p p ( j

= X( p a + b)X ( ^ ± * ) P
|2a|- /'|26r / 1 2

Integrals entering in this chain of equalities extend in fact over discs of

finite radii (depending on a and 6) (see Sec. 4.1). Hence use of the Fubini
Theorem is justified here. •

The following adelic formula is valid

Ma) = l , (4.2)
Analysis on tke Field of p-Adic Numbers 69

• The product (4.2) converges for all rational numbers a -ft 0, as only a
finite number of factors in it differs from the unity. Let a rational number
a ft 0 have a form

a = ±2°"p? pj' » • « * . 0 = 0 , 1 , . . . , n)

where 2 , p i , p , . . . , p „ are relatively prime numbers.


Owing to the relations

X (a)X (-a)
p p = 1, A ( n c ) = \{a),
p 2 < p < oo

i t is sufficient to prove the formula (4.2) for numbers a of the form

0 , 0
a = 2 pip ...p ,
2 n 0*0 = 0 , 1 ,

so that Aoo(a) = exp(—i^).

Let aa = 0. Denote by i , 0 < / < n a number of prime numbers of
the form AN -f- 3 in the set (pi,P2, - - • ,Po) so n — / is a number of prime
numbers of the form AN + 1 in this set. Note that the product of numbers
of the form 4JV + 1 is again a number of the same form, but the product of
numbers of the form AN + 3 ic of the form 4JV + 1 i f a number of factors
are even and it is of the form AN + 3 i f a number of factors is odd. Then
we have

X (a) = i [ l
2 + (-l)'i], X (a) = 1 i f p
p ? j j = 1,2,...,«

( i
i f Pj — 1 (mod 4),
- if Pj = 3 (mod 4).


f r i p *

£ M«)=«p(-*f)^ti+*(-i)V n (4.3)
2<p<oo l<j<ti
70 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Pkysxcs

Taking into account properties of the Legendre symbol i n particular the

reciprocity law (see [204])

where p and q are prime odd numbers we get

• n fj=n
= n h>" = (-1) (4.4)

From here and (4.3) the formula (4.2) follows

l i l 2
A (a) = e x p ( - ^ ) - ^ [ l
p + i(-l)']i'(-l) ^ = l 1 (= 0,1,....

Let now a = 1. Denotefeyh ^ Js, 0 < l j +fa+ fa < n a number of


prime numbers of the form 8/^+3, 8JV+5, &N + 7 in the set (pi,p2. • • • iPn)
respectively. Note the product of numbers of the form + 1 is a number of
the same form, but the product of numbers of the form 87V -+ j(j = 3, 5,7)
is of the form 8JV + 1 i f a number of factors are even and is of the form
SN + j(j ~ 3, 5,7) if a number of factors are odd. Therefore

l+i if e v e n OT
^ h,b,h h,h,h odd,
^ i f i i odd J2J3 even or /1 even, / , / odd,

Ha) =
2 3

if h odd, (1,(3 even or l even, 11,(3 odd, 2

^ if / odd, i i , / even or f even, h,l odd;
a 2 3 2

if P> = 1 (mod 4),

A » p =

if Pj = 3 (mod 4),

A (a)=l, p i£p?% PyiPi, j = l,2,...,«.

Analyiii on ike Field of p-Adic jVumSerj 71

Thus acting like in (4.4) and using the formula (4.7) of Sec. 1.4 we get

n M*)=> '>n +
H 1+fc
n(£] n (
-^fe-u* n fejte)
f ) ( + 1
= t''+^(-i)'-+''(-i)'''" '" a ' ''''' = (_i)'i+'=+id+' ) _ 3

From this formula using (4.5) we obtain the formula (4.2)

A,(a) = exp ( - 4 ) A (a)(-1)'^H«

2 1 + M'= 1 . •

R e m a r k . A function similar to A (a) has been considered by A. Weil


[225] for locally compact fields. Its particular expressions for the fields
Qp are contained in papers [215,239,3,182,151]. The function A (a) is con- p

nected with the Hilbert symbol (see [37]}.

By definition the Hilbert symbol (a, b), a,b € Q* is equal to + 1 or - 1
5 2 2
subject to i f the form o r + by — z represents 0 in the field Q or not, p

The Hilbert symbol obeys the properties (see [37]):

2 2
<a,6) = ( M , ( a « , & / , ) = (a,&),
( a , - a ) = 1, (aja2.ii) = ( a i , 6 ) ( « 2 , t )

and for p ^ 2

(e.d) = 1, (p,e) = f ^ j , |e| = [Slip = 1 ,


(a,-S) = sgn a, f £ £ Q ; see (2.4) of Sec. 3.2).

The following formula is valid:

A (a)A„(&) = (a,&)A (a&),

p p a,6e<£ . (4.6)

• Let p ft 2. Owing to the properties of the Hilbert symbol and the

function A ( a ) , i t is sufficient to prove the equality (4.6) for the following

cases (see Sec. 1.2):

72 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

1) a = b = £, 4) a = e, b = p,
2) a = 6 = p, 5) a = £, 6 = ep,
Z)a = b = ep, 6) a = p, b = ep, \e\ = 1,p

that can be done by means of elementary calculations.

From the formula (4.6) for b = — ea it follows the formula

\{a)\ {-ea)
p = sgn a\ (-e),
t p (4.7)

obtained in paper [182].

5. Example 13. p±2 (see [206])

= ( -j)
N; 1 / a
5 (ifll; , 1
,7(«) even, (5.h)

7(a) odd, (5-l )

1 3
if | . | < l a j " ' ;

1 3
if N|p > l < ' . (5.1 )

Here the function S"(a,g) is defined by the formula

t!fl_o»+i) k|<l. (5.2)

0<*<oo v
* ' 0<f<oo

From the equality (5.1a) i t follows the asymptotes

j e-K ( ( -y) )dy Xp a x


4 3
P +P a 3 s
p + 1l * l p * > g ' ) + 0(|x|- ), - oo . (5.3)
Analysit on the Field of p-Adie Numbers 73

• Let 7(a) be even, |a| = p , p

N € 2 . Then |a| > p p
2 - 2 7
if 7 > -7V+1.
The integral is equal to

E /
Js y
X (a(x-yf)dy


= X (ax ) P £ e - ' " / »<-2a«i,)<.y

1-AT<7<« y

1 / 2 N 2
For | J : | < |a|
p p= p~ we have x ( a * ) = 1, x ( - 2 a z y ) = 1 , » C P p

7 < -TV, j ^ l p = | z | 7
p , 7 > —JV + 1, and by virtue of the formulas

(5.4) and (1.7) the integral is expressed by the formula (5.1i):

-co<7<-JV / v r
' -eo<7<-«

-H) E -'-V^=(i-i),-" E
v 7 v r /
^ N<y<oo 0<7<™
1 / 2 7
= ( I - ; ) W P - E ^"V

1 / 2 N M N+l
For | x | > \a\
p p= p~ we have |2ax| = p > jr , and by virtue of p

the formulas (5.4), (1.7) and (3.2) of Sec. 4.3 the integral is equal to (5.1 ); 3
74 p-Adic Analysis and Maihtmaiical Physics

. — oo
E < 7 < - M
" jdy + e " "" J M )
| x f-2Mj*)rf»

+2-Af E<7<-W ,-p


+ E
,-p y X (ay - P

2 7 2 M
= (I- X p (az ) £ ^^P - Xp(^ )p- e

7 5 :

+ |ax| V p f a ^ ) 2 ^ p- e-IHr-^_ -P l-l,- e


Let 7(a) be odd, \a\ = p , NGZ. Then \a\ > p "

2 N + l
2 2 7
if 7 > + 1
and |a| = p ' ' " if 7 = —A . The integral is equal to
1- 1 r

X (a* )

-p y Xp{ay - 2

1-JV<7<CO 5^

1 / 2 1 2
For | i [ < |a(p
p i.e. | i | p < p""" we have ^ ( a x ) = 1,

XP(-2aiy) = 1, y e S , T 7<-JV-l,

By virtue of the formulas ( 1 . 7 ) and ( 1 . 8 ) the integral ( 5 . 5 ) is expressed

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic jVumterj 75

by the formula (5.1a):

a 2
M )x (-o* ) - ^=

-oo< <-W-l 7

M«) - —

w M w 2
Tor | i | > p - we have |2az| = p > p + . By virtue of the formulas
p p

(1.7), (1.8) and (3.2) of Sec. 4.3 the desired integral ( 5 . 5 ) is expressed by
the formula (5.1a):

£ e"* fdy + e-'* -" ^ x (-2axy)dy

L-co<7<-JVf 5 ^ S!_ M

2 - M <7<oo

7 M Mi
= v ( p M
) 1-i) E^""V -p- e-^-
L v *> T=M

+ e -K^(^| |-^ 0 X ( ,(-oa

2 l r
-xp(™ )\™\; e-^™ '' •
N N+l
For \x\ = p~ we have | 2 a i | = p ,
P and owing to the formulas (1.7) p

and (1.8) the integral ( 5 . 5 ) is expressed again by the formula (5.I3):

X (az )
E eWl-lV+e-'- " / {ay*
Xv - 2axy)dy
. -oo<7< 1 K V J

+ e
J X (iy P
- 2axy)dy

M°)Xp{-ax )
+ e -Kv ( * )|a|rV3 p a
- —
76 v-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Phyiici


E x a m p l e 14. p = 2 (see [2391)

/ e-M'> 2(a{z-y) )dy


= l-iri\a\?>\-W + i\ \- ^S
a 2 ( K 1
^ ) , |.|, < W - (5.60
1 / a

I) , |x| =

= \a\?'%~W + J(-l)*|-e«»5 (|«| -S

2 a 2|a (5.6 ) 2

if 7(a) is even;

1/2 a 1
+ N/2A ( )|a| - e- l"l>',
! a 2 ( . b i ^ M i " " . (5.6 )3

|*U - l « l a ( 5 . 6 4 )

= 5 $ f M « W * * ( * F . j ) , l » b - V W ,

if 7(0) is odd;

1/a 1 1 6 a
= v^A (a)|a|2 « - > - ' 3 + M ^ l t " ' ) [ s f ^ M j , ± ) - 2 e - l « l > ] ,

l*b > 2 | a | -
3 . (5.6 )6

The integrals (5.6) are calculated in a similar way to integrals (5 1) for

Analysis on ike Field oj p-Adic Numbers 77

From the formula (5.6e) i t follows the asymptotics

K|a-*.oo . (5.7)

6. Analysis of the Function S(a,q)

The function S(a, q) is denned by the formula (5.2).

The function $(a,q) is entire on a, real for real a (and positive for
q > 0) and satisfies the functional equation

e-° = S(a,q)-qS(c<q\q) . (6.1)

It has asymptotics

o ,
S(a,q)-.e-° + 0(e- '> l a - -oo, ( | j < 1),
S (6.2)
S(a,q) ~ -^C(ln« l 9 ) + 0(e-"/' ), a - oo(0 < « < 1) ,

ifAere zAe function

1 2 l e
C(x,q) = e' £ S e- *«", - o o < z < oo (6.4)
— 0O<jfc<00

is rea/ analytic positive 2| In g|-penWic.

I The listed properties of the function 5 ( a , g ) , except the asymptotics

(6.3), follow directly from the representation (5.2).
We shall prove the asymptotics (6.3). Let us represent the function 5 in
the form

a , W
S( ,q)=
a £ **«- - E r*«-*"" • <">
- DO<lb<fO l<t<oo
78 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

If we set a = e* and use the function C ( r , g ) (see (6.4)) then we get

from (6.5)
S{a,q) = -Lc{\na,q)-1>( ) a (6.6)

where the remainder term


satisfies the estimates

a / j 3 o / j 5
-e- < 0(a) < C , e - , a >2

and the function C(x, q) is T — 2|ln g|-periodic,

C(* + T , ) = e ^
9 £ g * -*- V*

— oo<k <oo
a ,
= -/
e a £ ,'-v« "-" ! S c(«, ).

— oo< t<oo

From the formulas (5.11), ( 5 . 1 ) , 2 (5,6i), (5.63) i t follows the asymptotics

as \a\ - * 00

f ( l - j ) C (in |a|-», i ) + O f e - ^ H r ' ) , 7(a) even,

\ ( l - i ) C (in K 1
- Inp, I ) + 0(\a\; e-^-,'), 1,2
7 ( ) odd.


V I . Generalized Functions ( D i s t r i b u t i o n s )

The theory of generalized functions on any locally compact group was

presented by F. Bruhat, [43] and on a locally compact disconnected field
by I.M.Gelfand, M.I.Graev and I.I.Pjatetskii-Shapiro [82]. Here we expose
the following [206] bases of this theory adapted to the field Q (and to the p
Anatyiis on the Field of p-Adic Number) 79

space Qp). This theory in many aspects is similar to the corresponding

theory on the space E™ but there are some essential distinctions.

1. locally Constant Functions

A complex-valued function f(x) denned on Q is called locally-constant p

if for any point r 6 Q there exists an integer l(x) £ 2 such that


f(x + z')=f(z), k'|p<p'<*>.

The set of locally-constant functions on Q we denote by £ = €(Q ). p P

It is clear that any function from £ is continuous on Qp. The set £ is

linear over the field C.

L e m m a 1. Let f € £ and K be a compact in Q . p Then there exists

I € 2 such that

f(z + z') = f(z), W\ <p>,

P z€K .

• Let K is contained in a disc Bfj. I t is sufficient to prove the Lemma 1

for the compact B?j. By the Heine-Bore! Lemma (see Corollary 5 from the
Lemma 3 of Sec. 1.3) from the covering { S | ( ) ( z ) , x € BN} of the compact

BN it is possible to choose a finite disjont subcovering

{S 1 ( t t ) ( x * ) , fc = l , 2 , . . . , M } .

k k
Let us denote I = min l(x ). Then for any point x € Bn t^(x ) x and for all
x' € Bi we have

k k
f(x + x') = f(x +x-x + x') = f(x)


I * - * * + x'\ p < ffiaxfj* - z% \x'\ )
p < m a x ^ ' V ) = p'< "> . •

1. | x | € £ .

2. |a:|ptt(p |;r|p) £ £ , 7 ^ 2 , where f!(() = 1, 0 < i < 1, 12(0 = 0 , 0 1.

80 -p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Phyeict

3. xM> x (* ) e £

4. 6(xa - k) £ £, k = 1,2,... ,p - 1, where S(x - k) — I , x = k, 0 0

6(x -k) 0 = 0, xayik.

5. Let K be a clopen set in Q (see Sec. 1.3) and 9 j r ( ) be its char-

acteristic function: 0jr(x) = ± 1 , * € iff, 0 (:c) = 0, x £ i f . Then K

Denote by At(x) the characteristic function of the disc Bt • A t f ) =
Sl(p- \x\ ),k€Z.

L e m m a 2. Every function f from £ in every disc fljv is represented in

the form
f(x)= £ f(«")Mz-* ), x€B N (1.2)
i<k< "-'p

v N
where I G Z and a" € 5jv sucA that the discs Bi(a ), v = 1,2 p ~'
form the canonical covering of the disc Bp/-

• By the Lemma 1 there exists a number / € Z, such that

f(x + x') = f(x), x&B , N x'EB,.

By / = N the statement of the Lemma is obvions (by a = 0). Let / < N.
Owing to Sec. 1.3 (the example 2) the disc Bjy can be covered by disjont
discs Bi(a"), v = 1,2,... ,p ~' with centers a" of the form

1 v r r 1
a = 0, a = p- (a 0 +a +
lP .. . + a _,_ p -^ )
r l l r = N, N - 1 , . . . , / + 1

(the canonical covering of the disc Bfj). Therefore

l, xeB N

l<v<p"-' ^ > U x$ B. N

Hence the equality (1.2) is valid:

f(x) = E /(«)*<« -•**) = E A

/ K ) < ( * - a"), >e 5 W .
I<h<P -' n
i<n<p -' w
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 81

Convergence in S we define by the following way: ft —> 0 , k —• oo in S

if for any compact K C Q P

f (x)
h 'Mo, k^oo.

2. Test Functions

n = 1. We call a (est function every function from £ with compact

The set of test functions is linear, we denote it by U = X>(Q ). P

Let ip £ T>. Then by the Lemma 1 of Sec. 6.1 there exists / € 2 , such
tp(x + x') = <p(x), x' e Bf, x € Q •P

Such largest number I we call the parameter of constancy of a function

Let us denote by V' = VjvfQp) the set of test functions with support

in the circle Bfi and with parameter of constancy > \.

The following imbedding is true:
V CV%„
N N < N',l < I' .

E x a m p l e s . 1. A (x) € V , 7 € 2 .

2. 6(\x\ - p>) e VI- , 7 e Z , where


- M i
3. i ( i - k)6(\x\ - p ) £ l ? , )t = 1,2,... , p - 1, 7 € 2 , where the
0 p
1 7 - 1

function 6(x(, — it) is defined by the formula (1.1).

4. I f i f is a clopen set then fljr 6 V.
5 . £ {x) p{x)
h X G P , / = min( ,0), 7 ^ 2 .
7 7

By the Lemma 2 of Sec. 6.1 every function ip from V' is represented in N

the form
*K*)= E -<•"). *€Q P (2.2)
i<u< "-' p

for some a" (E SJV, which do not depend on <p and such that the discs
v N
Bi(a ), v = 1,2,... ,p ~', are disjont and cover the disc Bjt-
82 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

From here it follows that the space T>' is finite-dimensional, its dimen-

sion is p ; the functions
A,( -a»),
X v=l,2,...,p ->

form an orthogonal basis in "Dy.

Convegence in V we define by the following way: y>k —* 0, k —> oo in V

(i) 'Pk £ f V ° e r e N and / do not depend on fc,

(ii) m — ' 0, k - oo.

This convergence assigns the Schwartz topology in D.
The space T> is complete i.e. for every convergent in itself sequence
{ipk, fc —* oo), ipi, £V, <p>, — f \ —• 0, k,l —* oo in V, there exists a function
ip G V such that ipi- —* it —» oo in T>.
From the definitions it follows directly

V = l i m indU^r, V N = lim mcYD' N (2.3)

Now we shall prove: 2?(Q ) is dense in C(K)*p

• Let / (E C(JC) and e be an arbitrary positive number.

There exists a number 7 G 2 such that \f(x)-f(a)\ < e if a: G B ( a ) f l K , 7

a G X . As the compact 7f can be covered by a finite number of disjoint discs

B (a )
y (see Corollary 3 from the Lemma 3 of Sec. 1.3) the characteristic
functions A (x — a ) of these discs obey the property

£ A , ( i - 0 = l, zGif, (2.4)

besides A ( x — a") G V (see Example 1). Therefore


A(*) = £ / K ) A ( z -
7 a ')ei'

and owing to (2.4)

l l / - A I | c ( K ) < max < e $ > ( * - a " ) = e.



" The definition of the space C ( / f ) see in Sec. 4.1

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 83

Let O be an open set in Q . The space of test functions V{0) is defined


as a set of test functions from £>(Q ) — V which supports are contained


in O. The space V(O) is the subspace of the space V\ its properties are
similar to the properties of V as in the case of the field H (see [205]).
V(0) is dense in L (0), 1 < p < oo.

• I t follows from the facts that V(0) is dense in C(K) and C(K) is dence
in L {0) where K is an arbitrary compact contained in O (see Sec. 4.1).

In the space T>(0) the T h e o r e m o n " d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f u n i t y " is

valid: let an open set 0 be a union of no more than a countable set of
disjoint circles,

Then their characteristic functions A (xyk — a ), k = 1,2,... form a de-
composition of unity in O,

E A ^ ( z - * ) = l,
a xeO. (2.5)

In conclusion we shall prove the following

L e m m a . In order thai (fy —# Q jfe —* 00 in T>, it is necessary and


sufficient that the condition (i) and one of the conditions

( h i ) <p {_x) — 0, k — oo, x G Q ,
k p

( h ) / <p (x)<p(x)dx -> 0, * - » oo, <p G V

2 k

are satisfied.

• The conditions ( h i ) and ( i i ) are necessary. Let us prove their suffi-


ciency. From the condition (i) and ( i i i ) it follows the condition (ii) by virtue
of representation (2.2). I t remains to prove that from the conditions (i) and
( i i ) it follows condition ( i i i ) Let it be not the case. By the condition (i)

<Pk G i k = 1,2,... . Then there exists a subsequence {<pt,,' —* oo} such

that for some point a G fijv, —* C ft Q, i —* oo (a number C may be
84 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

infinite). Then for the test function ip = Ai(x — a) we have a contradictory

chain of equalities:

lim / tp (x)&i(x
k - a)dx = 0 = l i m / tp (x)Sl(p~'\x
ki - a\ )dx

*-.oo J '-•aoj

= lim I <p (x)dx = l i m tp {x)

k kt / dx = Cp' / 0 . •
1-.CO J woo J
Btti) B|(«)

3, Genera/iied f u n c t i o n s ("Distributions^, n = 1
v4 generalized function (distribution) f : we call every linear functional
f onV, f :<p -» (/,?>), p € 2 > . TAis set me denote by P ' = P ' ( Q ) . 2>' is P

a Jinear set: linear combination A / + / 1 J of generalized functions / and j

from I>' (A and u are any complex numbers) is defined by the equality

(\f + ttg,<p) = \{f,<p) + l*(g,<p), <peV .

Convergence in V : we define as the weak convergence of functional: f —* k

0, * — oo in V iff (f ,<f) k - O . i - o o ^ e H .

L e m m a . If A is a linear operator from V into a linear topological space

M then operator A is continuous from D into M.

• Let ip —* 0, fc —* oo in V. Then -p € V
k k N for some JV and / and owing
to the representation ( 2 . 2 ) of Sec. 6,2

M * ) = £ M«")M* - O . B
-* M .
l<u<p -'

From here by virtue of linearity of the operator A it follows that A is


A<p (x) =
k £ ? t ( a ) i 4 A 0 - a") — 0,
I it -» oo in M . •

From the Lemma it follows that 7?' is the set of linear continuous func-
t i o n a l on V, i.e. the space V is a strongly conjugate space to the space Z>.
Anatyiit on the Field of p-Adic Numbcri 85

Therefore by the study of the space 2?' it is possible to use general theorems
of the functional analysis. I n addition the theory is essentially simplified
in comparison with the corresponding theory over the field K {cf. [205]):
i t is sufficient to verify the linearity of functionals, their continuity follows
The space V is complete.

• Let a sequence {ft,k —* 00} of functional ft G V converge in itself,

/ k - / j — 0, t , / — c o i n D ' , i.e.

Hence there exists a number C(<p) such that

Em ( f t , ^ = £ % > ) • (3.1)
k — co
It is clear that the functional C(<p) is linear, and thus it belongs to V. We
put C(>p) = (f,p), f £ V, tp € T>. The equality (3.1) shows that f -> f, k

fc 00 in Z>'. •

Every function / G defines a generalized function / G V by the

(/,?) = j f{x)<p(x)dx, tpeV. (3.2)

The correspondence (3.2) between functions f £ and generalized func-

tions f G V is one-to-one.
A degeneralized function / vanishes on an open set O, f(x) = 0, x G O,
r a u
if ( / , v ) = 0 f ° V £ P ( O ) . Analogously the equality of generalized
functions / and g i n 0, f(x) — g{x) = 0, x G O, is defined.
Since in 27 a "decomposition of unity" is valid (see Sec. 6.2) then the
notion of support of a generalized function / is introduced by the standard
way, like to the case of the field ffi. We denote support / by supp / ; x €
supp / means that / does not vanish in any neighborhood of the point x.

E x a m p l e 1 . The Dirac o-function

{6,<p) = r(0), >fi<=V . (3.3)

* The definition of Z,. see in Sec. 4.1.
86 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

It is clear that supp 6 = { 0 } .

Conversely, every f £ V for which supp / = {0} is represented in the
form f = C6 where C is a constant.

• Let tp € V and I be its parameter of constancy (see Sec. 6.2), so

that <p(x) = ^(0), \x\ < p . Let ff be another function from V such that

rj(x) = 1, \x\ < 1. Then we have


(/, v) = if, w) = <M(f, i ) = c(6, v), a=(/,»>). •

E x a m p l e 2.
k k
M * ) = P n(p \x\ ) p - S(x), k —* co in D' (3.4)

• Let tp £ V and ( be its parameter of constancy. Then for all k > —I

we shall have

(«*,*>) = JP n( \x\ )<p(x)dx k

p =P
J <p(x)d
= V(0) J
P dx = (0) . - (6,<p) .

R e m a r k . The limiting relation (3.4) is equivalent to the following one

j b {x)-p{x)dx
l — <p(Q), i-^co^eP. (3.4')
The limiting relation (3.4') is valid also for all functions <p continuous at
the point x = 0.

4. Linear Operators in Z>'

Linear operators in V are defined as conjugate ones to corresponding

linear operators in V: Let A be a linear operator from V into V then its
conjugate operator A' : V —• V is defined by the formula

[A'f,<p) = (f,A<p), peP,/eD', (4.1)

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 87

It is clear that A'f £ P ' and ,-1* is linear and thus by the Lemma of Sec. 6.3
i t is a continuous operator from V into V.
A specific expression for the operator A* we get by using the formula
(4.1) to functions / £ L]^ after performing the integral (see (3.2))

if,A<$ = j f(x){Ay>)(x)dx

to the form (A' f,<p).

According to what has been said a product af, a £ £, f £ V is denned
by the formula
(«/» = (/,«¥>), V€V. (4.2)

E x a m p l e 1. a(x)6(x) = a{0)6(x).

E x a m p l e 2. I f / £ V and supp f C B N then

/ - M * ) / . (4.3)

E x a m p l e 3. I f / £ V and supp / is a clopen set then

/ = <W(z)/ (4.4)

where f upp/ is the characteristic function of the set supp / (see Example

5 of Sec. 6.1).
Linear change of variable y = ax + 6, a ^ 0 in a generalized function
f(y) in accordance with the formula (4.1) is defined by the equality

(/(«+ =(/(»). V€V. (4.5)

E x a m p l e 4. (6(x - x°),tp) = <p(x°).

We denote by f(x) = f(—x) the reflection operation f(x) —• f(—x) in
V (o = - 1 , 6 = 0 in (4.5)).
88 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

E x a m p l e 5. 6(x) = 6(x) is even.

Denote by £' = £'(Q ) the strongly conjugate space to the space £, i.e.

the space of linear continuous functionals on £. I t clear that £ ' C W,

T h e o r e m . In order that a generalized function f from V belongs to £'

it is necessary and sufficient that supp / is compact.

• Sufficiency immediatly follows from the formula (4.3).

Necessity, Let / G £' and supp / be an unbounded set in Q . Then p

k k
there exists a sequence of points {x , k = 1 , 2 , . . . } , x £ supp / , such that
—» oo, k —*. oo. I t means that there exist neighborhoods By(x ),
fk < 7 and functions <pv G T>{B (x )) such that {f,<pk) = 1, k —* 1,2, —

On the other hand <pt —t Q,k—r 0o in B (see Sec. 6.1) and hence ( / , ft) —* 0,
k —> oo. The contradiction shows that the supp / is bounded. •

Let O be an open set in Q . The space T>'(0) is the set of linear (and

hence continuous) functionals on V{0).

If 0 is a clopen set then every f G D'(0) admits an extention F G

• I n this case 8o(x) G £ (see Example 5 of Sec. 6.1), and a required

extention F is given by the formula

(F,<p) = (f,0o<p), <pev m

E x a m p l e 6. The function

e- ''eiUQp\{0}},

( ,
and therefore it belongs to f ' ( Q p \ { 0 } ) . I t admits an extention (regulari-
sation) from V by the formula

(/o,V>)= f e-^[p(x)->p(Q))dx-r j e
-W <p(x)dx

This fact does not occur in the case of the field ffi (cf. [205])!
Analyait on the Field of p-Adic Numbtrt 89

Every generalized function / £ T>'{Q) admits the restriction fe> £

V'(0') on any open set O' C G by the rule

(fo',v) = (M, <P€V(0').

Conversely, in the space V'(0) t h e T h e o r e m o n "picewise s e w i n g "

is valid: let an open set O he a union of no more than a contable set of
disjoint discs B k(a ),
y k = 1,2,..., and let f £ ^ ( ^ ( a * ) ) . Then there k

exists a unique f 6 V'{0) such that / B ( O * ) = f , k = 1,2, T J J t

• I t follows from the Theorem on "decomposition of unity" of Sec. 6.2.

The desired function / is denned by the formula

f(x) = ^A *(z-a*)M4,
y x £ O . M

5. Test and Generalized Functions (Distributions), n > 1.

The theory of test and generalized functions in Qjj, n > 1 (see Sec. 1.7)
is constructed similar to one in QP, all results in a suitable reformulation
remain valid. The ball (see Sec. 1.7)

B (a)
y = [x £ Q ; : \x - a\ < p*], p a = (a a ...
u 7l ,a )

is the product of discs B-,(a{),

B (a) = B( )
7 y ai x B , ( a ) x . . . x B (a )
2 y n . (5.1)

The parameter of constancy I (see Sec. 6.2) is a vector, I = ( l i . / j , . . . ,l ), n

where fj is a parameter of constancy with respect to the variable Xj, j =

1,2,... , n; / = min lj .
The formula (2.2) of Sec. 6.2 takes the form: every / £ T>' , I = N

(li,h, - •• , I ) is represented in the form


E ^ )A {xi-a\)..-A (x -a" ),
h K n n x£®" p

£ '*
for some a" = (a\ , a , . . . oJJ) € Bjv which does not depend on ip.
90 p-Adic Analyeii and Mathematical Phyaici

For l i = / = . . . = /„ = / the formula (5.2) owing to (5.1) takes the form


V(*) = £ ^"JAit*-"") (5.2')

i<i/< " -"' P

where A | ( z — o ) is the characteristic function of the ball fl|(a").
In the Fourier-transform theory the form x£ must be replaced on the
scalar product (x,£) = xrfi + .x„t;„.

6. The Direct Product of Generalized Functions

Let generalized functions / g and g £ 2>'(Qp") be given. Their
direct product is defined by the formula

< / 0 ) x ?(!,), v») = ( / f r ) , 0 r M . ^ . a J ) ) > v e ftO"*" ). 1


As by virtue of the representation (5.2) of Sec. 6.5 a test function ip from

1 +
2 ( Q p " ' ) is represented in a finite sum of the form

rt«.¥) = X>*(*)ifc(v). P*€D(Q;), v*€P(Qp"), (6.2)

then the operator p — (a(y), <p{x, y)) is linear from V(Q ) into D ^ ) , p

and thus the functional on the right-hand side of (6.1) is linear on V(Q ). p

Hence / ( r ) x ( y ) € X>'(Qp " )- Further owing to (6.1) and (6.2) we have

l+ 1

+ m
( / ( * ) x g(y% ) 9 = £ ( / , p ) ( , ^ ) = (9(y) x /(»),*»),
t S p £ P(Q; )

so the direct product is commutative:

f(x)x (y)
3 = g{y)xf(x) (6.4)

Firom (6.3) i t follows also that the direct product f(x)xg(y) is continuous
with respect to the joint factors / and g; i f fk —• 0, k —• oo in Z>'(QJJ) and
3fc— 0, k -» oo in f ' ( Q p " ) then f x g -* 0, k — oo in T > ' ( Q £ ) .
k k
+ M

Note that for g = 1 the equality (6.4) is equivalent to the equality

f(x), J p(x,y)dy
l = j(f(x) p(x,y))dy, }t <p £ V(Q£+ ) m
. (6.5)
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 91

E x a m p l e . 6(x) = 6(xi) x ^ ( x i ) x . . . x S(a;„).

The direct product f(x) x g(y) of generalized functions f(x) from V'(0),
O C Qp and g(y) from T>'(0'), 0 ' C Q " is denned by the similar way.

7. The "Kernel" Theorem

Remind that every linear operators and functionals defined on V is con-

tinuous {see Sec. 6.3).
+ m
Every generalized function F from P ' ( Q p ) defines the linear operator
: <f> £ D ( Q ^ ) D'fQp") by the formula

(A<p,ib) = (F,<p(x)tb(y)), ^€P(Q "),p VGD(Q F ). (7.1)

The inverse statement is also true.

T h e o r e m . Let B(<p,tp), tp £ ?>(%), V> e P(Qp") be a bilinear func-

+ 1
tional. Then there exists an unique generalized function F G P ' ( Q p " )
such that

(F, = BM), p € P(Q "), p ^ g 7J(Qp") . (7.2)

• As every * ( x , y) from Z > ( Q p ) is represented in a finite sum of the
form (6.2) then the bilineaT functional B(<p,ip) defines some linear func-
1+m +m
on T > ( Q p ) , and thus F G V'(Q^ ). The generalized function F satisfies
the equality (7.2). I t is clear that F is unique. •

C o r o l l a r y 1. ( S c h w a r t z ' T h e o r e m o n " K e r n e l " ) Let f —- A(<p)

be a linear operator from T>(Qp ) into T>'(Qp"). Then there exists a unique
generalized function F £ 7J>'(Qj| ) such that the equality (7.1) is valid.

The generalized function F(_x, y) is called the kernel of the operator A.

C o r o l l a r y 2. Every bilinear form B{<p,4>), >p G PfQp ), i> G PfQp") is
92 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

8. Adeles
As i t is known, the Riemann zeta-function admits the representation in
the form of the Euler product over all prime numbers:

C(*)= E V = n - ^ ' N 1 7 *.>1.

l<n<oo p
Relation of such type was generalized in the theory of adeles. The most
simple relation containing adelic (Eulerian) product is the formula

H|a|p = l , a€®.
In this section certain facts from analysis on adele group are given.
Adeles group. A n adele is a sequence of the form x — (z X2,. • •, BOI

x ,...),
p where is a real number, x is a p-adic number, and also be-

ginning from some p all x satisfy the inequality \x\ < I , The set of all
p p

adeles forms the adeles ring A, if addition and multiplication are defined
component wisely. The additive group of this ring is called the adeles group.
Elements of the adeles ring A which have an inverse element are called ide-
les, that is a sequence A = (A«i , A j , . . . , X ,...) is an idele i f A / 0 and
p p

\X \ = 1 for all p with the exception of a finite quantity. The set of all

ideles forms a group with respect to multiplication. On the adeles group

A one introduces a natural topology, which respect to which A becomes a
locally-compact group. The Haar measure on A is denoted by da. I t can
be expressed in terms of measures da on lQ> by the following way:
p p

dx = dx dx ca 2 • • • dx p ....

The Haar measure on the ideles group A ' we denote by d*A, it can be
expressed in terms of measures d*X on multiplicative group Q* by the

d*A = d*Aood*A2... d'X . . . . p

There exists a parameterization of characters of the additive group of

rational numbers Q by means of adeles. For an adele

a = (000,02, • • •)

we put
X (x)
a = exp2fl-i(-aooi: + a x + . . . a x + . . . ) .
2 p (8.1)
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 93

Here the sum is considered modulo integer numbers, in this case only a
finite number of summands nonvanishes. The map a —* a(x) is a homo- X

morphism of the adeles group on the group of characters of Q. The kernel

of this homomorphism consists of adeles of the form a = (a,a,... , a,...),
where a is a rational number, such adeles are called principal adeles.
Let us consider the function on A:
X ) ( a ) = exp 2 ) r i ( - a
(0 0O + a + ...)
2 . (8.2)
I t has the properties:
1) X(o)(o) is a character on A;
2) X(o)(°) = 1 i f a is a principle adele, that is

[] xM=l, aeQ, (8.3)

where \p is character on Q , see Sec. 3 (Xt»(<*) = exp2iri( —a)). The

property 1) follows directly from the definition (8.2). The property 2) is

proved in Sec. 3.
Any additive character on the adeles group A has the form X{o)( )>
where a £ A.
The Tate formula. The Bruhat-Schwartz space T ( A ) consists of func-
tions <p(x) which can be represented in the product form

where ipp{xp) satisfy the following conditions:

1) poo( oo) is a infinitely differentiable function on Bt, decreasing i f
l^oo I ""* oo more rapidly than any inverse degree of |zoo|-
2) f (x )p £ V(Q ) where the space V(Q ) is defined in Sec. 6.1.
p P P

3) For almost all p one has V^t^p) = 1 i f \ p\p < 1 and v>p(x ) = 0 i f p

\x \„ > I.

The Fourier transform maps the space T ( A ) into itself. Let JT(A) be
a character on the ideles group A * of the form TT(A) = | A | 0 ( A ) , where s
is an arbitrary complex number, | A | = I A ^ k , | A | - . . | A | , and 0 ( A ) = 2 2 P p

^ 2 ( A ) • - - ^p(-^p) • • • is an arbitrary character on the subgroup of ideles of


the form (1, A . . . ) , where | A | = 1 for all p. Let us consider the Mellin
2 J P P

transform of a function <p £ T(A),

<p($,s) = j <p(\)\\\'e(\)d*X .
94 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Physict

The function (8.4) can be analytically continued to the whole plane of

the complex variables except the points s = 0 and s = 1. The following
relation (Tate formula) is valid

* ( M = (8-5)

i(0, ) = J ^(A)|A|'f>(A)d'A .
S (8.6)
Let us show that from (8.5) i t follows the functional relation for zeta-
function. We shall choose in (8,4) a function y>(A) of the following form;

V(A) = P „ ( A « ) f i ( | A | ) S 2 ( | A | ) . . . ,
2 2 3 3 (8.7)


( ) = e x p
^ * 7 b ( - y ) •
and the function f i ( | r | ) is defined in Sec. 6.1. Note, that (8.7) is the prod-

uct of vacuum vectors in real and p-adic quantum mechanics (see Sec. 11).

V I I . C o n v o l u t i o n a n d the Fourier T r a n s f o r m a t i o n
In this section we study most important linear operations over general-
ized functions, namely the convolution and the Fourier transform operations
and connected with them the multiplication operation.

1. Convolution of Generalized Functions

A sequence {tjt, k —> oo} of functions n £ V we call 1-sequence, i f there k

exists N £ Z such that

fj ( )
t X = Afcfz) = f 2 ( p - | x | ) , p k >N .

It is clear that
"t —* l,fc —' oo in £ .
The sequence { A i , f c —» Co) we call the canonical 1-sequence.
Let / and g be generalized functions from V. Their convolution f*g
we call the functional defined by the equality

(f*g, v) = £ t t £ / C * 0 s(y), A {x)ip{x k + ))
y (i.i)
Analysis on the Field of p-Adie Numbers 9S

if the limit exists for all ip G V. The right-hand side of the equality (1.1)
defines an linear functional on T>, and thus f+g G V (see Sec. 6.3). Note
that the equality (1.1) is equivalent to the following one

(/*?,¥>) = J i m (f(x) X g(y),r, (x)<p(x k + y)), <p£t>

for any 1-sequence {7j*,ifc —» oo}.
The convolution g*f is defined by the similar way:

(S*/,9) = J i m (g{y) x f(x),A (y)<p(x

k + y)) } <p G V . (1.1')

T h e o r e m . If the convolution f*g, f,g G V exists then there exists the

convolution g*f, and they are equal

f*g = g*f .

• Let G V so that <p G V for some N,l €Z. By the formula (5.2')

of Sec. 6.5 the function tp is represented in the form of finite sum

*>(*)= £ c„Mx-« ) v

i<t.<p -'

for some a" G Bjv and C G C. therefore it is sufficient to prove the


theorem for the test functions of the form

<p (x) = A,(x-a )


By the condition of the theorem the convolution f*g exists. I f we apply

the formula (1.2) to the 1-sequence

we get

(f*9<¥>v) = J i m (f(x) x g(y) A (~x i k + a )<p (x + y))

= l i m ( / ( * ) x g(y),A {-x k + a?)A,(x + y - a")) .

96 p-Adic Analysts and Mathematical Physics

Taking into account the easily verifiable identity

n ( p - * | - z + a"\ )Q(p-'\z
p + 1 , - 0 % ) = U(p- \y\ Mp-'\x k
P +y - u
a | )P

for it > I, we proceed with our equalities

(/*?,<pv) = J i m ( / ( * ) x g(y), A (y)A,(x k + y-a ))

= l i m ( / ( z ) x g ( y ) , A ( j / ) ^ ( i : + j/)) = ( s * / . ^ ) •

Here we have used commutativity of the direct product (see Sec. 6.6) and
the formula (1.2). •

The following formula is valid: i f f*g exists then

f*g = f*g

where f(x) = /(—x) is the reflection operator (see Sec. 6.4).

If / , g € V and supp g C Sjv then the convolution f*g exists and the

(f*9,<p) = (f(x) * g(y), A (y)<p(x N + y)), -p 6 V (1.4)

is valid.

• We use the definition (1.1) and the formula (4.3) of Sec. 6.4. Then for
all <p 6 V we shall have

= Jim ( / ( x ) x g(y), A (y)p(x k + y))

= l i m ( / ( x ) x A (y)g{y),A (y)<p(x
N k + y))

= Jim ( / ( x ) x g{y),A (y)A (y)<p(x

N k + y))

= ( / ( * ) x g(y), A (y)y>(x
N + y)) ,


A (y)A (y)<p(x
k N + y) -> A ( j / ) p ( x + y),
N * — oo in X»(Q^) . •
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 97

The convolution f*g is continuous with respect to the joint factors f and
g: if ft —* / , it —• oo in 2?', g —* g, k —• oo in T>', supp g C B J V then

ft*9t — /*<?, * -*• oo in X>'.

• I t follows from the representation (1.4) and from the continuity of the
direct product, see Sec. 6.6. •

E x a m p l e 1.
f*6 = f = 6*f, f<=V. (1.5)

• I t follows from the representation (1.4) and (6.1) of Sec. 6.6

(/*«, v) = (fix) x 6(y), &H(yMx + y))

= ( / ( i ) , ( i ( j ) , D ( » M « + »))) = ( / » .
f f •

E x a m p l e 2. I f / € I>' then

f*h -*/,fc^ooin25' (1.6)

where the sequence —> oo} is defined in (3.4) of Sec. 6.3.

• I t follows from (1.5) and (3.4) of Sec. 6.3:

f*6k -* f*S = /, k — oo in V

owing to the continuity of convolution, see Sec. 6.6. •

If 9 = V € T> then f * yj £ S and the formula (1.4) fates the form

-Hi), ieQp ; (1.7)

in addition the parameter of constancy of the function f*g does not exceed
the parameter of constancy of the function ip.
98 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Phyitci

• Let 0 e V' . Then by using the formulas (6.5) of Sec. 6.6 and (1.4)

we obtain the representation (1.7):

x d
( W , v ) M / W . W ! / ) i ^ ( i / M i + y)))= *(v)v( + v) v

= [fi'hj Ht-*MO<t j = j{f{z)Mi-z))<p(Odi,<p£V

3 3 — x
)f(£) 6 P(Qp)- The remaining affirmations follow from the
representation (1.7) •

E x a m p l e 3. I f / € V then

A (f*6 )^f,
k k fc^coinD' ,

and also A (f*6 ) k £ V.


The Example 3 shows that every generalized function is a weak limit of

test functions i.e. T> is dense in 77'.
The formula (1.4) allows us to write the equality

( / ( * ) x g(y% & (x)<p(z + y)) = ((A f)*g,

k k <p)

Therefore the definition (1.1) of the convolution f*g is equivalent to the

following one:
(A f)*g^f*g,
k k->comV . (1.8)

From the definition (1.1) of the convolution f*g it follows that

supp (f*g) is contained in the closure of the set

l£:i€%i f = x + y, i e supp / , y esupp ] . g

In particular, i f supp / C 5JV and supp 3 C fljv then supp (f*g) C

Thus, the set of generalized functions with supports in Bjv forms the
convolution algebra (commutative and associative) with a unity where the
^-function plays the role of the unit element.
Analyst! on Ike Field of p-A die Numbers 99

In conclusion we shall indicate one more criterion of the extension of the

convolution. Let functions f and g belong to Ll and a function q € Z.*
OQ oc

exists suck that

j f{x - y)g(y)dy —- q(x), k — ooinV.

Tften the convolution f*g exists and it is equal to q.

• I t follows from the definition of convolution (1.1)

U*9,V) = ^lim^ j f(x) J A (y)g(y)ip(x k + y)dydx

Qp Q p

= Hm j <p(f) j f(t - y)g(y)dydf = J rfOvKK, <fi € V .

% Bk QP 1

2. The Fourier-Transform of Test Functions

Let tp 6 25. Its Fourier-transform F[<p] — tp is defined by the formula

HO = J X ttxMx)dx,
P £ GQ P . (2.1)

L e m m a . If <p £ 25^ then ip E J?~j i.e. the operation <p —* <p is linear
(and so continuous) from T> in V.

• Let us prove that &(£) = 0, | £ | > p~'. By performing in (2.1) the


change of variable of integration x = x' + a, \a\ = p' we get p

= jx (ax'P + a)Mx' + a)dx'


= X P ( £ « ) / X P ( £ * W ) ^ ' = X tf°)#0 -
P (2.2)
100 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

As |f-«|p = \f\p\a\ > 1 then for any £, \£\ > p~' there exists a G Qp,
p p

|a|p = p' such that x ( £ i ) ji I (see Sec. 3.1). Hence from (2.2) i t follows

that (5(f) = 0, | { | , > p " ' i.e. 0 G X>_,.

Now we prove that

= e'es_7v, £ G Q P ,

i.e. the parameter of constancy of <p > —JV. Indeed

#€ + €0 = / x,(tf + 0*M*)<fc = / J ^ W P ^ f #


M |f«fc = K'1,1*1, < 1 and * , ( f *) = 1. •

Theorem. The Fourier-transform <p —* <p is the linear isomorphism V

onto V, and also the inversion formula

<p{*) = J V p ( - * 0 £ ( £ K = V, <P € V (2.4)

is valid where <p(tl) = <p(—{), and the Parsevai-Steklov equalities are valid:

J <p(x)W)dx = J-piOW)**. f>^£V, (2.5)

J <p(x)j>(x)dz = j <5(f)V(0*. M G f . (2.5')

• By the Lemma the operation <p —• tp maps T> in T>. In order to

prove that this mapping is onto and one-to-one it is sufficient to prove
the inversion formula (2.4). Let ip G X>jV, then by the Lemma tp G T>~^.
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 101

Starting from (2.1) we have

/ xp(-*om<*£. = J xp(-*o j vix^xpiz'twdt:

= J <p(x') j xA-Oxpix'tWdx'

= j ¥>(*') j MtW - *))didx'

Q R B-,

= I J Xp(t(*'-*))df.dx'

+ / f(x') j Xp(i(*' - z))d(dx' .

l+1 fl (2.6)
l*'-*l>p -i

In the first integral from the right in (2.6) f(x') = f(x) and Xp{£( ' — x)) =

1 and i t is equal to (see (2.3) of Sec. 6.2)

pf*) j j d£dx' = <fi(x)p'p-> = 9(x) •


The second integral from the right in (2.6) is equal to 0 owing to the formula
(3.1) of Sec. 4.3.
To prove the equality (2.5) we denote V>(£) = n(f,) € "D, and then vb(x) =
fl(x), and it takes the form (2.5'):

j <p(x)ij(x)dx = J p(0"(0#

which is verified immediately:

/ <p(x)i)(x)dx = J <p(x) J ^) (fx)dCdx


Q, Q, QP

= j 1(0 J v(x)x ((;x)dxdi: P = J 1}(im&% •

102 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

E x a m p l e 1.

6 = A,
k k k€Z, (2.7)

where the functions S and A k k are defined in Sees. 6.3 and 7.1:

Mo=pWia),A*oo=£i(p-*isi ) - P

The formula (2.7) is another way of writing of the formula (3.1) of Sec. 4.3.

E x a m p l e 2. 7 e Z.

where the function 6(|z| — p ') is defined in Sec. 6.2.

The formula (2.8) is another way of writing of the formula (3.2) of

Sec. 4.3.

E x a m p l e 3. 7 g Z, k = 1, 2,... ,p - 1

i ^ A ^ W x p t f c p - ^ K O = p^mip ~ P^HZo ~ *) (2-9)

• The desired quantity owing to (2.7) is equal to

4 - 7 ( * j r * + f ) = 6i- (kp^+0 k
1 1
= p -<Sl(p -<\kp-r +{]„)
= p l-J 1 i f rfk = P ,«0 = *

t 0 othewise

E x a m p l e 4. |4aL > p "^

- P
The formula (2.10) is another way of writing formula (1.7) of Sec. 5.1.
Analysis on the Field of p-Adte Numbers 103

E x a m p l e 5 . p $ 2, | a | = p * * , 7 € 2 p
1 -

F[ X p ( x M|
a ;
| - p ) ] ( 0 = |a| -
p D
1 / 2
The formula (2.11) is another form of formula (1.8) of Sec. 5.1.

E x a m p l e 6. p / 2, | a | > p p
1 - 3 7
, 7 € 2

F[v>x )A (*)](0 = ^(a)K

_ 1 / 2
Xp ( - £ ) A, ( i ) . (2.12)

The formula (2.12) is another form of the formula (2.1) of Sec. 5.2.

E x a m p l e 7. p = 2, 7 e 2

F[x («z )A,(x)](?)

TO-*"?), H2 = 2 " ^ ,
2 2 7
A_ (£), |a|2-2 - ,
= v ^ » (-£) 7

| | >
f l 2 23-^.(2-13)

The formula (2.13) is another way of writing formula (2.3) of Sec. 5.2.

E x a m p l e 8. p / 2 , 7 € 2 , £ n(k) = 0

l 1 1
F[ (x )S(\x\
v D p - p r m = p>- n'(to)6(\i\p " P " ) (214)


l'(M= £ u(i)exp(2Ti^), £ »'(*) = 0. (2.15)

The desired Fourier transform is reduced to the integral

104 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

If \Hp < P~ ^ e n Xp{Z*) = 1 and

7 1
1 = V (xo)dx• = P " £ n(fc) = 0 .

N a 7
Kir = P >P~ I * W + 7 - 1 > 1 then

U*b = +tip+• • • )(*o+*«»+... )} P

l y
and hence like in Example 24 of Sec. 5.1 1 = 0. If |£| = p~
p then
{€*}, = and owing to (2.15)

1= /,(« )«p(2«^U 0


E x a m p l e 9. Re a > 0


• By changing the variable t = xf, dt = \i\ dx, and using the formula p

(3.2) of Sec. 4.3 we obtain for the desired Fourier transform the equality
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 105

*lp<M, |t),<|m(| r

= Kir £ P ' " - ^ / MO*


f l -
r /
£ P " 7
° if < o
7 A
_p«-i+(l-l) 2 P " i f ^ > l


where we have denoted \m£\if =

" p^. p

The following formula

F[<p(o.x + b)](f) = ^1;% ( ' - £ f ) F M f|Y, ^eV, ^0 a (2.17)

is valid, in particular

<p(x - b) = XpWm • (2-18)

• The formula (2.17) follows immediately from ( 2 . 1 )

F[<p(ax + 6)](0 = J <p( aX + b) p{(x)dx

X = \a\; j <p{x') p ( * ^ )


- H?*» H ) / H O * (!»') * - * (!) • "


Every function <p G Ujy is represented in the form

106 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for some a" G B _ i which do not depend on <p.

• By the Lemma <p G V_, , it is represented in the form (2.2) of Sec. 6.2

l<u<p -'
for some a G B _ j . By applying to the last equality the inverse Fourier
transform and using the formulas (2.18) and (2.7) we get the representation
(2.19). •

The set of trigonometrical polynomials

| E fofeS*^ r e A/I
\v—finite )
is dense in C{K), and thus in L (K) for any compact set K C Q ,' Aere p

Af is any countable everywhere dense set in Q-.

• It follows from the representation (2.19), because V is dense in C(K),

see Sec. 6.2. •

3. The Fourier-Transform, of Generalized Functions

In accordance with the formula (4.1) of Sec. 6.4 the Fourier transform /
of a generalized function / G T>' we define by the formula

(/.v) = ( / . p ) , *ez>- (3.1)

As the operator ip ip is linear from 25 in 25 (see Sec, 7.2) then the

functional from the right in (3.1) is linear on f , so / G 25', and the operator
/ —• / is continuous from 75' in 75' (see Sec. 6.4).

The inversion formula

f =/, / e 75' (3.2)

is fa/id , so lAe Fourier transform f —* f is the linear isomorphism V onto
Analysis an the Field 0} p-Adic Numbers 107

• The formula (3.2) follows from the formula (2.4) and from the defini-
tion (3.1):

(/> 9) = (/> P) = (/, #) = (f,h = ( / , P)> V€ U . •

In the case / = vj £ T> the formula (3.1) is reduced to the equality

(2.5'), and therefore the Fourier transform introduced by (3.1) is in fact an
extention of the classical Fourier transform (2.1).
The formulas (2.16) and (2.17) are carried over generalized functions

r\flu + 6)1(0 = K l
x P F[f] fy, f € V, a + 0.

?=/,/(*-6) = X (&0/(0
P (3.4)

where the generalized function f(ax + b) is defined in Sec. 6.4.

I f / £ i then the formula (3.1) is equivalent to the formula (2.1)

/(0 = j Xp(tx)f(z)d , x (. € Q P . (3.5)

If f £ Lf cc and there exists q £ Lt_ *ueA fnaf

y X (£*)/(x)dx — i
P 8 (i), & 1
co in T} 1

then the Fourier-transform f exists and is equal to q.

• I t follows from the continuity of the Fourier transform in Z>' and from
the formula (3.5). In fact,

ii(p~* !*!,)/(*) — * / ( * ) , ^ > co in D'


F[U{p- \x\ )f\ v = j Xp (t:x)f(x)dx — f, k- oo in V ,

and hence / = a owing to uniqueness of the limit. •

108 p-Adic Analysis and MathcmaLical Physics

A n analogy o f the Riemann-Lebesque T h e o r e m

If f E. L then f is continuous on Q> and f(f) —» 0, \f\ —* oo.
p p

• The continuity of / ( { ) follows from the representation (3.5) according

to an analogy of the Lebesque Theorem on limiting passage under the sign
of an integral (see Sec. 6.4) owing to majorization

\f(x)X (Z*)\
P = l/f>)|, *GQP-

Now we prove that / ( £ ) —^ 0, | £ | —* oo. As V is dense in L
p (see
Sec. 6.2) then for any e > 0 there exists <p e P such that

\f{x) - <p{z)\dx < oo .


By the Lemma of Sec. 7.2 = 0, | £ | >p for some W g l Therefore

if K I > P
P then

1/(01 = J [f(x) - •p(x)]x (t:x)dx

P +J p(i) p«x)^


< £ .

E x a m p l e 9.

« = 1,I = « (cf. (4.4) of Sec. 4.4). (3.6)

I t follows from (3.1) and (3.2):

&<p) = (6,<p) = <p(Q) = J-p(x)dx = (X,<fi)> f G V

Analysis on ike Field oj p-Adic Numbers 109

E x a m p l e 10. The formula (3.7) of Sec. 4.3 takes the form


E x a m p l e 1 1 . The formula (2.11) of Sec. 5.2 takes the form

two*)}® = K(a)\W; X i/2

P ( - £ ) , a* 0. (3.8)

E x a m p l e 12.

1 f
X^aWal; ^ (~ £) ^ 6(0. K ^ O i n P ' . (3.9)

• I t follows from (3.8), owing to (3.6) we have

T h e o r e m . In order f (E V and supp f C By, it is necessary and

sufficient thai f £ £ and the parameter of constancy of f is > —N, in
/ ( O = (/(*), . (3.10)

• Necessity. By using the formulas (4.3) of Sec. 6.4 and (6.4) of Sec. 6.6
from (3.1) we derive the representation (3.10):

{f,<p) = (& (z)f,<p)

N = \f[x),A (x) N J <p(OXp{xt.W
\ ft,

= j (f(x), ^(*)x i§*))v(m,

P V*T>.
110 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Phytic!

Further i f £' € -B-JV then | £ ' i | < 1 and XpB'x) p = 1 for a: e B , N and

/« + f) = (f{x),A (x) (U N Xp + £ » ) = (/(*), A ( s ) w X p ( £ x ) ) = /(€),

so that the parameter of constancy of / is > —iV. "

Sufficiency. Let / € £ and its parameter of constancy is > —JV. By

applying the inverse Fourier-transform to the equality

/ ( » + «') = / ( « ) . x€Q ,|£'l <p-

and using the formula (3.4) we get the equality

X (xx')f(x)
P = f(x), xe® . p (3.11)

1 xx>
But for any \x\ > p* there exists some x' € S_AT such that Xp( )
p / 1.
From (3.11) it follows that f(x), \x\ > p , i.e. supp / C B . p N •

4. The Space L
2 2
The space L is defined in Sec. 4.1. We introduce in L the scalaT product

(/,</) = j f{xW)dx, f,g£L ,

so that = (/,/)* The Caushy-Bunjakovsky inequality is valid:


In terms of scalar product the Parseval-Steklov equality (2 .5) takes the form

(p,^) = (p,^), <P,4>eV (4.1)

2 2
Theorem. The Fourier-transform maps L onto L one-to-one and
mutually continuous. In addition

/ ( £ ) = ^fim j f(x) (t:x)dx Xp in L 2

; (.)
4 2

* In the noim || || we shall omit the index 2, ||/||s = ||/||.

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 111

ike inversion formula

f{x) = l i m f HOXp(-xOdi it I 2
7-co B-,

and the Parseval-Steklov equality

(f.9) = (f,9)A\f\\ = f,gev (4.4)

are valid.

• Let / € i 2
- Then f y = Sl(j>-i\x\ )f p € L for all 7 € E and f
y — /,
7 ~ > c o in L :

J\f,{x)\dx = J\f(x)\dx < JdxJ\f(x)\ dx < P T / !

B, |fl T J

I I / - A l l = / 0,7 00.
\f(*)\ dx —

Therefore | j / j | — * | | / | | , 7 - * oo,

AOO = / / ( * M « * ) < f e g Z. n£ (see (3.5)),


and the Parseval-Steclov equality (4.1) is valid (as V is dense in L , see
Sec. 6.2):

HAN = NAN — \\f\l T - O O , (4.5)

liA-/rll = llA-A'H—•o. T,T'^00. (4.6)

The limit relation (4.6) shows that the sequence {A>7 —* 00) converges
2 2
in itself in L . By the Riesz-Fisher Theorem there exists F £ L such that
A —* F, 7 —* 00 in i , . On the other hand f-, —> f, 7 —• 00 in V. Hence

/ = F £ £ , / — » / , 7 —f OO i n L , and the representation (4.2) is proved.


From UAH 11/11, 7 - » 00 and from (4.5) the equalities (4.4) follow. The
112 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

inversion formula f = f owing to (4.2) takes the form (4.3). Thus the
2 2
operator / —* / maps L onto L one-to-one continuously. •

C o r o l l a r y . The Fourier-transform f —* / is a unitary operator in L .

A special orthonormal basis in L will be constructed in Sec. 9.4.

L e m m a . For any f E L the equality is valid:

lim p->*
j\f(x)\dx =0 . (4.7)

Let / G L and e > 0. There exists N € 2 such that

dx < v .

Supposing f > jV and applying the Cauchy-Bunjakovski inequality we get

j\f(x)\dx=p-^ 2
j \f(x)\dx + p-T 2
B-, B-J\BN Br*
-I 1/2

j dx J \f(x)\ dx2
+ P
/ <te / dx

<\j+p ^\\f\\<e ifp^||/||<|.

5. Multiplication of Generalized Functions

7 1
A sequence fw*, k -* oo}, w € k is called the i-seguence, i f there exists
jV G 2 such that

w ( z ) = **(*) = P * S l ( p * H ) ,
t k > N.

The sequence {6k,k —* oo} is called i/te canonical 6-sequence.

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 113

As i t was established in Sec. 6.3

uik —» £>, k —> oo in V' .

I f {n*,fc —* co) is a 1-sequence then {ij ,k —* 00} is a ^-sequence, and


vice versa (see (2.7) of Sec. 7.2).

Let generalized functions / and g from T>' be given. Their product f • g
we call the functional defined by the equality

(f-g,<p) = l i m (y, (/*«*)*>) (5.1)

i f the limit exists for any ip £ V. The right-hand side of (5.1) defines a
linear functional on V, so that / • g € V. The equality (5.1) is equivalent
to the equality

(/ •9,f)= l i m (9, (f*u )<p),

k <?ET>
for any 6-sequence {w , k —* 00}.

The definition (5.1) can be reformulated in the form

f g = J i m (f*6 )g k

h—* 00
if the limit exists in V.
The product g • f is defined by the similar way:

g - / = l i m f(g*6 ) k (5.1')
t —• fx;
if the limit exists in T>'.

E x a m p l e 1 . Let / and g be continuous on Q . Then their product / • gp

exists and coincides with the pointwise product f(x)g(x).

• Owing to (5.1), (1.7) and (3.4') of Sec. 6.3 for any <p E V we have

(f-9,f) = li™ (ff. (/***)*») = Jim / g{x)<p{x) / f(y)6 (x k - y)dydx


= J i m / g{x)<p(x) 16 (f)f(z k - Wtdx

h-oaj J
Qp Qr
= Jim J M O y « ( « M * ) / ( * - = / f(x)g(x)Lp( )dx,

114 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Phyiict

from where we derive ( / • g)(x) = f(x)g(x). •

R e m a r k . The statement in Example 1 remains valid for those / and g

from Ll OQ for which the function

/ ff(*M«)/(«-0««. vei>

is continuous in 0, e.g. if / £ Lf^ and g £ L ^ , ± + | = 1, p > 1.

o c

E x a m p l e 2. I f / £ 2?' and a £ £ then the product a • f exists and it

coincides with the product af introduced in Sec. 6.4.

• Owing to (5.1), (1.7) and (3.4') of Sec. 6.3 for any <p £ V we have

(«•/,*>) = \^(f,(a'6 )<p)=

t Ur^ ^/(x),^) J a(y)S (x
k - y)dy

= if* /M0«(*-fR

& / ^ ( 0 ( / ( ^ U ( ^ ( r - 0 W = ( / , H = (a/,p)

from where we derive that a • f = af. Here we used the equality (6.4) of
Sec. 6.6. •

If f,g £ f and supp g C Bfj then ike following equality is valid

F[f*g] =f g - (5.3)
Analyst) on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 115

• By using the formulas (3.1), (1.4) and (3.10) for all <p G V we have

{F\f*g),<p) = (f*g,v) = ( / ( * ) x m>*it(M* + y))

= ^/W. / tam AN(y)xp(€»))v(Oxp(€*)de

= /W,/s(OWOt (W) P

= (/,/'I5P]) = ( / , S V ) = (ff/,v)
from where we derive F[f*g] = gf = g~-fasg££ (see example 2). Here
we used the equality (6.5) of Sec. 6.6. •

T h e o r e m . Let f,g€ V. In order that the product f • g exists it is

necessary and sufficient that the convolution f*g exists. In addition the
following equality is valid

F[f-9] = f*9, F[f*9] = f-9 (5-4)

• I t follows from the definition of the convolution, the product, the

Fourier-transform and from the equalities

F[(f*S )-g]
u = (A f~)*g,F[(Akf)*g]
t = (f*S )-g,
k k 6 %. •

Corollary. If the product f • g exists then the product g • f exists and

they are equal:
fg = gf. (5.5)

• I t follows from the commutativity of convolution, see Sec. 7.1.

116 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

V I I I . Homogeneous Generalized Functions

1. Homogeneous Generalized Functions
Let it(x) be a multiplicative character of the field Q , n-(xy) = ir(x)w(y) p

(see Sec. 3.2). A generalized function / from T>' is called homogeneous of

degree ir(x) if for any <p £ T> and r £ Q>* the equality

(/W.v(f))=T(OI*l (/,W P (ii)

is fulfilled, i.e. owing to (4.5) of Sec. 6.4

f(tx) = *(t)f(x), teQ;. (i.i')

R e m a r k . The equality (1.1') allows to speak about a value of a gener-

alized function / at the point x ~ 1:

Now we shall describe all homogeneous generalized functions.

According to Sec. 3.2 all multiplicative characters n(x) can be repre-
sented in the form
^(x) = ^ (x) = \ \;~^ ( )
0 x l x (i.2)
1 - <
where 7r(p) = p * and iri(x) is a normed multiplicative character of the
field Q such that

wM = MP) = * i ( l ) = 1, | * i ( « ) | = 1; (1.3)
n"i(x) is a character of the group So.
7 / T ( I ) ^ 1 is a multiplicative character of the field Q p then

J n(x)dx = 0, 7 £ 2. (1.4)

• As ir(x) 1 then there exists a £ Q such that |a| = 1, TT(<J) / 1.

p p

Changing the variable x = ax of integration in the integral (1.4) we obtain
the equality (1.4):

j v(z)dx =j n(ax')d(ax') = w(a) J *(x')dx' . •

Analysis on t/te Field of p-Adic Numbers 117

For every character ir (x) a we define the generalized function iv from V a

by the formula

(*«,*>)= / \z\;- n(zM*)dz, V€V. (1.5)

For Reo > 0 the integral (1.5) converges absolutely and defines a holo-
morphic function; for the others a we define it by means of analytic con-
Later on we shall use the following definition: a generalized function
f 6 W which depends on a complex parameter a is called holomorphic in

a domain O c C 1/ for all <p £ Z> the function a —* (f , 'P) is holomorphic a

in 0 .
The function v is holomorphic in the domain 9ia > 0. Its analytical

continuation is given by the formula

j\x\°- M*)[?{x)-9(W*+
j N r ' ^ N * ) ^
So Q,\B„
+ fWj\x\;- ^i{x)dx, <pev. (1.6)

The last integral to the right in (1.6) for ffi(x) ^ \by virtue of the formulas
(1.3) of Sec. 4.1 and (1.4) is equal to 0:

7 1
I |*£-ViM<fe = £ P ' " - ' / *i(x)dx = 0;

/or wi(z) — 1 (Ais integral by virtue of the formula (2.5) of Sec. 4.2 is equal

Therefore the representation (1.6) can oe rewritten in the form

a l p
(* , p)=J\x\ - * (x)[<p(x)-<p(Q)]dx
1 + j It^nMipWdx
B a Q,\fi„

+ { (1-8)
[0 if
118 p-Adie Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The generalized function jr„ is entire I / T I ( I ) ^ L; for TI(I) = 1 i( is

holomorphic everywhere except the points

« i = ^ - , fre* (1.9)

where it has simple poles with the residue f^pS{x); T

a is the homogeneous
generalized function of degree Tr (x). a

• I t follows from the representation (1.8). The first integral in (1.8) is

an entire function on a as ip(x) — ^(0) is equal to 0 in a vicinity of 0. The
second integral in (1.8) is also an entire function on a as <p{x) has a compact
support. Therefore for ffi(x) = I the function ( i r <p) has the form OI

where ip is an entire function. Therefore (it ,<p) is a holomorphic func-

a 0

tion on a everywhere except the points at, k — 0 , ± 1 , . . . , defined by the

equality (1.9) where it has simple poles with residue

r e s ( 7 r , ^ ) = res ^ ^ r r ^ ( O ) = ^ 7 — ( 6 , ¥>)•

a=a„ a=a l—p
k Pinp
Homogeneity of the generalised function ir follows from (1.1) and (1.5):Q

for 9ca > 0

(*•<«>.* (?)) = j ^ r ' M ^ ^ d x

= J l
\txX- ^(tx')<p{x')d(tx')

= \t\;-'\t\ ^{t)
p J \At ^')WW l


for other a- by the principle of analytical continuation. •

S-function is homogeneous of degree \x\ p ,
Analysis on the Field af p-Adic Numbers 119

• I n fact,

(6,v(j)) = <p(o) = \i\plt\ - (6>vl p f e v j e q ; . •

Let us introduce the generalized function ^ r j p by the formula

( " K - W * ^ - / ft* — <" 0


Tfte generalized function P r 4 - is not Homogeneous o/ degree IzL .

0 ® \B
r 0

M«swr i»'u>i*i;

IP \ I*)P
i f O < | t | < l , ^GD, v(0)^0.
p •

L e m m a . / / / ; , i — 1,2,... ,n, are homogeneous g-neralized functions

of degree j r . { z ) respectively where all a.; are different, and they sattsfy the

equation £ fi = 0 then fi = f = . . . = / „ = 0.


• For all ip G V owing to (1.1) we have

/ =
£ ( ''*'(T)) E ^<(*)!*U/i.p) = o, icflg.

From here putting t = p , JV £ Z and using (1.3) we get

S p " ' ( / ^ ) = o,

120 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

and hence (fi,<p) = (f , </>) = • - • = (f ,<p) = 0, i.e. / i = /

2 n 2 = = / « = 0.

The following Theorem gives a description of all homogeneous general-

ized functions.

T h e o r e m . Every homogeneous generalized functions of degree Tr (x) = a

| z | p 5 r i ( x ) is Cir„ if iri(x) ^ 1 or ifxi{x) = 1 then a ^ 0; ewery homo-
geneous generalized function of degree \x\~ is C6,' where C is an arbitrary

I Let / ^ 0 be a homogeneous generalized function of degree 7r and tt

also iTi(x) ^ 1 or i f n~i(x) = 1 then a / 0.

At first we shall prove: there exists a number C ^ 0 such that for any
ip € V, <p(Q) = 0 the equality is valid

(f,<p) = C(i ,< ).

ra P (1.11)

The support of / contains points different fromO. (Otherwise we would have

f = C6 (see Sec. 6.3) and / would be a homogeneous generalized function
of degree ja: |— which is excluded.) Therefore there exists a function u £ D ,
w(0) = 0 such that ( / , w ) = 1 and (x„,w) / 0. By virtue of (1.1) we have

(f(x),w(j)) =^(i)i%, *€«£,

and hence

/(/(*)." ( f ) ) ^ f = K,^)> ^(0)=0. (1.12)

As u(x) and ^ ( x ) vanish in a vicinity of 0 so

« ( f ) m w ; 1
€f(Q ).

Then owing to the formula (6.5) of Sec. 6.6 from the equality (1.12) we

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 121

In the inner integral in (1.13) we change the variable of integration (for any
fixed x £ 0)
t=^j,dt = \x\ \x'\; dx',
p (see Sec. 4.2).

As a result we obtain


Here we again used the formula (6.5) of Sec. 6.6 as

By using the property (1.1) (x' ^ 0!) on the right side of the equality (1.14)
we get the equality (1.11)

in which C = l/(ir ,u).


From the equality (1 11) it follows: either / = CTT or supp ( / — Crr ) —

Q a

{ 0 } . But the last is impossible otherwise we would have / — Cir = C\b a

for some constant Ci which by the lemma is possible only for C\ = 0 and
thus / - Cir = 0.

Let now / ^ 0 be a homogeneous generalized function of degree | * | , •

Let us suppose that supp / contains points different from 0. Then repeating
literally the previous arguments we are convinced that the formula (1.11)
is true also for ir (x) = | x j r


Using the definition (1.10) of the generalized function "Pj^r- we rewrite

the equality (1.15) in the form
122 p-Adic Analytii and Mathematical Pkytics


f-CP ± 1 r = C6 1

where C\ is some constant. The generalized function / — CiS is homo-

geneous of degree \x\~' but P j ^ p is not. This contradiction proves that
supp / does not contain points different from 0, and thus / = CS. •

Let us calculate the following integral (see Sec, 4);


if < 0; for 9to > 0, a £ a - k £ 2 the integral (1.16) we define


by means of analytical continuation. By virtue of the formulas (1.7) and

(1,16) the following equality is valid

J\x\;- dx=
j 1
\x\;- dx+ j 1
\ \;- dx
x = o,
Q, [*|,<i |i| >i P

ajfea ,ifc€S. t (1.17)

Therefore the formula (1.8) for T I ( T ) = 1 takes the form

reVtd? a ,k k <=Z. (1.18)

We shall call the generalized function \x\°~ homogeneous of degree a — 1,
\tx\^ = \t\;- \x\;-\ te%, fc s.

2. The Fourier-Transform of Homogeneous Generalised

Functions and T-Function
By the Theorem of Sec. 8.1 all homogeneous generalized functions of
degree Tr (x) = |a:lp* Ti(z) are Cit i f either n\(x) ^ 1 or o / 0; in case
a a

TTI(X) = 1 and a = 1 they are Cb. Here C is an arbitrary constant.

Analyst) on the Field oj p-Adic Numbers 123

The Fourier-transform of a homogeneous generalized function JT„ is a

homogeneous generalized function i „ of degree it~ '(ajjjljw = klp""^'^).

• I t follows from the formulas (3.3) of Sec. 7.3 and (1.1') that

M ' O = \t\; F [». ( f ) ] = I V - (j) MO

Therefore T „ ( | ) is proportional to the homogeneous generalized function

M O = r (* )icVX (0- P a (2.i)
A factor of proportionality r ( x ) is called the T-function of the character
p 0

JT (X).

Putting i n the formula (2.1) £ = 1 and using (1.3) we obtain the equality

T (n )
P a = n (l) a = J \^- Mx)x (x)dx. P (2.2)

The integral on the right-hand side of the equality (2.2) is understood

as the sum of the analytic continuation on the parameter a of the integrals
on the right-hand side of the equality (2.3):

= j\x\ - ^(x) (x)d +

Xp x j a
\x\ - r (x) (x)dx.
J 1 Xp (2.3)
Bo Qv\Bo

The following functional relation for the T-function is valid

1 1
r K)r ( r- kl - ) = n(-i).
P P J p (2.4)

• I f we apply the inverse Fourier-transform to the equality (2.1) then

we obtain (see Sec. 7.3)

1 1
% = *
a 0 = r (* )F[\t\;"^(-{;)]
p a = ^ F ^ ^ - ] . (2.5)
124 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

1 1
As I T " | f j " is a homogeneous generalized function of degree T ^ t f JKIp
(see Sec. 8.1) then its Fourier-transform is a homogeneous generalized func-
tion of degree
- 1
K^kl-M-H ^*)-
Hence using again the formula (2.1) we have

l 1 1 1
Fte \£\; ] = w \t\ - )**. r

from here and (2.5) the formula (2.1) follows:

^ =^r <^jei -> . P p 0 •

Note that the formula (2.4) reminds the relation

r ( t ) r ( i - ( ) = -; 7T
sin iti
for the classical T-function.
Let the range K of a character ni(x) ^ 1 be positive. Then

r (jr ) = P°%,t(Ti)
p a (2.6)

where the numbers

a ,k(*i)
P = J TnfOxptP *')^ -

satisfy the relations

a ,fc(Ti)ap, (7rf ) = p - V i C - I ]
P t (2.8)

Ka(*i)l = p-* . / 2

• Taking into account the equality (1.4) from (2.2) and (2.3) we get

r (*,)=
P £ P ^ - 1
' £ P^°-V f^ ) (x)dx
x Xp

-oo<-f<0 c K^<oo /

= £ P*"- ' / *i(x) (x)dx.

KKoo /
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 125

Performing in the last integrals change of variable of integration x = p~ t,
dx = p dt we get

r,0«) = E P
y a
[ Mp-^xpip-^dt

= E p Mp-'') [ M^xpip-^dt

= E P ° I *i(t)Xp(p-'t)dt

as owing to (1.3) T ! ( p - > ) - [ ^ ( p ) ] " = 1. 7

Now we prove that

J*i(t) (p-'t)dt
Xp = 0, 7 T*fc, (2.11)

Let 7 > 1. We have

7 _ 7 + 1
Xpfp-^t) = exp[2xi(p- to + p t i + -.. + P " % _ ! ) ] , te5 .

As the range of the character T T ^ I ) is equal to it > 1 then ir,(t) depend

only on r , ( i , . . . , f _ i - Further for k > 2 the equality is valid (see (2.3) of
0 t

Sec. 3.2)
E *i(*o + hp + • • • + i t - i P * " ) = 0.

Therefore for 1 < 7 < k (2.11) follows from

[*i(t)x (p- t)dt

=c E E
/„ l<f <p-l 0 0<1, <p-1
7 7 + 1
... E exp[2«(p- ( + P" 0 *i + •• • + P " V l |

ff 1
• E E i('o + d P + - • • + d - i P * " ) = 0;
°<<*-i<p-i o<i _ ,<p-1
126 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for 1 < k < 7 (2.11) follows from

[Mt)x ( - t)dt P P = c £ £
50 l<lo<p-l 0<i,<p-l
- 1
... E * ('t> + * i p +
1 - -Mi-iP* )
°<'i-a<P- 1

• £ exp|2jri(p-^ + p - ^ ! ! + . . . + p - ^ - i ) ] = 0. 0


Now the equality (2.6) follows from (2.10) and (2.11).

To obtain the equalities (2.8) and (2.9) we calculate the Fourier-trans-
form of 6(|x| — p )iti(x):

m M p - p > i ]

= J *i(x)x (t:x)dz P = p* j ^(p-'Dxt-ip-'Wdt

S„ So

k N l w
= p" j ^{t) {p- - f.'t)dt
Xp =V (i) y (p- - i)*

s fl So

= / * i (^) / »i(i)Xp(p-'- 0^
_ r P ^\n^,k(^). ^ = o,

F[6(\x\ p - p*)*,] = p*6(|£| - l ) 7 r r ( O a p , ( f i ) -
p t (2.12)
In the calculation of equality (2.12) we have denoted \f\ = p and { ' = p

\f\pH and have used the formulas (2.7) and (2.11).

From (2.12) by virtue of the Parseval-Steklov equality (see Sec. 7.4) the
equality (2.9) follows:

l 1
J \* (x)?d l X = p (l- -j

2 t a 1 2
= P K. ( ri)| /K- «')l^' = P * ( l -
i 1 M'l)?-
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 127

To prove the equality (2.8) we apply to the equality (2.12) the inverse
Foil rier-transform

k l l
6(\x\ -p )^(x)=p Fm\ -l)w: (-0]a , (n )
P p P t 1

i 1 1
=p *pA^)*: (-mm\p-i)*i- )-

In order to calculate the Fourier-transform of the function $ ( | £ ] n — 1)

w e e n o t e x N x
(0 d \ \p = P i ' = \x\pX, and from (2.7) and (2.11) as above
we get


= J Tr (0xp(r'V£K = /
* t W] x (p~ t)dt

So S 0

= J ^\t) (p- t)dt

= l
^(x)a (^ )6(\i\ -p )
Ptk p


because the rank of the character rrj" is equal to it. From here and (2.13)
the equality (2.8) follows

l l
*i(x) = p a (7ri)3rf ^ - l ) * !
Pit ) • •

From the formulas (2.6) and (2.8) we derive

M ^ j r ^ O ^ M - i ) . (2.H)

Comparing the formulas (2.14) and (2.4) we get

l k l 1
T (*; )
p = P r (*; \x\; )

1 1
or by changing i r " ^ by n a

T (iv \x\ )
p a p =p r„(7r ). a (2.15)

The formula (2.15) can be interpreted as an analogy of equality r ( i - ) - l ) =

tT(t) for the classical T-function.
128 p-Adic Analysis and Maihtmatits.1 Physics

Now we consider the special case it\{x) = 1, i.e. the rank of the character
T\{x) is equal to 0. In this case we denote

The formula (2.4) takes the form

r ( a ) r ( l - a) = 1.
p p (2.16)

Now we prove the formula

• To this end we use the representation (2.2)-(2.3) and the formulas

(2.5) of Sec. 4.2 and (3.2) of Sec. 4.3

r ( o ) = j\x\^ (x)dx
Xp + J [x^x^dx
B 0 |»|,>1

= j\x\°-'dx+ £ a l)
P^ - J X (x)dx

B 0 1<T<« ft.

Q F a
1-P" l-p~

From (2.17) i t follows: T (a) is holomorphic in the complex plane a


except at the points

t€2 (2.18)

where i t has simple poles with residue j E j j j ^ r ( a ) has simple zeros at the

points 1 + art, £ € S.
From the formula (2.1) we derive

1 r
F N T ] = p(«)Kf. * € Z. (2.19)

7"ne generalized function

Analysis on the Field o] p-Adic Numbers 129

is holomorphic on a except the points 1 + at, k € 2 tonere if Aas simple

poles with residue — f^\x\p*; in addition

f ak =6, feeS. (2.20)

• It follows from the results of Sees. (8.1)-(8.2). We have

Q _ 1
|i| U|a-t
p p
res , = l i m (a - 1 - Q ) _ . . t

- 1-a
ell —
£ t i p
» '— '*)
= lim ^

" plnp ^ •

Further from the formula (1.8) of Sec. 8.1 for ifi e V we have

where tp is an entire function. From here it follows the formula (2.20)


i.e. f —*6,a—>at
a in V. I

E x a m p l e . Let (see Sec. 3.2)

^c(x) = \x\^- sgn x, c p/2

where e £ Q* . Then

±jsgn {-\)p°-^ c i f e = p,pn,

r (<*)
f » =H { I±E*-» 2
( - 2 1
i f c = n.

2 2
• For either e = p or E = pn, x ( x ) = 7 r i ( i ) = 1 and the rank of the
character x i ( x ) is equal to 1 (As every i € Q of the form x = 1 + pt, P
130 p-Adic 1 ' i ' and Mathematical Phytici

\t\ < 1 \B the square of a p-adic number, see Sec. 1.4). Now using the

equality (2.8) for k = 1

a ,i(*i)a
P P|1 (ir,) = p " ^ - ! )

and from (2.6) we get (2.21).

For £ = n, sgn„x = 1 if j(x) is even and sgn„r. = —1 if i(x) is odd. See
the Lemma below. Thus T I ( Z ) = 1 and

a 1+
* (x)
a = \x\ - ^

and therefore

r , K ) = r p | a + - ) = _ ^ = —

L e m m a . Letp-£ 2 antic be a unity, E ^ Q* . A number x € Q belongs p

to Q if and only 1/7(1) is euen.

p l

• Let i e Q J belongs to < K - i i e . it is represented in the form

2 2
x = a - eb , a,b e Q , P (a,6) # 0. (2.22)

If 7(1) would be even then the congruence

2 2
a -£ f> 0 = 0 (modp) (2.23)

would be valid and thus £0 is a quadratic residue modulo p that contradicts

to the fact that e g % ' (see Sec. 1.4).
Conversely, let t E Q J and 7(1) be even. By the Chevalle Theorem (see
[37] — 1) the congruence

a 2
~ £0*0 -
XQCI = 0 (mod p)

has nontrivial solution (an,&o.Co)> Co ^ 0 (otherwise i f en = 0 the congru-

ence (2.23) would have a nontrivial solution that is excluded). Hence the
2 2 2
a - eb - xc = 0
Analysis on the Fieli oj p-Adic Numbers 131

is solvable by c ^ 0. From here it follows the representation (2.22)

3. Convolution of Homogeneous Generalized Functions and B-



» „ ( * ) = l i j j - ^ i t * ) and = li|i-Vi£l)
be multiplicative character of the field iQ , and JT„ and are the corre-

sponding generalized functions, and a and 0 ^ a (see Sec. 8.1), k

The convolution ir *ir'g exists, and it is holomorphic in the tube domain


Re a- > 0, R e ^ > 0, Re(o+/3) < 1, and is homogeneous generalized function

of degree

and represented by the formula

(***jr£J(*3 = J Tr (y)ir' (x a 0 - y)dy

= B {* y )\x\;+^(w[){x)
p a g (3.i)


fJp(w£) = J l ^ - M l - f l ^ M O ^ l ( 3 - 2 )

, }r s
S ( i a t ^ ) ' called the B-function of the character x ( x ) and
P 0 JT^(X).

• By virtue of the results of Sec. 7.1 the convolution Tr *ir' of the locally- a g

integrable functions Jr (z) and x^(x) exists, it is a locally-integrable func-


tion, and i t is expressed by the integral (3.1):

(TT *^)(X) =
Q j 1
\y\;- ^ (y)\x-yf -W (x-y)dy.
1 p l
132 -p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The last integral is absolutely convergent and defines a holomorphic func-

tion of the parameters [ot,0) in the tube domain Re a > 0, Re0 > 0,
Re{a + 0) < 1. I n fact,

B k B*

= J \tx\^ (tx)\ -txf -W (x-tx)d(tx)

1 X p 1

= }x\;^- n(xW (x) 1 f \t\;-i\i - tg-ViM^Cl - W
\'\ <p-\'\V

mixiz+p-^x)^) j I ^ I I - ^ - ^ K O - ^

where K is an arbitrary compact of Q . p

From the representation (3.1) it follows that the convolution ir *ir' a 0 is a

homogeneous generalized function of degree k | p * 7 r i ( x ) f l i ( 3 ; ) . •

For the parameters (a,0) lying outside the domain Re a > 0, Re 0 > 0,
Re(« + 0) < 1 the convolution T * j r ^ is defined by means of analytical

continuation of the right-hand side of the equality (3.1) on (a, 0).

Our nearest goal is to express the rJ-function by the T-functions and to
define a maximal domain of analyticity of the convolution 7r„*7r^.
As T * 7 T ^ is a homogeneous function of the degree

= kir^ViTUO)

then applying the formula (2.1) to the equality (3.1) we get

o , 1
FK.7r^-r (x ^|x| )S ,(7r ,,^)|f| - -' K<)- (0.
p o p ( t p (3.3)

On the other hand by applying the Fourier-transform (see Sec. 7.5) to

the convolution v fir'^ and by using again the formula (2.1) we get

, 1
= r (ir )r,(^)|ei7-' (* xi)- (()-
f a 1 (3-4)
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 133

By comparing the equalities (3.3) and (3.4) we obtain the formula

In addition the equality (3.1) takes the form

0 *»,)(x) =
o Hp--"* ' O i ' i H * ) • (3.6)

For ( X I T £ ) ( Z ) ^ 1 the generalized function |x|p" (ffi7ri)(a;) is en-
tire (see Sec. 8.1) and r ( j r 7 r ^ | x | p ) is entire non-vanishing function (see
p a

Sec. 8.2), and therefore the domain of analyticity of the function (3.6) is
defined by singular points of the function r ( 7 r ) r p ( ^ ) : i f JTi(x) ^ 1 and p 0

7Tj(x) ^ 1 i t is an entire function; if = 1 and ir\(z) ^ 1 the singu-

lar points are the straight lines a = at, k = 0 , ± 1 , . . . ; i f T I ( X ) ^ 1 and
f i ( x ) = 1 the singular points are the straight lines 8 = a t , k = 0, ± 1 , . . . .
For 7ri(x) = J T I ( X ) = 1 singular points are the straight lines a = a , k

k = 0,±l,...,3 = pt,k = 0,±l a+8 = l + ak = Q,±l,.... kl

For T T I ( X ) ^ 1 and TV[{X) = it^ (x) singular points are the straight lines
a + 8 = 1 + at, k — 0, ± 1 , In this case

1 t
r K)rp(^)=p<^- ) 7r (-l)
P 1 (3.7)

where k is the range of the character 7r . a

• The formula (3.7) follows from the formulas (2.6) and (2.8)

1 t t +
r (Ta)r (^) = p - V f c f n J p ^ O r r ) = p <
P p ^ S M ) • •

Let Ui(x) = T { ( X ) = 1. Like in Sec. 8.2 we denote

B (n ,^)
p a = B^(\^~ M§- ) X %
= B {a,B).

By this the formulas (3.1) and (3.5) take the classical form

a 1 a 1
\x\ -'*\xf -
p p = B (a,0)\x\ ^- ,
p p (3.8)
134 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

If we take in account the formula (2.16) we get for B (a,0) p the symmet-
rical form
B (a,0) = T (a)r (0)T ( )
p p p p y (3.10)
where a + 0 + 7 = I.
Now we shall prove for Re or, Re 0, Re(a + 0) / — 1 + ctki It £ Z the

F o +0
F \ H •MP = * H ) = n\z\ i P (3-i2)

• For Rea > - 1 , Re 0 > - 1 , Re(o + 0) > - 1 the product \x\« • \x\?
1+ 3
exists in V (in the sense of Sec. 7.5 }, and it is equal to | z | ' so the p

equalities (3.11) and (3.12) are valid. In fact, the functions \x\° and \x\^
belong to L ^ , and the function (see (5.2) of Sec. 7.5)

/ \ \^{x)\x-t:\idx

is continuous at the point £ = 0 for every <p £ T> owing to the majorization
Ixl^l^llT-fl^Cmaxdzl-.lx^), i t supp p, \(\ < 1

and the Lebesgue Theorem on limiting passage under the sign of an integral
(see Sec. 4.4).
For the other a and 0 the equalities (3.11) and (3.12) are obtained by
analytical continuation of the right-hand sides on a and 0. •

Analogously, i f / e £ and Reo, Re/3, Re(a + 0) / - l + u , t e Z then t

' [\*\$f(*)] = = "[ l * f ft*)], (3.13)

a 1
F[\x\ -(\x\ f)}
p p = F[\x\ ']*F[\xf }*f
p p

= (F[\x\;] * F[\xf ])
p * f = F[\xf p • r>j*j$. (3.14)

4. Homogeneous Generalized Functions of Several Variables

The results of Sec. 8.1-8.3 without essential changes are carried over
the homogeneous function \x\^of degree a — n depending on n variables
X = {xi,X ...
2L ,i„),

\x\ = max(|a;i| , \x \ ,...

p p 2 p ,\x \ )
n p (see Sec. 1.7).
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 135

At first we shall calculate the integral


The formula (4.1) for n = 1 coincides with (1.7).

• By induction on n. For n = 1 the formula (4.1) is true. By sup-

posing i t true for n we shall prove i t for n + 1. Denote x = (x,x i), n+

£ = ( c i , X 2 , . . . ,x ). By using the Fuhini Theorem (see Sec. 4.4) we are


convinced that the formula (4.1) is valid for n + 1:

/ \x\^-"-Ux = j ^ x ^ l ^ - U x d x ^

= j j \ \°-»-ld +
xn+1 x J dx

Bo pl,<l*-+il, |S|,>|x„+i| F

- 1
= y"|z i|p (ix„ i
n + +


^-"^didXn +i
+ U Ix^-'didx^ - J J
0 0 B \i\ <\x„ \
a r +l

Br, BQ

1-P" 1
I"? 1-P i-p-" i_ -»-i

1-p-* 1 - p-o+l 1 - p-<* 1 - p-a+1 1 - p"

Let us introduce the generalized function \x\° " from P'fQjJ) by the
formula (cf. (1.6))

«-".v) = / |x| °-"Mx)-v,(o)]dx


+ / |*|*-»rt«)«fa + v ( 0 ) i — V 6 T > ( Q P ) .
J p i(4.2)
136 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

The generalized function \x\°~ is holomorphic everywhere except the
points (1.9)
2hrt , m
at = , k e Z,
where i t has simple poles with the residue


The Fourier-transform formula is valid:

f l W r " ] = rjtoJKI-", * € I (4.3)

where T p is the n-dimensional T-function ( r p — T)p

f t 4 4
r?(«) = / k i r ^ f * ^ = T = ^ - - ( - >

For n = 1 the formula (4.3) coincides with the formula (2.19).

The formula (4.4) follows from the more general formula (m ^ 0)

n a
F[\{x, m ) | ; - ] = T;(c)Q(\m£\,)[\£\; - \pm\;\ (4.5)

where x, £ € QJJ, | ( z , m ) | = m a x ( j i | , | m | ) .
p p p

In fact,for Re a > n the following limit relations

n n
\(x,m)\;- ^\x\;- , n ( K W - i . Manama) - » . **-*«»

in D'(Qp) are valid, and the equality (4.3) follows from the continuity
of the Fourier-transform operation. For other a one uses an analytical
continuation on a.

• To prove the formula (4.5) we use the induction on n. A t first we shall

prove it for n = 1,

j a l
ffe m)\ - xp(xO°x
p = W « ( K I P H K i r - H 9 - 4
( - ) 6
Analysis on the Field 0} p-Aiic Number! 137

It follows from the formulas (3.1) of Sec. 4.3, (2.16) of Sec. 7.2 and (2.19):

j[max(\ \ ,\m\ W- (zc:)d

X p P
Xp X

l*l»<M» M*>M*
= \m\;- \rn\M\ £\ )
rn p + FIM?- }- 1
J W^i*®**
1*1, < M ,

= M ? 8 < K U + r (or>|€|p- - | T n | f i ( | m £ | ) | ^ ^
p p p

-r (a)\i\;"[l-U(\mf\ )}
p P

= r , ( « ) | f f t l f l m f W + M a n a m a ) (1 - | r p ^ ) •

Let the formula (4.5) be true for n, and we prove it for n + 1 i.e. for

# 0 t - , m ) C — ] = i7+ (a)n(|me| )DCt'" - |pm| ] •

1 1


C(0 = f[|(^,m)|*-"],m = m a x ( | „ | , | m | ) , r + 1 p p

and using the Fubini Theorem we get

138 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

y'{max[|x|p,max(k i|pJm|p)]} -' -Vp{(*,0)' n+i

a , iirf:,;

- r;(a -1) / fi(|m4|p)[|c|p- - teMT^JfrPM*

+ r ^ o -1) J ociteipjrj^** 1
- mt^xMn^dt

0 + 1 + 1
+ r"(« - i ) | ? L - / i - r"(« - i ) - ° P 7 2


/ =
2 y £j(i(£ip)xp(ii i)^ n+


= « < K I P ) / Xp(tU+i)dt


= Oflrtft) y xpw n + i)^- y X p(i? i)rfi n +

.i*i,<iei;' lp<|m| p

= fJ(|mf|p) klp-^d^ipM^+ilp-lmlp + fidm^+Up)

Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 139

Here we have used the formula (3.1) of Sec. 4.3.

By using the formula (2.16) Sec. 7.2 we calculate the integral I?.

• /

= fi(|m£| ) p J !

/ l
\t\;- x (ti )dt-P n+1 J a l
\t\ - x (tt] )dt
p P n+i

Ll'l <l£l,"

1 - p -1
= n(|mfi )||fi -^(|£|;Me
P p 0 + il ) ^ + r (a)|f„ | -
P r T P + 1 p

-r («)|f
p n + 1
L- [i-fi(K n + 1 | )]

+ fi(K| )mf\- |^ il )
p + P - l€-+ilr"*i^r

By substituting values of the integrals Ii and i"2 (4-8) we obtain the
desired expression (4.7):
140 p-Adic Artalytii and Mathematical Phyaici

r +i 1
i&M = > - m{\™z\ )(Wp\s\r F - \n\p\pm\r )
1 a
+ r "(a-i)r!(Kl )n(|fX- |u | )||| -
p P 1 p p

a+1 n
- r p ( « - m\rn£\ )\m\ \i\; P p - T (a - p l)ii(\m£\ )

= -r«+ (a)Ii(K| )|p | - p m p

n + 1 1 t t Q
+ r ( )n(Ki )ii(|$| - |f
p | )(|$| - - |£ ,i; )
a P p I 1 + 1 p p n +
+ 1 a
+ r " (a)fi(|mf| )|f | -
p p n + 1 p
+ 1 t t
=i; («)n(Ki,)(i€t -|pm|-). •
I f we act like in Sec. 8.2 and use the formula (4.5) then we obtain the
following generalization of the formula (3.8)
n p n a +? i
\x\- M - v = K( MA°p -' >
a + 8±a k (4.9)
= C(«)r?03)r;( - « - / ? ) . n (4.10)
I f we take into account the property (see (4.4), cf. (2.16))

r;(a)r p
(n-a) = l (4.11)

then the equality (4.10) takes the classical form

Note the symmetrical expression for

f ^ ( a ^ ) = rp(a)r;(/3)r;{ ) 7

where a + 0 + y = n.
Analysis on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 141

R e m a r k . The formulas of Sec. 8.4 to within notations are obtained in

the paper [22] by V.A.Smirnov. They are used in the perturbation theory
in the p-adic Euclidean quantum field theory with the propagator of the
Chapter 2

O N T H E F I E L D OF p - A D I C N U M B E R S

Pseudo-differential operator (on the field of p-adic numbers) in an open

set O C Qp we call the operator A of the form

{A1>)(x) = J a ( £ , * W t f ) > ( - ( f , * M ,
X l * e O

which acts on complex-valued functions ip(x) of p-adic arguments i £

Here we suppose that functions ip(x) are extended by zero from the set O
on whole space <QJ), and ^ ( £ ) are their Fourier transforms,

The function a(£, z), £ € Qp, i G O is called symbol of the operator J4.
We use here some notions and results on the spectral theory of operators
from the books by Reed and Simon [175], Dunford and Schwartz [60] and
Yosida [237].

I X . The Operator D °
The operator D" : ip —* D ip is defined as convolution of generalized
functions f-
a and xp (see Sec. 8.3):
D j, = f_ *ib,
a ajt-1.

144 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

D" is a pseudo-differential operator with the symbol |£|p owing to the

formula of the Fourier transform of convolution (see Sec. 7.5)

F[D i>] = |££ • £,

The operator D" has been introduced and studied by V.S.Vladimirov in

paper [206],

1. The Operator D, a / -1
By virtue of the results of Sec. 8 the generalized function

is holomorphic on or everywhere on the real line except the simple pole at

a = 1 with residue — ; in addition /o(x) = 6(x) and (see (3.8) and (3.9)

of Sec. 8.3)

/«*/« = U+fj, a,0,a + 0?l, «,/?£«.

Let a generalized function ip from D'(Qp) be such that the convolution

f- **l> exists (a ^ —1). The operator D"il> = f- *ip
a we call for a > 0

the operator of (fractional) differentiation of order a, and for a < 0 — the

operator of (fractional) integration of order —a; for a = 0, D°tp = 6'yj, ip
is the identity operator.

E x a m p l e 1 . The analogy of the first derivative (a = 1, D = D) :

P + 1 *

I f ip € V then this formula owing to (1.18) of Sec. 8.1 takes the form

<»X-> - - ^ ( M , - . * .

or owing to (2.19) of Sec. 8.2

(Dj,)(z) = J |fU(Ox (-£*K.

Pseudo-Differential Operator! on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 145

E x a m p l e 2. The derivative D yj, a > 0, ^ £ f is given by the

or equivalently

E x a m p l e 3. The primitive D ° V , a; < 0, a ^ — 1 where vj £ P is given

by the expression (see (2.19) of Sec. 8.2)

(g»(z)= / |«-»|,-^(ff)dlr (1-3)


or equivalently

f / KI?#€)x,(-{*)<*«, - K a < 0,
(D V)(«) = < *! - (1-4)
I i m m v x p ( - s * ) - m w , « < - x .

I f a generalized function ^ belongs to £ ' and a,0,a + 8 ^ —1 then the

equalities are valid

C i y V = f ' + ' V = D<*D"i>. (1.5)

• I t follows from the formulas (3.13)-(3.14) of Sec. 8.3 and (2.19) of

Sec. 8.2:

F[D° ^} = F[f- -t,*1>]
a = /_„_„ • i> = \t;$*P4

= | f i ; • mt$) = \t\f-F\f-fi**] = F[f- *D»rb]


0 a
= F[D"{D i>)] = F[D^(D u^)]

because y) G £ (see Sec. 7.3).

146 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

From the formulas (1.5) for 0 — — a it follows the equalities

a a tt a
D D- tl> = f s D- D $, a t ±1. (1.6)

R e m a r k . The equalities (1.5) are valid also for those generalized func-
tions 0 G V for which the convolutions f- *(f-0*yj), / _ £ * ( / _ *i/>) and
a 0

f-a-0*'l> exists in T>'. The existence of these convolutions is essential for

the validity of the equalities (1.5) as the following example shows: i f a > 0
and ^> = 1 then the convolution / _ „ * 1 = F [ | f | 6(£)] = 0, the convolution p

/ * l does not exist, and the equalities (1.6) are not valid:

a a a
D- (D°l) - D-°0 - 0, D {D~ \) do not exist.

E x a m p l e 4. a 6 R, a G Q " p

D° (a )
Xp X = \a\; (°-z).
Xp (1.7)

• I t follows from the equalities (2.19) of Sec. 8.2, (2.8) of Sec. 9.2 (for
a = — 1) and

- «J$ + " ) (see Sec. 7.3),

F[D" (ax)}
Xp = F[f_„* (ax)] Xp = F[/-*] -F{x (ax)]

( Iflp- ^ + a),

= ! < * ( £ + «)> (1.8)

and from the existence of the products

a 1
m - m+«) = i < • *(e+->),
P • m+<o = i ^ ^ + 4

*(£)*(£ + a ) = 0.

By using the inverse Fourier-transform to the equality (1.8) we obtain the

formula (1.7). •
Pseudo-Difjerentiat Operators on tke Field of p-Adic Numbers 147

E x a m p l e 5. a £ R, 7 £ Z. Let

r 7
• ( * ) = J '[«(|€lp-P )/(€)I, /€!>'.
D"*(i)^p'°$(i). (1,9)

• Like in Example 4 we have

*(o = m - p ) / ( - o ,
F[D $] = f \ a - $

= + 5 7
l fafc p*tf>] - ( i a - p ) / ( - o . <*=-*.
7 7 7ffl
= P ^ ( l f l - p ) / ( - 0 = p *(0 •
P •

E x a m p l e 6. a £ 1 , 7 G Z, |2n| > p p

t 3 y 2
- P ) X P < ° * ) I = p T « | 2 a | ; * ( | r | - p ) (az ). p Xp (1.10)

a 2
• I t follows from the formula (1.9) for / ( £ ) = X p ( £ ) owing to the
formula (2.10) of Sec. 7.2. •

E x a m p l e 7. a £ E, p / 2, 7 £ Z, £ "(*) = 0
i<i< -i P

a 7 o ( 1 7 ,
O W^)6(kl -P )]-P P - 'j(^)«(|x| - ^. p P (1.11)

• As in Example 6 it follows from the formula (2.14) of Sec. 7.2. •

2. Operator D'
Our goal is to extend the operator D on a = —1, so that on the class
of generalized functions i/> £ £', (^,1) — 0 it would be continuous on a at
148 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

the point a — — I , and the equalities (1.5) would be valid for all real a and
0 (see [206]).
At first we shall prove the Lemma.

L e m m a 1 . In order that a generalized function f £ £', supp f C Bw

satisfies the condition

(/,1)==0, (2.1)

it is necessary and sufficient that

/ ( € ) = 0, £ 5_„.
€ (2.2)

• Necessity of the condition (2.2) follows from results of Sec. 7.3. In

fact, let the condition (2.1) be fulfilled. As parameter of constancy of the
function / ( £ ) is no less than -N then / ( £ ) = / ( 0 ) = ( / , & ) = ( / , 1) = 0N

for all £ € B_N owing to the representation! (3.10) of Sec. 7.3.

Conversely, i f the condition (2.2) is fulfilled then by choosing

ip £ T>, supp <p C B-y,

j view = i

we obtain the condition (2.1)

0 = (/>) = (/,£)= J <p(x) (xOd^


= | / ( i ) , & (x)
N I = (/, A )N = ( / , 1) = 0 . •

On test functions <p S V such that / <pdx = 0 the following limit relation
is valid
(/«.P)-*-^/ln|*kK*)<k. (2.3)
Pa cud o-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numberi 149

• The existence of a limit and the formula (2.3) follows from the limit

" " " p l n p J ^\x\ <p(x)dx

p i a-* I.
The legitimacy of limiting passage under the sign of the integral is guaran-
teed by the Lebesgue Theorem (see Sec. 4.4) owing to the majorization

exp[(a - l ) l n \x\ ] — 1 p
<C|lnhrlp|, zesupp<p, | o - l | < l
1 — exp[—(a — 1) In p]

for some C = C{p, supp ip).

Let us denote by / i the regular generalized function — In \x\ ,p

ttiitf = -Ifijfi J * t^ttyfe f ^ v

- 2 4

fTV-#*rS (2.5)

Tfte limit relation

D~"VJ —> D ' 1

^ , o - 1 in P ' (2.6)

is uahd" iftp££' satisfies the condition (2.1).

• Let supp tp C B J V and <p € f . By using the convolution theory (see

Sec. 7.1) for all a > 0, a / 1 we have

(D~ ip, p) = = ( / « ( * ) , (*(»>. «K* + y)))

= / /«0)«0)dx (2.7)
ISO p-Adic Analytii and Mathematical Phyiici

*(«) = & K * M « + 03 = Aw(»)«»(* + y)) 6
Further owing to the formula (6.5) of Sec. 6.6 (as A (y)<p{x N + y) € 2?(Q ))
and the condition (2.1) we have

/ o(z)rfz = JWy),A (yMx N + y))dx= U(y),A (y)

N J <p(x + y)dx

= V(y). &N(y) J v(x)dx) = {tp, l ) j <p(x)dx = 0.

\ Q„ / (E,

So the function g satisfies the condition (2.1). Therefore by virtue of (2.3)

from (2.7) and (2.5) we derive (2.6):

(D-°y;,<p) = j f (x)g(x)dx^
a j h(x)g(x)dx

= J fi(x)(^y),A (y)p{x N + y))dx

= {fi*V,v) = (D- Jp,<p), tk—tl. U

Now we shall prove the formula

f l { 0 = v + m ( 2 8 )
W p p '

where the generalized function U defined in (1.10) o/Sec. 8.1.

• From the formula (3.6) of Sec. 4.3 it follows that the Fourier-transform
of the function fi(x) coincides with I f l " for £ ^ 0. Therefore (see Sec. 6.3)

Pseudo-Differeniial Operator! on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 151

For definition of the constant C we apply both sides of the equality (2.9)
to the test function A<j = Ao (the function A t are defined in Sec. 7.1). By
using the integral (2.6) of Sec. 4.2 we get

C = (/i,A )- 0 (pyl-.Ao)

ifl,<i ieu>i

I f ip e (ip, 1) = 0 then by Lemma 1 ip(f) vanishes in a vicinity of the

point £ = 0. Therefore by virtue of (2.8)

fiiOHO = (Vjgr + • 1(1) = teffifc)-

From here as above it follows that the formulas (1.5) are valid for all real
a and 8 if ( t M ) = 0.

L e m m a 2. If p € D, supp <p C Bjv '«en for \x\ > p p

(/.<«'),¥>(*-*')>=< — m z
. *' . (2.10)
plop l lp J <pdx, 0=1.

• Let tt 1. For | z | > p " , p ( i ) = 0 and \x - y\ - \x\ , y € supp <p,

p p p

and from the formulas (1.1) and (1.3) the equality (2.10) follows

(f (x-)Mx
0 - x'))

i*'i<i ] 'i>i
1S2 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathema'.ical Physici

The case a = 1 is considered analogously.

The following equalities are valid

/!*/-« = /!-«. =f-«*fx, «>0. (2.H)

• For a = 0, fa = 6, and the equalities (2.11) are valid. Let a > 0.

Then by the definition of convolution (see Sec. 7.1) for all <p E V and for
any 1-sequence { n t , i —» oo} we have

{h*f-cf) = t—too
l i m ( / i ( x ) x f- (v)M*M* a + v))

= l i m / (x)h{x)(f. {y),<p{x
nk 0 + y))d 3

t—OO J

= J h(x)(f- (y).<p(x 0 + y))dz.

The legitimacy of limiting passage under the sign of the integral and exis-
tence of the last integral follow from the Lebesgue Theorem (see Sec. 4.4)
and the Lemma 2 owing to the majorization

|at|p > R,, k>N.

Thus the convolution fi*f- exists, and hence the convolution

a f- *fi a

exists, and they are equal. To calculate it we argue by the following way.
The product f\ • / _ „ exists, and the equality is valid

F\Ji"f-c] = h /-« (see Sec. 7.5).

By taking into account the formulas (2.19) of Sec. 8.2 and (2.8) we rewrite
the last equality in the form

It ia easy to see that for a > 0

Paeudo-Differential Operators on lis Field of p-Adic Numbers 153

fx**/-] = Kir
from where owing to (2.19) of Sec. 8.2 the equalities (2.11) follow

From (2.11) for a = —1 the relations follow

/t*/-i = «=7-l*/l. (2.12)

Now we shall prove the statement: i f ip £ £' then for a > 0 there exist
l tt l 0 1
D- D"tp and D D- vj and they are equal to D ' ^:

x a 1 a 1
D~~ D ip = D"- ^ = D D~ i{> (2.13)

or equivalently

/ i * ( / - W ) = fi-c*iP = f- *(fi*il>)-
a (2.14)

• We use the convolution theory of Sec. 7.1. Let ip kz D- Then for all
x £ Q we have

((/-WMi/), v{* + y')) = (/—(*). W)M*+v+y')))

= (f- (y),9(x
0 + y))
where g(x) = (yj(y'),<p(x + y')) G V. Therefore the convolution /i*(/_,»*>/')
exists and is equal to /i_a*^>:

( / l * ( / - « * * ) , * > ) = / / i ( * ) ( / - . ( l f ) , f f ( x + »))<k

= ( / i * / - < . , 9) = ( / l - * ( « ) . ( t f ( l f ) , v ( * + »))) = (fi- *it>,-p)


owing to the equality (2.11). The similar consideration is valid also for the
= - (/-Wi)** • •
!Yom the equalities (2.13) for a — 1 the equalities follow
1 _ 1 1
D~ Dtp = vj = D 7 J V , V€ (2.15)
154 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

We summarize our results in the following Theorem.

T h e o r e m . The formulas (1.5),

a 8 +S 0 a
D D il> = D° *l> = D D tj>, Ve &, (1.5)

are valid ifa,0,a + 0 j S - l w a > 0,0 = - 1 . / / V £ £ ' Mfc's/ies iAe

contfidon (2.1) (V ,1) = 0 (Aen the formulas (1.5) are va/i<f for all real a
and 8; in addition D yb is continuous on a in V

R e m a r k . The operator D", a ^ — 1 is defined by the homogeneous

generalized function / _ „ of degree —a — 1; for a = — 1 this property is lost:
_ 1
the operator D is defined by the function — j ^ l ; l n | r | p which does not
possess property of homogeneity.

3. Equation D i/> = g
Let us consider the equation

iri> = g, get, a em (3.1)

with respect to an unknown generalized function yj e V. A solution of the

equation (3.1) is seeked in the class of those ip kz W, for which convolution
/_„*V> exists in T>' (and it is equal to g) (see Sec. 7).

T h e o r e m 1. For a > Q any solution of the equation (3.1) is expressed

by the formula
iP = D-°g + C (3.2)

where C is an arbitrary constant; for a <0 a solution of the equation (3.1)

is unique and it is expressed by the formula (3.2) for C — 0.

• The fact that D~"g is a solution of the equation (3.1) follows from
the formulas (1.6) and (2.15). I t remains to investigate solutions of the
homogeneous equation
D il> = 0. (3.3)

By applying to the equation (3.3) the Fourier-transform (see Sec. 7.5) we

get / _ ( 0 • vH£) = 0. As / _ ( £ ) f 0 for f ^ 0 (see (2.19) of Sec. 8.2 for
o 0
Pseudo-Differentia! Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 155

a ? - I and (2.8) for a = - 1 ) then = 0, { # 0, and thus ^ = C*(£),

V- = C.
Now we shall prove that for a < 0, C — 0. For a = 0 it is the case. Let
a < 0 and C ^ 0, i.e. / _ * 1 = 0. As Q

f- €L (B ), 0 J /_ (Odi>-oo


then i f we choose a function <p £T>, j <p(x)dx — 1 we obtain the following


0 = (/_„.l,^) = j f_ (x)A (x)

a k J<p(x + y)dydx

= J }- (x)dx a + Jim J f- {x)dx

a = -oo . •
Bo 1<H<P*

T h e o r e m t*. In order that there exists a solution ip of the equation

(3.1) such that ip(£) vanishes in some vicinity of £ = 0, it is necessary
and sufficient that g satisfies the condition (2.1). In addition the solution
ip = D~°g is unique, continuous with respect to a (E K in V and the
formulas are valid
a 0
D"ip = DP—g = D~ D g. (3.4)

• Necessity. Let ip be a solution of the equation (3.1) and ip = 0 in a

vicinity of £ — 0. Then

F[D"iP\ = F[f. *iP\

a = /_„<£) • fa) = git) .

From where it follows that g(£) = 0 in a vicinity of £ = 0. By the Lemma

1 of Sec. 9.2 g € £' and satisfies the condition (2.1).

Sufficiency. Let g € & satisfy the condition (2.1). By the Lemma 1 of

Sec. 9.2 g(f ) = 0 on a vicinity of £ = 0. As constant C / 0 does not satisfy
156 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Phytio

the condition (2.1) then by the Theorem 1 there exists a unique solution
y) = D~"g of the equation (3.1) which satisfies the condition (2.1);

| ( 0 = F[D-«g] = F[f *g] a = /„(£) • g(Q-

Last statements of the Theorem follow at once from the Theorem of

Sec. 9.2. •

4. Spectrum of the Operator D in Qp, a > 0
The operator D", a > 0 is pseudo-differential with the symbol \f\ p (see
Sec. 9.1):

DH = j i a X r ( - ^ M £ R - a

2 2
It is defined on those functions tb from the Hilbert space L ( Q ) = L (see p

2 a
Sec. 7.4) for which \£,\^vl e i . This set, we denote it by V(D ), is called
the domain of definition of the operator D" in Q . I n addition p

(D^, )
= {D"/ ^D ' ) a t
V f %#%g8ffl& ip,<peV(D ), a

= (D"tp D"tP) } = J \i\l \i>(t:)\ d£,
a 2
i> € V(D ).a

The equalities (4.1) and (4.2) follow directly from the Parseval-Steklov
a a
(D 1>,tp) = (F[D yj],F[<p)) = Qfj$t,ifc
here (•, •) is the scalar product in the Hilbert space L (see Sec. 7.4).
The defined operator D" is self-adjoint and positive:

a a,2 3
(D yj,yj) = \\D i>\\ > 0, O ^ e V(D°)

so the spectrum of the operator D" is situated on the semi-axis A > 0.

Let us consider the eigen-value problem in Q p

a 2
D tp = \tl>, Vei (Q ). P (4.3)

Let A = 0. I t was shown in Sec. 9.3 that for A = 0 the equation (4.3)
have the unique linearly independent solution in T>'ip = 1. Thus y) = 1 is
Pi cud o-Differential Operators on ike Field of p-Adic Numbers 157

a generalized eigen-function of the operator D which corresponds to the
eigen value A = 0. However A = 0 is not an eigen-value of the operator D .
a 2
Further, ran D (range of values of D°) is dense in L ' .

• I t follows from the fact that the equation

D \b =ip, <f?€V, J<pdx = 0

has a solution ip = D~°ip from the domain D[D ) as ip G T> and

i) = F[D~"ip] = F[f *<p] = f -fp

a a = | £ f « 0 G t>, 4><=V

(by the Lemma 1 of Sec. 9.3 p{l) = 0 in a vicinity o f f = 0), and the set of
functions {<p &V : f ipdz = 0} is dense in L (see the Lemma below). •

L e m m a . The set of test functions <p from T> satisfying the condition
j ipdx = 0 is dense in L .

• By virtue of the Parseval-Steklov equality \\tp\\ = ||^|| (see Sec. 7.4)

and the Lemma 1 of Sec. 9.3 it is sufficient to prove that the set

Z>(QP\{0}) - f > 6 T> : HO = 0, £ € B K i 3N G Z)

is dense i n L . But in Sec. 6.2 i t was proved that V(Q \{0)) P is dense in
2 2 2
L (Q \{Q})~L (Q> )
P P = L . •

Let A > 0. I f we apply to the equation (4.3) the Fourier-transform we

get the equivalent equation

mi? - = °-
From here we conclude that desired points of spectrum A (in this case -
eigen-values) have the form
\ =p ,N€Z,
N (4.4)

* However this statement follows from the facts that self-adjoint operator D" has no
remainder spectrum and A = 0 is not an eigen-value of D" •
158 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Phftiet

and the corresponding (normed) eigen-functions have the representation

s a
$m = H\t\*-p M§J N«)l d£ = l 1 Nez. (4.5)

5. Orthonormai Basis of Eigen-Functions of the Operator D" [207]

In (4.5) we choose as functions p the following system of locally constant

functions on Sfj: for p ^ 2
N 1 a
P .h,e,(0
N = NI
p- \i^p(£ )-XplP

-(€ + V - - )
' = 2,3 1=1,2 p-1,
£i = £a + £ i p + . . . + £i-2p' _ 2
, £j = 0 , 1 , . . . , p - 1, £ / °>

P Nk o ( 0 ^ P ^ * K o - * ) , i = 1, * = 1,2,... ,p - 1, £, = 0 ;
for p = 2
^ . ( O ^ ^ A ^ ' j x * — ( £ + 2>- -*f\,

i = 2,3,..., k= 0,l,
€i = 1 + ei2 + . . . + e i - 2 2 ' - 2
, q - 0,1, (5.2')
i £ i v 2
P W O = 2 ^ Y2(*2' - 0, f = l , fc = 0 , l , ei=0.

As a result we obtain the following system of normed eigen-functions

which the Fourier-transforms owing to (4.5) and (5.1) are equal: for p ^ 2

( i + i p , N 1 ) 2
• * ' [ - V " "
for p = 2

r 92JV-I-2
X2 [—^— + (5.4')

&,»,o«) = a ^ ^ b N
" 2 )X2(fc2 - £). ftr 2
Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 159

By applying the inverse Fourier-transform to the functions (5.3) and (5.4)

and using the formulas (2.7)-(2.9) of Sec. 7.2, we get the following eigen-
a aN
functions of the operator D corresponding to the eigen-value Ajy = p ,
J V e S : f o r p ^ 2 I k i n d ( i = 2 , 3 . . . , * = 1,2,... , p - 1, e, = e + £ i p +
1 0

...+£,-2p'- )

* W > ) i
= P^ y ^*(klp-P - )x (
, N
P £ (
p - ^ + V-2 A r
- x ) , (5.5')

I I kind (1=1, * = 1,2,... , p - 1, t | = 0)

$ ,hA )
x !£fisi N l
= p (p - \ \ )x (kp- xy, x J> P

for p = 2 I kind (7 = 2 , 3 , . . . , fc = 0,1, e, = 1 + £j2 + . - - + £ i - 2 2 1 - 2


= 2*^(kl2 - ^ - ^ Y ^ ' " 2

" * 2
+2'- -*x),

I I kind ( ( = 1 , fc = 0,1, £i = 0)

= ^ m N
\ x - * 2 - | ) - 6(\x - k2 ~ \,
W 2
N 2
- #-»)]. (5.6")

The eigen-functions (5.5)-(5.6) belong to the space V and satisfy the


j ^, M l (s)dx = 0 (5.7)

because owing to (5.3)-(5.4) ^ ^ , , ( 0 ) = 0 ( see Lemma 1 of Sec. 9.2). The

I kind eigen-functions satisfy also the condition

O r t h o g o n a l i t y of the eigen-functions for distinct N follows from the

formulas (5.3)-(5.4), for fixed jV and distinct / it follows from the formulas
(5.5)-(5.6). Orthogonality of the I kind functions for fixed N and / and
160 p-Adic Analyst; and Mathematical Physics

distinct e follows from the formula (2.10) of Sec. 7.2:

Wit**, •

• j x [( -£;)p'-
P E i
2 , v
x 2
+ (i-fc')p' x]dx

\(k-k')p t-N
- p =_ 0

as EI ^ s'„ so

, + 1 2!l N)
ki-',l>p- , \4(t,-e',)p'-™\>P*- -

2(e,-e;) '- " P p p^'-lEi-eJip
For p = 2 one considers analogously. For fixed N, I and ei and distinct k
the functions (5.6) are orthogonal by virtue of the formula (2,8) of Sec. 7.2:

i ^ * ^ ) " / X2(2'~ x) 2(-2'- ->x)dz



X2(2 i - j v - i a:)dj! = 0, I = 2,3,...

= /

Hence, / o r p = 2 (fte eioen-/anc[ions (5.6) form an orthonormal system

in L ( % ) .
For p ^ 2 the I I kind eigen-functions (5.5") are orthonormal for distinct
jfc (and fixed JV) by virtue of the formulas (5.3"). The I kind eigen-functions
(5.5') for distinct k and fixed N, I and e are not orthogonal.
To construct an orthonormal system of eigen-functions it is sufficient to
orthogonalize the system of functions

fc=l,2,... ,p-l}.
Pseudo-Differential Operators on ike Field of p-Adic Numbers 161

We shall prove now that as such orthonormal system one possibly takes the
following I kind eigen-functions:

t = l,2,... , P - 1 . (5.9)

At first we establish the relations

Kj<p-1 ** ™ '

E - 7 i >
^ . ( * ) , (5-11)

where e! = — ^=- V>\-N,v,.l(0

and fc' is defined to be the congruence (5-12)

-2e k
0 = k' (mod p), *' = 1,2,... ,p - 1. (5.13)

The formula (5.10) follows from (5.3') and (5.9) owing to the relations

X p i kp'-^ )
x = X p ( -^.) £
' I<J<P-I

= E *p ( ~ ) *(*o - i ) ,
x e s,.^.
K j<p-1
i<j<p > '

Further, by using the relation

I<«<P-I I<«<P_I

I " ' * ,
I P-1, t = J (5.14)
162 p-Adic Analyiit and Mathematical Phytics

from (5.10) we derive the formula (5.11)

E »f~)^w
1<><P-1 '

**- 1 K K f - l v e
' l<j<p-l V
* '

VP- 1

VP- 1
^ I<;'<P-I

owing to the equality

-^=r E
y p


* i<;<p-i V P /

= E

At last the formula (5.12) follows from (5.11) and (5.3'):

• E
J £
i<y<p-i L
' ' (5.15)
Pscudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 163

By virtue of (5.13) and (5.14) for f e S N we have

J L Xp
- E ip ) l ( *w)

= E f x , ( 7 * ) - i l x , f - ^ ) = ^ J e o = P « « 0 - t ' ) -
l<a<p-l L \ P / J V P /
From here and (5.15) the formula (5.12) follows. •
IVom the representation (5.11) it follows that the functions (5.9) are
eigen-functions of the operator D". Thus it was constructed the orthonor-
mal system (5.9), (5.5') of eigen-functions of the operator D° for p ^ 2 :
N e Z
I kind ( i = 2 , 3 , . . . , fc = 1,2 p - 1, e j = E + e0 l P + .., + c,_ p'- )

_ J V l m
^,,0) = P ^ H H -P' ) • *(*o - i)^($tp - z% (5.16')

I I kind (/ = 1, k = 1,2,... , p - 1, c = 0) t

l N N
&Mf& = ^*0ti>-P ~ )Xp(kp- x) = (5.16")

Completeness. Let us prove the completeness of the orthonormal sys-

tems (5.6) and (5.16) in L ( Q ) . I t is sufficient to prove the completeness

of their Fourier-transform on any circle SN , N £ Z as

3 2
L (Qp)= E ®t (5 ). T (5.17)

To prove the last one it is sufficient to prove the Parseval-Steklov equality

for any functions from the dense set

N 2
i X p ( ^ ) , k i p > P~ ) in L (S ) N (see Sec. 7.2).
N 17
Let p ^ 2. I f |cr|p — p~ then Xptf ) = 1 on and hence owing to

1= 22 «('o-*) = P ^ E *&,*,o«). f e ^ .
164 p-Adic Analytia and Mathematical PhyMici

Let ](j|p = p . Then for £ € SN we have


l<*<p-l \ r f

= E * P ( ^ j i ( 0 -
K K p - l ^ '

Let |ir|p = p"~ , n = 2 , 3 , . . . . Then for { e S N we have

e W . = (xp(^)^V.t, ) = t( /

= j ftwstfM-frW = <p' ,h,cM)-


Hence owing to (5.16) C N lc i i = 0 if / ^ n and for / = n

3 a
IGJ.v.t = I ^ . W I = - *)•
For fixed / = n > 2 and t = 1,2,... , p — 1 a number of eigen-functions
- 2
(5.16') is equal to ( p - l ) p " . Therefore

N n 2 N+1
\\x,{t*)\\b s )
l tl =p ( i - l ) = (p-i)p - -" P Y, *<*«-*)

= E E E I ^ . I .
1<I<W l<i<p-l <i

so that the Parseval-Steklov equality is realized.

N 1 N
Let p = 2. For \tr\ = 2~ or 2 = 2 ~ we have x (t\o) = 1 on S 2 N

and hence owing to (5.4") xi(t*) - 1&,o.o(0 JV' kla = 2 " - , O N S F o r w

n = 3 , 4 , . . . as in the case p ^ 2 we have

Cjr M. =l (j&(W.ft *)=flr A A ( 1 W.

Fseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 165

Therefore owing to (5.6) C' N i l i = 0 i f t+ 1 / n and for / + 1 = n

2 2 N n + 1
l ^ t . . , l = h&,*, ,(*)l = 2 -
t .
For fixed I = n — 1 > 2 a number of eigen-functions (5.6') is equal to
2 . r,-2
2 = 2 r,-i Therefore

l<i<oo Jt=0,l d

Finally we note that functions of the form

14-=^) (5.18)
satisfy the equation (4.3) for A = Ajv = p owing to (1.7).
Thus we have proved the following

T h e o r e m . The spectrum of the operator D is essential' and it consists
of a countable number of eigen-values \N = p , N G % each of which is in-
finite multiplicity, and the point A = 0 {the limit point of the eigen-values).
The functions (5.16) for p ^ 2 and (5.6) for p = 2 form an orthonormal
basis of eigen-functions of the operator V . These eigen-functions belong
to 73(Op) and satisfy the conditions (5.7) and (5.8). The generalized eigen-
function 4>(x) = 1 is the only one corresponding to the point A = 0, and the
eigenvalues A^r correspond to generalized eigenfunctions of the form (5.18).

6. Expansions on Eigen-Functions
For uniformity we shall redenote the eigen-functions (5.6) rp' Nt (p = 2)
by <p' . From the results of Sec. 9.4-9.5 it follows the that
N k Ci

T h e o r e m on e x p a n s i o n i n eigen-functions <p' N i: C ( of the operator


NCZ, 1=1,2,..., fc = l,2,..., -l, P (6.1)

* The definition of essential spectrum is found in Sec. 10.1.

166 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

NeZ, 1=1,2,..., k = 1,2,... , p - l , £i. (6.1)

T h e o r e m . Every function f £ £ ( Q ) is expanded in the P Fourier-series
in eigen-functions {<p' } of the operator D":
Nt Cj

6 2
/ ( « ) = E E E E / W * W * 3 <->
JVGZ l < ! < » 1 < * < P - 1 <f

TAe series (6.2) coraueiyes in i ( Q ) , and the Parseval-Sleklov equality is

\\f\\ = T, E E E i / W - M
JV€Z 1<I<OQ 1 < * < P - 1 *

In the other words the space L ( Q ) is expanded in a direct sum of p

finite-demensional eigen-subspaces (series) W^, N £ Z, I = 1,2,...,

z n 6 5
i (Q ) = E P E ® *- <->

For p / 2 the subspace r f ^ , / = 2 , 3 , . . . are spanned on the eigen-functions

2 1
of I kind (5.16') so that dim H' = (p - 1 ) V " ; 'H are spanned on the

l !
eigen-functions of I I kind (5.16") so that dim H - p - 1 . For p = 2, H , N N

I = 2,3,... are spanned on the eigen-functions of I kind (5.6'), dim H* = N

- 1
2 ' ; Tijf are spanned on (5.6"), dim Wjy = 2.

R e m a r k . I t is easily seen that just constructed eigen-functions of the

operator D", a > 0 (see for example the formulas (5.5) and (5.6)) by
complex conjugation convert either in themselves (real) or in other eigen-
functions of the some series (complex). Therefore a complex eigen-function
(5.5) or (5.6) gives contribution 1 in dim 7i' rather than 2 as it is the case N

in the classical mathematical physics.

Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 167

X . p-Adic Schrodinger Operators

A pseudo-differential operator A of the form

Ai{> — a*ij> + V • i!>

we call the p-adic Schrodinger operator. Its symbol is the function

5(0 + V{z)
where a{£) is the Fourier-trans form of a (generalized) function a(x)\ the
function V(x) is called a potential.
The simplest example of such operator is the operator D " = / _ * , a > 0. 0

Its symbol is \£\ (see Sec. 9.).


In presentation of materials in these section we shall follow mainly the

work [208],

1 . Bounded from Below Selfadjoint Operators

Let A be a selfadjoint operator in the Hilbert space H with (dense)
domain of definition T>(A). We denote by p(A) the resolvent set, by c{A)
the spectrum and by V{\) the projector-valued measm-e of the operator A,

A= j xdp(x), (A<p,i>) = j XdiP^M), • ,i>ev(A).


"{A) °{A)

Let A £ c{A). In accordance with definitions (see [175], v . l ) we say

that A £ <T (j4)(er (A) is the essential spectrum of the operator A) if the
esa e3i

V(\ + e)-V(\-e) (1.1)

is infinite dimensional for alle > 0; if the projector (1.1) is finite dimensional
for all sufficiently small e > 0 then A £ o-,j\ -(A)(p,i\ (A) is the discrete
a< si:

spectrum of the operator A).


(A), c (A)
esa N tT (A)
disc = 4>\

A € o~&, {A) if and only if A is an isolated point of the spectrum c{A) and

A is the eigen-value of the operator A of finite multiplicity. An operator for

which c{A) — c*4\ {A) is called operator with discrete spectrum.
16S p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Another classification of points of the spectrum a(A) is based on ex-

pansion of the spectral measure dP(X) (precisely measures d(7>(A)^, ip),
tp € H) on singular, absolutely continuous, and continuously singular parts.
I t gives respectively <T (A)-pure pointwise, a (A)-absolutely
pp continuous,

and c,j g{A)-continuously singular parts of the spectrum o~(A),


<r(A) = o- {A)pp U ff^A) U o; (A).


However these sets may intersect each other (for details see [175], v . l ,
Now we suppose that a selfadjoint operator A is bounded from below,
i.e. there exists a constant C such that

(A^)>CM\\ , ^keV(A). (1.2)

The closed bilinear form generated by the operator A we denote by

A{ip, ip); its domain of definition we denote by Q{A) D T^{A) so that

A( ,i>) = (A<fi,ib), ,tp€V(A).

V V (1.3)

We denote by Xk(A), k = 1,2,... the mini-max numbers which are defined

by the mini-max principle

x (A)=
k sup inf 4rfi? *e<?(4 (1-4)

The following Theorem takes place (see for example [175, v.IV]).

Theorem. Let A be a bounded from below selfadjoint operator in the

Hilbert space H with domain of definition V(A); let A(f, \p) be a correspond-
ing bilinear form with domain of definition Q(A). The following conditions
are equivalent.
- 1
(I) The operator (A — A ) is a compact for some A £ p(A);
- 1
(II) The operator (A — A ) is a compact for all A £ p(A);
(III) The set of functions

|>eD(A): |M|< ,f l ||Aifr||<6]

if compact for all a > 0 and b > 0;

Ps cud o-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 169

( I V ) The set of functions

[ip e Q(A) : H0JJ < a, A(il>,ii>)<b]

is compact for all a > 0 and b > 0;

(V) There exists an orthonormal basts {ip* £ D(A), k = 1 , 2 , . . . } of
eigen-functions ipt of the operator A which correspond to eigenvalues \t,

A<p = A k m , k= 1,2,... , (1.5)

in addition At is of finite multiplicity, and

Ai < A < . . . , 2 Xk - * oo, fc-*oo; (1.6)

(VI) X (A)^+oo,
k k^oc, (1.7)

where numbers \k(A) are defined by the mtni-max principle (1.4).

In other words by realization one of the conditions ( I ) - ( V I ) the others

conditions will be fulfilled, and the spectrum c(A) ~ [A — A*, k = 1,2,...]
is discrete, in addition At = A t ( A ) —* oo, k —* oo.

E x a m p l e 1. Let a potential V ( | r | ) be bounded from below and locally


finite in Q : -C < V(\x\ ) £ L ^ ( Q ) . T h e p-adic Schrodinger operator

p p p

Aip = D 4>- V(\x\ )yj, r p a>-\ (1.8)

has symbol

and the domain of definition

2 2 2
V(A) = [<p€L : |£| ^£L (Q ),
p p V(\x\ )ip £ L } .

z 2
It is bounded from below and symmetric in the Hilbert space L ( Q ) = L . p

It admits the Friedrichs selfadjoint extension (see for example [175], v.2)
with the help of the closed bounded from below bilinear form

A(<p, tl>) = j\f\°v{t)~kt)dt +j V(\x\ Mx)ii>(x)dx


Q a /
= ( D / V . - D V ) + (V>,V0 (1-9)
170 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

with the domain of definition

2 2
Q(A) = [<p G L ( Q ) : j £ | - ' V € L ( Q ) , Jv(\x\ )
P P p + \C\ +l<p € f j .
It is clear that
V(A)CV(A) C Q(A).

E x a m p l e 2. Multidimensional p-adic Schrodinger operators with sym-

2 2
\Si\ + ...U
P p + v(z), KcOlp + vi*),

1 1
where a potential V € i j ^ Q p ) and Vfz) > - C , z G Qp , give examples of
bounded from below symmetric operators in L ( Q p ) .

2 n
2. Compactness in L (Q )

As the space Q£ is locally-compact then some criterions of compactness

of functions of real arguments are directly carried over to complex-valued
functions of p-adic arguments, for example the Ascoli-Arzela Lemma (see
[175], v . l , [237]).
// M is an infinite set of continuous functions on a compact K C Qp
which is bounded in C(K) and it consists of equicontinuous functions on
K, then a sequence may be chosen from M which converges in C(K).
Let G be an clopen set in QJJ (for instance, a ball B , a sphere S , the r T

exterior of a ball B : Q \B T the exterior of a sphere 5 : Q \S ,

p ry whole r p r

space Qp and so on). We shall consider the space L (G) (see Sec. 4.1) as
a set of those functions from L (Q ) whose support is contained in G, i.e.

every function / from L (G) is defined on the whole space Qp and vanishes
almost everywhere outside of G.

Definitions. 1. We shall say that a set of functions M C L (G) consists
of equicontinuous on the whole in L (G) functions i f for any e > 0 there
exists n = n G H such that for any function / from M the inequality is


J\f(x + h)-f(x)\ dx , <£ VftG5 . n

Plendo-Differential Operator! on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 171

2. We shall say that a set M C L {G) consists of functions with equicon-
tinuous L ( G ) - integrable at infinity if for any E > 0 there exists N = N £ 2 c

such that for any f £ M the inequality is valid

J \f{x)\Hx<€.

3. We shall say that a measurable real function F(x) defined on a set

G C Qp tends to + oo at infinity (i.e. F{x) - * +oo, \x\ - » oo, x 6 G) i f G p

is an unbounded set and for any M > 0 there exists N — N £ 7L such that e

f 0 ) > M for all | x | > , ^ £ G.
p P

A n a l o g y o f t h e R i e s z - K o l m o g o r o v c r i t e r i o n o n compactness: I n
2 3
order that a set Af C L (G) is compact in £ ( G ) , it is necessary and
sufficient that i t satisfies the following conditions:

( I ) is bounded in L {G);
( I I ) consists of equicontinuous on the whole in L (G) functions;
( I I I ) consisis of functions with equicontinuous L (G)-integrals at infinity.

In terms of the Fourier-transform from the Riesz-Kolmogorov criterion

we obtain the following criterion of compactness: In order that a set M c
2 2
I (G) be compact in L (G), it is necessary and sufficient that it satisfies
the conditions ( I ) , ( I I I ) and the condition
( I I ' ) the set [g = f,f 6 M] consists of functions with equicontinuous
L (Q )-integrals
p at infinity.

From the last criterion i t follows directly t h e analogy o f Rellich's

2 2
c r i t e r i o n : If a set of functions f £ L {G) is bounded in L {G) and satisfies
the conditions

J «(t)\f(Z)\ dt:<C, 3
f€M, (2.1)

jp{x)\f{x)\ dx<C, 2
} £ M, (2.2)
172 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

where <r(f) and p(x) are positive functions which tend to +00 at infinity
and a number C does not depend on f then M is compact in L (G).

R e m a r k . I f G is bounded then the conditions ( I I I ) and (2.2) naturally

are absent.

3. The Operator a* + V

The operator o* •+• V- = A is pseudo-differential

( f t t i t * ) = j a(OHOXp(-M)di + V(z)i>(z). (3.1)

We shall consider the operator A in the Hilbert space L {G) where G is
a clopen set in Q". Therefore in the equation (3.1) x belongs to G. The
symbol of the operator A is the (generalized) function

5(0 +V(x), xGG.

We suppose: <i(£) and V(x) are functions bounded from below, locally
bounded and tend to +00 to at infinity in <Q£ and G respectively. Without
loss of generality we may assume that functions a(£) and V(x) are positive.
As a domain of definition of the operator A we take the set

2 2 2
V(A) = [il>€L (G) : aj>€L (®;), V> € L {G)}.

Under these assumptions the operator A is symmetric and positive. The

corresponding bilinear form is:

AO,¥>) = / m m m d £ + j n*)^*)^)**, (3.2)

Aif ip)
l = j 5 ( O W O I 2
# + J
V(x)\tp(x)\ dx , (3.3)
Q; G

with the domain of definition

Q(A) = [y. € 2
L (G) : v/5^I (Q;), J
VK^, G t (G)]
Pscido-Difjfcrcntial Operator) on the Field af p-Adic Numbers 173

which is closed and positive. Therefore the operator A admits the (unique)
Friedrich selfadjoint extension A with a domain of definition V{A) — V{A*)
(~\Q(A) C Q(A), and

4 & $ = $ M , <P,4>€V(A).

The "boundary value" problem for the operator A on a set G is posed

in the following way: Let / £ I?{G), find a function <p from T>(A) which
satisfies the equation

(A<p)(x) = \<p(x) + f(x), x£G. (3.4)

For / = 0 we have the spectrum problem for the operator A.

R e m a r k 1. "Boundary" conditions in the "boundary value" problem

(3.4) are hidden i n the definition of the quadratic form (3.3) in which it is
supposed that functions ip vanish outside G.
By virtue of the analogy of Rellich's criterion (see Sec. 10.2) any bounded
set M in L ( G ) for which for some b > 0

A{vj,iP)<b, yj £ M
is compact in £ ( G ) . From here by using the Theorem of Sec. 10.1 we
conclude that the Hilbert-Schmidt theory is valid for the operator A, namely
one has the following

M a i n T h e o r e m Let locally bounded functions a(£) and V{x) be bounded

from below and tend to +oc at infinity in Q™ and G respectively. Then the
spectrum of the operator A = a* + V. ' ) is discrete and it consists of
real eigen-value Ai < A < . . . , A* —* +00, k —* 00; every eigen-value

is finite multiplicity. Corresponding eigen-functions ip^ £ V(A) form an

orthonormal basis in L (G),

Atpk = Afc^jt, (Atpk:<Pj) = hj, k,j = 1,2,... . (3.5)

The following variational principle is valid:

\ k = min i>i £ Q( ) (3-6)

* More precisely, the spectrum of its selfadjoint extension A.

174 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

where the min is realized on an eigen-function tp — ip corresponding to the k

eigen-value A*.
- 1
f o r A ^ A*, k = 1,2,... the operator {A — A } is compact, so the
equation (3.4) is uniquely solvable in T>(A) for any f £ L ( G ) , and its
solution is expressed by the formula

(f><Ph) „ 7 ,

For A — At a solution of the equation (3.4) eiisis i / , and only if, f is

orthogonal to all eigen-functions corresponding to the eigen-value A , t

i/m+s)=^ j = Q,t,...,ni -l,

l (3.8)

where is the multiplicity of A^; (Ais solution is expressed by the formula

*= E x r # + E (3-9)

luftere c,- are arbitrary constants.

R e m a r k 2. The Main Theorem is valid also for those bounded from be-
low pseudo-differential operators, whose symbol a ( ( , i ) is locally integrable
in Qp x G and every set of functions

tb^L\G): |M|<1, / a(£,i)x (-(e,i)WO^K^<l


is compact in L (G).

Conversion o f the M a i n T h e o r e m . If the Schrodinger-type operator

A = a* + V. in Qp with a symbol of the form

^CKXIP, - - • AUP) + V(\XI\ ... p> ,\x \ ) n p

where V and V are locally-bounded and bounded from below functions m

Qp such that the mini-max numbers \k{A) —* +oo, k —• oo then V — +oo,
\£\ —* oo and V —> +oo, \x\ •-* oo.
p p
Pseudo-Differential Operators on tke Field of p-Adic Numbers 175

• A t first we consider the case n — 1. Let V ( | i j ) not tending to +00 p

if \x\ —* 00. Then there exist K > 0 and a sequence pt —• +oo, k —* co.

Pi £ 2 such that
V(p -) <K, k= 1,2,... . (3.10)

On the eigen-functions of the I kind (see (5.16') of Sec. 9.5 for p ^ 2 and
(5.6') Sec. 9.5 for p = 2)

{4- *,i Mi
fi f * = 1,2,-..} (3.11)

2 P 2 2 p
\&-r>AA(0\ = ^P >- 6(\t\p-P - *}

the quadratic form

®* Q P

takes the values

p 2 2
= ^P '- Jvm )S(\e\ - -^)d£
P p P

P -TTP"'"/v(\x\ )H\z\ - ^) p p P

= + W ) ,

and hence owing to (3.10) is bounded on k by the number

s u P ( p - " ) - r K.


By the Theorem in Sec. 10.1 the set of functions (3.11) is compact in L {Q ) P

which is not possible owing to their orthogonality. The contradiction just

obtained proves that V ( [ z | ) —* +00 when | z | —> 00.
p p
176 p-Aiic Analytit and Mathematical Phyncs

Similarly i t is proved that Pfjflp) —• +00, \f\ —* 00. By supposing p

that it is not the case for a corresponding sequence of integers pt —* +00,

k —* 00 we choose eigen-functions

K..i,i(*)> *= 1,V..} (3.12)

similar to (3.11).
For n > 1 the proof is similar. As an orthonormal system of functions one
must take products of functions (3.11) and (3.12) with distinct arguments.

4. Operator D, a >0 in B r

Let us calculate in explicit form all eigen-values and eigen-functions of

the operator D in the disc B C Q , r G 2 . T p

By the Main Theorem of Sec. 10.3 the spectrum of the operator D in
the disc B is discrete and the eigen-functions form an orthonormal basis

in L (B ). According to the definition (see Sec. 10.3) those eigen-functions

of the operator D° in Q whose supports are contained in B are eigen-

p r

functions of the operator D" in B . Eigen-functions of the operator D° in r

Q have been calculated in Sec. 9.5.


Beforehand we prove the following

L e m m a . Let a function f(\x\ ), p x G Q be such that


£ P " 7 <
W ) I < ° ° . £ p - l / ( p - * ) l < 00

0<-f<Oo 0<-»<OQ
for some a > 0. TAen

1 1 a 1
kip" - / /(Mp)<& + / l»l - - /(l»lp)^

\»\,<\'\, \»W>\*\
/n parricaior, /or / ( | x | ) - Sl(p- \x\ ), p p r £ 2

Pseudo-Differential Operators on (As Field of p-Adic Numbers 177

forf{\x\ )
p = 6{\x\ -f),r£t

a P Q P 2 a ( 1 r )
(D f){x) = p Q ti _~, p " . * € S. r (4.3)

• By the definition of the operator D (see Sec. 9.1) we have

| /(|y| )rfy+ P / [Bir-VCIsUdff
lsl#.<l*l» ISIP>1*!,

j d
y+ J Iflp"" 1 (4.4)
r (- )
p Q

lsl <M, P W»>l*lf

But denoting | z | by p ^ we have

I dy+
I W ' 1

ls|«<fa?hi lwl,>kl.
l | -a-l AT-l
p + £ p -C«+l)v(l-i
r (-«)

" M 1 1
^ L PP V p y i - p -
p -
= Nw = Fl.
1 P
P + 1
i_p-o-i Lp ' V p/ i - p - ° P ° - I

From here and (4.4) the equality (4.1) follows.

The equality (4.2) follows simply from (4.4): if \x\ < p then p



1-p -o-l l-p-° p ^ 1

- !
17S p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The equality (4.3) follows from (4.1) i f \x\ — p . p •

Let p ^ 2. The I kind eigen-functions <p' . (see (5.16') of Sec. 9.5) N £

with the indices I — N < r have their supports in f? and with the indices r

I — N > r vanish in B . The I I kind eigen-functions <p j (see (5.16")

r N 0

Sec. 9.5) with the indices 1 — N < r have their supports in B and with r

the indices 1 — JV > r are equal to 1 in B . But by the Lemma (see r

(4.2)) V'o(x) E 1, i £ B , is the eigen-function of the operator D in B T

corresponding to the eigen-value

= z£h«*'-* im

(The equality (4.2) for VJ (X) 0 = 1 and x e B r takes the form (D°ib )(x) 0 =

As the eigen-functions <p' • of the operator D" in Q form the or- N c p

thonormal basis in £ ( Q ) then the eigen-functions of the operator D" in

B just enumerated form an orthonormal basis in L?(B ).

r In particular, r

the multiplicity of the eigen-value \Q is equal to 1.

Hence we have just obtained the following eigen-values and orthonormal
basis of eigen-functions of the operator D", a > 0 in B (p / 2): r

X 1 0 2
° = p^-rTP^ " ' = P^ ' multiplicity 1;

h =P A < 1
" R >
. 1 1 K I N D
1&-rUfch J = 1. 2 , . . . ,p — 1,

multiplicity p— 1;

A pO<*-'>, Ikind
i = <&, ,m> riitt j» = M P - 1 -

i = 2,3,... ,k,£i,

I I kind p i _ , j , o ( ^ ) . r J — 1.2,... ,p — 1,

e = 0 multiplicity
2 2 2 , : 1
(P-1) + (P-1) P+--- + ( P - 1 ) V " + P - 1 = ( P - 1 ) P - , fc=2,3

Let p = 2. Supports of the I kind eigen-functions <f' - ( + 1 — N < r N tf l

(see (5.6') of Sec. 9.5} are contained in B\ for indices / + 1 — N > r they vanish
in B . Supports of the I I kind eigen-functions f
T , 1 - N < r for j = 0 or N j a
Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adie Numbers 179

2 - N < r for j = 1 (see (5-6") of Sec. 9.5) are also contained in B . (Note r

that the support of the function <p . is contained in S^—N-) Besides, N 0

^jv.o.oW = l i n B i f l - i V > r , and f _, {x)

r = 0 in B i f 2 - N > r. N fi r

By the Lemma ipQ = 1 is an eigen-function of the operator D" in S r

corresponding to the eigen-value A (see (4.3)); AQ is a simple eigen-value. 0

Hence we have just obtained the following eigen-values and orthonormal

basis of eigen-functions of the operator D , a > 0 in B (p = 2): r

X r
° ~ « + i _ l ' Votx) = 2 > ,
2 multiplicity 1;
o ( 1 r )
A) = 2 - , I I kind <p{_ {x), rAQ multiplicity l ;
a 3 r
A = 2 < - >,
2 I I kind <p _ (x), 2 rJi0 j = 0,1, multiplicity 2;
A = 2«C*-'>,
k Ikind^_ - ,(z), r j E /=2,3,...,i-l, J=0,i,«,
2 1
I I kind V j t - r j . o f ) ' J = 0. multiplicity
3 _ l
2(1 + 2 + . . . + 2 * - ) + 2 = 2 * , fc = 2 , 3 , . . . .

5. Operator D, a > 0 in S r

Like in the case of the disc B we calculate in explicit form all eigen- r

values and eigen-functions of the operator D° on the circle S C Q , r £ l r P

Let p / 2. The I kind eigen-functions ^ • (see (5.16') of Sec. 9.5) with (

the indices I — N = r have their supports in S ; the others vanish outside r

S . As for the I I kind eigen-functions (see (5.16") of Sec. 9.5) their non-zero

traces on S are the functions


r i
l,v ( )
j X = x Up - *),
P 3 = 1,2,...,p-1, x€S . r (5.1)

The functions (5.1) are linearly dependent on S as r

1<J<P-1 l<j<p-l

- £ exp f 27ri-x J = — 1 , x £ S. r

i<j<p-i '

The remaining functions { t / j , j = 1,2,... , p — 1} are linearly independent

180 p-Adic Analyiit and Mathematical Phytic!

on S as (see (3.2) of Sec. 4.3)


r 1
[«/,«*)= / Xp(U-k)p ~ z)d X


l -IT*- , i**.
and thus
p-1 -1 -1
- „(r-l)(p-l) - 1 p-1 -1 r -r-l ^
det I = p P 0

-1 -1 p-1

As a basis of the functions (5.1) we choose the functions

r - 1 r 1
& = 1 , 0J = X p ( j P »)-Xp((j + l)p - *). j = l , 2 , . . . , p - 2 . (5.3)

By the Lemma of Sec. 10.4 the function V'o(x) = 1 is an eigen-function

of the operator D" corresponding to the eigen-value (see (4.3))


The functions i/ij, jf = 1 , 2 , . . . ,p — 2 are proportional on S respectively to T

the functions

Pi-r4l») = ^[vi-r,y.o(*)-¥'i-rj+i,o(*)]. J = 1,2,... , p - 2 (5.5)

(see (5.16") of Sec. 9.5) and therefore they are the eigen-functions of the
1 - r
operator D" corresponding to the eigen-value Ai = p " < ) .
Now we sum up the results. For p ^ 2 the operator D" in S , r € 7L has r

the following eigen-values and normed basis of eigen-functions:

\ P°+P- c.<W,
=P , multiplicity 1;

j = 1 , 2 , . . . ,p — 2, multiplicity p — 2;

A =p ( - ',
f c r
dU^.fr), J = 1,2,--. . p - l . e * .
Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numberi 181

multiplicity (p - 1) p , k = 2,3,.. - .

The listed eigen-functions are mutually orthogonal except the functions

{>f>\- j,
T j = 1,2,... ,p - 2} for which owing to (5.3)

J -1/2 if j = * + l , o r * = ; + l ,

For p = 2 the eigen-values and the orthonormal basis of the eigen-

functions of the operator D° in S are: r

Q 2
2 < -"' J-E
A a 1 = 2 3 m u l t l l c l t
° ~ 2 + - 1' • 'P y !;
0 , ( 2 r
A, - 2 - ', ^_ r l 0 (a;), multiplicity 1;
X = "(*+i-O
t 2 t ^_i-r,i. e t W, 3= 1.2,^
- 1
multiplicity 2 * , it = 2 , 3 , . . . .

6. Operator D" + V(\x\ ), p a > 0 in Q , p £ 1 p

We consider the Schrodinger-type operator A = D 4- V ( | x | ) (see exam- p

ple 1 Sec. 10.1) by assumptions that the potential V"(|x| ) is a finite bounded p

from below function and V ( | r | ) —• +00, |a:| —• 00. The operator A is p p

bounded from below and selfadjoint if its domain of definition V{A) con-
2 a 2
sists of those functions i/> from £ ( Q ) for which D ip + V(\x\ )yj £ L (Q ). P p P

The operator A satisfies the conditions of the Main Theorem of Sec. 10.3.
In particular, its spectrum is discrete. Let Ao, A i , A j , . . . be its eigen-values,
AQ < Ai < A < . . . , ipa, <pi, <P2 • • • be its corresponding eigen-functions, so

8 5
M s»eP{A), * =0,1,2,....
All I kind eigen-functions ip • (see (5.16') of Sec. 9.5) are the eigen-
N c

functions of the operator A corresponding to the eigen-values

aN l N
X' N =P + V( - ),
P 1 = 2,3,... , NeZ. (6.1)

The multiplicity of \ ' N is no less than

( P - I ) T ^
182 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

where (x,y) are (different) solutions of the Diophantine equation

1 o N N
p « + Vfp"- ) = P + V( '- ),P 2,3 x £ 2. (6.2)

This number is finite by the Main Theorem of Sec. 10.3.

Further the I I kind eigen-functions (see (5.16") of Sec. 9.5) and (5.5))

rV- 1
, z 0

j = l,2,...p-2 (6.3)

are the eigen-functions of the operator J4 corresponding to the eigen-values

a J V 1 A r
Aj =p i f + V(p - ), iVeZ. (6.4)

The problem is how to find deficient eigen-values and eigen-functions of

the operator A?
As it follows from the results of Sec. 10.5 the subspace spanned on those

{ y > w ' = 2,3,... , j= 1,2,... , p - l , € i ;

<p j,
N j = 1,2,... , p - 2 ; N £Z)

which supports are contained in the circle S , r £ 7L: r

Wlrj,,,, '-2,3 i=l,2,...,p-l,e,;

Vl-rj, J = 1.2 p-2}

has codimension 1 and it is orthogonal to 1 in L ( S ) . In the other words r

every function tp from L ( Q ) which is orthogonal to all eigen-functions

(6.5) for all r £ Z is a constant on every circles S , i.e. it is expanded in r

the orthogonal canonical basis { V ? ( j | — p ) , y £ 2 } in Ll(Q ) p


7 7
<HI*| ) = P £ V ^ M P - P } , ^ = V>(P ). (6.6)
Pseudo-Differentia! Operators on iht Field 0/ p-Adic Numbers 183

The set of functions ip from L (Q ) of the form (6.6) forms the Hilbert

space of LQ(Q )
P which is a (closed) subspace of L (Q ). I t is isomorphic to P

the Hilbert space of sequences $ = {ip , with the norm y

\\nl= £ P W , (6-7)


7. Operator D + V(\x\ ),p a > 0 in Z $ ( % ) (p ^ 2)
At first we prove the following statement:
The space £o(Qp) is invariant with respect to the Fourier-transform op-

• I t follows from the formula (3.3) Sec. 4.3: The Fourier-transform of

functions from V(Q ) depending only on | i | (dense set in £ Q ( Q ) ) is a
p p P

function of the same class. As the subspace L\{Ql )\& closed in L (Q ) and P p

the Fourier-transform operation is continuous in L (<Q> ) (see Sec. 7.4) then P

this statement is valid for all functions from L (Q ). • p

From the proved statement it follows that the operator A maps T>{A) D
^o(Up) where V(A) is the domain of definition of the operator A (see
Sec. 10.6) into l o ( Q p ) (as its symbol |{ |£ + V(\x\ ) depends only on | £ | p p

and \x\ ).p

Denote by Ao the restriction of the operator A on subspace LQ(Q ). Its P

domain of definition is V(A ) ~ V(A)nLl(Q ). By the Lemma in Sec. 10.4

D p

the operator AQ on functions ip from P(AQ) has the form

(A iP)(\x\ )
a p = (D iP){\*\p) + V(\x\ )i>(\x\ )
p p (7.1)

where D" is the positive integral operator

(D iP)(\x\ ) p = j fC(\x\ ,\y\rH(\y\p)<ly
p (7-2)
184 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

with the real symmetric kernel

r;\- )t-<"-\
a T<t,
T _ T
( -1)(1-P — » ) '
P • -

In terms of sequences = { V v 7 6 2 } the operator -4o takes the form


P r„(- ) a '
c a
p (p +p-2)
pc+i _ i P ' y = 7, (7.5)

P-1 '>7 + l.

The matrix K^i is evidently symmetrizable.

Our goal is to investigate the spectral properties of the operator Ac.
The operator A is bounded from below and selfadjoint with the domain

of definition V(A ) = V{A) n L Q ( Q ) . I t satisfies the conditions of the

0 p

Theorem in Sec. 10.1 with H — Z,jj(Q ). In particular, its spectrum is p

discrete, i.e. it consists of eigen-values {p^, Jt — 0 , 1 , . . . } :

r»0 < P i < r*2 < • • • , P-k - * OO, k — OO,

every p,k is of finite multiplicity «$; corresponding eigen-functions (|x | ) ,


Ao4>k = 0* £ T3 {A ), 0 k = 0,1,... (7.6)

form an orthonormal basis in i j ^ Q p ) .

8. T/te Lowest Eigenvalue \ 0

Here we shall prove that the lowest eigenvalue A 0 of the p-adic

Schrodinger operator

A = D° + V(\x\ ), p c>0

is simple, Ao = Po, satisfies the estimates

inf V t p ) < A < inf ( 1 - -

-rez -res V p - oo <7'<7

Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 185

and corresponding (unique) eigenfunction ipo(\x\ ) P is positive.

• For the lowest eigenvalue Ao of the operator A the following variational

principles valid (see Sec. 10.1 and 10.3):
, . , (D ip,iP) + (ViP,ip)
X o = = ( j W o )
*$U p p
= (D <p ,<p )-r(V<p ,<pa)
0 Q 0 (8.2)

where tpo(x) is any real eigenfunction of the operator A belonging to AQ;

the kernel K ( | z | , \y\ ) of the integral operator D posses the property:
p p

K(t,r) < 0 for r jS r and K(t,t) > 0 (see (7.5)).

A t first we prove that <pn{x) > 0, x £ Q . p

• Let, conversely, there exist bounded vicinities U(x') and V(x") of

points x' and x" such that <p (z) > 0, x £ U(x') and <p (z) <0,x£ 0V(x") 0

so that \tp {x)\ = <Pa(x), x G U(x') and \<p (z)\ > <Po(z), x £ V(x").
0 0

Let ns introduce the sequence of functions

(ib (x)
N = <p (x)[A {z) 0 N - A- (x)], N N - +00}

fromX>(Q ) C T)(A)' w i t h supports in Bjv\2?_w, SO that

p —t (p , N —». 00 B

in L . From here and from the closure of the quadratic form A(ip, ip) (See
Sec. 10.1) and from (8.2) i t follows

. A(ip .ipN)
c N - (Atp ,i>N)
r v N . v f a „,
'nf ' | | 2 = i n f ... | | 2 = (A<p <p ) = A .
0> 0 0 8.3

Further for sufficiently big iV, V(x') U U(x") C B \B-

N N and hence

/ £ ( k | , l v l p ) [ ^ ( x ) ^ ( y ) - \M*)\
p rWMft * ^ 8 4

where n > 0 which is equal to

i) = - 4 J J K(\x\ ,\y\p)<po(\x\ )\<p (\y\ )\dxdy.

p p 0 p


* Every eigen-function of the operator A is a locally constant function in Qp\{0) as the

kernel of the operator D" depends only on |x| and |y| . p p
186 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

From (8.4) we conclude that

(AU \,UM)=
If j £(1*U?/l )liM*)l P \*N(y)\dxd y

+ j KZ(\ \ ,\x\ M (*)\ dx

x p P N
+ j V(\x\ )\tp ( )\*dx
p N X

ft, ® r

< J £{\x\ \y\ W„(x)j, (y)dxdy

pi p N + J K(\x\„ \x\ )ip (xfdx
p N

+ Jv(\x\ )vjx(x) dx-T,

= (Aii< ,i> )-n.

w e
Hence, taking into account that | | | ^ « | | | — \\i>tf\\ derive inequality

(A\tb \, N \4>N\) (Aji ,^ ) N N - v

llllMIP - IhMP 1
which owing to (8.3) contradicts to the variational principle (8.2). •

Similarly one can prove that any eigen-function ^ o ( l ' l p ) of the operator
Ao corresponding to the lowest eigen-value /i is non-negative in Q . 0 p

Now we shall prove that ^ o ( | x L ) > 0 , » £ Q. p

• Let, conversely, there exists ) £ Z such that V'ofp ) = 0. Then by
integrating the equation

A ipo = D°ip
a 0 + Vipr, = Hoyj 0

on the circumference S and denoting y

V- = 6 ( H - p ) € 2 > ( Q )

we obtain the contradiction

(AoV-o, 0 ) = ($a,Aaib} = (ii> ,D i>) 0 + (yp , V$) = P-oW-o, V>) = 0
Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 187


7 7
(T/>D,V» = 0, (ii> ,D°yj)=
a (l-p-)p / £(l*lp,P )^(k|p)dx<0.

From here it follows that pr, is a simple eigen-value.

• I n fact i f another linear-in dependent eigenfunction tp corresponding

to fir, would exist then what we have just proved is ^ ( | i | ) > 0, x € Qp- I t p

is possible to construct a linear combination of the eigenfunctions Vo and

ip which takes both positive and negative values which contradicts to the
positiveness of every such eigen-functions, I

From the variation principle (8.2) it follows evidently that Ao < /iQ.
But AQ < po is not valid otherwise the eigen-functions ipo{x) > 0 and
J / J ( | I | ) > 0 would be orthogonal in
0 P L (Q ) p which is impossible. Hence
A = up and <PQ{X) = $ o ( | * | j ) depend
0 in fact on \x\ . p •

The estimates (8.1) follow from the variational principle (8.2). The lower
bound follows evidently

Ao = (D Vo,^o) + ( ^ o ^ ) > 1 / v ( | * | ) i & ( | x | p ) < f e > inf
P 0 V(\x\ ).


To obtain the upper bound we put in (8.2)

$= A (x)
y = Si(p-'*\x\ )eV(Q ).
p p


||A^|| = \ P A ( 0 = p^iry K|p)
7 (see Sec. 7.2)
188 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

and also ipo ^ A , then

Ao < inf p - [ ( D " A , A ) + ( V A , A , ) 7 7 1


= inf p (|e£A £ ) + / V(\ \ )d
T1 7 X p 3

= inf
P 7
/ l^+fl-J-V £ K(p-')p ' 7


= inf 1 - - £ P " ( + 1 ) 7
'+P- T
iez V P

9. Operator D" + V{\x\ ), p a > 0 in Q , p ^ 2 ( c o n t i n u a t i o n )


We sum up the results of Sees. 10.6-10.8 in the following

T h e o r e m . The spectrum of the operator D" + V ( | x | ) is discrete and p

it consists of the following eigen-values and eigenfunctions:

The lowest eigenvalue Ao of multiplicity 1 satisfies the estimates (8.1);
corresponding eigenfunction is V>o(\x\ ) > 0, Z G Q . p p

Eigen-values pt, k = 1,2,..., pt —* +co, k —* oo ore 0/ multiplicity

2 2
n* + ( p - 2 K + ( p - l ) £ p'?" (9.1)

where wt is a number of solutions {Nf, i = 1,2,... , « t } of the equation

H ^ p ^ + Vf^-^), NEZ; (9.2)

{{jV?i'*)i i = 1,2,... ,6*} are all solutions of the equation

aN N
U k =p + V( '- ),P NtZ, I = 2,3,... ; (9.3)

corresponding eigenfunctions are:

Tl> (\x\ ), l+i p i = 0 , 1 , . , . , m - 1,

Vl fj( ),N=Nti
X J = 1.2,... , p - 2 , i = l , 2 w t l

^ J i £ l (i),W = < , I= | , j = l , 2 , . . . , p - l , 1 = 1 , 2 , , . . ,6*.

Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 189


N l N
X =p°
N + V(p - ) Lp. , r k JVeZ, k(=Z
+ (9.4)

are of multiplicity

(p-2) W + ( -l) P £ p*?-> (9.5)
l<i<C N

where rj N is a number of solutions {xf, i = 1, 2 , . . . , njv) of the equation

AX 1
>> =P N + V(p -*), xeZ, (9.6)
{(x^ , y f ) , i = 1,2,... , c/v} are all solutions of the equation

X% = p « + V ( p ' " * ) , xEZ, ( = 2,3,...; (9.7)

comsponrfinjj eigenfunctions are:

•PNA{Z), N =z , j = 1,2,... , p - 2 , i = 1,... ,n ,

VN,,, ,{ )>
c &= i = yf, j = 1,2,... , p - 1 , i = l c.


*N = P + V(P'- )?V<,*XN, ^ £ 2 , i = 2,3,..., *ez+, Ar' e S

are of multiplicity
(p-i) £ p-r-'-' 0.9)
l<i<d ,l N

where { ( z f ' ' , J/f''), i = 1,2,... , djvj} are af/ soijifions o/ (fie eguation

Q I r
^ = P + W ) - z y = 2,3,...; (9.10)

corresponding eigen-functions are:

vVi,c». * = / = y?'', j = 1,2,... , p - l , i = l , . . . ,</«,,.

The listed eigenfunctions form a normed bases in Z, ((Q ), they are mutually p

orthogonal except the functions {<fiN,j,j = 1 , 2 , . . . , p — 2} f o i which the

relations (5-6) take place;
190 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

R e m a r k . The eigenfunction V'o (l^lp) > 0 which corresponds to the

lowest eigenvalue Ao defines the ground state ("vacuum") of the physical
system; the "vacuum" is unique. Eigenfunctions which correspond to eigen-
values of multiplicity > 1 define "degenerate" states.

10. Example. Potential \x\^, a > 0 ( p ^ 2)

For the potential V ( | r | ) = |z|p" the results of Sec. 10.9 admit some

refinements. The estimates (8.1) take the form

i e zV P/ 1-P""-
7 + a i 1
^ inf ( l - - ^ P " ° P - 2(1-P" )
1 a l
iez V Pj 1 - p " " ^ 1 - p~ ~

Now we shall prove the following

Lemma. All solutions of the Diophantine equation

p<* + p« = p" + p°y, M,N, ,y€Z

2 2
if a > j - - have the form:
J 1
— Inp
either x = N, y = M or y = N, x = M.

• Without loss of generality we may suppose that

N = max(N, M, x, y).

I f we suppose that N ^ x N ^ y then J: + 1 < N, y + 1 < N and


2p«(N-l) = p«(W-l) + c(N-l)

p > ar* p + cy _ cN
p p + cM
p > p cN
Paeudo-Differential Operaion on the Field of p-Adic Numbera 191

which is impossible for a > jSj*. Hence, either JV = x (and then M = y)

or N = y (and then M — z ) . •

From the above Lemma it follows that the equation

I oi
\< =p'> -rp »-*K
N N,x€Z, 1 »€S+
) (10.2)

has only two solutions x = N, y = I and x = I — N, y = I i f / ^ 2JV and

has only one solution i = JV, y = I i f i = 2JV. From here it follows that in
the Theorem i n Sec. 10.9 the following cases are possible. I f or ^ jj^ then
wt may take only values 0 and 2, in the last case for solutions JV* and Wf
of the equation (9.2) the relation JV* — 1 — JV* is valid; 6* may take only
values 0 and 1 i f / = 2JV, and values 0 and 2 i f / ^ 2JV, in the last case
solutions of the equation (9.3) have the form (JVf,({), ( i f - JV*,/*); n = 2 fc

and for solutions i f and arj' of the equation (9.6) the relation x = 1 — x^
is valid; c?j = 0; ttjv,; may take only value 1 if / = 2N and value 2 i f / ^ 2JV,
in the last case solutions of (9.10) have the form

/ N,l N,i\ i JV,I N,i N,l\

In conclusion we note: i / ^> is an eigenfunction of the operator D" +

[arjp corresponding to eigenvalue A fften its Fourier-transform ip is also an
eigenfunction which corresponds to the same eigenvalue A so that

<fi(x)= £ X
£®P 10 3
( ')
where {fk. fc = 1,2,... , n } are eigenfunctions corresponding to A, n is i/ie
multiplicity of A anti ei are some constants.

• The equation

by the Fourier transform goes to itself (see Sec. 9.4):

\Z\Z<p + D <p = Xp . •

R e m a r k . For the eigen-functions of the / kind fpNj,t (see (5.16') of

Sec. 9.5) the formula (10.3) is simplified

<PN,j,eMy= P't-ifj'ty ' = ~T7> J" = - 2 e o i (mod p)
192 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Phytict

(see (5.12) of Sec. 9.5) i.e. eigenfunctions of the series H' (1 > 2) by the N

Fourier transform go to eigenfunctions of the series Hj_jv and they belong

to the same eigenvalue X' = (cf. Sec. 9.6). N

1 1 . Operator D" + V(\x\ ), p a>0 Outside of a Disc (p ^ 2)

Let us denote by

G, = Q , \ B , _ i = [x € Q : \x\ > p ' ] P P

the exterior of the disc S j _ j , s £ Z , We consider the operator A = D" +

V([z|p) in the set G, under the hypotheses of Sec. 11.6 concerning the
potential V ( | x | ) . p

As in Sec. 11.6 we conclude that the basis of eigen-functions of the oper-

ator A in £ ( G j ) consists of those eigen-functions ip'pj j (I > 2) and <PN,j, t l

whose supports are contained in G , , and also of eigen-functions V't(lxlp),

k = 0 , 1 , . . . of the operator Ac, in G,,
A vj
0 k = D i> k + V ( | x | ) ^ - fiki>k,
p G V(A ) 0 C L&G ) t (11.1)

which correspond to eigen-values p, . k

Let us try to find in an explicit form { u * , 0t(|x}p), k = 0 , 1 , . . . } .

Beforehand we note the following equality which follows from the Lemma
in Sec. 10.4 (see also Sec. 10.7)
a r
D 6(\x\ -p ) p = £ K 6(\xi -p->),
ry p x € Q p , r € S ( > 0 ) , (11.2) a

— oo <7 < CO

-PP~ , 7<r,
Ky — r "P" , o r
y = r, (11.3)
-pp-^+ih+r, 7 > r i

p°+p-2 p-1 _(p-l)(p«-l)

*-~F+r=T'> " - - p T ^ ) - p(i- —i) • P

Let ^(|x[p) be an eigenfunction of the operator Ac, in G which corre- s

sponds to the eigenvalue u provided that ip(p') / 0. We shall see i t i n

the form of a formal series in the orthogonal canonical bases in L\(G ) (cf. a

Sec. 11.6)
*{\*\P) = £ d *(|x|p-p ),
r d,?0. (11.5)
Plcado-Differenlial Operator! on the Field o] p-Adic Number! 193

Then owing to (11.2) and (11.4) for i e G , we shall have

a r
D W\*\ )= P £ d D"6(\x\ -p )
r p

= E * E Ki s[\ \ -p^= ry x p 22 K\*\ -P ) P E
i<r<co -oo<7<oo j<r<oo «<r<oo
a 7
= i(|z| - P P ) 2 c;av+ * ( H - p K £ ^
)<r<oo ) + 1<T<OO j<r<co

= *(|z| -p') l/C„d,+ p £ /C d ] r j r

\ j+l<r<oo /

+ E ^I^IP-P ) E >Cryd + tC^d r y + t r 7 d |

s + l<7<™ y,< < -l r 7 7+l<r<oo /

= *(ki -p') (c^+p)p"

a j
d - J P £ - P
o r
d ]+
r 22 * ( w - p ) P

\ j<r<oo y j + l<7<oo

- P 22 p- °( + 1 ) 7 + r
d r + <rp- « - p Q i
7 E p~ <H QR

'<r<-r-l 7+l<r<oo / (11.6)


22 p- a r
d =Kd .r s (11.7)

Then owing to (11,3} the equality (11.6) takes the form

( 1
oV(klp) = ( P -^ - PK)d b{\*\p a -P')

+ 22 \ - P K d , + p i i
- ^ d y - a
P 22 p- o r
c , d Wi -p )
7 r r P

•+ 1<7<« \ ><r<7-l / (11-8)

where i t is denoted

1 + r
C , = l-p( ")( -''>.
7 r (11.9)

I f we substitute the expressions (11.8) and (11.5) in the equation (11.1)

194 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for \x\p > p* we obtain

{l ,a
d,(p -' - K)6(\Z\
P p - p')

a r
+ 22 l-P^ +p^ d + s r J2 P'^C^d-A 6(\x\ -p )

S+l<r<oo \ j<-y<r-1 /
r r
+ J2 d v(p )H\x\ -P )
r P = P 22 ^(kip-p')
j<r<co *<r<co

( L ! ) A
P - -K
P + V(p>) = p. (11.10)

| , _ r )
- M + P X + P 22 P'^^ydy
+ d V(p ) r = pd , T r = s + 1, s + 2 , . . . (11.11)

The formula (11.11) gives the recursion relation for determination of the
-pttd.+p E p- C , d r y y

d = r —
; , d, = l, r = s + l,s + 2 . . . .
provided (see notation (6.4))

u # p d - > + fyry = x[_ , r r = s +1,* + 2 , . . . . (11.13)

W i t h the help of equality (11.10) we eliminate from the equalities (11.12)

and (11.7) an unknown quantity

i 1
W= (A 1 -.-/i),

and as a result we obtain the recursion relation

d, „ \ x [p-^l-r +P 22 c^p-^dA,
\ .< <r-l
7 /
i, - 1 , r = s + 1, 6 + 2 , . . . (H-14)
Pseudo-Differential Operators on ike Field c-J p-Adic Numbers 195

and the transcendental equation

Y p- *<tr(p)= V-.-/0-P-", d (p) = d
r r (11.15)
j + l<r<oo "

for the determination of eigen-values p = pt (provided that the inequalities

(11.13) are fulfilled).
The formula (11.8) takes the form

B #([4,)= 22 <*(H- ') P (n.16)


<T = \M-vty)]d„
7 ,
d! = ^ d
r P r - p j2 p-^dy-pp-^y 21 P V
r< <™
7 J<7<r-1 (11.17)

These arguments have a formal character as we have not considered here

the convergence of the series (11.5), (11.15) and (11.16). Now we sum up
our results in the form of the following

Theorem. Let an eigenvalue /i of the operator A in G satisfies a 3

the conditions (11.13) and its corresponding eigen-function \p(\x\ ) satis- p

fies $>(p') ^ 0. Then il>(\x\ ) is represented by the series (11.5) in G,, and

coefficients d, = d (ji) satisfy the recursion relation (11.14) and p satis-


fies the transcendental equation (11.15). Conversely, every (reat) solution

ii of the equation (11.15) satisfying the condition (11.13) is an eigen-value
of the operator Ao in G,, and the function ib(\x\ ) constructed by the for-

mulas (11-5) and (11.14) is a corresponding eigen-functions which satisfies

V-(P') * 0.

12. Justification of the Method of Sec. 10.11

Now let us investigate the convergence of the series (11.5), (11.15) and
(11.16). To this end we estimate coefficients d for r —* +00. From the r

formulas (11.9) and (11.13) the estimates follow:

a i r
l-p- - <C ,y r < 1, s < 7 < r - l , A}_ ~V(p ),
r r - * + c o . (12.1)
196 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

From here and (11.14) (for fixed fi) the recursion estimate follows

= I , r > s+1.
lP _ A
l-rl \ s < <r-l 7 /
Choose now an integer $a > s such that

^ p - ^ ^ u r ^ ^ i . (i2.3)
s <7

(The series (12.3) converges as A } _ ~ V(p ) 7

—» +oo, 7 —* +00.) Rewrite
the recursion inequality (12.2) in the form

K|<, -,\C-VP Y ai
p- \dy\), r>s 0 + l (12.4)
L rl
- \ <y<r-l
la J


c = |p-Ai_,|+p Y
J<7<J -1
P ' ^ K I -

If we introduce the new sequence

r =jd (fi-Ai_4i.
r r »•=*«. w+i*— (12.5)

the recursion inequality (12.4) takes the form

T <c+p
r Y p'^i/'-AUr !^!, 1

j < <r-l
0 7

7 ,
4o = |d, (/i-Aj_. )|
0 0 1 r>a 0 + l- (12.6)

From here we derive the estimate

r, < — - . r > s, 0 Mi = m a x ( C , T ) . ao (12.7)

• For inequality (12.7) we prove by induction method with respect to r,

This inequality is true for r = s . Supposing it is true for SQ + 1 , . . . , r we
Pseudo-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 197

shall prove i t for p + l . Then from (12.6) and taking (12.3) into account we

r. + 1 <c +, £ P - , _ , _ , - . ^ - <
l ! l M l ( 1 + r ^ ) = i * _ .
sa ^y^r

From the estimate (12.7) and owing to (12.5) and (12.1) the estimate
follows (for some M)
l r
\d \<MV- (p ),
r r>s. (12.8)

From this estimate i t follows that the series (11.15) converges.

Now we suppose that the potential V ( | z | ) satisfies the condition p

[v-*(\x\ )dx=(l- -) p
Y / V - V X ^ - (12-9)
Q p J<r<oo

Under this condition and owing to (12.8) the series (11.5) converges in
r 2
Ll(G,) as Y, p |dr| <cosothat^6^(G ). a

fl<r< oo
Prove now the estimate

\d' \< M r 2 P - ( a + 1 / 2 ) r
, r> S

where the numbers d' are defined in (11.17). r

• By using the estimates (12.8) and (12.9) for r > s we have

K\<p - \d \+ r,a
r P 22 p-° i^i + ^ " 7 ( a + 1 ) r
22 7
r<7<oo J <7<r-l
<p^ M\V-H?)\ + M
P 22 P ^ I ^ ' V ) !
+ P P - W M 22 p i^~V)i

< Mi p
-° iv- ( i
P r )i+ / 22 P - ( 2 O + I H
/ 22 P 7
^ 2
( P 7

+p- ( a + I ) p
./ 22 p\ H P 7
^ 2
( P 7
198 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

for some M i and M . 2 Here we have used the inequality

r r
\V-\p )\<M p- '\
z r>s

which follows from (12.9). •

r 2 c o n _
From the estimate (12.10) it follows that the series £ P Kr|
verges and hence the series (11.16) converges in L\{G,) i.e. D ip 6 LQ(G,).
From here owing to the equation (11.1) it follows that Vtp £ Ll(G,) so that

A ip = D tb + Vtp €

Thus the function ^ ( | i | ) belongs to the domain of definition T>(AQ) (see


Sees. 10.6 and 10.7) and hence it is an eigen-function of the operator Ao- We
note also that from the condition Vip £ Ll(G,) it follows the convergence
of the series
r 2 F 2
£ p V (p )\dr\ <OG. (12.11)

We sum up our results in the form of the following

T h e o r e m . Let the potential V(\x\ ) satisfy the condition (12.9), the


eigenvalue fi of the operator Ac, in G, satisfy the conditions (11.13) and

its corresponding eigenfunction ^ ( | x | ) be such that ip[p') ^ 0. Then the

coefficients d , calculated by the recursion relation (11,14), define this eigen-


function by the formula

#6|*)= £ d S(\x\
r p - p ),

and the eigenvalue u satisfies the transcendental equation (11.15); in addi-

tion the series (12.11) converges.

Remark. The open question is whether it is possible to obtain all

eigen-functions of the operator AQ in G, by the stated method.

13. Further Results on the Spectrum of the Operator D f V'dxlp)

a > 0 in Q ( p / 2) has been obtained by A. N . Kochubey [123] under


the hypothesis that the potential V ( | i | ) is real and locally bounded. He

Paeudo-Differential Operatora on Ihe Field of p-Adic Numbers 199

used results of Sec. 9.5 by demonstrations. Let us list his results without
Let us denote by H i and 7t the Hilbert spaces which span the eigen-

functions of the I and I I kind respectively (see (5.16) of Sec. 9.5) so that
£ ( Q p ) = H i © ft , and by A\ and A% the restrictions of the operator A

on H i and H2 respectively. (It is proved that subspaces H i and Hs reduce

the operator A )
1. / / the sequence { V ( p ) , 7 = 1 , 2 , . . . } has no finite limit points then
the spectrum of the operator A is pure discrete and the operator A has a

complete system of the eigen-functions.

We remind reader that the spectrum of the operator A t is known, it is
pure discrete and consists of eigen-values (see Sec. 10.6)

x' = N P
a N
+ v( '- ), P
Nez, 1= 2,3,...
Let N(X) be the distribution function of eigen-values of the operator A 2

i.e. a number of eigen-values (with regard to their multiplicity) smaller

than X.
2. Let V(\x\ ) ~ C\x\ , \x\ -* 00 where C > 0 and P > 0, and there

exists N suck that V(p') / V(p ) if I £ m, I > N, m > N. Then

N(X) = ( p - 1) f i + £ j ln,A + 0(l), A- +00.

3. / / V ( | x | ) - * 0 , |x|p —00 then


= {0}.

4. / / V(|x|p) —• 0, \x\p —» 0, then <T (j4o) coincides with Ike set of finite ea3

limit points of the sequence {V(p'), I —* +00}.

5. / /
£ |V(P )l<co (13.1)
then the spectrum of the operator A 2 (and thus the spectrum of the operator
A) is pure singular.

E x a m p l e , For the potential V ( | x | ) = sin(ajx| ), a 6 ffi the condition

p p

(13.1) is fulfilled, and cr (A ) = [-1,1] for almost all a.

200 p-Adic Analyiis and Mathematical Pkytica

14. Non-Stationary p-Adic Schrodinger Equation

Non-stationary p-adic Schrodinger equation with the potential V ( | z | ) p

with respect to a wave function ip[t,x) has the form

D ip = -±-Dli>
t + V(x)tp. (14.1)

For V(x) = 0 we get the equation for a free particle


A general solution ip of the equation (14.2) in the class of the generalized

functions V(Q ) pis given by the formula


where 9(ki,ki) is an arbitrary generalized function from T>'(Q ) p with a

support in the manifold \k \ = \k /2\ . s p 2 p

• Passing on to the Fourier-transform in the equation (14.2) we get the


I i*ilp -

from where it follows that

supp i> C = 0

In the case when

the formula (14.3) takes the form

id,z) = Jp(*)x P (Y*-* ) - (14.4)
Pseudo-DiJJerential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 201

The formula (14.4) can be interpreted as the expansion of the solution

yj(t,x) in plane waves

Xp (^i - y t kx (i4.5)
(In order to be convinced that the plane waves (14.5) satisfy the equation
(14.2) it is sufficient to use the formula (1.7) of Sec. 9.1 for differentiation
of Xp(ax).)
For plane waves the adehc formula (see (1.11) of Sec. 3.1)

II x P -kx) = 1, k,t,xe Q (14.6)


is valid. I t connects the plane waves (14.5) with classical ones

=exp -2« . (14.7)

For p = 1 the formula (14.4) gives the function propagator

K.\ (x) = F A (t)p Xp (14.8)

which is the kernel of the evolution operator for a free particle (see Sec. 11
Owing to the formula (3.8) of Sec. 7.3 the function K[ \X) satisfies the
boundary condition (see (3.9) of Sec. 7.3)

fC["\ ) x _ * (x),
6 t - » 0 in D'(Qp). (14.9)

We consider now the classical Schrodinger equation for a free particle

The corresponding propagator is (see (3.2) of Sec. 5.3)

exp -2JTI I —t-kx dk

= j x» ( ^ t - dk = X (t) x - t ' x « ( y )
* '{14.11)

IC^Hx)—>6{x), t^O in V{ (14.12)

202 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Here i t is denoted (see (3.3) of Sec. 5.3)

A „ ( ( ) = exp ( - i ^ s g n / ) ".

For the propagators the adelic formula

n ( p)
fC (x)
t = l, t,x G Q, t ? 0 (14.13)

is valid. I t follows from the adelic formulas (1.4) of Sec. 1.1, (1.11) of
Sec. 3.1 and (4.2) of Sec. 5.4.
Some analogy between "phases" Acoff} and X (t) takes place. According P

to the sgn of t the real time R can be represented as the union of three
+ - 4
disjoint sets: two sectors fR (the future sector) where A ( t ) = e **/ i.e. M

t > 0,
{ /4
K~ (the past sector) where A«,(i) - e ' i.e. t < 0,
and the point f = 0 (present). Analogously, the p-adic time Q can be P

represented in the following way (the definition of A (r) see in Sec. 5). p

For p = 1 (mod 4) it is the union (disjoint) of two sectors: where

A ( i ) = 1, Q where A ( i ) = - 1 , and the point i = 0.
p P p

For p = 3 (mod 4) i t is the union (disjoint) of three sectors: (J+ where

A (() = 1, Qp' where A ( ( ) = ± t , and the point t = 0.
P p

For p = 2 it is the union (disjoint) of four sectors: Q where A ( t ) = 2 p

c± f t / 4 Q±i where X (t) = i e * ' " ' , and the point ( = 0.

The Cauchy problem for the equation (14.10) in the domain IR x R
with an initial (generalized) function ipo(z) from V'(IR) is posed in the
following way: Find a solution ij>(t, x) of the equation (14.10) in the domain
+ 1
(f > x) 6 R x IR which satisfies the initial condition

i>(t,x) —> yj (x), 0 ( — +0 in D'(ffi).

Similarly, the Cauchy problem for the equation (14.2) in a sector, say,
w t n a n
Qp x Qp i initial (generalized) function ^o(x) from V(Q ) is posed P

in the following way: Find a solution tp(t, x) of the equation (14.10) in the
sector (i,x) c Q|J~ x Q which satisfies the initial condition

tf(t.r)—»V*(«), * — 0, *GQ+ inO'(Q ). p

" sgnl is the Maslov index for the Hamiltonian p /2 (see[149)).
Pseud a-Differential Operators on the Field of p-Adic Numbers 203

The solution of the Cauchy problem for the equation (14.10) is given by
the formula

— oo

where £(t,x) is the fundamental solution of the equation (14.10)

s(t,x)=mKt°H*)=<>(t)\j\™p (2*4 - f )

(see [205]). Here <J(() is the Heaviside function, 9(t) = 1, ( > 0, ${t) = 0,
i < 0.
It is interesting to note that there does no exist any fundamental solution
of the equation (14.2) in the space X>'(Qp).

• Let p ^ 2 for definiteness, and there exist a solution £ € 7J>'(Qp) of

the equation
D £ - D\£ = 6{t,x) in Qj.
t (14.14)

Passing on to the Fourier-transform in the equation (14.14) and using the

formula (1.7) of Sec. 9.1 for the generalized function £ ( f i , f j ) we obtain the
inconsistent equation

as the left-hand side of this equation vanishes in the open set

Ki,f )eQ?: |fi[ -]f ||=0,

3 p 3 (6,6)^0]. •
Chapter 3


X L p - A d i c Q u a n t u m Mechanics
This section discusses the quantum mechanics over p-adic number field.
The simplest but most important models — free particle and harmonic
oscillator are investigated in detail. It turns out that these simplest models
have a remarkably rich structure.
Investigation of p-adic quantum mechanics is of great interest from the
mathematical point of view as well as from the physical one. As possi-
ble physical applications we note a consideration of models with nonar-
chimedean geometry of space-time at very small distances, and also in a
spectral theory of processes in complicated media. Furthermore it seems to
us that an extension of the formalism of quantum theory to the field of p-
adic numbers is of great interest even independent of possible new physical
applications because it can lead to better understanding of the formalism
of usual quantum theory. We hope also that the investigation of p-adic
quantum mechanics and field theory will be useful in pure mathematical
researches in number theory, representation theory and p-adic analysis. Let
us recall here that the quantum mechanical Weyl representation (see below)
has wide applications in number theory and representation theory. However
from the point of view of field theory it corresponds only to the simplest
model of the free noninter acting system. No doubt investigation of p-adic
nonlinear interacting systems will provide new deep pure mathematical re-

p-Adic Quan*u7n Theories 205

In the above we have considered functions of p-adic argument with values

in the p-adic number field Q and also in complex number field C. Cor-

respondingly, different versions of p-adic classical and quantum mechanics

are possible. Below we propose various most natural formulations of p-adic
classical and quantum mechanics. We begin from the investigation of the
formulation, which is denned by a triple (£2(Qp), U(t)) where W(z)
is the Weyl representation of commutation relations and U(t) is a unitary
representation of an additive subgroup of p-adic number field which defines
dynamics. Quantum mechanics will be obtained by means of quantization
of classical p-adic mechanics.

1. Classical Mechanics over Q p

Let us start with the consideration of the classical p-adic Hamiltonian


where all variables: coordinates q = q(t), momentum p = p(t), the Hamil-

tonian H = H(p,q) and time t take values in Q . We shall consider only

analytic functions q(t), p{() and H(p,q). We understand the notion of

derivative in the sense of Sec. 2.2.
We consider first the simplest case of a free particle with the Hamiltonian

here m £ Q , m ^ 0.

Hamiltonian's equations

p = 0, 9= -p; p(0)= , P q(Q) = q

have a unique analytical solution for t £ Q p

m=P> q(t) = q + ^ - t (1.3)

Let us also present a solution for the harmonic oscillator with the Hamil-
+ (1-4)
2m 2

* We use the same symbol p for the notation of a prime number and for a momentum.
We hope that it does not lead to misunderstanding.
206 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

where m,u £ Q , t n ^ O ,

The equations of motion

p = -mu> q, 9=£i p(0) = p, j(0) = q

have an analytical solution which is analogous to the solution over the field
of real numbers

_ /Voswt+ jLpsinwA _ T ( /Y\ n 5 )

i cos ut — qmu sin utj \pj

/cos ^ ~ smut
\—mwsinwi coswt/*
Properties of the functions sinuii and coswt were considered in Sec. 2.4,
these functions are defined by the series (4.3) and (4.4) of Sec. 2, which
converge in the region G defined by the inequalities

\wt\ < -P for p ^ 2 and |wt| < j 2 for p = 2.

Region G is an additive group: i f t, (' g G , then ( - ( - ( ' £ G . For such (

p p p

and f' the matrices T, satisfy the group relation

T,T,.=T , t+t (1.7)

On the phase space V = Q x Q we define a skew-symmetric form

p p

B(z,z') = 'q-pq',
P (1.8)

where z = (q,p) € V, z' = (q',p') £ V. The pair (V,.fl) defines a symplectic

We then have

B(T z,T z')

t t = B(z,z% t€G , p (1.9)

i.e. the dynamics of the oscillator defines a one-parametric group of sym-

plectic automorphisms of the space (V, B). I t is also true for the dynamics
of a free particle.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 207

2. The Weyl Representation

Here we construct the p-adic quantum mechanics in which states are
described by complex-valued wave functions of p-adic arguments.
The standard quantum mechanics starts with a representation of the
well-known Heisenherg commutation relation

[4,P] =«

in the space L?(M). I n the Schrodinger representation the operators q and

p are realized by multiplication and differentiation respectively. However i n
the p-adic quantum mechanics we have r £ ! ) and 4>(x) £ C and therefore p

the operator 4>(x) —• xip(x) of multiplication by x has no meaning. Fortu-

nately i n this situation there is a possibility to use the Weyl representation.
Recall that in the Weyl representation in the space Z-s(lt) a pair of unitary
operators is considered

c*« : 0 f » - V ( * + 9); e* : — c *'^(*).

In this form it is possible to construct the following generalization to the

p-adic case. We consider in the space L2(Q ) the unitary operators P

U : ifr(x) - » ^ ( x + g),
q V : tf(x) -
p x(2px)i/>(x),

s t n e
where g,p, x £ Q and \ '
p additive character on Q (see Sec. 3). p

A family of unitary operators

W{z) = (-qp)U V ,
X q p z = (s,P)€Qp (2-1)

satisfies the Weyl relation

W(z)W(z') = (B(z,
X z'))W(z + *') . (2.2)

The operator W(z) acts in the following way

W(z)tb(x) = (2px + pg)V(x + q) .

X (2.3)

The expression (2.3) is conveniently written in the form

W{Z)VJ{X)= f W{z;x,y)Tp{y)d . y (2.4)

208 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The family of operators W(z) defines a representation of the Heisenberg-

Weyl group consisting of elements (z> a); z S V, a € Q with the composi-

tion law
(*,«) • (*'V) = (z + z',a + a' + (2-5)

A representation of the Heisenberg-Weyl group is defined by the formula

{z,a) ^ X(")W(z) . (2.6)

Note that a pair (i2(Qp), W(z)) where operators W(z) are defined by

the formula (2.4) is a special case of the Weyl system (see Sec. 12.7).
In the standard quantum mechanics the utilization of the Weyl repre-
sentation is technically convenient. As we saw from the above discussion
in p-adic quantum mechanics the use of the Weyl relation is the most ap-
propriate way for constructing canonical commutation relations.
We consider now a question on the description of dynamics in the p-adic
quantum mechanics. In the standard quantum mechanics one starts with
the quantum Hamiltonian and then one constructs an operator of evolution
U(t). Prom our discussion it is clear that in the p-adic quantum mechanics
one needs to construct directly a unitary group U(t). I t is understood
we shall use a classical p-adic Hamiltonian for heuristic arguments. As
it is known the usual quantization procedure is the following. For each
function f(q,p) from some class, defined on the phase space, one associates
a corresponding operator / on Z>2(]R). This quantization map f —* f has
to satisfy some natural conditions. In general, the quantization procedure
is ambiguous and different quantizations exist.
I f the function f(p, q) is the Fourier transform of a function <p(a,j3)

f{p,9) = j t*^'>rta,(3)d d/i a = <p(p,q)t (2.7)

then the Weyl quantization is the construction of the operator

where p and q are the momentum and position operators. Such quantization
theory is closely connected to the theory of pseu do-differential operators.
This quantization procedure can be generalized to the p-adic case. Let
p-Adic Quantum Theories 209

f{l,p) be a complex-valued function on the p-adic phase space V = Qp

and from V(Q ). I t can be represented as the Fourier transform

HP,q) = J X("P + fiq)<p(a,P)dad0 = y(p, 3), <p € V(Ql).

In analogy with (2.4) to any such function one corresponds an operator in

f =J W(a,L3)<p(a,0)dcdL3,

where W(a,0) = W(z) is the unitary operator (2.1). This function f(p, q)
is called the symbol of the operator / . Note an essential difference of such
quantization of the p-adic theory from the standard real theory. I n the
p-adic theory we cannot quantize polynomial functions f(p,q) since such
functions take values in Q but not in C.

In standard quantum mechanics usually one starts with the construction

of the Hamiltonian operator and then one proves its seifadjointness. Then
one constructs the operator of evolution. In the p-adic quantum mechanics
we can proceed in the following way.
As it is known i n standard quantum mechanics the symbol U(t) can be
given i n terms of the Feynman functional integral. I t is natural to suspect
that in the p-adic quantum mechanics the corresponding kernel will be
expressed as the functional integral

K (x,y)
t =jx(ij j 11^(0. (2-8)

where integration is performed over classical p-adic trajectories with the

boundary conditions q(Q) = y, q(t) = x. Here L(q,q) is a classical p-adic
Lagrangian, L(q,q) 6 Q and h € Q . The integral J Ldt — S(t) in the
p p

formula (2.8) is understood as a function which is inverse to the operation
of differentiation, i.e. £ S ( ( ) = L , S(0) = 0, S(t) e Qp.
Here we consider the simplest case of the free particle and harmonic
oscillator. In these cases i t will be shown that as in the standard quan-
w n e r e s t n e
tum mechanics the kernel Ki(x, y) ~ x(£ci(0)> Sci(') ' action
calculated on the classical p-adic trajectory.
210 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

3. free Particle
We construct the dynamics of the free particle which corresponds to the
classical Hamiltonian (1.2) by means of the Fourier transformation. Let i/i
be from LsfQp) and ^(k) is its Fourier transformation.
As it is known (see Sec. 7.4) the Fourier transformation F : ij> —* i>
is an unitary operator in Z^tQp)' The evolution operator in momentum
representation U (t) is given by the formula

U{t)m = x ( ^ ' ) $(*), f € Qp, (3.1)

and in x-represent at ion by the formula

U(t) = F~^H{t)F. (3.2)

We get a family of unitary operators U(t), U(t), and the relation is fulfilled

U(t)U(f) = U(t + t'), M'eQp, (3.2)

U(t)U(t') = U(t + t ' ) , U'eQp- (3.3)

Let us calculate the kernel K of the evolution operator

t in
x-representation. Let us consider the family of regularized operators

3 4
U (t)j(k)
N = XN (|-')#(*). (')


V 4 m
/ I 0, |*|p> *

A sequence of operators f/jv(i) strongly converges to U(t) when N —» oo,

lim \\U (t)tJ> - U(t)j>\\ = lim

N j 2
\4>(k)\ dk = 0,
f € t GQ . p (3.5)

Correspondingly, a sequence of operators Ujf(t) strongly converges to

p-Adic Quantum Theories 211

Using the theorem on the Fourier transformation of the convolution (3.5)

of Sec. 7 let us perform the inverse Fourier transformation in the relation

C j v W O ) = F-WNWFMX)] = F- 1
\ x [ — t } FVJ

= F


K ^ = F [ X n ^ ] ( 0 = J x x ( ^ t + kt:)dk. (3.7)

The integral (3.7) have been calculated in Sec. 7 formula (2.3). Note, that
in particular the function K f - i f $ ) has a compact support. Going to the
limit JV —>• oo in the formula (3.6) in the space £ 2 ( Q ) we have for r ^ 0 P

U(t)yj(x) = J K (xt - y)4>(y)dy, (3.8)

where integral in (3.3) is singular one converging in L 2 ( Q ) . P

The kernel K (x — y) has the form, see (3.1) of Sec. 7,


* - » > = ^ i c * ( - f ^ # *
For t = 0 we have
K (x
0 -y) = 6(x - y). (3.10)

It is interesting to note, that the relation (4.1) of Sec. 5 for the function
A (o) follows from the relations (3.3) and (3.9) without using explicit form

of the function A (a) from the Legendre symbol. The relation for free

evolution of the operator W(z) follows from the formulas:

WmW(z)U{t)- = W(z,) t t G Qp, (3.11)

*t = («(*).P(*)) = (? (3.12)
V + m
- * . ! » /)
is the classical evolution of free particle.
212 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

As a summary, quantum mechanics of free particle over the field Q is p

defined by a triple (L2(<Q ),W(z),U{t)),

P where W(z) is a unitary represen-
tation of the Heisenberg-Weyl group (2.3), [/(() is the unitary operator of
evolution (3.8), and the relations(2.2) and (3.11) are fulfilled.

4. Harmonic Oscillator

Quantum mechanics of the harmonic oscillator over the field Q is defined p

by a triple (Li(Q ), W(z), U(t)), where W(z) is a unitary representation


of the Heisenb erg-Weyl group (2.5), and U(t) is such operator, that the

U(t + ?) = U(t)U(t'), t,t'€G , p (4.1)

V{t)W(z)U{t)- = W{T z),
t t<=G 2<=V,
PI (4.2)

are fulfilled, where the classical evolution T z is defined by the formulas


(1.5) and (1.6). Below we put m = w = 1.

Let us define the operator U(t) on test functions tp £ I ? ( Q ) by the p


U(t)tp(x) = j K (x,y)$(y)dy,
t t £ G„, (4.3)

where the kernel K (x,y) t has the form

* « M j - w » j ! i * ( - T £ £ + £ ) « <«>
K (x,y)
0 = 6(x - y).

The expression (4.4) has no sense when sint = 0. Note here that sin( = 0
vanishes only for ( = 0. I t follows from the equality (4.19) of Sec. 2,
|sint| = | i | , i e G .
p p p

T h e o r e m . The formula (4.3) defines a unitary continuous representa-

tion V(t) of the group G in the Hilbert space L2{Q )-
P The operator U(t)

satisfies the relations (4.1) and (4.2) and maps 7?(Q ) into itself. P

• It follows from the explicit form of the kernel (4.4), from which we
have for ( ^ 0

tant sini J
p-Adic Quantum Theories 213

It is easy to see from the last formula that the operator U(t) for t ^ 0 is
a composition of four unitary operators and maps V(Q ) into itself. For P

t = 0 the operator U(0) = I.

Let us prove the group property (4.1) on the functions from V(Q ) for p

p > 3. Let jp{z) = 0 for \z\ > p and U(t')vj(y) = 0 for \y\ > p ( t ' ^ 0). p



= j K (x,y)
t j K ,{y,z)${z)dydz

f N
\y\ <p

= j tfi(z) J K (x,y)K .(y,z)dydz

t t

\*\,<P' M,<p'

/ s

/ K" (ti
y2 +
t i ? ) + 2 y +
( s n T 7 s i n 7 ) ) ^ -
M <P M (4.5)

In order to calculate the internal integral in (4.5) we use the formula

(2.3) of Sec. 5. Let us introduce the notations

2x 2z
b=— + (4.6)
tant tant' sin ( sin f
Then, assuming that t + t' / 0,

tan(t + i ' ) t + t'

(1 — tant • t a n ( ' ) t a n t • t a n V W

As the left hand part in (4.5) does not depend on M for sufficiantly large
M (and fixed x, t, (') the number Af can be chosen as large as is wished and
hence we use the upper line in the formula (2.3) of Sec. 5. We have also

* M -M x s i n t ' -+- y s i n i
2aP = P t + t'
214 p-Adic Analysis arid Mathematical Pkyiici

Thus we have

y 2 +
/ ^(- (ti ti?) ^(s^ + +
= A„(-
V tant tant' (+1'

X + +
^(sin( sin(') (tan* tan(') ) '

Taking into account the relations A (ac ) = A (a) and (4.1) of Sec. 5 we
p p

transform the expression for A : p

» „ ( - i < W p
(-. '•»('+'')
tani tani'/ V (1 - tanr - tant') tan* tan ('

= Ap [ - 1
= A ( ( ) - A ( t ' ) - A ( ( + C).
p p
" / (4.9)

Let us take into account the relation

,2 ,11 2 1 1
x Z 1 x _J_\ (
tan t tant'
tan ( Vsint sint'/ \tant tanC
2 2
r + z 2xz
~ ~tan(i-rt') sin(( + V) ' * '

Assembling together the relations (4.5), (4.8), (4.9) and (4.10) we get

_ A (t-H')

+ +

If + ^ / * ("la^+T) s n ^ ) * * * = ^ Wit-

Thus the property (4.1) is proved for t, i ' , t + 1 ' ^ 0. The case when one of
these parameters vanishes can be proved analogously and simpler because
of the relation K (x,y) = 6(x - y). For the case p = 2 one considers

As it can be seen from the above discussion in p-adic quantum mechanics,
in contrary to that of the usual one, a wave function can remain finite under
p-Adic Quantum Thcoriea 215

evolution, for example a wave function from T>(Q ). One can estimate a p

diffusion region. In order to check relation (4.2) one calculates the integral

/^ j n w M . f p W = W(T z-,x,y),
t (4.11)

where W(z;u,i>) is the kernel (2.4).

5. Lagrangian Formalism
In Sec. 11.1 the Hamiltonian formalism of p-adic classical mechanics
has been discussed. I n this section we consider the Lagrangian formalism.
We begin our consideration from the definition of the integral of analytic
function and from the discussion of its properties.
Let function / : Q —• Q be analytic in the disk B (see Sec. 2) and
p p

points a and b belong to the disk B', which is strictly contained in B. The
integral of / from a to b is, by the definition, the following p-adic number:
jf(x)dx = f^(b) (5.1)
where the antiderivative of the function / was defined in Sec. 2.2.
- 1
Note, that / ( > is defined in a and b by virtue of the condition a, b E B' C
B, see Sec. 2.2. The formula (5.1) defines the p-adic valued functional on
the set of analytic functions in the disk B. The properties of this functional
are given by the following Lemma.

L e m m a . The integral (5.1) has the properties:

b b b

1. J(Xf + pg)dx = X J fdx + u J gdz, A.ueQp-

a a a
c b b

2. J fdx + j fdx = j fdx.

a c a
b it *

Z.j f'gdx = fg\ - J fg'dx.

a o
4. If for any analytic function h in the disk B,
which satisfies the conditions
216 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Phytict

h(a) = h(b) = 0

ike following condition is valid:

J fkdx = 0,

then f = 0.

• Properties 1 and 2 are direct consequence of the definition (5.1). Prop-

erty 3 follows directly from the definition (5.1) and from the Leibnitz for-
mula for the derivative of product.
Let us prove property 4. Representing / and h as power series we have:

/l = 22 M * - « r .
y/Adz = E C « . 2 = ^ . M
a 0<n <oo


ft -
h(a) = 0,

h(b) = Y h (b-ar=0,


n = 22

Changing summation order in (5.2) and denote d = b — a ^ 0, we have

5 3 )
J t m . y j A / f ^ i - < -

We shall define « „ , n > 2 arbitrary (taking into account the condition

| / i „ d | —» 0, n —- oo only), and the coefficient hi by the formula:

ft _1
h = - 22 »^ -
p-Adic Quanfum The&ritt 217

Substituting the last formula into (5.3) we get:

F=f hdx=
f y pi- y +1 (5.4)

Taking into account the last formula, we shall reformulate the statement
4 of the lemma in the following way. I f for any p-adic number h , n > 2, n

which satisfy the condition | / i d " | —* 0, n —* oo the relation F = 0 is valid,

n p

then ft = 0 for all it = 0 , 1 , . . . . Let us suppose that lemma is not true.

Then there exists such m , that / = 0. Let us define h„, n > 0 by the

_1 f 1, n = p - m - l ,
l M
(l~n)d"+ \ 0, n ^ p - m - l ,
where M E N , p > m + 3. Substituting the last expression in (5.4) and
taking into account the notation

fc = 0 , l , . . . ,
k + 2'

we have
F = F(M)= Y I C J
^ t = 0. (5.5)

It is easy to see by analogy with the discussion of the radius of conver-

gence of antiderivative (see Sec. 2.2), that

r(/) = r
(* + 2)(Jfc-m)

therefore, the series

D<J[< OO
t -m
converges. As l i m p = 0, then we have
Af —.oo

E k — m + pM E k-
a<k<N 0<KN
218 p-Adic .Analgia and Mathematical Physici

for any N € PJ, N > m. By virtue of convergence of the series (5.6) there
exists a constant C , which does not depend on M and JV, such that

lim < c.
M—co E
k- m +p M

Consequently, beginning from some M we have the inequality:

y (5.7)

M a
for some C" > C. Choosing M such that p > r ^ | ~ " d taking into
account non-Achimedeanness of the norm and inequality (5.7), we have

+ P~ C = M
p \c \ .
k — m + pM M n
E k-m- p
m P


If we go over to the limit N —* oo and take into account (5.5) we get

from the last formula:
\F(M)\ =p \c \
F m p = 0,

therefore / m = 0. The contradiction obtained proves the lemma.

Lagrangian formalism for Q can be constructed by analogy to that of


for i t . As in Sec. 1 1 . 1 q and ( - coordinate and time variables - take values

in Q and q(t) is an analytic function in some disk fl, then (see Sec. 2.2) its

derivative q(t) is analytic in B too. We shall consider only the case, when
Lagrangian L(q,q) is an analytic function (p-adic-valued) on Q x Q . In p p

this case the value of L{q,q) on the trajectory 9(1) is an analytic function
L{i) - L(q(t), q(t)) in the disk B.
We shall define an action S as a p-adic-valued functional on the set of
trajectories by the formula:

S[q] = J L(q(t),q(t))dt,
p-Adic Quantum Theories 219

where the integral is understood in the sense of (5.1).

Let us define the variational derivative of the action (5.8) by analogy to
that of the real number case:

SS[q] dS[q + eh]

8q de t=0

where e € Qp, h(t) is an arbitrary analytic function in B, that satisfies the

conditions h(a) = k(b) = 0. The action (5.8) is stationary at the trajectory
q(t) i f the following condition is valid:

= 0.
fi 7

T h e o r e m . If the action (5.8) is stationary at the trajectory q(t), then

the Euler-Lagrange equation is satisfied on this trajectory:

dt\dq) dq

By the condition of the Theorem, we have:

Te S[q + eh\

Taking into account statement 3 of the lemma, we get:

Substituting the last equation in (5.10), we have:

J { id)-fx-
By virtue of the statement 4 of the lemma we get the proof of the theorem.
220 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

We shall call the solution of the equation (5.9) with boundary conditions
q(ti) = qi, ^((2) = 92 the classical trajectory passing through the points <ji
and qi and denote by g i(t). The action Self* 1,^2] on this trajectory can be

calculated by the formula:

& i p i , * 3 ] = / i(gci(£).?d(0)d(.

6. Feynman Path Integral

One of the possible way to construct Feynman path integral has been
suggested in Sec. 11 (formula 2.8). In this section a rigorous construction
is given by means of finite approximation method and kernel of evolution
operator is calculated for the case of p-adic harmonic oscillator.
Let us consider p-adic system with Lagrangian L(q, q), which is an ana-
lytic function on Q x Q and let the trajectory q(t) be an analytic function
p p

in the disk Bp{. We shall choose an integer n < N and construct the cov-
N n n
ering of Bpj by disks B ( a j ) , j = 0 , 1 , . . . , p ~
n — 1 of radius p without
common points (see Sec. 1.3, example 2). In every disk of this covering we
shall choose one point tj,j = 0 , 1 , . . . ,p ~" — 1, and also we suppose that
N n
to = 0 and t N-*_
p l— (. For any pair (tj, ij+i), j = 0 , 1 , . . . ,p ~ — 2 let
us construct the classical trajectory g i (see Sec. 11.5), which satisfies the

Qci(tj) = qj, 9 d ( i j + i ) = gj+i-
The value of the action on every such trajectory is

S c l M j + i] - J £(g (i),<Zcl ( O K
el (6.1)

i=0,l,... ,p"-"-2.
Symbol / L ( g ( r ) , q{r))dT in the formula (2.8) we shall interpret as follows:

[L(r)dr= lim T. [ HQCI(T), q (r))dr


5 e 1
= Ji*» O T 22 (6.2)
p-Adic Quantum Theoriei 221

The formula (6.2) can be considered as an approximation of an arbi-

trary trajectory by segments of classical trajectories. Taking into account
the formula (6.2) finite approximation Kj"\x, y) of the kernel of evolution
operator can be written as follows:


= c n f... f p ( X £ s [ts.i,tj ]
d +i I dqi ...dq N-*._ ,
p 2

where q = x, 9 N - » _ I = y, n is the order of approximation, C„ is some

0 p

normalization factor.
If there exists the limit of Kf \x, y) when n - * — oo, then it defines the
kernel of evolution operator:

l n)
K (x,y)=t lim K , (x,y).

In the case of harmonic oscillator Lagrangian has the form:

and Euler-Lag range equation is

q + q = 0. (6.3)

The solution of the equation (6.3) with boundary conditions

«(*<) = *. q(U+i) = qii+

as in the case of real numbers is given by the following formula:

W = gjsint,-+i
- g isin(i
; COS t
gjcosfj+i - f l i + i cosU .
i +
;—; —
; Sin f,
sin(i - U)i + 1 sin(r - t.) i + 1

where U,U+i,t € G (see Sec. 11.1).


By means of simple, but time consuming calculations, which are analo-

gous to those in the real numbers case one can prove the following equality:

2feua(t i-it) (+ sin(t i + 1 -%)

222 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

W i t h the help of integrals which have been calculated in Sec. 5.3 we shall
prove the following Lemma.

L e m m a . The following formula is valid:


2 tan a, sin

*P -2 £ at
\ 0<i<fc-l
""i/l Xp
2 tan £ a; sin £ a;
0<t<i—1 V \o<«"<l-l / \0<t<*-l 7 /

wAere it €%> k > 2, Of € Q |a, | < ±, i = 0 , 1 , . . . , k - 1 an<f /Ae function
p j F

A (a) Aas 6een defined in Sec. 5.


• The proof will be carried out by means of induction. When k = 2

the formula (6.5) can be reduced to that of (3.1) of Sec. 5 by means of
elementary transformations. Let us suppose that the formula (6.5) is valid
for k — n and prove its validity for k = n + 1. Denoting the expression in
the right-hand part of (6.5) by F(a ,... , <U_i) and the sum £ ai by 0

Ak we get:

F(a ,ai,...
0 ,a )

3 2
_A (-2a ) '
p t '- - ~
, .T/T" / ^ ( a , - - - , flt-i )Xp - T T
0 : dx .

By the assumption of the induction we have:

A (-2a ,)A (-2yl„_ )
p T P 1
_ "p
+ 2 tan a„
F(a ,..
Q .,««) =
^ n -Ji |p
|lat i A
1 / 2
sin j 4 - i

«0 s-i+i
sinAn-i + sina n
/ X p
(t [tan^-i +
p-Adic Quantum Theories 223

Taking into account the formula (3.1) of Sec. 5 one can rewrite the last
formula in the following form:

A (-2« )A (-2A _ )A
p n p l 1 p ( j u ^ + 2 ^ )
F(a ,...
0 ,a„) =
a 4 - l ( t a n i , , - , + tana.) j
n J n

( *fl |_ )
^ain.4„_i sin a„ j
2tan 4 _i
J n + 2tana„ •> ( 1 , 1 \ I

ytan Jt„_, ~ tan 9, J J

Using the properties of the function A (a) (see Sec. 5.4) we have: p

^ p
\ 2 t a n A „ _ i ~*~ 2 t a n a „ J ^ p
\ ,sin(a„
2 s i n a „+ sin-4„_i

= K ( ^ y ) = A (2a„)A (2 4 _ )A (-2A ).
p p J n 1 p n

Analogously, taking into account properties of the functions sin x and

cosz (see Sec. 2.4), the expression under the norm symbol can be reduced
to the following:
1 1
tan + tana n
— \A„ |p.

The further proof can be carried out by means of elementary transforma-

tions under the character symbol on the right-hand part of the formula
(6.6). •

For the case of harmonic oscillator let us choose the factor C n in the
following form:
V'V" 1
°<j<p -"-2 JIP
Then the approximation of order n of the kernel K (x, t y) has the form:

*?><*,»>= n -
0<.-<p"-"-2 W+l «ltp £
224 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

By virtue of the Lemma we have:

»M, v M-2t) /r' + y xy \ .

The formula obtained coincides up to nonessential factors with the kernel

of evolution operator of harmonic oscillator, which have been constructed
in Sec. 11.4 (see (4.4) of Sec. 11.4).

7. Quantum Mechanics with p-Adic Valued Functions

In the previous subsections we considered the formalism for p-adic quan-
tum mechanics with complex valued functions. Here we discuss an approach
to p-adic quantum mechanics with p-adic valued functions. Recall the sec-
ond quantization formulation of the usual quantum mechanics in terms of
creation and annihilation operators. Let t be the Hilbert space of se- 2

quences / = (/o, / i , • • -) of complex numbers with the inner product

(/•») = (7-1)

The creation and annihilation operators a' and a act by rules

a'U =/ n + i, afh = » / f t - i , B = 0,1,... (7.2)

and satisfy the canonical commutation relations

, m
[a,a ] = aa -a*a = 1 (7.3)

for some domain in l . Hamiltonian of harmonic oscillator has the form


Ho = ua'a (7.4)

where u is a real number. One can consider a more general Hamiltonian

H = H +V 0 (7.5)

where V is for example a polynomial expression with respect to operators

a' and o. The time evolution is governed by the Schrodinger equation

= (7.6)
p-Adic Quantum Theories 225

where ip = tp(t) is a vector froin For a self-adjoint operator H one has

t!>(t) = e- m- (7.7)

Now note that Eqs. (7.1)—(7.5) can be immediately extended to the case
of p-adic quantum mechanics, i f we consider a space of sequences / =
( / o i / i f •) of p-adic numbers with the inner product

= £ f n 9 n (7.8)

where the series converges in Q . A problem here is that the theory of


operators in such p-adic Hilbert space is not developed yet to compare i t

with the theory of operators in complex Hilbert space.
We describe now briefly a p-adic integral calculus and its application in
quantum mechanics with p-adic valued functions which has been developed
by A . Y u . Khrennikov. Let Q p ( \ / r ) be a quadratic extension of the field
Qp. Take p > 0 and let A be the space of analytic functions on

u = P {xe® -.\x\ < }

p p P

taking values in Q {^/r)

P and endowed with the topology defined by the
||/||p = m a x | / „ | p , n


The projective limit of the spaces A„

A = l i m proj A.

is a non-archimedean Frechet cpace. We denote the dual space A' and will
use a notation

j <p(x)/i(dx) = {<p,/l)
for an action of u G A' on a function <p G A. Any distribution u 6 A' has
a Laplace transform L(fi) which belongs to an inductive limit of functions
226 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Phytico

analytic in a neighborhood of 0. The Gaussian distribution on Q p is a

distribution v £ A' having the Laplace transform

1 4
L(v)(x) = e ' *''.

Let us define an inner product on the space A,

(ft 9) = j f(x)g(x)u(dx).

The completion of A with respect to a corresponding norm is a p-adic

Hilbert space L (Qp, v(dx}). A theory of pseu do differential operators in

this space has been developed.

X I I . Spectral Theory in p-Adic Quantum Mechanics

Let us discuss the spectral problem for a p-adic harmonic oscillator.
In standard quantum mechanics over real numbers field one studies spec-
tral properties of the Hamiltonian operator. In p-adic quantum mechanics
there is no Hamiltonian operator, therefore spectral properties should be
expressed in terms of the group U{t). A t first let us consider a harmonic os-
cillator in standard quantum mechanics and let U(t) be the corresponding
operator of evolution, which defines unitary representation of the additive
group of real numbers IR. The decomposition of the representation U(t)
into irreducible representation has the form

£ (K)=
a e H m (0.1)

where invariant subspaces are strained on the Hermite polynomials. The

corresponding eigen-function equation has the form

r/(i)V = e -V, rpeH .
a (0.2)

Here ui„ are known eigen-values for the harmonic oscillator, which one in-
terprets as the energy levels. Analogously, the study of spectral properties
of p-adic harmonic oscillator is connected with the problem of decompo-
sition into irreducible representations a unitary representation of a group

The solution of this problem is divided into the following steps:

p-Adic Quantum Tkeoriti 227

describe the characters of the group G p (see Sec. 3);

calculate the dimension of the invariant subspaces H \ a

find explicit formulas for the eigen-functions of the evolution operator

U(t). '
We shall determine a decomposition, which is analogous to (0.1), (0,2),

£ (Q ) =
2 P e H, a (0.3)

r7(*)#=x(trf)& tfei7 .
Q (0.4)

It is well known that in standard quantum mechanics for the harmonic

oscillator the invariant subspaces H are one-dimensional, that is there is

no degeneration. However, the spectral properties of the p-adic harmonic

oscillator are considerably more complex. In particular, for p = 1 (mod 4)
both the invariant vector (vacuum) and the excited states exhibit an infinite
degeneration. For p = 3 (mod 4) there is a unique vacuum vector, and the
excited states are degenerate with multiplicity p + l . For p = 2 there are
two vacuum vectors, and the excited states are degenerate with multiplicity
2 or 4.
In this section we investigate the eigen-functions by making a unitary
transformation to a new representation. The case p = 1 (mod 4) admits
the most complete analysis.
First we list the prerequisites from the harmonic analysis and the theory
of operators.

1. Harmonic Analysis

Let G be a locally compact commutative group. Every irreducible uni-

tary representation of G is one-dimensional, hence the description of the
representations reduces to describing the characters of G. A character of
G is a complex-valued continuous function \ '• G —<• C with the properties
x(ff + 9 ) = x(9)x(g'). = 1. where g and g' are arbitrary elements
of G. Equipped with the operation of pointwise multiplication and the
topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets, the set of characters
becomes a locally compact commutative group, which we will denote by G.
The group G is called the dual of G, or the Pontryagin dual. The group
G is compact if and only if G is discrete. We have the Pontryagin duality
G = G.
228 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Let U(g) be a continuous unitary representation of G in a Hilbert space

H. Then we have the representation

U(g) = Jx(9)dE( ), x (1-1)

where dE(x) is spectral measure on G.
Let the group G be compact. On the group G there exists an invari-
ant measure dg (Haar measure). In this case we will normalize the Haar
measure by the condition
fdg=\. (1.2)

The set of characters G = {Xor(</). <* € / } , where the abstract index a:

enumerates the characters, forms a complete orthonormal system in LiiG),

Xc,(g) 0(9) 9
X = $c,p, (1-3)

where 6 p is the Kronecker symbol and L,2(G) is the Hilbert space of

complex-valued functions square-integrable with respect to Haar measure.

I n this case, the Hilbert space H can be decomposed in an orthogonal
direct sum

H= H, m a (1.4)
where H is the largest subspace on
a ail which the representation acts as a
multiple of Xa(g)- The Hermitian projection operator on H is given by a

Pa =j Xc,(g)U(g)dg, (1.5)

By (1.4) and (1.5), (1.1) takes the form

U(9) = Y^(9)Pc (1.6)

We have
U(g)P a = x (9)P .
a a
p-Adic Quantum Theories 229

2. Operator Theory

Let A be a bounded operator on a Hilbert space H, and {ipr.}™ a n

orthonormal basis for H. The (race of A is defined by

TrA--- Y (2.1)

The trace is not defined for all operators, and, moreover, it may depend on
the choice of orthonormal basis. We have the following facts [175,60,237]:

1) Let A be a positive bounded operator on H. Then the sum on the right

in (2.1) converges (to a finite or infinite limit) and is independent of the
choice of basis.
2) Let A be positive and bounded in H, and let T be a sequence of posi- n

tive bounded operators converging to the identity operator in the strong

topology. Then
lim Tr (T AT ) n n = Tr A.

3) Let K be compact, and let dx be a positive measure on K. Let A be

an integral operator on L (K) with kernel A(x,y) continuous on the

compact set K x K. Then the trace of A is well-defined (independent of

the choice of basis and finite), and

Tr A= JA{x,x)dx.

3. The Theorem about Dimensions of Invariant Subspaces

Characters of the group fl have been studied in Sec. 3. Remember that

the group G coincides with B-\ for p > 3 and with 5_2 for p = 2. I t

follows from Sec. 3.1 that the characters of G have the form x ( a i ) , where p

a € I . The set I for p > 3 consists of the elements a of the form:

p p

, T a
a = 0 or a =p~" (a () + a+ lP ... + a _ a p ~ ) ,

where y = 2 , 3 , 4 0 < Otj < p - 1, a 0 / 0, j = 0 , 1 , . .. , 7 - 2. For

p = 2 the set Ii consists of the elements

l 2 7 _ 3
a = 0 or a = 2~' (l + 2 + a 2 ttl 2 + ... + a _ 3 2 7 ),
230 p-Adic Analysis and A/a f A emit leaf Physics

where 7 = 3 , 4 , . . . , 0 < a; < 1, j = 1,2,... ,7 - 3.

As noted in Sec. 11.1, the operator

a = \G \- P
j x(-*t)U(t)dt,

1/4 for p = 2, '

is the projection on the subspace H — P H, H — L^iQp), H„ is invariant

a a

under U(t), which acts as a multiple of x{ai) on i t . We have the following

theorem concerning the dimension of H . a

T h e o r e m . The invariant subspaces have the following dimensions:

For p = 1 (mod 4), d.mH = 00 /or all a G I .
0 p

For p = 3 (mod 4), if a = 0, then dim/fa = 1; if\a\ = p^ with an even p

7 > 2, then dim H = p + 1.


3 4
F o r p = 2, if a = 0 or | a | = 2 , Men d i m / f „ = 2; if\a\
z > 2 and 2

Qi - 1, /Aen dim H = 4.

For ali other a e 7 , d i m / / = 0.

P e

The following result will be used in the proof.

P r o p o s i t i o n 1. The dimension of the subspace H ,a a £ I p is given in

terms of the trace of the projection operator P by a

dimH a = Tr P „ . (3.2)

It is easy to prove this proposition by choosing a suitable basis in the

space H.
In calculating the trace of P we will use statements 2) and 3) of Sec. 12.2.

Let us define the bounded operator ui in L (Q ) by the formula n 2 p

u„ii>{x) = f l ( p - " | z | ) V ( x ) , p i> € L ( Q ) ,

2 p (3.3)

„, , f 1, 0 <a < 1,
p-Adic Quantum Tkeorici 231

Since fi(p |xlp) —' *• 1 uniformly on every compact set as n —• oo, we have
w„ —* E in the strong topology (E is the identity operator). By statement
2) of Sec. 12.2 we have

Tr P = l i m Tr K P w „ ) .
a a (3.5)

By the definition of the operator P a (3.1) we have

Tr(w F w ) = |G |-
n 0 n p / * ( - < r t ) Tr ( w f / ( < K ) * -
n (3-6)

We consider the integrand in (3.6). Using the expression (4.4) of Sec. 11

for the kernel Kt{x,y) of the evolution operator U{t) and statement 3) of
Sec. 12.2 we obtain for r £ G , t / 0, p

Tr (u> U(t)u> )= j n ( p - " | x | ) i r ( z , x ) f i ( p - | : | ) d i

n n p t
1 p

= / / ^l 2x tan^)dx.
x (

iV - i iv - (3.7)
1*1,<p" I*U<P" '

By the formula (2.3) of Sec. 5 we have


We rewrite the last integral in (3.7) in the form (3.8):

j X U? tan ~\ih = r j x(2p- Vtan0dj/ 2

1 3 7n
= hp{W\p- ' for \t\ >p- ,

\ Pn for |t|„ <p" ". ,3.0)


Here we have used the relations

A ( 2 p " V t a n 0 = *P (^)
P = A (i), p | sin i | p = |t | , | cos t | = 1.
p P
232 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Therefore, by (3.7) and (3.9) we have

™ 1 K > = ^ ( ^ ° " ' ^ " < (3,0,
W \ r for|t| <p- ".

Let us next consider the case p > 3. Substituting (3.10) into (3.6), we
obtain for n = 1,2,,,,

Tr (w P u )
n a n

\t\ " p J \t\ p • ' m n

We denote the first term in (3.11) by J< and rewrite it in the form

Jl=P j ^v(-ap "r)dr. 2


Since we are interested in the limit as n —* oo, for any fixed a we choose n
2 n 2
such that j a p | = p - " | a j < 1. Then
p p

v_(-«p V)=l, h=P I ^ d r . (3.13)

We evaluate J\ as follows:

=* E / E E (|) / *



p-Adic Quantum Theories 233

Here e = 1 for p = 1 (mod 4) and e = i for p = 3 (mod 4). Hence

p p

* - ' J0<n<oo
& . ? ( 1
- ; ) - *

We denote the second term in (3.11) by

h = P j ^x(~a*)dt. (3.16)
, +I •\P
p-" <l«l,<p-' "

Proposition 2. Let n > 1. Then

( p - l)(2n - 1) for a = 0,p = 1 (mod 4),
(p_l)(2n-AT) - 1 /or ja| = ^ , 2 <N< p 2 n , p = 1 (mod 4),
j =
1—p for a = 0,p — 3 (mod 4),

(_1)WE*J. _ E ^ i f o r | j = p , 2 < Af < 2n,p = 3 (mod 4).

a p

• We note that the behavior of the function X (t) depends on p. For
p = 1 (mod 4) we have X (t) = 1 for all t for p = 3 (mod 4) we have

xi(t) = (-iy if \t\ = \ P P

In the case of a = 0 and p = 1 (mod 4) we have

h = V I $r
= P £ j *
P--»<iti,<p-> -«is*s-> M ,V
= P E f l - ; ) = 0>-l)<2n-l). (3-17)

If |a| = p \ 2 < iV < 2n and p = 1 (mod 4) we obtain, using (4.2) of


Sec. 4,

h =P j x(-«t) Wf

p->'+ <\*\,<r-'
„ /i-i/p, y<-*f,
=p E -VP. T= +
-Sn + 1<7<-1 \ 0, 7 > -Af + 2 fi

=p E f i - i V i = o - i ) ( 2 » - i v ) - i .
-a»+l<TS-J» (3.18)
234 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

I f a — 0 and p = 3 (mod 4), we have

J = P
Z £ (-If f l -i ) = l - > ; (3.19)

Finally, i f | a | = p , p 2 < N < 2n, p = 3 (mod 4) we have

/1-1/p, 7<-JV, \
/a = P £ -1/P, 7 = " ^ + l .
_ +i< <-i
2 n 7 \ 0, 7 > -N + 2J
=P E ( - i r f i - ^ - t - i ) ^ - (3 20)

The last expression is equal to 1 for even JV and —p for odd JV, Equations
(3.17)-(3.20) prove Proposition 2. •


Tr ( w „ P w „ ) = Ji + 7
a 2l

the next result follows from (3,15) and

P r o p o s i t i o n 3. Let a natural number n and a p-adic number a be given

such thatp " > |a|p. TAen

Tr (w P u> )
n a n

2 n ( p - 1) + 1 fora = D,p = 1 (mod 4),

( p - l ) ( 2 n - J V + 1) for \a\ = p ,2
p < N < 2n,p= 1 (mod 4),
1 for a = 0, p = 3 (mod 4),
= • 0 for \a\ — p ",N
p odd, 2 < N < 2n,
p = 3 (mod 4),
p+l for |a|p = p ,N even ,2 < N < 2n,
p = 3 (mod 4).

Taking the limit as n —> oo in Proposition 3 and recalling (3.2) and (3.5),
we obtain the proof of Theorem for p £ 2.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 235

We now consider the case p = 2. In place of (4.11) (for p > 3), we have
f or p = 2

Tr {u P w )
n a n

l«|a<2-»- 2-'~+><|l|j<4- 1

= Jl + J - 2

As above, one proves that Ji = 2. Next, for ghba - Owe have

2-an+i<|,| < -i 3 2

where, recalling (0.2) of Sec. 5 for ( = 2 ' ( 1 +2*1 + . , . ) we have

l 2 ,1
\ l ( t ) = ^ + (-lY i) = (-l) i-


2-a-+i<| j < -2 1 2 2

= 4i £ 2^ = 0. (3.22)
-2n+l<7<-2 M]=ai Hla=a'>
L i,=o i i1 =

Assume now that |or| = 2 2 and < 2n. Then

h = Ai Yl j i-l) x(-at)dt

= 4.' E 2i '

fh) = j Hf X(-m)dt = f (y) -
B /,( ),


fi= J (-i) x(-*t)dt, J = 0,1.
(l|j = 3->
236 p-Adic Analysts and Mathematical Physics

For |tja < 2~ we have | a ( | < 1. Then /<,(?) = fi(j) and f(j) = 0. For

w + 1
|f| = 2 -
2 we have {at} = 1/2. Then again f (j) = / I ( T ) and / ( T ) = 0- 0

For | ( | = 2~
2 we have {at} = 1/4+ ( « i + i i ) / 2 . Then
/o(7) = « P |^(| + f l3] [Mill
/ ^ ' " ( - i ) " 1 2 7
" 3

Similarly, 0
= - ( ( - l ) ^ " . Hence for | f | = 2~ , i.e. for 7 =

J V 1 < i V + 3
-JV + 2 we have / ( - i V + 2) - 2 - + i ( - l ) " . Finally, for |r| > 2 " , 2

we have / o ( 7 ) = / I ( T ) and f(j) = 0. We have thus proved the following


Proposition 4 . For p = 2
f 0, a = 0 or \a\ = 2 ,

2 w
~ \ -2(-l)% |o| = 2 , A ' > 4 .

TAis Proposition completes ike proof of Theorem 3.

R e m a r k . By Theorem, the x(at) are eigen-values of the evolution

operator U(t) i f and only i f the number a is of the form:

_ 1 7 2
a = 0 or a = p ( a ( j + a*p + . . . + a _ 2 p " ) , 7

0<O;<p-l, a ^Q;
0 j = 0 , 1 , . . . , 7 - 2,

where 7 = 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , . . . for p = 1 (mod 4), while 7 = 2 , 4 , 6 , . . . for p = 3

(mod 4); for p = 2 we have

_ 7 2
a = 0 or a = 2 ( 1 + 2 + o 2 + ... + 2 0^.3^-%

7 = 4,5,...; 0,-0,1; j = 2 , 3 , . . . , 7 - 3.

We denote this set of indices by J \ the numbers in J are analogous to the

p p

"energy levels" in standard quantum mechanics.

4 . Study of the Eigenfunctions

Up to now we have worked in the space Z^tQp), however, the rather

complicated action (4.4) of Sec. 11 of the evolution operator U(t) in this
space makes the analysis of the spectrum difficult.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 237

We first consider the case p = 1 (mod 4). The field Q then contains the p

square root of —1, i.e., there exists an element r £ Q such that r = —I. p

We will make a unitary transformation to a new representation (called the

Cl-representation), i n which the evolution operator acts in a very simple
way. This representation will be used to derive explicit expression for the
eigen-functions of the evolution operator. For functions / € L (Qp) e 2

introduce the integral operator 3 with Gaussian-type kernel by the formula

2 2
3lflt«J = jx (™ - \z + 2 » ) f(z)dz. (4.1)

P r o p o s i t i o n 1 . The operator 3 given by (4.1) is unitary in / ^ ( Q p ) ,

taies T?(Q ) onto itself, and the inversion formula is valid:

M = jx (p-TX - 2xz) 3[f](x)dx. (4.2)


• This result follows from the expression

= X(T* )F [f(z) X £2*), (4.3)

which is a composition of four unitary operators. •

We say that (4.1) defines the transition to the 3-representation. In the

3-re presentation, the dynamics is described by the theorem.

T h e o r e m 1. Let p = 1 (mod 4). Then, for any function in i ( Q p ) we


f ,
U®3[fm = ai/(e- )](z), 2 \t\p < VP- (4.4)

• First assume that / G 2J(Q ), so that, by Proposition 1,

P € P(Qp)
and suppose that / ( z ) = 0 for | z | > and 3[/](j/) = 0 for j y | > p .
p p p
238 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

By (3.8) and (3.9) of Sec. 11 after interchanging the order of integration we


/ *((--^*+G&+*)»)** (4.5)

The formula (2.1) of Sec. 5 can be used to evaluate the inner integral in
(4.5). We set
' ' ' (4.6)
tan t sin t
T sin t — cos ( 1
> 1 (4.7)
sin t
for | t | < 1/p. Note that since the left-hand side in (4.5) is independent of

M as M —* oo, we can take M arbitrarily large; the top formula in (2.1)of

Sec. 5 can then be used to evaluate the integral. We have, furthermore,

x + z sin t M

P — P = p M
\x + Jsinr|p. (4.8)
P rsin t — cos (
Since the variable z lies in the disk \z\ < p , we have p ^ ^ s m i L , < 1
for sufficiently large M and \t | < 1/p. Also, the variable x lies in a bounded

disk, since it appears in the argument (4.8) of the function f i ( — ,

V I "
which is nonzero only for p~ \x + z s i n i | < 1. Hence, for these values of



- 2
We now observe that cosi — r s i n i = c for some c € Qp. Therefore,
using (0.3) of Sec. 5 we have

-% H r = ¥ - 4 (4.10)
•p-Adic Quantum Theories 239

Using (4.7)-(4.10)> for these parameter values we thus obtain

\y\ <P

= MzO (j* x + &i) ™*) 2

f 1
' r s i n i
~~ cos( 1

Consequently, (4.5) takes the form

V, tant sin((cosr — r s i n f )
z sin( + 2zz:
•/»k(-l cos t — rsin /

We now exploit the relation

1 1 T (cost + i s i n t )
tant sint(cost — Tsinf) cosf — Tsint

t sin( — T cost + sint r 2r t

2 cosf — r s i n t 2(cos( — r s i n t ) 2

e = c o s t + r s i n t.

Then (4.5) takes the form

2 T a
U(t)3[f]( ) x = ( r x ) J dz(e~ 'z)x
X (-|* + 2«) , (4.13)

which coincides with (4.4) on functions / 6 P ( Q ) . By continuity, (4.4) P

extends to the entire space Lj((Jp). •

By (4.4), the dynamics in the 3-rep resent at ion is thus given by the simple
/ < * } — / € L 2 ( Q p ) . (4.14)

The 3-rep resent at ion may be regarded as a distinctive p-adic analog of the
second quantization representation known i n standard quantum mechanics.
240 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

We construct explicit formulas for all eigen-functions of the evolution

operator in 3-re presentation.
Let us find, for example, an invariant vector ("vacuum"), i.e., the element
\l> £ f-s(Qp) satisfying

U(t)i> = i>, \t\ <l/p.

p (4.15)

To do this we find the invariant vectors in the 3-re present at ion, i.e., the
functions / E / ^ ( Q p ) satisfying
f(e- 'z) = f(z), \t\ <l/p.
p (4.16)

We note that every nonzero p-adic number z £ (JJ can be uniquely

7 a
represented in the canonical form z = p c * e , where |a| < 1/p. The p

dynamics, given by (4.14), reduces to the substitution

a r 0
z _ Ve p — e-"z =pVe -", (4.17)

i.e., the numbers j and k in the canonical expression do not change. This
means that any function f(z) in i ( Q p ) depending only on 7 and k is a

general solution of (4.16), i.e. an invariant vector. Equivalently, i f z £ Q p

has the canonical representation z = p (zo + z\p + . . . ) then any function
/ ( z ) — f[\z\ ,zo)
p in i 2 ( Q p ) <s an invariant vector, and, conversely, any
such vector is of this form.

Let us give the explicit form of the invariant vectors in the original
representation. By (4.1), we have

*t*) = j x (™ - I * a 2
+ 2*z) / ( | z | , z ) d zP 0


= £ £ fW>W*M> (4-18)
-oo<7<oo l<*<p-l

2 T
*M*) = J dz {T - -z*
X X + Zzz).
I t can be seen by computation that

lM«) = X(r* 2
+ 2p-'kx)p-'- Q{p'- \x\ ), 1 1
p 7 < 0.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 241

I n particular, i f f{\z\ , z ) = fi(|z| ), 6{p< - \z\„), 7 = 1,2,..., from (4.18)

P 0 P

we obtain the vacuum vectors:

lfro(*) = n(l*lp), ftftj = xiT^W - kip), 7 = 1,2,...

The dimension of the vacuum subspace is thus seen to be infinite, i n

agreement with the theorem of Sec. 12.3.
For the excited states, i.e., for vectors tp i n H the equation a a

V{t)i> a = x{at)^ , a a € J , p c ? 0, \t\ < 1/p,

p (4.19)

reduces to
fo(e-"z) = (c*t)f (z),
X a |i|p < 1/p, (4.20)

in the 3-representation tp = Taking into account (4.17), we find


that the general solution of (4.20) is

f (z)
a = <p(\z\ ,z )x(-ar )
p 0 a t (4.21)

where <p is an arbitrary function i n £2(Qp) depending on the parameter

or. Substituting (4.21) into (4.1) we obtain an explicit formula for all the
eigen-functions of problem (4.19)

2 T 7
<M«) = J X [TX - ~z -\-1xz- araj <p(\z\ ,z )dz,
p 0

7 a
where z = p c * e .

5. Weyl Systems and Coherent States

The Weyl representation of commutation relations plays an important

role in the formalism of Sees. 11.2-11.4. Here we study the general proper-
ties of this representation. In particular, one of the questions is to describe
such representations up to unitary equivalence.
Let us start with a discussion of geometry of symplectic space. Let
V = Op", « > 1 and B is a nondegenerate symplectic form on V, then the
pair (V, B) is called the symplectic space over Q . The subspace of V is p

said to be nondegenerate i f the restriction of the form B to this subspace

242 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

is nondegenerate. I f (V, B) is some symplectic space, then V can be rep-

resented as the direct orthogonal sum of its two-dimensional subspaces hi,
i = 1,2,... , n (so-called hyperbolic planes):

V= ®hi.

In every such plane hi we shall choose a basis (e,-, fi), i — 1,2,... , n with
the property:
B(e ,f ) = l. i i

The basis {(ef , / ( ) , i — 1,2,... , n} of the space V satisfies the conditions

(e.-,«i) = ( / i , / j ) = 0,

= -(fi.e/) = i,j = 1 . 2 n

and is called the symplectic basis of V. The matrix of B in this basis has
the canonical form:
0 E'
\-K 0
Later on we shall suppose that in V some symplectic basis is chosen and
the form B has the canonical form. The following inequality is valid:

z, z' £ V and the norm || - || was defined in Sec. 1.7.

Let now (V, B) be a two-dimensional symplectic space over Q. A Weyl
system over (V, B) is a pair (H, W), where H is a Hilbert space and W
is a map from V to the set of unitary operators on H which satisfies the
relation (so-called Weyl relation):

W{x)W{y) = (B(x,
Xp y))W(x + y), (5.2)

s t n e
where x, y £ V and Xp(0' additive character of Q that satisfies the p

X ( 0 = 1 i f and only i f \£\ < 1 (see « 3.1)
P p

and the map W is continuous in strong topology on the set of unitary

operators on H. One can use operations of direct sum and tensor product
to construct new Weyl systems from existing ones.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 243

E x a m p l e 1. Weyl system ( L ( Q ) . W) over the space ( V = Q xQ> ,B),

2 P p p

where operators W(z), z € V are defined by the formula (2.3) of Sec. 11.

E x a m p l e 2. Tensor product ® ( ^ ( Q p ) , W) of n Weyl system from
Example 1 is the Weyl system (L (Q ),WW) over the space
2 p (Q ,B), p

Wl»\z) = &W(z.), z = (z ... ,*„)eQ 2 n . lt

Let us denote by VQ the following compact subgroup of the additive

group of the space V :

Vo = {z€V : \\x\\ < 1}. (5.3)

E x a m p l e 3. Let (V, B) be an arbitrary finite-dimensional symplectic

space over Q . We shall define the Hilbert space L \ as the following closed

subspace of £ ( V )

L \ ={<(,£ L {V) 2 : 4,(x + x') = p{B{x,x'))<t>{x), X x' € V },0 (5.4)

and the set of operators W f z ) , J € V by the formula:

W(z)<p(x) = (B(z, ))4,(x-z),

Xp x z€V, i-EL*. (5.5)

then the pair (L , W) is Weyl system over (V, B).


• Unitarity of operators W{z), z £ V is obvious. I t is sufficient to check

Weyl relation (5.2). One has

W{z)W{z')<b(x) = W(z)\x (B(z',x))4(x

P - z')}
= (B(z,
Xp x)) (B(z',x
Xp - z))4>(x -z'-z)
= (B(z,
Xp z')) (B(zXp + z\ x))<h(x -(z + z'»
= (B(z,z'))W(z
Xp + z')<t>(x) . M

The investigation of Weyl systems over p-adic symplectic space is essen-

tially based on the notion of vacuum vector which does not have apparently
a natural analog in real number case. Let us prove the following important
244 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

T h e o r e m 1. For any Weyl system (H, W) over p-adic symplectic space

(V,B) there exists a vector <t> £ H such that the following relation

W(x)d, 0 = <p 0 (5-6}

is valid for all x £ Vb- TAis vector <f>a we shall call the vacuum vector of

• First we note that Vb (as well as V) is a commutative additive group.

Let x = (xi,... ,x ), y=n ... ,y„) £ V. By using scalar product

[*»?)= 22 X i y i


and notation
* = {~X i, n+ . . . , -X2n Xi t x)

the value of the form B on the vectors x, y £ V can be represented in the

B{x,y) = {x,y).

Let now x,y £ Vb, then we have (see (5.1))

\B(x,y)\ <\\x\\-\\y\\<l.

Taking into account the property of the character xp-

X (t)
P = l, |£|„<1, (5.7)

we get that the restriction (H, W ) of the Weyl system (H, W) to VQ (W =

0 0

W\v ) is a unitary representation of the group VQ in H. Naturally, Weyl


relation (5.2) under the restriction on (H, Wo) has the form

W (x)W (y)
0 0 = W {x + j/), 0 x, y £ VQ.

Thus the restriction of Weyl system (H, W ) on Vb is a unitary representa- 0

tion of the compact commutative group V .

By the well-known theorem from representation theory any irreducible
representation of compact commutative group is one-dimensional (that is
be some character of this group). The group of character of Vb (Pontryagin
p-Adic Quantum Theories 245

dual, denoted by VQ) is isomorphic to quotient group V/VQ, Vb — V/VQ

(see 3.1) and any character of VQ has the form

^ (x)
a = Xp((c,T)), xeV , 0

where a is an arbitrary element in co-set a G V/VQ. By virtue of (5.7) A 3

does not depend on the choice of element 0: in co-set a . By Peter-Weyl
theorem the space of representation H can be represented as the direct
orthogonal sum
H= <g> H , a (5.8)

where H is a maximal subspace in which the representation is divisible to


Aci(i). By virtue of (5.8) we can find a E V/VQ such that H is nontrivial. a

Let us denote by || • | | H the norm in H and choose tb G H such that a

\\XI>\\H = 1, then the vector

<Pa = W Q « ) # , a 6 a G V/V . 0 (5.9)

can be chosen as required vacuum vector. In fact by means of Weyl relation

(5.2) and the condition tp E H$ for z G VQ we have

W(x)<p = W(x)W f | « j i = x ((x,a))W

0 P Qcr)

= Q « J v ( ( a , x ) V > = IV Q a J ^ = <b .
p 0 •

The next important notion is the notion of the system of coherent states.
Let a>o € be a vacuum vector of the Weyl system ( / / , PV). Let us choose
an element a from any co-set d £ V/Vb and denote the family of such
elements by JQ. Let us construct the following set of vectors $ C H:

$= {<p = W{a)fa,
a QEJQ). (5.10)

Let ai and a belong to the same co-set a G V/VQ- Then from (5.2), (5.6)

and (5.7) we get

4> = Witter,
at = W(a 7 + (ai - a ))0o 2

= X (-B(Q , a! - a2))W(Q2)Vv (a
p 2
2 - ai)<t 0

= Xp(B(a ,a ))W(a )<t>o

1 2 2 = Xp (B(c< a ))<p ,.
u 2 a
246 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Hence \ip \ does not depend on the choice of the element a in co-set a £

V/Vo. The set of vectors (5.10) we call the system of coherent states of
Weyl system (H, W). The main property of coherent states is given by the
following theorem.

T h e o r e m 2. / / Weyl system (H, W) has unique (up to multiplication to

a constant) vacuum vector tpc, then the system of coherent states of(H, W)
forms an orthonormal basis in H.

• Let us prove that the subspace H 2 a is strained on the vector 4>a =

W(a)ib . In fact, i f x £ Vb we have

W{x)<h 0 = W{x)W{a)<t>r, = x ( 2 B ( x , a))W(a)<h

p = x ( B ( - 2 « , x))<j> ,
P a

thus <p e H-ia. Conversely, let <b e / f , \\4>\\H = 1. Then by virtue of the
0 2 a

formula (5.9) and uniqueness of the vacuum vector we get:

= W{-a)<j>,

therefore <b = VF(n)^o- Further proof follows immediately from decompo-

sition (5.8).

R e m a r k . We see that the defined system of coherent states forms

orthonormal basis in contrast to real numbers case where coherent states
form overfilled system.
For further consideration the following definitions are needed.
Weyl system (H, W) is called irreducible if there are no nontrivial sub-
spaces of H, which are invariant under the action of operators W(x), x £ V.
We shall say that (H, W) can be represented as a direct sum of Weyl sys-
tems (Hi,W)

if the following condition is valid:

H = ®Hi

and subspaces Hi are invariant under the action of operators W(x), x S.V.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 247

The set of vacuum vectors of the Weyl system (H, W) forms the subspace
Ho which is called the vacuum subspace of (H, W). In this subspace HQ we
shall choose some orthonormal basis {d>' , i £ I } . The following theorem

is valid.

T h e o r e m 3. Weyl system ( H , W) is irreducible if and only if the vac-

uum subspace Ho of this system is one-dimensional. Otherwise (H,W) can
be represented as direct sum of the following type:

(H,W)= *m,w%

where subspace Hi is the span of the basis

i ^ = W(a)4, i€l).

• Let Ho be one-dimensional and <j>r, £ HQ is vacuum vector. Let us

suppose that (H,W) is reducible. Then there exists a nontrivial subspace
H' of the space H which is invariant under the action of the operators
W(x), x € V. Let us consider the Weyl system (H\ W). By virtue of
Theorem I there exists a vacuum vector <j>o of this Weyl system. By virtue
of uniqueness of vacuum vector we can choose such that

0o = <P'o-

According to the Theorem 2 the set of vectors

{<t> = W(a)<p ,
a D a 6 Jo)
forms orthonormal basis in H, but d> £ H', hence H' = H. The contra-

diction obtained proves the irreducibility of the Weyl system (H,W).

Let now Ho is not one-dimensional. We shall prove that subspaces Hi
and Hj are orthogonal when i / j , i,j £ 7. From definition of these
subspaces it follows that it is sufficient to prove the relation:

(w(x)<b ,w(y)4)
0 = Q, *,yev, M€i, (5.n)
Let z £ VQ. By virtue of unitarity of W(z) and formulas (5.2) and (5.6) we
(W(x)<j> ,W(y)4>i)
0 = (W(z)W(x)d>lW(z)W(y)4)
= ( (2B(z,x))W(x)4lxp(2B(z,y))W(y)dri)
Xp (5.12)
= X p (2B(z,x - K))(JFfc)4,
248 p-Adic Analyst! and Mathematical Physics

For any x,y € V , x — y $ Vb we can always find 2 € Vb such that

X (2B(z x
P — y)) / 1 and in this case we get (5.11) from (5.12). I n the

case of x — y £ Vb and i ^ j we have

(W(x)<p ,W(y)4i)
0 = {W[-y)W(x)^,4) = Xp(B(-y,x))(<j> ,4)
0 = 0.

The formula (5.11) is proved.

Let us consider now the space H = © and prove that H = H. Let
us suppose that it is not true and consider the orthogonal complement H'
of H in H. Because of unitarity of operators W(x), x 6 V the space H* is
invariant under the action of all these operators. Let us consider the Weyl
system ( H ' , W). According to Theorem 1 there exists a vacuum vector <PO
of this system which satisfies the relation

therefore £0 £ B~ which is impossible by virtue of the condition H C H.

0 0

The contradiction obtained proves the relation

H = H= ®H .t


Invariantness of subspaces Hj, i £ I under the action of operators W(x),

x £ V follows directly from the definition of these subspaces. •

As an application of the Theorem 3 we shall prove the irreducibility of

Weyl systems from Examples 1-3. For this, according to this Theorem
it is sufficient to prove that vacuum subspaces of these systems are one-

• Let tpr, € LiCQp) be the vacuum vector of the Weyl system

(L {Q ),W)
2 P from Example I . Then it satisfies the relation (see (2.3) of
Sec. 11)
X {2px + pq)M*
P + 9) = &>(*), (5-13)
where 2 = (q,p) £ VQ = B x B , x £ Q. I f we put q = 0 in (5.13) we get
0 0

the formula
Xp(2px)4> (x) - <t>o(x),
p-Adic Quantum. Theories 249

from which it follows that

supp d, c {x € Qp :
Q Xp(2pi) = 1. p € So} = Bo.

I f we put p = 0 in (5.13) we get

<&a(x) = <J> (x + q),

0 x,q 6 Bo-

Therefore, ^o(^) = Cfi(jz|p), where Q ( | i | ) is the characteristic func-


tions of Bo (see Sec. 6.2), C is an arbitrary nonzero constant and thus the
vacuum subspace H of the Weyl system ( L ( Q p ) , W) is one-dimensional.
B 2

Irreducibility of the Weyl system (Z-2(Qp), W^) follows directly from the
irreducibility of ( ^ ( Q p ) , W) and the definition of tensor product of Weyl
systems. Vacuum vector of this Weyl system has the form:

d> \x)n
0 = n(\\x\\) = I I fltl*4. * = (*i,•.•,zn)eQp".

Irreducibility of the Weyl system (L^ , W) from Example 3 can be proved

by analogy with the previous case. Vacuum vector has the form

^ ( x ) = n(IMI). •

The following Corollary follows directly from the last Theorem.

Corollary 1. Any Weyl system can be represented as ike direct sum of
irreducible Weyl systems.

Two Weyl systems (H, W) and (H, W) over space (V, B(-, •)) are equiv-
alent by the definition i f there exists a unitary operator U : H —• H that
satisfies the condition

UW(x) = W(x)U, x e V. (5.14)

Let us prove one more Corollary from Theorem 3.

Corollary 2. Any two irreducible Weyl systems over Ike space (V, B)
are equivalent.
250 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

• Let (H, W), {H,W) be irreducible Weyl systems over the space (V,B).
By virtue of Theorems 1-3 for any of these systems there exist unique
vacuum vector 4>a € H and <t>o £ H and spaces H and H are strained on
the basis of coherent states

* = = W(a)io, a e J ).0

Let us construct a unitary operator U : H —• H by the formula:

U<p = 4> ,
a a aeJo- (5.16)

I t is easy to see that the operator (5.13) satisfies the condition (5.14).
In fact, it is sufficient to check (5.14) for basis vectors d\ and <b , a (E Jo- 0 a

Using formulas (5.12), (5.15) and (5.16) we get:

UW(x)d> a = VW{x)W{a)<bo = x (B(x,<*))UW{x P + a)^ 0

= x (B(x,
P a))U4 x+a = x (B{x,
P a))i I+0

= x (B(x,
P a))W(x + «)^o = W(x)W(a)}o = W{x)U<p .

6. Symplectic Group
The symplectic group Sp(2n,Q ) is the group of linear automorphisms

of the space V = Q which preserve the symplectic form. Any element

g € Sp(2n,Q ) can be represented as a matrix (gij), 1 < i , j < 2n in some


basis. Norm of matrix g means the following

™ « JffoV (61)

I t is known that deto = 1 for any g € Sp(2n,<Q) ). We shall be mainly p

interested in the subgroup of S*p(2n,Q ) defined by the following Lemma.


L e m m a . The set of matrices G = {g € Sp(2n,Q ) : [\g\\ = 1} forms a p

subgroup o / S p ( 2 n , Q ) . p

• Let us prove that for any element g £ Sp(2n,Q ) the following in- p

equality is valid
IMl>t (6.2)
p-Adic Quantum Theories 251

In fact, taking into account the definition of det g and properties of the
norm (6.1) we get:

1 = | det g|p < max |jf Ul ... g 2 n i l n \ <
P \\g\\ .

Let now g,h £ G . Let us prove that gh 6 G. Taking into account formulas
(6.1) and (6.2) we have:

i < M < F JWS, £ Sit ft < IMI \M = i¬

l<i,j<2n K * < 2 n
_ 1
By analogy we get that i f g £ G, then < j 6 G:

1 2 1
1 < Us" !! < max K - l f ^ J , < H a l l " - = 1,
where iV/jj is the complement minor of element gjj in g. •

R e m a r k 1. The constructed group G is a symplectic group over ring S p

of p-adic integers, i t is not commutative and is maximal compact subgroup

of the group 5 p ( 2 n , S ) .

R e m a r k 2. I n the case of n = 1 the group of matrices {T , t £ G ) t p

constructed in Sec. 11 and which defines the evolution of harmonic oscillator

is a subgroup of the group G.
Let g £ 5p(2n,Qp), i f V and gx denotes the following element of the
space V:
= £gi>Kj. (6.3)
Formula (6.3) defines the action of Sp(2n,Q ) on V. p

Let us consider an arbitrary irreducible Weyl system (H,W) over the

space (V,B). Because 5 p ( 2 n , Q ) acts on V transitively and preserves the

symplectic form we get that ( i f , W } W (x) — W(gx) is an irreducible

g } 3

Weyl system over (V, B) too. Therefore, according to Corollary 2 from

Theorem 3 of Sec. 12.5 there exists a unitary operator U(g) . H —* H that
satisfies the condition

V(g)W(x) = W(gx)U(g), g£Sp(2n,%), x £ V. (6.4)

252 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Physici

It is known (see [225]) that the constructed set of operators {(7(g), 9 €

S p ( 2 n , Q ) } forms the projective representation of Sp(2n,Q )
p in H, which p

is a unitary representation on two-fold covering of Sp(2n,Q ) (so-called B

metaplectic group). We shall be interested in the restriction of this repre-

sentation to the subgroup G. Remark also that by virtue of irreducibility of
(H,W), formula (6.4) defines U(g) uniquely up to a factor. I f n = 1, then
the evolution operator U(t), t 6 G of quantum p-adic harmonic oscillator

constructed in Sec. 11.4 is the representation of subgroup {7J, ( £ G ] p

of the group G defined by the formula (6.4) by means of the Weyl system
(L (fy ),W)
2 P from Example 1 of Sec. 12.5.
If n > 1 the similar operator can be constructed by means of tensor
product of n operators U(t) of one-dimensional oscillator using the Weyl
( n )
system {L (%), 2 W ) from Example 2 of Sec. 12.5. I n both cases repre-
sentations defined by the formula (6.4) are unitary (not projective). This
is true for the whole group G. In fact, the following Theorem is valid.

T h e o r e m 1. The set of operators {U(g),g 6 G} which satisfies the

relation (6.4) for some irreducible Weyl system (H W) over the space {V, B) t

gives a unitary representation ofG in H.

• By virtue of equivalence of irreducible Weyl systems it is sufficient

to prove the Theorem for arbitrary chosen irreducible Weyl system. We
choose the Weyl system (L , W) from Example 3 of Sec. 12.5 as such Weyl

In the space we define the set of operators {U(g),g € G} by the
1 6 5
u(g)f(z) = fM = /Or *)* < - )
It is easy to see that U(g) is the operator from L 2 to L . 2 In fact, i f
/ € i j , z' £ Vr,, g £ G the following relation is valid
/ (z + ' ) = / ( r 2 + , r V )
J 2 J

l l ,
= Xp{B{g- z,g^z'))f(g- z) = {B(z,z ))f {z). Xp 3

Taking into account the definitions of W(z) and U(g) i t is easy to check
the relation (6.4) for Weyl system ( £ £ , W) and operators U(g), g 6 G. In
fact, i f / e Z-2 then we have:
U(g)W(z)f(x) = U(g)\x (BU,x))f(x
P - z)} = {B{gz,x))f(g-\x
Xp - gz))
= W(gz)f(g- x) = W(gz)U(g)f(x).
p-Adic Quantum Theories 253

Obviously, the set of operators {U(g),g £ G) forms unitary representa-

tion of the group G in L \ . •

Study of the Weyl system gives us an opportunity to get some informa-

tion about the properties of the representation {U(g),g £ G) defined by
We shall say that vector <pa € H is an eigen-vector of representation
W(g),9 G G) i f it satisfies the condition;

U(g)<p = X(g)<f> ,
0 0

where X{g) is a complex number, |A(ij)| — 1.

The following theorem is valid.

T h e o r e m 2. Let (H, W) he an irreducible Weyl system over (V, B) and

[V{g), j £ G ) he unitary representation of group G in H defined by (6.4).
Then vacuum vector ipr, of the Weyl system (H, W) is an eigen-vector of
representation {U(g), g £ G).

• By the condition, vector 4>o satisfies the relation:

lV(z)d> =<fa,
0 z £ V. 0

The following equality is valid because of invariantness VQ under the action

of G:
W {z)<b = fa
g a

and hence fa is the vacuum vector of irreducible Weyl system (H, W ). On g

the other hand from (6.4) it follows that U(g)fa, g £ G is vacuum vector of
(H, Wg) too. Taking into account formula (6.6) and Theorem 3 of Sec. 12.5
we get the required statement. •

7. Investigation of Eigen-Functions for p = 3 (mod 4)

As it has been noted in Sec. 12, the investigation of spectral proper-
ties of harmonic oscillator constructed in Sec. 11.4 is equivalent to that of
representation of the group T of matrices of the type

'=(-sin ( 2\)> (see (1.6) of Sec. 11),
254 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

which is defined by formulas (4.3)-(4.4) of Sec. 11. This problem has been
solved completely for the case of p = 1 (mod 4) (see Sec. 12.4), but for the
case of p = 3 (mod 4) only the dimensions of eigen-subspaces have been
Analysis of the representation of the group T is closely connected with
that of larger group S of matrices of the type:

2 2
(- b «)• « ^ Q P , « + * = l.

In the case of p = 3 (mod 4) the group S is compact (see Sec. 1.5) and is
the subgroup of 5 p ( 2 , 2 ) .p

In order to study eigen-functions it is convenient to consider the phase

space V = Qp x Q of classical system as quadratic extension of Q :
p p

V = Qp(v'--i) (see Sec. 1.4). Using the notation i — any element

z £ Q ( V 1) can be uniquely represented in the form z = x + iy, z denotes

the conjugate element from Q (\/—1) 2 = i - *!/, t , j £ Q - The group


5 is isomorphic to the subgroup of the multiplicative group Q ( \ / — l ) of P

Q p ( V 1) of the following type:

S=t{zeQ;(V=l):zz = l}.

Let us also define the function e" : G —* QpfV—T) by the formula:


e*' — cos t + t sin £, t £ G .


This function satisfies the relation:

V ' = < '>.
i ,+,

The group T is isomorphic to a subgroup of Qp(\/—T) of the following type:

r = { y ' , f eGp}.

T is the subgroup of 5 and the following lemma is valid;

L e m m a 1. Group S is isomorphic (for p = 3 (mod 4) to the direct

product of the cyclic group Z +\ of order p + l and the group T:

5~Z p + 1 xT, (7.1)

(see [82]).
p-Adic Quantum Tkcorici 2SS

I Let us give the sketch of the proof. I t follows from the equation
a + b = 1, a,b £ Q , that for p = 3 (mod 4) either \a\ = 1, \b\ < 1 or
2 2
p p p

\a\ < 1 |6|p = 1 (see Sec. 1.4). Therefore, taking into account that sin t

maps Gp to G in a one-to-one manner, we get that any a + ib £ S can be


represented in the form:

a + ib = (a + i&o) ' (cost + i s i n t ) = ( a + i d ) e "

0 0 0

for some t £ G and ao and bo which satisfy the relation:


al + b = 1 (mod p).
0 (7.2)

The set of pairs (ao,6o), which satisfy (7.2), is isomorphic to some subgroup
of multiplicative group IF* ( \ / ~ 1 ) of quadratic extension of the finite field
IFp which is cyclic (as £.ny subgroup of the multiplicative group of the finite
The order of this group is equal to the number of solutions of (7.2) which
can be calculated by means of Gauss sums and equal p + l . •

Before the study of eigen-functions let us prove the following lemma, e

denotes some element from Q ( > / - l ) with the property ei = —1.

L e m m a 2. Any element z £ Q ' { ^ — 1 ) (for p = 3 (mod 4)) can be

represented in the following form:

k n
z = re c e", (7.3)

where r = r(z) £ Q* ; k = k(z) = 0 , 1 ; c is the generator of Z i

p+ = S/T;
n = n ( ) = 0 , l , . . . ,p; r =
2 r(z)£G . p

/ 2
• Let z £ Qp(v —T)- Only two cases are possible: either zz = a or
zz = —a , a G Qp (see Sec. 1.4). In the first case we shall choose r as the
square root of zz which belongs to Qp : r = \fz~i. Then $z £ S, k = 0 and

(7.3) follows from (7.1). In the second case r = y/~zz £ Q ' and ±z £ S, 2

k = 1. Further proof is evident. •

The representation (7.3) we shall call the polar decomposition of z £

Q ' ( > / ^ T ) . As i t follows from Lemma 2 this polar decomposition defines on
256 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Phyiict

Q p f y ^ T ) four functions:

r(z) : %(V=l) —• Q ; P *(z) : QJCv^T) — {0,1};

n&j : Q J t V ^ T ) — • { 0 , 1 p} and r(z) : Q ; ( V = 1 ) — G„.

By the definition these functions have the properties:

r ( e " z ) = riz), k{e 'z) = k(z),
n ^ ' z ) = «(*), r(e z) = r ( ) + i, z (7.4)
!e«j;(A ceG . p

Less obvious properties of these functions are given by the following lemma.

L e m m a 3. Let Z, Z* € OJfV^-I) ||z|| > P, ||z'|| < 1 (z' € V ) . TAen 0

the following relations are valid:

1) |r(z + z ' ) - r ( z ) | < l ,


2) k{z + z') = k(z),

3) n{z + z') = n(z).

• Let z = x + and z' = x' + iy' satisfy the conditions of the Lemma.
1) By means of elementary calculations we get the formula:

T(z + 2') + 7(*)

2 z m o d
Since r e Q 3 then (r{z + z'))o + (r( ))o
p - 0 ( P) and hence

K » + ' ) + K*>IP = niax{|r(z + z%, \r(z)\ ]

= mzx{\\z + z'nz\\} = \r(z)\ .p (7.5)

From equation ||z|| = Mz)|p = max{|x|p, | y | } it follows p

\x\p<\r(z)\ > P \y\ <\r(z)\ .

P p (7.6)
From (7.5) and (7.6) we have:

\r(z + z') - r(z)\ p < r ^ L - m a x { | r ( z ' ) i , WUmtW < L
p-Adic Quantum Theories 257

2) From the definition of the function k{z) it follows that i t depends only
on the first term in canonical decomposition of p-adic number zz:

k{z) = k((zz ). 0

The relation ((z + z ' ) ( + z ' ) ) = (zz) 0 0 follows from the equality:

|(- + z'){7T?) - zz\ p = \z'z' + 2(zz' + z'z)\ p < \zz\ . p

3) By virtue of relations ||z|| = | r ( z ) [ p = m a x { | x | , \y\ } we have that

p p

either | z | = | r ( z ) | , | y | < | r ( z ) | , or | y | = | r ( z ) | , \x] < \r(z)\ .

p p p p p p p p Let us
consider the first case. By the definition of n(z) and Lemma 1, it follows
that i f \y\ < \r(z)\„ then n(z) = h ( ( * ) J , i f |y| = | r ( z ) | , then n(z) =
p p P

n i [y^J Let us consider the second case (the first one can be
considered analogously). By virtue of statement 1) of this lemma, relations
\ \P — \y\p = l (*)lp > P
X r a n
d inequality \x'\ p < \r(z')\ P < 1 we have:

Denoting by 6t, n the Kronel;er symbol on Q ( \ / — T ) we define: P

= *«,*(..)• n = 0 , 1 , . . . ,p.

From the definition of these functions and properties of functions n(z)

and k(z) we have:

supp 6^ (z) c
n supp Sjf = 0, i f n j f m; (7.7)
c c
6< (z + z') = 6 (z),
m m ||z||>p, ||z'||<l; (7.8)
6^{c z)^6^{z), teGp. (7.9)

As it has been noted in Sec. 11.7 each of them is connected with some
irreducible Weyl system over the space (V = Q x Q , f l ) . For example in P p

Sees. 11.4 and 12.3 oscillator has been considered in representation which
corresponds to the Weyl system from Example 1 of Sec. 12.5. In the case
of p = 3 (mod 4) the investigation of eigen-functions is carried out easily
in representation which is connected to the Weyl system (L^W) from
258 p-Adic Analytic and Mathematical Phyiict

Example 3 of Sec. 12.5. Remember that in this case the representation

space has the form:

= * Qp) • f(* + A = x (B(z,x'))f(x),\\x'\\

P < 1},

representation U(t) of the group T is denned by the formula:

v(t)f(x) = f( - z),
e teGpjeif,

and representation V(z) of S is denned by the formula:

v(z)f{x) = f(zx), zeSjeLf.

In this representation the problem of determination of eigen-functions of

the oscillator is equivalent to the finding of any a 6 I (see Sec. 12.3) a p

complete system of linear independent solutions of the following system of

equations in Li(y)\

f/(e-'M =v(at)/( ), 2

I /(* + *') = (B{z,z'))f{z),

X WW < 1. 1
Taking into account the theorem about dimension of invariant subspaces
(Sec. 12.3) for the case of p = 3 (mod 4), we have that, i f a G I , \a\ = p p

2 i + !
p , k — 0 , 1 , . . . the system (7.10) has no solutions; i f a = 0, then there
exists a unique linear independent solution of (7.10) and in the case of
or 6 J there are p + l linear independent solutions.

The explicit formulas for eigen-functions are given by the following the-

T h e o r e m Let p = 3 (mod 4). If a — 0, then any solution of the system

(7.10) is proportional to the function

M*) = HMI>
If a G J , « / 0, then p + 1 functions

are linear independent and give us the solutions of (7.10), where

m= 1+
\( {j))> A= V(-l) m + 1
«. " = 0,1,...,p.
p-Adic Quantum Theoriei 2S9

• As it can be checked by direct substitution, tj>o{z) is the solution of

( 7 . 1 0 ) . Let now a € J , p a ^ 0. From (7.7) we have that the functions ( 7 . 1 1 )
are orthogonal for different n and hence are linear independent. Besides
that, from ( 7 . 9 ) it follows that the functions ( 7 . 1 1 ) satisfy the first equation
of the system (7.10). For a G J , a / 0 we have |a| > p and therefore p p

l lp £ P- Taking into account this inequality, substituting functions ( 7 . 1 1 )
to the second equation of the system (7.10) and using the property 1 ) of
the function r(z) (see Lemma 3 ) and formula ( 7 . 8 ) we get:

K,(m&MH*) - a\ ) (-c,r(z
p Xp + **))
= (B(z,z'))6' (z)6 (z)il(\r{z)
Xp m n - a\ )xp(-or(z)).

Taking into account ( 7 . 7 ) , the last formula is equivalent to the following


X (aAT
P + B(z,z')) = l, (7.12)
m T ;
where A T = T(Z + z') - r(z), z = r(z)£ cV < >,
m n iT m r i + i
g> = r(z')e c e ^'\ z + z' = r(z + z')e cV < '>.

By virtue of the last equations, the expression for B(z, z') can be trans-
formed to the following form:

B(z,z') = B(z,z + z')

m iT iT +
= r(z)r(z + z')(e£) B(e <*\e (* ''))
= r(z)r(z + z')(-l) sin A t . (7.13)

For further proof the following equality is required: (for p = 3 (mod 4 ) )

\\e"-e \\ = \a-b\ , p a,i€G . p (7.14)

In fact:
f l t |
| | ' - ' | | = || ''»"- '>-l||
e e e

= maxfj cos(a — b) — l | , |sin(a — b)\ ) p p

= |sin(a - b)\ = \a - b\ . p p

Taking into account ( 7 . 1 4 ) we can prove the following inequality:

I"AT-| P < 1. (7.15)

260 p-Adic Analyiii and Mathematical Phytics

In fact:

i i
\aAr\p = \a\ \\e ^+*->-e ^\\

2 fl r(,+ l)
= IKK* + ') + ( - + **)K * - W + ( « - K * J i ) ^ | |
i T t + I , ) iT
= ||r(z + z ' ) e ' - r(z)e <'>|| = ||»'|| < 1.

Taking into account formulas (7.13) and (7.15) and inequalities | r ( j ) — a | < p

1, \r(z + z') — a\ < 1, let us rewrite the expression (7.12) in equivalent


m !
X ( o A T + ( - l ) a s i n A r ) = 1.
P (7.16)

From the properties of function sins, which have been pointed out in
Sec. 2.4, the following inequality (for p = 3 (mod 4)) follows easily:

IsinAr-Ar] p <p|Ar| . p (7.17)

By means of (7.15) and (7.17) the expression (7.17) can be transformed to

the form:
X ((« + ( - i r V ) A r ) = l .
p (7.18)

Thus, the functions (7.11) satisfy the second equation of the system (7.10),
if a, a and m satisfy the relation (7.18) for any A r g G . It is easy to see p

that a and m from the condition of the Theorem satisfy the equality:

« + ( - l ) " V = 0,

from which formula (7.18) follows. •

The theorem gives us the opportunity to construct eigen-functions of

oscillator for p = 3 (mod 4) in an arbitrary representation. Namely, the
following corollary is valid.

C o r o l l a r y . Let (H, W) be some irreducible Weyl system over the space

(Qp x Qp.fl) with vacuum vector^. Then eigen-functions of oscillator in
representation (H, W) are given by the formula:

V£ = j Y (-«0^(^ c'V<)Vv»\

where a G J , n = 0 , 1 , . . . , p, a and m are as in the Theorem.

p-Adic Quantum Theories 261

I Let us consider the Wey] system {L^tW) with vacuum vector <po =
f2(||z||) and corresponding representation for harmonic oscillator.
I t is easy to see that the operator S : L \ —* H defined by the formula

$4= J(<t>,W(z)) , W{z)tp dz, L (V) n <&€LX, (7.20)


is a unitary operator (see Sec. 11.7). Substituting in (7.20) eigen-functions

of oscillator in representation (L, W)d>(z), we get:

K = J dzW(z)^ 0 j dyr (y)Xp{B(-z,y))il(\\y-z\\)


v v

= j dzW{z)i, a j d 6< (y)6< ( )Sl(\r(y)- \ )

y m n y a p


•XP(-<*T(V))XP(B( z,y))U( y *.\).

Since integration i n the last formula is actually carried out on bounded

domain ||y|| = ||z|| — |a| , then we can change the integration order. Taking

into account the formula

J dz (B(-z, Xp y))Si(\\y - z\\)W{z)fa = W(y)vj , 0

we get

K = J dy6UiyK(yMMy)-^\p)x (-«r( ))W(y)vj . P y 0

r a n a
Using the properties of functions b {y), m ^(y) the polar decomposition,
from the last formula we have:

C = / \r\ U{\r
P - a\ )dr p j Xp {-at)W{ae f e ^ d t .
Q; |ilr<i/p

After rejection of unessential nonzero coefficient we get the required expres-

sion for eigen-functions.

R e m a r k 1. By analogy to representation t / ( t ) , f S G of the group T p

we can construct unitary representation V(g), g £ S of the group S. I n

262 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

this case, taking into account the theorem and formula (7.1) it is easy to
prove, that eigen-subspaces of V(g) are one-dimensional and eigen-functions
coincide with eigen-functions $J of the representation U(t) (but in this case
the functions d>a different n correspond to different subspaces).

R e m a r k 2. Investigation of eigen-functions for p = 3 (mod 4) (that is

the solution of the system (7.10)) have been carried out without the theorem
about dimensions of invariant =ubspaces by means of direct analysis of the
system (7.10).

X I I I . W e y l Systems. I n f i n i t e D i m e n s i o n a l Case
Let (V, B) be an infinite dimensional symplectic space over <Q . A sub- p

space U C V is nondegenerate i f the restriction of B on U is a nondegen-

erate symplectic form on U. Let F denotes the set of all finite dimensional
nondegenerate subspace of V.
A Weyl system over (V, B) is a pair {H, W), where i f is a complex Hilbert
space and W is a map from V to the set of unitary operators on H, which
satisfies the property
W(x)W(y) = piB( ,y))W(
X X x + y)
for all x,y £ V and the restriction of W to any U £ F is continuous in
strong topology.
Let us be reminded that in the case of dim V < oo (see Sec. 12.4)
all irreducible Weyl systems are unitary equivalent (Stone-von Neumann
uniqueness theorem) and any Weyl system can be represented as a direct
orthogonal sum of irreducible ones. But it is not the case if dim V — oo,

1. Weyl Algebras

Let (H,W) be a Weyl system over (V,B), U £ F and let tm (H,W) u

denote the fv"*-algebra generated by the set of operators {W(x),x £ U}.

As dim U < oo using the Stone-von Neumann uniqueness theorem (see
Sec. 12.4) i t is easy to prove the following lemma.

Lemma 1. For any two Weyl systems ( f f j , W j ) and (Jfa/Wj) over

(V, B) and any V £ F there exists a unique *-tsomorphism a of the algebras
M (Hi,Wi)
u andW. (H ,Wi)
u 2 which mapsW,(x) into W (x) for all x £ U:

a(W (x))
1 = W (x).
p-Adic Quantum Theories 263

The Weyl algebra of the Weyl system (H, W) over (V, B) is defined as a
C*-algebra ii(H, W) which is the uniform closure of the union of algebras
JDlufif, W), when U runs all subspaces from F:

U(H,W)= \Jm (H,W).



As i t was mentioned, we do not have the Stone-von Neumann uniqueness

theorem for the case of dim V = oo. But in this case the so-called C*-
algebraic uniqueness theorem is valid:

T h e o r e m 1. For any two Weyl systems ( J Y W i ) and (H W )

l p over 2l 2

{V, B) there exists a unique ^-isomorphism a of the algebras iX{H\, W\) and
ii{H ,W )
2 2 which maps W^x) into W (x) for all x £ V:

c,{Wi(x)) = W {x).

• Algebras VJlulH, W), U £ F form the partially ordered set under

imbedding (this ordering is induced by the natural ordering on F) and
by virtue of the Lemma 1 and the Zorn Lemma there exists a unique
•-isomorphism 6; of the *-algebras IJ VH^(H , W ). The isomorphism a
2 2

is continuous in the uniform topology (as a *-morphism of *-algebras) and

thus can be uniquely extended to the needed *-isomorphism a •

2. Positive Functionals
A complex valued functional /J : V —• C on the symplectic p-adic space
(V, B) is positive, i f

(i) Mo) = l,
(II) for any finite sets A j , . . . ,X n £€. and » i , . . . ,x n € V we have


( I I I ) u is continuous on any U £ F.
Positive functionals on (V, B) give us an opportunity to study cyclic
Weyl systems. A cyclic Weyl system over (V, B) is a triple (H, W,ip), where
264 f-Aiic Analytit and Mathematical Pkyiio

[H, W) is a Weyl system over (V, B), <p e H, \\P\\H = 1 and the closure of
linear span of the set {W{x)<p,x € V } in H coincides with H. Two cyclic
a r e
Weyl systems {H\,W\,tpi) and (iffa. equivalent i f there exists
a unitary operator U : H\ —• H , which satisfies the conditions: f / p i = ip2

and UWiix)*!- = W (x) for any x e V. Study of an arbitrary Weyl

system over (V, B) reduces to that of cyclic, because any Weyl system can
be represented as a direct orthogonal sum of cyclic ones.
On the other hand, positive functionals on (V,B) and cyclic Weyl sys-
tems over (V,B) are closely connected. I n fact, i t is easy to see that if
(H, W, <p) is a cyclic Weyl system, then the map u defined by the formula

^x\^,WW) (131)
defines a positive functional on ( V , f l ) . The inverse statement is less obvi-
ous, but it is true.

T h e o r e m 2. For any positive functional u on (V, B) there exists a

cyclic Weyl system (H,W,<p) over (V, B), such that the relation (13.1) is
valid for all x G V. This Weyl system is unique up to equivalence.

• We shall prove the existence by means of direct construction.

TAe space H. Let K denotes the vector space of complex valued functions
on V , which are nonzero in not more then finite number of points of V.
The formulas

{f,9)= £ f(u)g{vMv-u) (B(u v))

Xp } : t,g€K,

il/ll = </,/>
define nonnegative Hermitian form and seminorm on K respectively. Let
N be the closed subspace of K consist of / with zero seminorm. Then
on K/N the form (•,-) naturally induces the positive Hermitian form and
K/N is provided by the prehilbertian structure. The required space H is
the closure of K/N with respect to the scalar product mentioned above.
The map W. On the space K we shall define the following set of operators
W(x)f{u) = ((Bx,u))f(u
Xp - i), / € K.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 265

These operators satisfy the Weyl relation (this fact has been proved in
Sec. 12.4, Example 3). I t is easy to see that W(x), x £ V are isometric.
Hence, we have correctly defined isometric operators W(x), x 6 V on K/N:

W(x)[f + N] = W(x)f + N, x£V, f£K,

which are uniquely extended to unitary operators on H with needed prop-

The cyclic vector ip can be chosen as follows:

*P = <P + N,

It is a simple exercise to verify the relation (13.1) for the constructed Weyl
(7nigueness. Let (Hi, Wi> <pi) and (H , W , p ) be two cyclic Weyl sys-
2 2 2

tems corresponding to the same positive functional u . Let Hi (resp. H ) 2

denote linear span of the set of vectors {Wi(x)<pi, x £ V) in Hi (resp.

{W (x)<p ,
2 2 x£H ). The formula

VWi{x)<pi=W {x)<p ,
2 2 x£V

defines an operator U : Hi —* H . 2 I t is easy to see that U is an isometric


(VWi{x)<p VWi(y) i)
u 9

= (W (x)<p ,W (y)<p )
2 3 2 2 = x (B{x,y)) 2,W {y
P 9 2 - x)<p )

= p(B(x,y))p.(y
X - x) = (W^x^W^y)^).

As Hi and H are dense in Hi and H respectively, then U is uniquely

2 2

extended to the unitary operator Hi —> H with needed properties. • 2

R e m a r k . The statements of Sec. 13.1 and 13.2 and their proofs coincide
w i t h that of for the real number case.

3. Foch Representation

Representations of commutation relations (or Weyl systems) are proved

to be closely connected with the notion of a lattice in p-adic vector space.
266 -p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Let V be a p-adic vector space (finite- or infinite-dimensional). A lattice

£ in V is a Z -submodule of V which does not contain any nonzero subspace

of V and absorbs V (that is for any i f V there exists A £ Q \ { 0 } such P

that Ax £ L). In the case of dim V < oo this definition coincides with the
ordinary one (that is L is a finitely generated Z -submodule of V which p

contains a basis of V ) . On the other hand, this notion coincides with that
of absolutely convex absorbing set (a nonempty subset A of V is absolutely
convex it x,y £ A, A,p. 6 Z implies Ax + /ty £ A) without nonzero

Let £ be a lattice in V. We shall define the following fi+-valued func-
tional pi on V, x g V:
Pi(x) = int kip •

(This is an analog of the Minkowski functional.) I t is not hard to prove,

that for any lattice L the functional p\ is a non-Archimedian norm on V,
the topology on V generated by pi we call L-topology.
Let now (V, B) be a p-adic symplectic space and L be a lattice in V.
The subset L * of V defined by the formula

L' = {xeV:S(x,j/)e2p, Vj/€L}

is a lattice in V and is called a dual lattice. I f L = L " , then L is self-

dual. Properties of this duality are rather similar to that of orthogonal
complement and therefore are given without proof.

L e m m a 2. Let L,L\,Li be lattices in (V, B). Then we have:

(I) ( £ • ) " = £ ,
(ii) ( ^ - r i ^ - ^ L t n i ; ,
(III) ( L , n L ) - =2 + LI

A connection of selfdual lattices and Weyl systems can be easily seen

from the following lemma.

L e m m a 3. Let L be a selfdual lattice in (V, B). Then the functional

m i ¥ -»c
, , fi> xeL,
Mx) = < .
10, x £ L
is positive.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 267

• I t is sufficient to prove, that for any Xj,... , A„ g C and Z\,... ,z n £ V

the following inequality is valid:

Y, XiXjMxj-xMBiziiXj)) > 0.

As Ui(x) = 0 for all x L the above inequality should be proved only for
the case when all Xj, i = 1 , . . . , rt have the form

Xi = a + Ui, Oi £ L

for some a £ V. Thus we have:

£ XiXjHi(uj - Ui)x (B(a

F + «*;« + tij))

= £ A A p(BK',"))Xp(S(t j,o))
i i X l

1 <i,j<n

> 0

Let I be a selfdual lattice in (V, B ) . By the definition Fock (or L-Fock)

representation of commutation relations is described by the cyclic Weyl
system (H, W, <p) which corresponds to the functional n; (in the sence of
the Theorem 2 of this Section). The vector <p is called vacuum vector. As in
the finite-dimensional case we shall define the set of coherent states. From
any coset a £ V/L we choose one element and form the set T of all such
elements. The family of vectors i n H:

4> = {W(a)<p,
a « £ T)

is the set of coherent states in H. The Weyl system (H, W, <p) mentioned is
called the £-Weyl system for brevity. I t satisfies the following properties.

T h e o r e m 3. Let L be a selfdual lattice in (V, B) and (H, W, <f>) be the

corresponding L-Weyl system. Then
(I) W(z)<p = <p for allzeL;
(II) the set of coherent states forms an orthonormal basis in H;
268 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

(III) (Ac Weyl system (H,W,ip) is irreducible;

(IV) the map W is continuous in L-topology on V and strong topology
on the set of unitary operators on H.

• (I) Because of the relation

n(*) = (<?,w(*)<p) = { J] l\LL\ (13-2)

i t is sufficient to prove that the closure k of the linear span of the set of
vectors {W(a:)^, x G L) in H is one-dimensional. Let us suppose that i t is
not true. Then there exists a nonzero vector i/> from K of the form

which is orthogonal to ip. Thus we have

(^) = £ c a = o,

but in this case

The contradiction obtained completes the proof of (I).

(II) From (13.2) we can see that the set d> = {W(a)ip, a a € T ) of
coherent states forms an orthonormal of (H, W,tp), H is the closure of the
linear span K of the set {W(x)<p,x G V } . Let yj be a vector from K, that

For any j3 € V there exist a G T and u G L , such that /? = or + u. Hence,

taking into account the property (I) from this theorem and the Weyl relation
we have

where C = C a + u X p t - B f a , " ) ) and therefore tpa is a basis in i / .

p-Adic Quantum Theories 269

(III) From ( I I ) we easily get that any vector from H is cyclic, then
(H, W, f) is irreducible.
(IV) Let %l> be an arbitrary vector from H. Then

i> = £ C W(a)<p,
a £ | C 0 p < c o

and for i £ L (that is pi(x) < 1) we have

WWfr - n = II £ ( 1 - X ( 2 B ( « , * ) ) C r V ( a ) | |
P t t P

2 2
= £|CJ |l- X p (2B(o,z))[ . (13.3)

By virtue of convergence of the series |Ct» | for any e > 0 there exists

such A > 0, such that

£ Ca| <|. (13.4)


For all p t ( r ) < ^ and pi(a) < A we have

\B(x,a)\ <p,(x)p,(a)<l

and hence x>(2B(o, / ) ) = 1. Therefore for all pi(x) < m i n { l , ^ } = S we

have from (13.3) and (13.4)

||H/(*)^-#= [ £ + £ ) -|C | |l-v,(2B( ,z))p


\o€T,p,(o)<a a£T,Pi(tt)>a/
< 2 £ | C | < 6.


Thus the map W is continuous in a neighborhood of x = 0, the continuity at

any other point follows from the continuity at x = 0 and the Weyl relations.

The theorem proved shows that the properties of the L-Weyl systems
are similar to that of Weyl systems over a finite-dimensional symplectic
270 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physici

space. This justifies the name L-Fock for the corresponding representation
of commutation relations.

4. Equivalence of L-Fock Representations

Let us be reminded, that in the case of dim V < oo all irreducible Weyl
systems are unitary equivalent but it is not true i f dim V — oo. Therefore
a question about an equivalence of two Fock representations for different
lattices L is very natural in the last case.
Let Li and L be selfdual lattices in (V, B). We shall say that L \ and L
2 2

coincide almost everywhere i f there exists a nongenerate subspace U of the

space V of finite condimension such that L \ D U = L DU. The following 2

theorem gives us a solution of the problem mentioned above.

T h e o r e m 4. Let L \ and L be selfdual lattices in (V, B). Then

2 L,-and
L -Fock representation of commutation relations are unitary equivalent if

and only if Li and L coincide almost everywhere.


• Necessity. Let (Hi,Wi,p\) and (H , W , <p ) denote L \ - and L^-Weyl

2 2 2

systems respectively. Since (H\,W,) and (H ,W ) are unitary equivalent, 2 2

then there exists a unitary operator U : Hi —*. H such that the relation 2

UWi(x)U- - W (x) 2

is valid for all z EV. Let v : V —> IE denote the map defined by the formula

v{z) = \(U W (z)-p )\.

9u 2 2 (13.5)

Let us prove the relation

f,(0), z € L l + L , 2

I 0, z £L - L 1 r 2 . '

In fact, by virtue of the Weyl relation and the Theorem 3(i) of Sec. 13.3,
for xi £ Li and x € L we have
2 2

+ x) = |{l/vi, HM*! +
2 *2)^2)| = \W (-zi)U-pi,W (x )<p )\
2 2 2 2

= \{UWi{-xi)<pi,W {x )ip )\2 2 2 = \(U<pi<p )\ = f ( 0 ) .

p-Adic Quantum Thtorio 271

For x £ L1 + L2 by virtue of the relation (L1 + L2)' = LiC\L (see Sec. 13.3) 2

there exists y £ L\C\L such that B(x, y) £ Z and \ ( 2 S ( z , y ) ) ^ 1. Thus

2 p p

we have

(U<fi ,W {x) 2)
i i V = {W2{y)U<p, W2(y)W {x) 2) l 2 9

= X p{1B{x,y)){U ,W2{x)>p2), Vl

therefore v(x) = 0.
Let now d(Li, £ ) denote the order of the group ( L j ,L )/L .
2 Taking into 2 2

account Theorem 3(h) of Sec. 13.3, the formula (13.6) and the Parseval-
Steklov equality we have

i H M f l , =l|t^ill« 3 = £ \{U ,W (a) )\
Vl 2 V3

£ v'(0) = » (0)d(L L ), u 2

and from the last formula we get d(Li,L ) < 00. I t is easy to see that 2

d(L\, L2) < 00 i f and only i f L \ and L coincide almost everywhere. This 2

finishes the proof of necessity.

Sufficiency. Let Li and L coincide almost everywhere and so 2

d(L\,L )
2 < 00. We shall construct the vector yj £ H by the formula 2

4>2 = d- (L ,L ) 1
1 2 £ W (<*)V2- 2 (13.7)
oeti/(lini ) a

Note that the expression under the sum symbol in the formula (13.7) does
not depend on the choice of representative in the coset a £ Lij(L\ f l L ). 2

From the Weyl relations and the last formula we get for all x £ L \ \

W ( )yj
2 Xl 2 = d-HM, L ) 2 £ X (B(x,
P a))W (x 2 + c)<p 2


= d-%LxM) £ ^ # J = ^ ' ( 1 3
- )

Besides that, by virtue of the Theorem 3(ii) of Sec. 13.3 and the Parseval-
Steklov equation we have

I I ^ H ^ = d-\L L ) it 2 £ I I I W H I H , = 1, (13.9)
272 f-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physio

because groups ^ / ( L i n i j ) and ( L i + L j J / L j are isomorphic and d ( i i , L ) 2

is equal to the order of the group L\/(L\ f l L ). 2

From the formulas (13.8) and (13.9) i t follows that (#2,1^2.^2) is the
Z-i-Weyl system. Therefore {Hi,Wi,<p\) and (H , W , V>z) are equivalent 2 2

by the Theorem 2 of Sec. 13.2 and the Weyl systems (Hi, W>) and (H ,W ) 2 2

are unitary equivalent. I

X I V . p - A d i c Strings
In this section elements of p-adic string theory are given. First, ex-
pressions for so-called dual amplitudes are introduced. After that p-adic
analogues of these expressions are considered and their properties are in-

1. Dual Amplitides

The origins of modern string theory, as i t is known, originate from dual

theory of strong interaction of elementary particles. Strong interactions
of hadrons must be described by functions (scattering amplitudes), which
satisfy some general requirements, such as Lorentz invariance, unitarity,
duality and others. I t is a rather nontrivial problem to construct functions
with such properties. In 1968 G. Veneziano proposed the following function
describing the interaction of four particles

0 1
A(s,t) =J dxx-^-^l-x)- ^- . (1.1)

Let k\, k , £3, k$ be relativistic n-dimensional momenta of scattering parti-


cles. Their squares must be negative (so called tachyons)

* 2
M * n 2
- { * . ) i 2
- - - ( * r ) 1 2
= -2. (1.2)

The variables s and t have the form

* = ( * i + *2) , t = (k + k ) ,
2 3

one introduces also the variable u — (itj + fc ) , and besides we have s +

t + u = —8. The energy-momentum conservation law is valid,

* i + k + k -r Jfc = 0.
2 3 4 (1.4)
jt-Adic Quantum Theories 273

At last, the function ot(s) in (1.1) is linear

*(*)=1 + | * . (1.5)

The beta function (1.1) can be expressed in terms of the Euler gamma
r(- (,))r(-«(t))
A M ( L 6 )
~ T(-a(s)- (t)) a


I » = (1-7)

The Veneziano amplitude (1.1) has the symmetry property

A(s,t) = A(t,s) (1.8)

(so called crossing-symmetry). I t can be represented in the form

4., 0 = £ ; M ± l « ^ . _ ^ _ , (i.9j

The equality (1.8) and the representation (1.9) ensure the duality property:
one and the same amplitude can be represented either as a sum over poles
in s-channel (formula (1.9)), or over poles in r-channel.
The asymptotic of A(s,t) at large s and fixed f has the form

A( ,()~s C),
S (1.10)

so called Regge behavior. I t was proved that for validity of the unitary
condition the dimension of space-time must be n = 26.
The generalization of the Veneziano amplitude to the case of scattering
of N particles w i t h momenta (k\,... , jfcjv) has the form

A N = j dx dx .
2 3 (1.11)
Q<r a <;i:j<;...<Ejv._ 5 <l

ni'ii- -*'-u-«ii^ si
j=2 2</<m<N-2
274 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Or in more symmetric form

, w
A K = Yldz^dV*)- 1
J ] (1.12)
•* 1 = 1 l<l<Ti<W

1 l -t _1
dV = d i o d z i d M * - -*J~ (*» - * i s ) ( * « - * < . )

and z i * t . * c are arbitrarily chosen from

0 different variables.
Division on dV in (1.12) corresponds to a separation of the volume of the

group SL(2, R) from the expression

A= Hd Xi n &~ \- < -
k k
• i=l l<l<m<N

which is invariant under SL(2,R) fractional-linear transformation of vari-

ables Xf.
There exists another collection of dual amplitudes (Virasoro-Shapiro),
which corresponds to integration over the complex plain

B= N ff[d\ TT \ Z i - Z j \ W > (l.H)

1=4 4<i,j<N

The formula (1.14) is obtained from the expression

" i=l l<l<m<N

after the separation of the volume of the group SL(2,C). Here kf = —8,
For four particles we have

2 1 k 1
4 = J d z\z\ ^ <\l-z\ '^'-**. (1.16)

In string theory the amplitudes (1.1) correspond to open strings and (1.16)
correspond to closed strings. Note that these expressions for scattering
amplitudes are only the first terms in the so-called decomposition of the
p-Adic Quantum Tkeorica 275

number of loops for string amplitudes. By analogy to (1.16) one can con-
sider instead of (1.1) the expression

A = j dx\x\
kl k t
\l-x\ l l k t

where the integral is over all real axis. Then we obtain the symmetric
A = A(s,t)+A(t,s)
A + A(u,s). (1.18)

2. p-Adic Amplitudes
As i t was shown by the development of mathematical physics during the
last twenty years, a rather substantial modern string theory stems from a
development of the simple formula (1.1). Therefore i t is very interesting to
find a generalization of the expressions (1.16) and (1.17) using only pure
mathematical resources. According to two representations (1.1) and (1.6)
two possible generalizations exist. One can use either the integral represen-
tation or the T-function representation. Here we shall consider the integral
representation. The function \x\ is a character, so one can interpret the in-
tegral in (1.1) or in (1.17) as a convolution of two multiplicative characters
on the real axis. Therefore the following generalization is suggested.
Let i t be a field, j (x)
a and Tp(x) be multiplicative characters on K,
where a and 0 are some parameters on which these characters depend. Let

My ,yp)
a = J y (x)j (l-x}dx,
a 0 (2.1)

where dx is a measure on K. For different fields K and different characters

f this formula gives us the known as well as new amplitudes. In particular,

for 7 o ( i ) = \x\ and K = IR we obtain the expression (1.17), and for K — C
we obtain the expression (1.16).
Let us consider the case of K = Q , 7 „ ( x ) = p 7D(X) — \x\P~ , 1

where a and 0 are complex parameters. The formula (2.1) then gives the
B-function considered in Sec. 8.3,

BP (c,0) = J [x\;-'\l-xf -'dx. p (2.2)

276 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

The integral (2.2) absolutely converges in the region where Re a > 0, Re 0 >
0, Re(a + 0)<1. In Sec. 8, see (3.9), the expression for B-function (2.2)
in terms of r -function was given,

r P ( a ) W
i - p"- 1

W = T^cT' M
or in more symmetric form

B (a,^) = r ( -)r (^)r (T),

P p tt p p (2.5)

a+p + j = l . (2.6)
If we put in (2.3) a = —n(s), 0 = — a(t), where » ( s ) is denned by (1.5),
and s and t are defined by the formulas (1.3), then we get the simple p-adic
dual amplitude B (—at(s),—a(t)).
p By virtue of the relation

a(s) + a(t) + a{u) =-I,

and using (2.5) and (2.6), it can be written in the symmetric form

1_ -«0)-i p

c=s,t ,u

The formula (1.13) admits a direct extension to p-adic case

A = [l[d Xi J J |*,-, |-*.-*-. M ( 2 . 9 )

i=l l<«m<JV

After the separation of volume of the group S£{2, Q ) from (2.9) we obtain p

k k
4»* = I dx2...dx . Yl\ \; ' -\l- \;^
N 2 Xj Xj

II |x -i |;*'*».
l m (
p-Adic Quantum Thcoritt 277

The integral (2.10) can be calculated explicitly giving an answer similar to

It is interesting to note that these p-adic dual amplitudes can be obtained
by the rules of quantum field theory from the Lagrangian corresponding to
the following nonlinear equation

P - ' ^ = 4f. (2.11)

Here tb = d>(x) is a real field in n-dimensional real space-time with coordi-

nates x = (XQ, • • • , x„-i), • is the d'Alembert operator

dxl dx\ dxl_ Y

The equation (2.12) has the static solitonic solution of very simple form

n - I l p - 1 .
^ = p l ( P T T ) e x
P f 2pln7
where x = ( # i , „ . , i _ i ) .

We shall use the notations

1(*,0) = J & M * - H l - * | , (2.14)

a +0 +7 = 1. (2.15)

L e m m a 2.1. The following formula for the function (2.14) is valid

where ( is the Riemann zeia function, and arguments a and 0 belong to

the region «r > 0, 0 > D, « + 0 < 1, f M defined by the formula (2.15).

• Dividing the integration region in the integral (2.14) on three parts

we transform it in the form

r ( Q ) r ( / ? ) r ( / ) r ( 7 ) r ( T ) r ( }
Bfa 0) I * I " (2 17)
278 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Using the relation for the gamma function

sin wx
and doing simple trigonometrical calculations we reduce (2.17) to the form

B(<*,p) = - cos B CO s ^ cos ^r(«)r(/?)r( ). 7 (2.18)

IT i & i

Taking into account the functional relation for the zeta function

( 2 * ) \ ( l - . 0 = 2coG^r(«K(>)

and the relation (2.15), one get from (2.18)

B{cc,0) = <(l-o)C(l-/?)C(l-7)
c(<*) <m c(7)

R e m a r k . Let us note the following relation between the zeta and the
gamma functions

i»r(/?) r(/?)r( ) 7 r( )r(a)

T c(i- )qi-j3)c(i
a -7) ,„ 1 0 ,
! > + /?) r(/s + )
7 r( + «)
7 CO) CO?) C(7) 1

a + /? + 7 = I.

3. Adelic Products
The following theorem is valid.

Theorem 3.1. Let real parameters a and 0 take their values in the

a<-l,0<-l (3.1)

Then we have the following relations for the functions (2.3) and (2.16)

IK c ( 1 _ a ) < ( 1 _ w ( ( a + / J ) , (3.2)
p-Adic Quantum Theories 279

(3 3)

with the products in (3.2) and (3.3) on a// prime p teina absolutely conver-

• Let us rewrite the expression (2.3) in the form

or taking into account (2.15) in the form

M°,?o =- \ ! r \ ^ \ J^ r (3.4)
In the range of values of the parameters (3.16) we have 7 > 2 and

B (ct,0)
p <0. (3.5)

Using the Enler formula (0.1) from Sec. 7.7, we find from (3.4)

nv wn < m- <-°> Q-B
a «-y)
** " C0-«)C(l-/J)C(l-7)
C(-«) C(-/J) C(l-«-/?) (3.6)
< ( l - a ) C ( l - 0 ) C(<* + 0 )
that is the relation (3.2). The product in (3.6) absolutely converges. In
fact, as it is known for the absolute convergence of a product

n( *i>)i +

it is necessary and sufficient to have the absolute convergence of a series

^ x . We have

and for or < — 1

T—— < 00.
280 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Analogously one proves convergence of the products on p in other terms in

(3.4). The formula (3.3) follows from (3.2) taking into account the Lemma
2.1. •

R e m a r k . In a paper by Fieund and Witten the following remarkable

formula was derived

B( ,p)l[B {a,0)=l
a p (3.7)

There are some subtleties with a convergence of the product and a result
depends on the choice of a regularization.
We show that there exists a connection between the formulas (3.2), (3.3),
(3.7) and the Tate formula. From the formula (2.2) of Sec. 7.7 for 0(A) = 1
it follows the relation

n / vp{xp)\xp%d =n / &a^)}-**fc

? p

here the case p = oo is allowed, and 0 is a real parameter. The func-

tion tpp{ p) here must belong to the Bruhat-Schwartz space. However we
formally put
ft,t%)=|l-*jf, (3.9)

where a is a real parameter and then the relation (3.8) yields the formula
(3.7). Indeed, one has

1 a
•Pp(y) = c (<*)x(y)\yp\p- - , P / O O ,


W = i l p - C ' P * °°: C
» » = -W~ - X a
sin y r ( l + c) .

Therefore according to (3.8)

1 - x \«\x\fo
p P = Hc ( )C (-c
p a p - b- 1) = 1,
p-Adic Quantum Theories 281

Y[C {a)
B = ~ 2 ( 2 i r ) - ' - sin ^ r ( l + a) [ J y ^ T ^ T
p p

= - 2 ( 2„—»=r(i + . ) ^ = i.

I f we put

instead of (3.3), then we obtain the relation (3.7).

4. String Action

We have discussed the Veneziano amplitude and its generalizations. In

fact these amplitudes are the only first terms in the so-called loop expansion.
Full answer has the form


Ah(ki, ...kf/)

= jwr) j exp ^ £ f e > * ^ & & ; - ) j JJffcjf. (4.1)

Here is a compact oriented surface of genus h, £ j , j = 1,... ,N are

coordinates of N points on i t , dSj = \fg(£})d £j, g(E) = d e t g p ( 0 , where a

a = h s t n e
g 0 is a metric on J2h> >@
a ^>^- ^ ' tfiodnli space of Riemann
surfaces of genus h,r are local coordinates on Afj,, G ( £ , C ; T ) is a Green
function of the scalar Laplacian on £ , d[i(r) is a measure on A/h, & i , . . .
f t

are momenta of particles (tachyons), kj G R " , j = 1,...... Jtf". One has i f = 2

and ifci - f . . . + i j y — 0.
We will discuss this expression in more details in the next subsection.
Here we note that this formula is obtained from a formal functional integral

6(k)A (k ...k )^
h ll N f[Dg )
o0 [[DX^Hvitye- , (4.2)
J 3
282 p-Adic Analytit and Mathematical Physics

where 8(k) = M £ * i J is the Dirac 6-function, Here the classical action


1=1 j 2 3
<f t:jg '" d X»d X>',
g a 0 (4.3)

X = X»{(,),a = 1 , . . . , d is a map from Zh to ffi", d X" a = ^X»(0,

vertex operator V(k) has the form

V(k)= j 2
d Z^g-e p{ik-X(t:))
X •

Symbols [Dg g] and [ D X ] mean that one should integrate over all metrics

on Z and over all maps X *,

5. Moduli Space and Theta-Functiona

The action I possesses two infinite symmetry groups. One of them is
the group of Weyl rescalings which acts by g p —* e"g p. I t is calleda a

conformal or Weyl group. The other group of symmetries is the group of

diffeomorphisms Diff, or reparametrizations of ^ » . A diffeomorphism that
is continuously connected to the identity is called a local diffeomorphism.
The group of these diffeomorphisms is denoted by Diffo. There are also
global diffeomorphisms that are not in the connected component of the
The space

M n = i Metrics on £ I /Diff- Weyl

is called moduli space. The moduli space A//, is a complex variety of com-
plex dimension 0 for ft = 0, I for ft — 1 and 3ft — 3 for ft > 2. The bigger

T = | Metrics on £
h J /Diffo • Wtyl
is called Teichmuller space. The group obtained by taking all of the dif-
feomorphism modulo the local diffeomorphism is the mapping class group
(or modular group). Let us choose a slice S through the space of metrics
which is transversal to the actions of Diffo and Weyl. A subdomain of S in
p-Aiic QiHtarn Theories 2S3

which no iwo points are related by a global diffeomorphism is a fundamen-

tal domain for the mapping class group. The conformal class of a metric
amounts t o a complex structure on .
The first homology- group H,{^ .Z) has 2h generators. Let us choose

a symplectic basis { o i ,ai-ti &»} of 1-cycles on Ylk satisfying the

following conditions on intersection numbers:

a, - flj = - bj = 0, a; bj = f i ,

Any two sjTnplectic bases are related by a transformation from the sym-
plectic modular group $ (2h,Z).r The space of holomorphic 1-forms on ^ k

has the basis { ~ \ . . . . - . * } uniquely determined by the conditions

y_ V = V ij= 1.... A

A matrix f = (TV,-).

is called the period matrix of and is a complex symmetric h x h matrix

with positive denned imaginary part. Given a base point Q: £ one
associates to every point Q on a complex /t-component vector / i Q ) by
the Jacobi map defined as

<? — /<«?) = J-i i=i....a.

This vector is unique up to the periods - So / is an element of the complex


called the Jacobian variety of •

D , r j e s u m
The theta function is defined for ; 6 ^ ( E k ) >'

ff{z,r) = £ e x p ( i > n ' r n + 2arin*;).

284 p-Adic Analytia and Mathematical Phyiics

A theta function with characteristics a,0 € 1/22'' is defined by

9 (z, r) — exp(iVn

The parity of 4a'/? is called the parity of characteristic {a,0}.

One needs the prime form E(w,tl) which is defined as the holomorphic
differential form on £ A of weight ( - 1 / 2 , 0 ) x ( - 1 / 2 , 0 ) :


(0,r)- (u;)W l

E'fw.f) is independent of the choice of the odd characteristic {or,/3}, i t is
only zero for w = £.
There exists a measure on M reflecting the holomorphic structure of

moduli space. According to the Mumford theorem the line bundle

1 3
if® A" (5.2)

over moduli space is holomorphically trivial. Here K is the canonical bundle

of moduli space, i.e. the highest wedge power of its cotangent bundle. A
is the highest wedge power of the bundle of holomorphic 1-forms on the
surface. There is a unique holomorphic nowhere vanishing section F of
1 3
i f ® A ~ . Let vi,...V3A_a be analytic coordinates on A/j,(ft > 2) then
2 13
dp = |F(u)| (det I m T)~ dv A dv (5.3)

is a measure on M^, here

dv = dv\ A . . . A dv3„-s.

6. Multiloop Amplitudes

To define the functional integral (4.2) one uses the procedure of quanti-
zation of gauge theories. One can argue that the amplitude (4.2) has the

A (k ,...k )
h 1 N = j dp(v)T(k ...k -v)
u N (6.1)
p-Adic Quantum Theories 285

where T(kj,.. .fcjv;v) comes from the Gaussian integral

6(k)T(k u ... k ;v) = I[DX*]e-
N f[ V(k ) }

* j=l

= s(k) j exp f-|Efe • WU,t/)\U <Mf&%

This can be expressed in terms of prime form (5.1):

r(i,,...**;.)= / ' f l r o , * 3 | * * f [ * & , (6-2)

I{4tM = B f e , ^ ) ^ . { - i r r „ 4 ( Im 7-)- Im 2 i j },

In particular for torus (h = 1) one has


T (v) =
} ef?f[(l-e*' ™)
is the Dedekind eta function,

n n
(1--C) ~ {l-w x)(l-w /x)
x 11 v
n=l '
The integral runs over the fundamental domain Mi = {v 6 C : Imu >
0, | R e t i | < 1/2} and

N^ISN'^Ki. r=l,..JV--l.
286 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

T h e i n t e g r a l i n ( 6 . 3 ) is i n v a r i a n t u n d e r m o d u l a r S L ( 2 , 2 ) t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s .

T h e i n t e g r a l ( 6 . 3 ) d i v e r g e s a n d o n e n e e d s t o u s e a r e g u l a r i z a t i o n . T h e p r o b -

l e m o f d i v e r g e n c e i s a v o i d e d i n t h e s u p e r s t r i n g t h e o r y . T h e f o u r m a s s l e s s

p a r t i c l e s s c a t t e r i n g a m p l i t u d e f o r s u p e r s t r i n g t h e o r y c o n v e r g e s a n d 1 - l o o p

a m p l i t u d e h a s a s i m p l e f o r m

<PT / TT .1 T T , ,1 1.,/J


T h e r e q u i r e m e n t o f m o d u l a r i n v a r i a n c e o f t h e s t r i n g m e a s u r e dp p e r m i t s

f o r l o w g e n u s t o e x p r e s s t h e m e a s u r e i n t e r m s o f t h e m o d u l a r f o r m s . F o r

g e n u s h = 2 o n e c a n u s e t h e S i e g e l u p p e r h a l f p l a n e H 2 t o d e s c r i b e t h e m o d -

u l i s p a c e M. 2 M o r e p r e c i s e l y , M 2 i s i s o m o r p h i c t o t h e s p a c e H /Sp(4,%.)

m o d u l o t h e e q u i v a l e n c e c l a s s o f t h e s p a c e o f d i a g o n a l p e r i o d m a t r i c e s . T h e

m e a s u r e dp o n H 2 s h o u l d h a v e t h e f o r m

dp = | / ( r ) | 2
( d e t l m T)" n^ • 13
( 6 - 4 )


A h o l o m o r p h i c f u n c t i o n / : Hh —* C i s c a l l e d a g e n u s h m o d u l a r f o r m o f

w e i g h t k i f / s a t i s f i e s

f{(Ar + B)(CT + D)- ) 1
= d e t ( t > + D) f(r)

f o r a l l 6 S p ( 2 A , 2 ) . U n d e r m o d u l a r t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s o n e h a s

Hdn, — d e t ( C r + D ) - 3
J T o Y ,

d e t I m T
d e t I m
| d e t ( 0 + D ) P

t h e r e f o r e t h e f u n c t i o n / _ 1
i n ( 5 . 5 ) s h o u l d b e a m o d u l a r f o r m o f w e i g h t

10. T h e r i n g o f g e n u s - t w o m o d u l a r f o r m s is k n o w n . T h e r e e x i s t a u n i q u e

m o d u l a r f o r m t / i 1 0 o f w e i g h t 10 v a n i s h i n g o n t h e d i a g o n a l p e r i o d m a t r i c e s ,

t h e p r o d u c t o v e r e v e n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s .
p-Adic Quantum Theoriei 287

Thus we have

7. Rigid Analytic Geometry and p-Adic Strings

We see from the previous discussion that the theory of Rjemann surfaces
in particular moduli space and theta functions are used i n string theory. To
develop p-adic string theory one needs a p-adic analog of complex analysis
including the basic principle of analytic continuation. The p-adic field Q p

is totally disconnected so one cannot use to this end the "naive" notion of
analyticity considered in Sec. 2. Nevertheless an appropriate theory was
constructed by Tate and others. It is called rigid analytic geometry.
The main idea is to perform analytic continuation only with respect to
certain admissible open coverings of rigid space. Analytic functions are no
longer considered on all open subsets of such a space; one has to restrict
oneself to admissible open sets which form the so-called Grothendick topol-
ogy. There exists a nontrivial notion of connectedness of such a space. This
rigid analytic approach was used for the uniformization of algebraic curves
and i t is natural to use i t for p-adic strings. We are going to describe shortly
some points from rigid analytic geometry.
Let T„ = K{Zi,... z„) be a ring consisting of power series converging on

B n = {(x ...x )
u n £ K : | * i | < l , i = l , , „ ,n}.

Here i f is a complete no n-ar chime dean field for example Q . p

An affinoid algebra A over K (or Tate-algebra) is a Jf-algebra which is

a finite extension of T - That means: there exists a if-algebra homomor-

phism T —* A which makes A into a finitely generated T -module. The

n n

space Sp(A) of maximal ideals of A is called an affinoid space. Every affi-

noid algebra A has the form T„/I for some ideal I C T and is a Banach n

space with respect to the quotient norm. One can identify Sp(A) with the
points x in B such that f(x) = 0 for all / G J.

Let X = Sp(A). Let /o, / i , . -. fn £ A be such that they have no common

zeros on X. Then the subspace U C X

[/ = { » € X : j / ( z ) | < | / ( * ) | , » = 1,... n }
4 0
288 p-Adic Anatyeit and Mathematical Pkyiics

is called a rational domain. We can define a Grothendick topology on X

by taking as open sets all rational domains, A Grothendick topology on a
topological space X is defined as follows. Let F be a set of open subsets of
X and let Cov(U) be a collection of coverings of U C X. Then (F,Cov) is
called a Grothendick topology i f it has the following properties:

1) <t>, X e F and i f U, V € F then V n V € F,

2) {CO £ Cov(U) for all U G F ,
3) i f W G Cov((7) and V C (7 with 17,V G F then W f l V e Cov(V)
4) i f « i € Cov(Ui) and ([/<) G Cov(U) then LJ W, e Cot>(*7).

The elements of F are called admissible open sets and the elements of
Cov(U) admissible coverings of U.
W i t h a rational domain U one associates the affinoid algebra

A V = A{zi,...z )/(fi
n - zi/o,.. . / „ - z„f )
0 .

Then we can define a presheaf Ox on X by associating AJJ to each

admissible open set U. A basic result is that Ox is in fact a sheaf for the
Grothendick topology. The space X = Sp(A) with its Grothendick topology
and the structure sheaf Ox is called an affinoid space. A n analytic space X
is defined as follows. X has a Grothendick topology and a sheaf Ox such
that there exists a (AT,) G Cov{X) with (Xi,Ox\Xi) is an affinoid space.

E x a m p l e . I f X is a complete, non-singular and irreducible curve over

K with function field K(X), then for any / G K(X) with / j£ 0 the set
Xj — {x G X : \f{x)\ < 1} is an admissible affinoid subset of X. The
affinoid algebra Ox, is a completion of algebraic holomorphic functions on
A uniformization of X is its representation in the form Y/V where Y is an
analytic space and T is an infinite group that acts d is continuously on Y. As
i t is known the upper half plane H uniformizes curves of genus g > 2 over C.
The problem of uniformization of curves over a non-archimedean field K is
more complicated. First consider an elliptic curve X. I f X is defined over C
then X has uniformization C / r where T is a lattice. Such an uniformization
does not exists over a non-archimedean field K. I f we take T = 2 + S • r
with I m T > 0 then we can construct another uniformization of X by using
the exponent map. One gets the uniformization C/{q) of X where (g) is
2 r
the multiplicative group generated by q = e *' . This uniformization does
p-Adic Quantum Theories 289

have an analogy over non-archimedean field K. For q € K* with \q\ < 1

an analytic torus A , = K*f{q) is an elliptic curve and is called Tate curve.
The j-invariant j ( g ) of X satisfies \j(q)\ > 1. The reduction of X is a
q 9

rational curve with singularities over K where K denotes the residue field
over K.
To uniformize a complete non singular curve X of genus g > 2 one
uses the Schottky uniformization. A Schottky group T is a subgroup of
PGX(2, K) which is finitely generated, discontinues and has no elements of
finite order. I t has a nice fundamental domain: F = IP—(2j open disks). Let
L be set of limit points for the action of T in P. Then (P—L)/T is an analytic
space and analytically isomorphic to a complete nonsingular and irreducible
curve of genus g. Such curve is called a Mumford curve. For Mumford
curve there exists a nice theory of automorphic forms, the Jacobian variety,
period matrix, non-archimedean Siegel half-space and theta functions. I n
particular one can define the prime form

y&x-yfci V-JM

and t r y to use i t in p-adic string theory simply by replacing the complex

variables by p-adic ones. I f we want to develop p-adic string theory in a
more systematic way one should start with a classical p-adic action and
then quantize i t . Recall that closed strings correspond to compact Rie-
mann surfaces without boundary and open strings correspond to Riemann
surfaces with boundary.
One can think of the curve X, endowed with a rigid analytic structure,
as the non-archimedean analogue of a compact Riemann surface without
boundary. Then the definition of Xj suggests that an affinoid space is the
non-archimedean analogue of a compact Riemann surface with boundary.
One can t r y to define the naive boundary of Xj to be the set B = { £ X

Xj : \f(x)\ = 1}. However this boundary depends very much on the choice
of / . Using rigid geometry we can define the canonical boundary dXj in
such a way that B C dXf.
A n approach to p-adic string theory based on a p-adic analogue of the
classical string action is not available at the moment. One attempts to use
the 5 i ( 2 , Q )-symmctry of the operator D and consider an action

=11F F
\x — y | 2
290 p-Adic Annlyii) and Mathematical Phyaxcs

where F is a fundamental domain of a Schottky group. One really can

obtain p-adic tree amplitudes from this action i f F = Qj>. I t was also
suggested to interpret the open p-adic string world sheet as a coset space
T/T where T is the Bruhat-Tits tree, T = PGL(2,Q )/PGL(2,Z ) P and T p

is a Schottky group. The tree T is the connected infinite graph with no

loops. Each vertex of T is connected with p + 1 neighbor vertices by edges.
Note that there is a canonical tree T(X) for any compact subset X of P.
It is an open problem what would be a string measure on p-adic moduli
space. Perhaps most principal approach to p-adic string theory would be to
start with a theory over the global field of rational numbers <fj> in accordance
with the discussion in the Introduction.
One can expect that the beautiful rigid analytic geometry will also find
an application in p-adic gravity.

X V . (/-Analysis ( Q u a n t u m G r o u p s ) a n d p - A d i c A n a l y s i s

We are going to discuss some remarkable relation between theory of

quantum groups (g-analysis) and p-adic analysis.

1. p-Adic and q-Integrals

The quantum group S I / , (2) is a Hopf algebra with generators a and c

satisfying quadratic relations. I t was shown by Woronovic that there exists
a Haar measure m on SU {2). q

P r o p o s i t i o n 1. The Haar measure on 517,(2) coincides with the Haar

measure on the field of p-adic numbers Q if q = 1/p.p

• I t is known that the cohomology group H (SU {2)} q — C, therefore
there exist a unique linear functional

/ ' ~* °'

2 n
such that / d ( = 0 for £ g T , where T is the module of n-differential
forms. For coordinate ring of SUq(2) one has

j /u wiW2 =
0 m(f)
p-Adic Quantum Theories 291

where m is the Haar measure, v,- are differential forms on SU {2). a I f / is a

polynomial in cc*, we have

! ! 2 n
m(/) = ( l - ? ! £ / ( 9 " ) 3 , 0<«<1.

This is in fact the well known Jackson integral in g-analysis

//(*)<*,* = ( 1 - « ) £ / ( * " ) « " • (1-1)
0 "=°

Now we recall that the integral over Q with respect to the Haar measure


/ f(\x\ )dx p = f l - ^ ) £/(?""}•?-" - (1-2)

P J n
kl,<i ^ =°
Hence we get that (1.1) is equal to (1.2) if

9= -

J f(x)d l/pX = j f(\x\ )d* p . m
0 |*|,<1
There is the following generalization of this observation. Let us consider
the operator


I«IP = I

Here / € L^G), G = ^ U S . , , S-, = [\x\ = pi]. Then p

J f(x)dx = J M[f](r)d r, 1/P

292 f-Aiic Analytit and Mathematical Phytic)


2. Differential Operators
Let us now consider a relation between differentialoperatorsing-analysis
and in p-adic analysis. In ^-analysis one has the following operator of

One uses also


In p-adic analysis if we consider a real valued function f(x) depending

on a p-adic variable x we cannot use the standard definition of differention,
because one cannot multiply real and p-adic numbers. I n Sec. 9 it was
considered the following operator

s v ^ ^ / M W cm
Restricting to rational x in (2.1) and (2.2) we see that the expressions (2.1)
and (2.2) are very similar, in particular, both are non-local operators.

3. Spectra of the q-Deformed Oscillator and the p-Adic Model

Let us discuss the connections between the spectra of the g-deformed

oscillator and of the p-adic model.
The spectrum of p-adic equation

Dj,( )
x + V(\x\ )1>(x) = E#

1+ p+p
p-Adic Quantum Theories 293

has eigenvalues

gn = ["]l/ P = p ." "
1 p ". » € * (3-1)

For t h e g-deformed oscillator

+ N +
aa - qa+a = q~ , [JV.a] = - a , [iV,o] = a

the s p e c t r u m was found b y B i e d e n h a r n

H = aa , H\n >= [n] \n q > . (3.2)

5 = -
one gets the p-adic s p e c t r u m (3.1).

I n Sec. 10 i t was shown t h a t i n the s p e c t r u m of more general equation

D"^) + V(\x\ )i>(x) p = Eif>, a > 0

there is the following f a m i l y o f eigenvalues

a n
£„,! = P " + V(p'- ), 1= 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . ; n = 0, ± 1 , . . .

S i m i l a r s p e c t r u m there appeared for a g-deformed Schrodinger equation.

X V I . Stochastic Processes over t h e Field o f p-adic N u m b e r s

T h i s section presents elements o f a theory o f stochastic processes over

the field of p-adic numbers. Following a s u m m a r y o f basic definitions of
the p r o b a b i l i t y t h e o r y we consider a B r o w n i a n m o t i o n on the p-adic line as
a M a r k o v process. W e next discuss generalized r a n d o m fields and p-adic
q u a n t u m field theory.

1. Random Maps and Markov Processes

A measure space is a p a i r {SI, £ } , where SI is a set and E is a cr-algebra

o f i t s subsets. A t r i p l e { £ } , £ , F } , where { f I , E } is a measure space and P
is a ff-additive nonnegative measure o n £ w h i c h satisfies the c o n d i t i o n

P(Si) = 1, (1.1)
294 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

is a probability space. Elements A (E £ are called events and P{A) is the

probability of an event A.
A random variable £ — £(w) is a E-measurable real-valued function on
n, that is C {S)
1 1
6 £ for every Borel set S on the real line I . The random
variable £ gives rise to a probability measure Pf on BE , defined by

Pi{S) 1
= P(C (S)) (1.2)

for any Borel set S o n I . The measure Pc is said to be the distribution of
the variable £. The mean o f f , £ ( £ ) is defined by

E(0 = J t(w)dP(u).

I f A, B e £ and P(B) / Owe define

P(A|B) =

P(A\B) is called the conditional probability of A given B.

Let F be an arbitrary ir-algebra, which is contained in £> £ be a random
variable on a probability space (SJ, E, P) with mean equal to zero. Condi-
tional expectation of t\ with respect to the c-algebra F is a random variable
E{tl\F}, which is F-measurable and satisfies the relation

j E{t:\F}dP = J tdp

for an arbitrary B € P .
Conditional probability P{v4|F) with respect to a <r-algebra P is denned
as the special case of conditional expectation, setting £ = XA(W), where
XA(<*>) is the indicator of the set A. Namely, for fixed A the conditional
probability P { . 4 | P } is a F-measurable random variable satisfies the relation

/ P{A\F]dP = P(A n B)

for every B € F
p-Aiie Quant-am Tkeoritt 295

Conditional probability P { A | f } with respect to a random variable £ is

defined by the formula

P{A\F} = P{A\F ),

where F( = {B : B = £ ( S ) , S - belongs to measurable Bore! sets in E] is
(T-algebra generated by the map £.
Let X be a set and {Y, 23} be a measure space. Random map of a set
X to measure space {Y, 23} is a map £ = £(a:,w) : X X CI —• Y which for
an arbitrary fixed x is a measurable map from {£2, £ } to {Y, 23} that is for
any B e 2}

Below two examples of random maps are considered. The first when
X is a subset (semi-axis) of real line, in this case we write ( instead of x.
This random map is called random process £((). Independent variable ( is
interpreted as time. In the second example X is a space of distributions
7?'(Qp). Here random map reduces to a generalized random field.
Let n be an arbitrary positive integer, x^, k — 1,2,... , n be arbitrary
points from X. Measures P x ...x (B) on 23" of the form
Xl 1 n

JW. I n ( 5 ) = P{^t,uU{^h- - •*$*».•«) 6 B), B e 03"

is said to be joint distributions of a random map Under sufficiently

wide assumptions a set of joint distributions defines a random map.
We consider Markov process £ = £(t) on the semi-axis ( > 0. Let Y be
a complete metric space and 23 be the ff-algebra of Borel subsets of Y. A
random process £ — f > 0 with vaiues in Y is called a (homogeneous)
Markov process, i f the following conditions are valid:

1) for any 0 < t i < ( ; < . . . < t„ < t and B € 23 the relations for
conditional probabilities are fulfilled

P{t(t) e B\atiU(t ),..

2 . - PtfW 6 B]t(t )} n {mod P);
2) there is a function P(f, i , B) which satisfies the following conditions:
i) it is 23-measurable on x for fixed t and B;
ii) i t is a probability measure on the space (Y, B, P) for fixed i and x\
hi) i t satisfies the Chap man-Kolmogorov equation

P(s + t,x,B) = j P(s x dy)P(t y,B),

l l y s,t>0;
296 -p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

iv) i t coincides with probability 1 with conditional probability

P(t,x,B) = P{S(s + t) G B K ( « ) = x), 8,( > 0.

The function P(t, x, B) is called the transition function of Markov process

£((). I f a probability measure u on {Y,<B} and afunction P(t,x,B), which
satisfies the conditions 2), i)—iii) are defined then there is a Markov process
£{t) with this transition function.
Often it is more convenient to work with transition density. Let p. be a
nonnegative measure on { y , 9S}. A function p{t,x,y), t > 0, x,y G Y, is
called the transition density i f the following conditions are valid:

1) P ( * . « . » ) > 0 , t > 0 , x,y£Y;

2) p(t,x:y) for fixed t > 0 is a 0J x OS-measurable function of i , y ;
3) j > ( M , 3 / M r f ! / ) < i> « > o , z e y ;
4) p(s + i , i , z ) = / p ( s , r , y ) p ( r , , , r ) f { d ! / ) , s , r > 0 ;
3 i 1 i,zeY.

If a transition density p(t,ar,!/) is given then the function

f Sp(t^,y)pi{dy), t > 0, ^ 7 , flGS

P(t,z,5) = <

defines a transition function which corresponds to some Markov process,

A transition function defines a set of linear operators on the Banach
space E of all bounded measurable complex valued functions f(x), i t V
with the norm
| | / | | = sup|/(x)|

by the formula

T f(x)=
t I P(t,x,dy)f(y), t > 0.

The set T ,t > 0 is a contraction semigroup of operators, that is bounded

operators T which satisfy the following condition


+i = T,T u t,t>0,
HUH < i , t > o.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 297

An infinitesimal generator A of this semigroup is also called an infinitesimal

operator of a function P(t, x,B). The domain DA consists of all functions
/ for which the limit in the relation

J P(t,x,dy)f(y)-f{x)

does exist uniformly with respect to x G Y.

Let C(Y) be a space of continuous bounded complex valued functions
on Y. A Markov process is stochastically continuous if

( Hm Ttf = f, v/eqy),

and is called Feller's process, i f

T C(Y)cC(Y),
t VOO.

There is the following criterion. I f for a transition function P{t, x, B) for

any compact B the following conditions are valid:
Vs > 0
l i m &uoP(t,x,B) = 0, (A)

and Ve > 0
lim supP{t,x,U {x))
c = 0, (BJ

where U (x) is a disk of radius E with the center at x, and U (x) =

t Y\U {x), c c

then the corresponding Markov process is bounded, continuous from the

right and has no discontinuitiej of the second kind with probability 1.

2. Brownian Motion on the p-Adic Line

It is known that a Brownian motion on the real line can be described by

means of the diffusion equation
du du
= a 2
dt dx •
A solution of the equation (2.1) defines a transition probability of Brow-
nian motion considered as a Markov process. Here we consider the equation
296 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

and associate with it a Markov process, which we shall call a Brownian

motion on p-adic line. Here real valued function U = U(t,x) in (2.2)
depends on variables t € ' K and x e Q . p

Let us consider a fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem

x,0) = <fi(x) (2.3)
for the equation (2.2). I t can be given by using the following functions:
p(t,x : y) = K(t,z- y) = / (t(x
X - y)) exp(-f K| )d£ (2.4)

where t > 0, x,y e Qp.

T h e o r e m 1. The function p(t,x,y) (2.4) satisfies the conditions l ) - 4 )

for a transition density ifY = Q , p(dz) — dx is a Haar measure on Q ,
p p

and hence defines a Markov process which we call the Brownian motion on
the p-adic line.

R e m a r k . In contrast to the Winer process, trajectories of which are

continuous, there are no nonconstant continuous functions from a real seg-
ment to Q . p

• Let us consider the function


We prove the following properties:

(i) K (z)>0,

(ii) / K {x)dx = 1,

(iii) K,(z) -> S(z), t -> +0 in V,

(iv) K *Kf
t = K. t+t 7 t,t' > 0.
, a l
Using the formula (3.3) of Sec. 4.3 for / ( a ) = e " we have

Kt (x)=(i-1-) ki; 1
i > - e - " - ^ ' - i « r ^ w
' a


> 0.
p-Adic Quantum Theories 299

This gives the proof of (i). Then

l f l i
/ K (x)dx
t = (A",,A ) = T <FK' U ) = (e-'IffJ,
t A*)

= ( e - ^ i : , ^ ) = J 6tM)*~ '% —'1, k-^eo

and thus we have the property ( i i ) . One has

K (x)
t = F[e~ '} — , I = 6(x), t -* + 0 in V

and (iii) is proved.

Taking into account the Theorem of Sec. 7.5 we get the property (iv):

i% * A V - F{r *> m
• e-' ,|E|
J] = •rp*w#m\ = Kt+v - •

The function Kt(x) is the transition function of a Markov process which

satisfies the conditions (A) and (B).

3. Generalized Stochastic Processes

Let L be a locally convex space, V dual space and { f i , £ , P} a probability
space. A linear map <p from L to the random variables on { f i , E , P} is called
a generalized stochastic processes over L . A set

C(<pi,... ,<p ;A) = {<heL:

n tffa),... ,<b(<p )) £ Ac
n W]

is called a cylinder set. Here tpi 6 £ , 1 = 1 , . . . , n and A is a Borel set in ffi".

The family of cylinder sets Eg is an algebra. Any subset N from the factor
space L ' / $ where $ is the annulator is called a base. A cylinder measure
p is a real valued function fi(c) on EQ with the following properties:

l) 0 < u(c) < 1 for every c £ Eo

ii) " ( E ) = 1

iii) i f a set c is a disjoint union of cylinder sets c\,. .. ,c ,... n based on

N then pic) = £ / « 0 h )
iv) u(c) = inf/i((7)
for every cylinder set C where U runs over all cylinder sets containing C.
I f L is a nuclear space then the cylinder measure p. can be extended to a
300 v-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

countably additive measure on E where E is the Borel ir-algebra generated

by E . According to the Minlos theorem i f J : L —• C is a continuous

function of positive type and J(Q) = 1 then there is a probability measure

(i on {L', £ } such that

J{</>) = j e x p ( i * ( ? ) ) < f c { » .

J is called the characteristic function of u. Let B{<p,il>) be a continuous

inner product on a nuclear space L . Then

is a continuous characteristic function and thus there is a probability mea-

sure fi on { L ' , E } so that

exp (-^B(<P.<P)j = Jexp(i>(v))d/i(^).


The measure u is called a Gaussian measure on V and 4>(<p) is called the

Gaussian process with mean zero and covariance B{ip, p).

4. Quantum Field Theory

Let us take L = V(Q ) as the space of real test functions which was

considered in Sec. 6. I t is a locally convex nuclear space. Consider the

following inner product


where a(k) > c > 0 is some function of k. This inner product gives rise to
a Gaussian generalized process. I f we take

+ m , m > 0

then by analogy with the Euclidean formulation of quantum field theory one
can call the corresponding Gaussian process the free scalar p-adic quantum
p-Adic Quantum Theories 301

field. This field is invariant under group S0(n,<Qi ). p Another natural choice
of the function a(k) is

a(k) = | | t | | + m , ||*|| = m a x | j f c , V

p-adic white noise is obtained i f a(k) = 1. The measure dji can be formally
written in the form

where the free action

S o O ) = j 4>(x)a{D)<b{x)dx. (3.1)

Here a(D) is a pseu do differential operator. The expression (3.1) is not

defined for an arbitrary generalized functions <p(x) and i t requires a regu-
larization or restriction to a subspace. In p-adic string theory one takes in
(3.1) a ( D ) = D.
To describe an interaction one needs to construct a non-Gaussian mea-
sure corresponding to an action

S(<p) = S (<p) + J
0 V(<b(z))dx

with some function V{tj>).

B ib lio gr aphy

In the following we present a brief chapter by chapter bibliographic dis-

cussion of main ideas and results in p-adic mathematical physics. This
branch of mathematical physics being rather new is related with different
branches of mathematics. Namely, it is closely connected with very tradi-
tional mathematics having a long history, such as number theory as well as
with modern abstract algebraic geometry and representation theory. The
list of bibliography contains references to books on p-adic analysis. This
list is not complete and the selected books have proved as more suitable
for current mathematical physics applications. There are references to pure
p-adic topics as well as to applications. Physical papers motivated p-adic
considerations are also collected in the list. We apologize in advance for
any errors or oversights and possible omissions.


We are not going to review enormous literature on the space-time geom-

etry, we point out only a few references on this subject. A general mathe-
matical discussion of the notion of the physical space has been performed
by many authors, notably by Poincare [172] and H.Weyl [228]. Riemann
[177] considered a continuous (renowned Riemannian geometry) as well as
discrete models of the space. Our intuitive understanding of properties of
space is expressed in the axioms of elementary geometry. A complete list of
geometrical axioms was presented in the Hilbert famous "Grundlagen der
Geometry'' [104]. The role of the Archimedean axiom and a possibility of
construction of a non-Archimedean geometry was pointed out by Veroneze
and Hilbert.
An absolute limitation on length measurements in quantum gravity and
string theory is discussed in [176, 171, 147, 229, 200, 109, 220] and [7, 94].
As Witten summarized, 'There are many reasons to believe that in the

Bibliography 303

string theory there is no such thing as distances less than the fundamental
length -Jo7 A t distances below -JcP, not just physics as we know it
but local physics altogether has disappeared. There will be no distances,
no times, no energies, no particles, no local signals — only differential
topology, or its string theoretic successor." [232]*
A hypothesis on a possible non-Archimedean p-adic structure of space-
time at the Planck scale was suggested and considered by Volovich [221].
The basic role of rational numbers was stressed and the idea of fluctuating
number fields was suggested [219-221].
p-Adic numbers were introduced in 1899 by K.Hensel. The books by
Koblitz [121], Mahler [138] and Schikhof [186] can serve as an introduction
to p-adic numbers and p-adic analysis. As a background reading on algebra
and number theory one can use Borevich and Shafarevich [37], Kostrikin
[126], Leng [128], Serre [189], Vinogradov [204] and Weil [225],
A possible role of p-adic analysis in mathematical physics in the context
of super analysis and supersymmetry was noted by Vladimirov and Volovich
An application of ultrametricity in solid state physics was discussed by
Mezard, Parisi, Rammal, Sourlas, Toulouse and Virasoro [157, 178]. The
Parisi matrix [169] describing a hierarchical structure leads naturally to
A discussion of a possible role of number theory in physics one can find
in Manin [142, 145], Atiyah [25] and Bott [39].
Comments on references related with p-adic analysis , p-adic quantum
mechanics and strings will be done under discussion of corresponding chap-

Chapter I
p-Adic analysis is treated in [8, 38, 61, 82, 85, 121, 122, 179, 186].
A homeomorphism (see subsect.1.6) of p-adic numbers Q to some Can-

tor subset of the field of real numbers K was constructed by Zelenov [240].
In the presentation of the theory of additive characters we follow the ap-
proach of the Pontryagin book [172]. Gaussian integrals on an arbitrary
locally compact abelian group were considered by Weil [225]. The explicit
calculations for a special case of the field Q were performed by authors

* Here \ZcV is the string theory notation for the Planck length.
304 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

[212, 215, 218] and independently by Alacoque, Ruelle, Thiran, Verstegen

and Weyers [3, 182] and by Meurice [151]. The number theory function
Ap(a) was introduced and investigated by Vladimirov and Volovich [212],
and by Alacoque at al. [3], The proof of the adelic formula for A (n) isp

presented here for the first time.

A theory of distributions on an arbitrary locally compact group has been
developed by Bruhat [43] and on a locally compact disconnected field by
Gel'fand, Graev and Piyatjeckii-Shapiro [82]. We present elements of this
theory for the field Q) along the line of the paper [206]. A distinguished fea-

ture of the theory of p-adic distributions as compare with Sobolev-Schwartz

distributions over real numbers [205] is the fact that in the p-adic case from
the linearity of a functional follows its continuity. A theory of convolution
and multiplication of p-adic distributions using the Fourier transforma-
tion was firstly developed by Vladimirov [206]. Dealing with the theory of
one-dimensional homogeneous distributions we follow the book by Gelfand,
Graev and P y ate tsskii-Shapiro [82] and for multidimensional case the paper
by Smirnov [193]. Properties of the two-dimensional Green function were
considered by Bikulov [35].

Chapter I I

A notion of a pseudo-differential operator on the space Q) has been


introduced by Vladimirov [208]. A reader can find the notions of the spec-
tral theory, used in this chapter, in Reed and Simon [175], Dunford and
Schwartz [60] and Yosida [237].
The non-local operator of fraction differentiation and integration D°
was introduced and investigated by Vladimirov [206] (see also [15, 168,
196, 245]).
The spectral theory of the operator D a > 0, acting in Q has been

performed by Vladimirov [207]. This treatment includes a calculation of an

explicit form of eigenfunctions (see also [218]). The orthonormal basis of
eigenfunctions of operator D", (including p = 2) in Q is firstly presented

in subsection 9.5.
Spectral theory of a pscudodiffcrcntial operator of the form a" + V ( i )
on an open-closed set G ( bounded or unbounded) with functions a(()
and V{x) being bounded from below and going to +00 at the infinity has
been constructed in [208], There one can also find an explicit form of the
Bibliography 305

eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operator D",a > 0 in the disk 5 7

and on the circle S-, ( i f p ^ 2). Here all these results are reproduced, the
case of p = 2 is also considered, and the inversion of the main theorem is
done in the stronger form.
The method of finding of invariant eigenfunctions ^ ( | x | ) of the p-adic

Schrodinger operator D" + V(\x\ ) has been developed by Vladimirov and


is given here for the first time. Further developments of spectral theory of
the operator D -f- V ( | i r | ) , a > 0 in Q without a condition at the infinity
p p

have been performed by Kochubej [123].

A decomposition of the field Q p on sectors has been suggested by
Vladimirov [207].
Stationary and non-stationary p-adic Schrodinger equations were sug-
gested by Vladimirov and Volovich [214].

Chapter I I I

About foundations of quantum mechanics see for example Dirac [52],

Holevo [107], Mackey [137], Maslov [149].
A formalism of p-adic quantum mechanics based on a triplet ( X ( Q ) , p p

W(z), U(t)) was suggested by Vladimirov and Volovich [212, 213). This
formalism there appeared as a quantization of p-adic classical mechanics.
Slightly different approaches were considered by Freund and Olson [74],
Alacoque et al. [3] and Meurice [154]. Instead of the dynamical operator
U(t) these approaches use a unitary representation of a non-abelian group
and therefore are restricted by quadratic Hamiltonians. Several ways of
construction of p-adic quantum mechanics were discussed by Parisi [168].
A Lagrangian formalism and Feynman path integral were briefly discussed
in [213] and have been developed by Zelenov [240]. Another approach to
p-adic quantum mechanics based on the probability measures on the space
of distributions was also pointed out in [213]. Quantum mechanics with p-
adic valued functions is also sensible [212]. A general approach to quantum
mechanics with p-adic valued functions based on the theory of Gaussian
distributions was elaborated by Khrennikov [114, 116, 120]. p-Adic Hilbert
spaces are discussed by Bayod [29]. A l l the above-mentioned approaches
are equivalent over real numbers but in the case of p-adic numbers their
equivalence is questionable and only fragmentary information concerning
relations between different approaches is available at the moment. Note
306 p-Adic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

that in the construction of p-adic quantum mechanics ideas and results

by H.Weyl [227], Mackey [136], Segal [187] and A.Weil [225] are essentially
used. The theory of Jacquet and Langlends [81] should be helpful in further
development of p-adic quantum mechanics.
Much recent effort have been concentrated on studying spectral theory
in p-adic quantum mechanics. An appealing property of this theory is the
appearance of a rich spectrum for a rather simple system (p-adic harmonic
oscillator). Spectral theory in p-adic quantum mechanics was carried out
by authors [218], similar results were obtained by Ruelle et al. [182] and
Meurice [151].
An investigation of p-adic Weyl systems in finite and infinite dimensional
cases and study of coherent states and eigenfunctions for p = 3 (mod 4)
were performed by Zelenov [241-243].
Formulations of p-adic string theory with p-adic valued and complex
valued amplitudes as convolutions of characters were suggested by Volovich
[219-221], Freund and Olson [73] made an important proposal to consider
the p-adic 5-functions as string amplitudes. Freund has stressed an idea of
using p-adic calculus in order to simplify calculations for real systems. A
connection of p-adic string theory and the Weil conjecture in the number
theory was discussed by Grossman [95]. An idea of adelic approach was
suggested by Manin [145]. A n important adelic formula was pointed out
by Freund and Witten [75]. Problems of regularization of this formula and
an alternative adelic formula were considered by Aref'eva, Dragovic and
Volovich [16].
Five-point p-adic amplitudes were considered by Marinary and Parisi
[146] and by Frampton and Okada [65]. Appoint p-adic amplitudes were
elaborated by Frampton and Okada [65,68] and by Brekke et al. [40, 42].
They derived an effective field theory with the remarkable soliton solution.
Interesting papers by Frampton, Nishino, Okada and Ubriaco [69, 164, 165,
167] are devoted to p-adic o--models.
The action from Sec. 16,4 was considered in quantum field theory by
Parisi [168], Aref'eva and Volovich [15], Lerner and Missarov [131] and in
string theory by Spokoiny [196] and Zhang [245]. This action uses the
operator D considered by Vladimirov. p-Adic multiloop amplitudes on the
Bruhat-Tits tree were considered by Chekhov, Mironov and Zabrndin [238,
44, 45].
Subsections 14.4-14.6, which deal with multiloop amplitudes, is a short
extraction of enormous current literature on string theory. We shall indicate
Bibliography 307

here the sources of most of the material presented in these subsections, and
attempt to direct the reader to additional papers. A nice short introduction
to string theory is the old Scherk review [184]. Excellent reference on string
theory is Green, Schwartz and Witten [92]. Multiloop calculations based on
the path-integral method suggested by Polyakov [173] have been recently
developed into a field of its own, and references on more detailed aspects of
multiloop calculations are [6, 31, 87, 108, 143, 203], Multiloop calculations
are closely related with geometry of complex manifolds [93, 162]. Properties
of moduli space described in subsect. 14.5 are due to Mumford [160, 161]
and Deligne and Mumford [50]. About p-adic Schottky groups and p-adic
uniformization see Manin [141] and Gerritzen and van der Put [85].
Rigid analytic geometry was introduced by Tate [198]. I t is considered
in Gerritzen and van der Put [85], Bosch, Guntzer and Remmert [28] and
Fresnel and van der Put [72]. The theory of p-adic differential equations is
presented in Dwork [61].
Gervais [86] suggested an idea of using p-adic variables to extend con-
formal symmetry to higher-dimensional case.
An approach to p-adic string theory with p-adic valued amplitudes using
the Morita gamma function was suggested by Volovich [221] and Grossman
[95]. By means of Gross-Koblitz formula it leads to string theory on the
Galois fields. The Galois-Veneziano-Jacobi string amplitudes [221] can be
expressed in terms of Frobenius action on the space of etale cohomology.
This approach is connected with the theory of motives and L-functions
[158, 100, 48, 49, 28].
Witten proposed that at short distances there is a phase in which gen-
eral covariance is unbroken. This phase is described by topological quan-
tum field theories which are systems without local, propagating degrees
of freedom. These theories are associated with the cohomology of various
moduli spaces [233, 51]. I t seems it would be a natural next step to con-
sider analogous theories over p-adic and other number fields. Note that
recently methods of quantum field theory proved useful for investigation of
properties of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces [99, 170, 234, 124].
Section 15, which deals with relations between (-analysis and quantum
groups is mainly taken from [22]. Other connections between them were
pointed out by Macdonald [134] and Freund [78,79]. In the last years there
has been considerable work done on the theory of quantum groups. Some
references are Drinfeld [58], Jimbo [80], Faddeev, Reshetichin and Tach-
tadjan [62], Woronowicz [235] and Manin [144]. The g-deformed oscillator
308 p-Adic Analyaia and Mathematical Physics

was considered by Biedenharn [34] and Macfarlane [135]. A general ap-

proach to non-com mutative geometry has been developed by Connes [47].
Non-commutative differential calculus was considered by Wess and Zumino
[224]. About possible applications of quantum groups in field theory see
Aref'eva and Volovich [23]. g-Analysis is discussed in Andrews [10] and
Askey [24]. Koornwinder [125] discussed a relation between g-analysis and
quantum groups.
Stochastic processes and generalized random fields are considered by
many authors. Note in particular Gelfand and Vilenkin [83], Gihman and
Skorokhod [88], Accardi, Frigeiro and Lewis [2], Hida [103] and Heyer [102].
The probability theory approach to quantum field theory is considered by
Glimm and Jaffe [89] and Simon [91]. Diffusion on p-adic numbers is con-
sidered by Albeverio and Karwowski [4].
Recently new interesting approaches to the description of the space-time
structure at small distances have been suggested by Bennet, Nielsen and
Picek [33], Alvarez, Cespedes and Verdaguer [4] and Isham, Kubyshin and
Renteln [111]. Basic quantum variable is the two-point distance on a metric
space. Such consideration naturally includes also the ultrametric.
The first steps in investigation of p-adic Einstein equation and quan-
tum p-adic gravity were performed by Arefeva, Dragovic, Frampton and
Volovich in [20, 71, 21, 54, 57]
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