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N. Hi guys, how are you.

Long time no see

A. Hiii, fine, but its very boring during this pandemic, when the pandemic will end

P. Its almost a year..

N. Yes, we are studying online almost a year too

A. Well, actually the conditions right now should be better, because vaccine has been given for some

P. But the vaccine are not necessarily right?

N. Hah, whyy?

A. But some people are already vaccinated

P. Of course. But we didnt know what the content of vaccine, its halal or not?

A. In my opinion its already safe, because it has been distributed and lots of people already
vaccinated. So i think the government has guaranted the safety and halal.

N. I agree with ade, before the vaccine has distibuted, its must have tested savety. And our country
is muslim country, so i think government has prepared it.

P. But we just ordinary people, we didnt know ehat the contents of the vaccines. Well, im not ready
to get vaccine

N. As long as i see, a lot of health workers have been vaccinated and they are fine. So the vaccine is
safe right?

A. Of course, therefore with this vaccine can prevent us from covid

P. Hmmm i see, moreover we have offline schedule after id fitri, our imunity should be strong.

N. Yess, of course, so better we get vaccinated

A. Thats right, on our campus there are many lecturers have been vaccinated. so the vaccine has
been proven safe

P. Ah i see, our senior also vaccinated

N. Thats truee. Its safe right?

A. don't worry too much, it's definitely safe

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