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 Name: Syed Shahzaib Ali

 ID: 13074

 Subject: History

 Program: BBA
Question #02

In my opinion, the age of mughals are more cultured because they give more values to the art and
culture. Delhi sultanate have good architect even they introduce the architect of local stones but still the
mughals carried out the persian archtect in their age. We have alot of examples of mughals architecture
one of the major example is Taj Mahal. Similarly the mughals embrace the culture like painitng and
music, promote it and celebrate it in a very elegant style. The akbar and shahjahan have the best era for
culture of music and art. Painting get great advancement during the mughal era. The iconic painting of
Padshanmuth and khandan-i-Timura are also from mughal era. These painting are still the finest
paintings. Mughal really give the values to these things. For them these things are not just a culture but
a tradition and custom which they got from their ancestors. Mughal not just promote the persian
architecture but they alsl promote the persian poetry. Persian poetry reached on a high level in the
Akbar's reign.

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