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Basic Function: Welcomes and greets customers at the entrance and escorts them to their tables

Specific Duties:

1. Receives guests, welcomes and greets them and escorts them to their assigned or chosen tables;

2. Receives and logs down reservations; informs the supervisor about the details of such reservations;

3. Attends to inquiries, request and complaints.

4. Maintains and fills logbooks/reservation book with the necessary information and keeps all reservation signs in place;

5. Assist in the preparation of mise-en-place and in taking food orders;

6. Monitors movements in the outlet and reports to supervisor any unusual incident or suspicious persons;

D. Waiter

Basic Function: Takes and serves food and beverage order according to prescribed standards of service.

Specific Duties:

1. Upon reporting for duty, checks the logbook for endorsements and instructions.

2. Looks after the necessary preparations before the start of operation:

 Wipes/ prepares the necessary containers, hollowware, napkins, tray, cutleries, other supplies.
 Refills salt and pepper shakers and other condiments;
 Checks and re-stocks service station and sees to it that the par stock is maintained;
 Sets up the table and installs required facilities;

3. Familiarizes himself with the menu and outlet’s specialties; performs suggestive selling;

4. Takes note of out of stock items and suggests alternative dishes;

5. Takes and serves food and beverage orders;

6. Assists busboy in placing orders and in picking up orders from the kitchen;

7. Welcomes guests and assist them in getting seated;

8. Attends the settlement of the bill of guests;

9. Attends the guests inquiries, requests and complaints;

10. Assist the busboy in clearing soiled dishes, dirt and trash.
E. Busboy

Basic Function: Dining room helper and runner

Specific Duties:

1. Assists waiters in mise-en-place preparation and table set-up;

2. Serves bread and butter, coffee and tea;

3. Places orders to the kitchen and picks up prepared orders;

4. Clears table of soiled dishes, dirt and mess

5. Changes soiled ashtray;

6. Fills and refills water goblet with water;

7. Does other errands in the dining room and

8. Cleans and re-stock supply of assigned service station.

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