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Git | Syed Abdullah Hassan


LVCS Stands for Local Version Control System. This was used before CVCS and DVCS. In, LVCS source
code files were actually used to store within the PC with different versions of Code. Every Change in the
Code results in a new version of code.(this point in applied in CVCS & DVCS also)

CVCS Stands For Centralised Version Controlled System. CVCS was used to Handle source code while a
program/software/webpage etc is under-development and it is not completed. CVCS was used before
DVCS was introduced in 2005 by Linus Torwalds(Aka Founder of Linux).


Working Working Working

Space(PC-1) Space(PC-2) Space(PC-3)
Here Repository Means A Storage At Remote Server.

Working of CVCS:
All The Coders From PC-1, PC-2, PC-3 or any Number of Computers write source code and commit the
code to the repository. Here Committing Code Means to send code to the repository. Now All the code
written by all coders is on repository and every user can see other user’s code.

 It requires us to be connected to the internet to access repository.
 If repository crashes or goes down, we may lose all our code.
Git | Syed Abdullah Hassan


DVCS stands for Distributed Version Control System.


Local Repo Local Repo Local Repo

Working Working Working

Area (PC-1) Area (PC-2) Area (PC-2)

In DVCS the coders write code and commit it to the local repository. Local repository of each pc is inside
its storage. Local Repo is accessible anytime from the pc without any need of internet. But If we Want
that, PC-2 User should be able to see the code of PC-1 User, We Use a main Repository, So the files from
local repo will be pushed(uploaded) to the main repository. Main Repository is storage at some remote
server. Many Companies such as Github and Gitlab provide the service of Main Repo. Don’t Get
Confused between Git and Github as both are separate things. Git Is involved between local repo and
working area. While Github provides us Main repository.

 We don’t need interneet as source code files are locally available.
 If main repo gets crashed, each PC user will be able to find his code in his local directory.

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