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Nama: Anggun Vitria Nursabila

NIM: 205111008

Task 2

1. C. cats are nicer than dogs in some ways

2. B. pets may be good for children
3. C. Cats are not just pets

Task 3

1. People use newspaper ads in many ways

2. ads tell a lot about the people in a country
3. Sometimes people write personal ads for bad reason

Task 4

Topic: Black Thursday

1. “Black Thursday” was a terrible day for many Americans.

2. The Great Depression was very serious and surprised many people.

3. The Great Depression ended because of Roosevelt’s government and because of World War II

Task 5

Part A

1. Population growth around the word is a serious problem

2. in some countries, the population is not growing
3. in other areas, the fast population growth is causing problems.
4. China found a way to slow down population growth

Part B

1. Population Growth
2. Population growth is a serious problem around the word, but there is some hope for change

Task 6

Part A

1. Many people American moved out of cities after World War II

2. In 1950s and 1960s American business also moved out of the cities
American businesses also moved cities out of in 1950s and 1960s
3. Cities began to have money problems
4. Many people believed American cities were dying

Part b
1. American cities after World War II
2. changes in American cities caused many problems

Task 7

1. The topic is small compact cars

And main idea is SMALL COMPACT CARS are more economical to operate.

2. European breakfast

European breakfast consist of many different kinds of food.


THE STOURBRIDGE LION attracted many people.

Task 8

1.=> main idea: Lithosphere is divided into large rigid plates.

=> Supporting detail:

a) There are twelve major plates (and numerous subplates), each about sixty miles thick and
some almost as wide as the pacific ocean.

b) They float on a layer of dense, viscous rock called asthenospehre wich in turn, surround the
earth’s hot core

2. => main idea: Caffeine has various effects on the body

=> Supporting details:

a. It speeds up the heart, promotes the release of stomach, and increase urine production

b. it dilates some blood vessels while narrowing others

c. In large amount, caffeine may cause convulsions, but this is unlikely

d. It takes about 10 grams of caffeine, the equivalent of 100 cups of coffee, to run a serious risk
of death

e. Psychologically, caffeine suppresses fatigue or drowsiness and increases feeling of alertness.

3. => main idea: The reason we bury or hide our undesirable emotions

=> Supporting details:

a. We do this because we have been programmed to do this

b. By the time we are five years old, our parents have influenced to be affectionate, tender,
angry, or hateful. We moralize our emotions. We tell ourselves it is good to feel grateful, but
bad to feel angry or jealous
c. So we repress emotions we should release. We got into “value conflicts”

d. Boys and men are not supposed to cry or show fear. So some men attempt to bury their
true feelings and create a false self-image.

4. => Main idea: The history of use and misuse Cocaine in the united states

=> Supporting details:

a. At the turn of the century, dozens of non-prescription potions and cure-alls containing
cocaine were sold. It was during this time that Coca Cola was indeed the ‘real thing’.

b. From 1886, when it was first concocted, until 1906 when the Pure Food and Drug Act was
passed, Coca Cola contained cocaine (which has been replaced with caffeine).

c. In the 1930s, the popularity of cocaine declined when cheaper synthetic amphetamines
became available. This trend was reversed in the 1960s when a federal crackdown on
amphetamine sales made this drug less available and more expensive

d. Today, cocaine is becoming one of most widely abused illegal drugs

5. Main idea: shallow breathing provides only a limited amount of fresh oxygen and doesn’t fully
expel all the burnt gases

Supporting details:

1. Despite the central role breathing plays in our lives as organism, few of us have been taught
how to breathe
2. Most of us are unaware that we use probably only a third of our lung capacity.
3. Our breathing is shallow and occurs about fifteen to seventeen times a minute, taking in about
a pint of air each time. Yet our lungs can hold eight times much air.

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