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original article

Wien Klin Wochenschr

DOI 10.1007/s00508-017-1240-9

Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for

improved outcome
A retrospective matched pair analysis from 14 Austrian trauma centers

Helmut Trimmel · Marek Majdan · Andrea Wodak · Guenther Herzer · Daniel Csomor · Alexandra Brazinova

Received: 7 April 2017 / Accepted: 11 July 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria 2017

Summary Goal-oriented management of traumatic preceding evaluations suggested a beneficial outcome

brain injury (TBI) can save the lives and/or improve in TBI patients treated at the Wiener Neustadt Hospi-
the long-term outcome of millions of affected patients tal (WNH), we aimed to investigate the potential role
worldwide. Additionally, enhancing quality of life of citicoline administration, solely applied in WNH,
will save enormous socio-economic costs; however, in those patients. In a retrospective subgroup analysis
promising TBI treatment strategies with neuroprotec- we compared 67 patients from WNH with citicoline
tive agents, such as citicoline (CDP-choline), lacked administration and 67 matched patients from other
evidence or produced contradictory results in clinical Austrian centers without citicoline use. Patients with
trials. During a prehospital TBI project to optimize Glasgow Coma Scale score <13 on site and/or Ab-
early TBI care within 14 Austrian trauma centers, data breviated Injury Scale of the region “head” >2 were
on 778 TBI patients were prospectively collected. As included. Our analysis revealed significantly reduced
rates of intensive care unit (ICU) mortality (5% vs.
Author contributions H. Trimmel concepted, initiated and 24%, p < 0.01), in-hospital mortality (9% vs. 24%, p =
designed the study, collected, analyzed and interpreted data, 0.035) and 6-month mortality (13% vs. 28%, p = 0.031),
drafted and critically revised the manuscript. M. Majdan as well as of unfavorable outcome (34% vs. 57%, p =
performed the statistical analysis, contributed to data 0.015) and observed vs. expected ratio for mortality
interpretation and helped to draft and revise the manuscript. (0.42 vs. 0.84) in the WNH (citicoline receivers) group.
A. Wodak, G. Herzer and D. Csomor contributed to data
Despite the limitations of a retrospective subgroup
acquisition and data analysis, and helped to revise the
manuscript. A. Brazinova conceived the INRO prehospital
analysis our findings suggest a possible correlation
TBI project, participated in its design, coordination and data between early and consequent citicoline adminis-
analysis, and critically revised the manuscript. All authors tration and beneficial outcomes. Therefore, we aim
read and approved the final manuscript. to set up an initiative for a prospective, multicenter
randomized controlled trial with citicoline in sTBI
Electronic supplementary material The online version of
this article (doi: 10.1007/s00508-017-1240-9) contains (severe TBI) patients.
supplementary material, which is available to authorized
users. Keywords Traumatic brain injury · Neuroprotective
H. Trimmel () · A. Wodak · G. Herzer · D. Csomor
agents · Citicoline · Outcome · Intensive care medicine
Department of Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine and
Intensive Care and Karl Landsteiner Institute of Emergency Introduction
Medicine, General Hospital Wiener Neustadt, Wiener
Neustadt, Austria Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and long-term disability across the world, par-
M. Majdan ticularly in young adults, thus constituting a serious
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences and global health problem and creating a substantial so-
Social Work, Trnava University, Trnava, Slovakia cioeconomic burden. The so-called silent epidemic
A. Brazinova affects approximately 10 million people worldwide [1]
International Neurotrauma Research Organization (INRO), and 303 per 100,000 inhabitants per year in Austria
Vienna, Austria

K Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome

original article

with a growing incidence rate in the elderly popula- functional outcome although there were no signifi-
tion [2]. cant differences in neither prehospital nor early in-
The complex and heterogeneous pathophysiology hospital treatment. Subsequent analyses comparing
of TBI hinders the identification of new effective phar- the outcome of patients with a TBI treated at WNH
macological approaches to reduce the impact of sec- with matched controls from other Austrian centers
ondary brain injury factors, a cascade of cellular and confirmed these observations (in-hospital mortality
molecular processes subsequent to the primary brain 21% vs. 37%, p = 0.019; 6-month unfavorable outcome
injury. The pathophysiological mechanisms mediat- 44% vs. 60%, p = 0.024). Matching was performed with
ing injury severity after TBI [3] are known to include respect to age, Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) [27] and
the breakdown of membrane phospholipids with sub- Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) [28]. While being aware of
sequent release of free fatty acids [4, 5] as well as de- the great variability of patient prognostic factors and
creased acetylcholine neurotransmission [5–7]. the possible variation in treatment delivered between
Cytidine 5 -diphosphocholine (CDP-choline or citi- facilities, we nevertheless considered the patient col-
coline) is a pharmaceutical substance chemically lective of 13 residual participating Austrian centers to
identical to the essential endogenous intermediate in be representative of TBI treatment in Austria in ad-
the biosynthetic pathway of phosphatidylcholine [8, dition to adjusting for TBI severity using a matching
9]. Once absorbed, citicoline is rapidly hydrolyzed to process; however, we could not detect equivalent dif-
choline and cytidine triphosphate, dispersed through- ferences in the outcome among the other participat-
out the body, crossing the blood-brain barrier and ing centers. Ensuing efforts to identify the underly-
reassembled to citicoline inside the brain [8–11]. As ing cause for these unusual results exposed just one
such, citicoline increases choline availability [12], acti- major difference: the treatment protocol for TBI at
vates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids [13, WNH comprises the immediate intravenous adminis-
14] and mediates neuronal membrane integrity and tration of citicoline thereby obviously contrasting the
repair by preventing the accumulation of fatty acids TBI treatment practice of any other participating Aus-
[15] and the formation of free radicals subsequent to trian center. Hence, we initiated a retrospective sub-
brain injury [9, 16, 17]. Accordingly, citicoline has group analysis with the aim to elucidate whether the
been shown to accelerate the reabsorption of cerebral lower mortality and the better long-term outcome of
edema and the restoration of the blood-brain bar- patients treated at WNH could have been associated
rier integrity after TBI and/or hypoxia [5, 9, 18, 19]. with the administration of citicoline.
Several reports demonstrated that citicoline may be
an effective neuroprotective agent on secondary le- Methods
sions following TBI without exerting acute or chronic
toxicity [5, 8, 9, 12, 20]; however, despite consider- Study participants, design and setting
able research and efforts in investigating citicoline
absorption and metabolism, its pharmacological ac- In the course of the INRO prehospital TBI project,
tion has not yet been completely delineated [8, 9]. data on 778 patients from 14 Austrian centers with
Some clinical studies in patients with head injuries TBI were collected prospectively (2009–2012) with the
revealed accelerated recovery from posttraumatic goal of investigating and improving the outcome of
coma, improved functional outcome and shortened patients in Austria [25]. All TBI patients with a GCS
hospitalization periods under citicoline therapy [9, score <13 on site and/or AIS of the region “head”
20, 21]. Citicoline has a low toxicity and a favorable >2 not later than 48 h after the injury were included.
side-effect profile in humans [22]. Minor transient Data on demographic characteristics, injury type
adverse effects are rare and most commonly include and severity, prehospital care, trauma room treat-
stomach pain and diarrhea [23]. In long-term and ment, monitoring, surgical procedures, computed
high-dose use for cognitive disorders (e. g. dementia tomography (CT) scans, intensive care unit (ICU)
or Alzheimer’s disease) or stroke [24] there are some treatment (first 5 days) and outcome (ICU, hospital
reports of insomnia, diarrhea, low or high blood pres- and 6 months) were recorded. The Glasgow Outcome
sure, nausea, blurred vision and chest pain. Scale-Extended (GOSE) was used to categorize the
Within the framework of the Austrian TBI study outcome at hospital discharge and 6 months after
group coordinated by the International Neurotrauma injury [29, 30]. Data of 733 patients were eligible
Research Organization (INRO) and supported by the for evaluation. The prehospital TBI project was per-
Federal Ministry of Health, the Wiener Neustadt Hos- formed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki
pital (WNH) took part in a project to reveal potential and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Allge-
for further improvement of prehospital and early in- meine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA, the Austrian
hospital care of TBI patients together with 13 other Workers’ Compensation Board) as leading ethics com-
Austrian trauma centers [25, 26]. Within the scope mittee and additionally by the ethics committee of
of data evaluation it became clear that patients who the federal state of Lower Austria as well as the ethical
were treated at WNH revealed considerably enhanced care committees of all participating centers [25]. The
rates of hospital survival as well as notably improved entire methodology of the prehospital TBI project,

Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome K

original article

patient eligibility criteria and the results of the study in an O/E ratio <1 (percentage of mortality and of un-
have been previously reported [25]. favorable outcome were lower than expected). Crude
In the present analysis, a subset of 67 citicol- and adjusted odds ratios (OR) were calculated with
ine (Startonyl©, 125 mg/ml injection solution, Chiesi 95% confidence intervals to reveal possible effects of
Pharmaceuticals, Vienna) treated sTBI patients from citicoline use on the outcome at various stages (ICU
WNH enrolled in the INRO prehospital TBI project discharge, hospital discharge, 6-month follow-up).
was retrospectively studied in order to evaluate their The intensive care physicians from all participating
specific clinical outcome. Data from patients at WNH Austrian centers conformed to the current guidelines
included all details on TBI severity and outcome as published by the Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) [37,
obtained in the INRO prehospital study as well as 38]. The consensus among Austrian trauma surgeons,
some additional clinical information. The standard neurosurgeons and intensive care physicians to con-
dose of citicoline was 3 g per 24 h (=120 mg/h) by form to standard treatment guidelines and algorithms,
continuous intravenous drip infusion starting imme- especially the BTF guidelines and the concept of evi-
diately after admission to the ICU up to an intended dence-based care in the management of TBI patients
maximum of 21 days [31]. was proactively encouraged and has been extensively
In order to create a valid control group, 67 sub- investigated [38–44]. Based on the published evidence
jects without any citicoline administration (exclusion we presumed the standard treatment for TBI being
criterion) were selected from the INRO prehospi- comparable among Austrian trauma centers. This has
tal database of the remaining 13 Austrian centers. been recently been proven by a survey among all Aus-
Matching was done by using three predicting vari- trian centers treating patients with severe TBI [38]. To
ables: age [32], GCS score assessed in the field and evaluate the outcome at WNH as well as the patterns
number of extracranial injuries with a severity score of citicoline administration, we secondarily assessed
of >2 as assessed using the AIS. Differences in prehos- the baseline characteristics and demographic data of
pital and/or emergency room treatment between the the citicoline treatment group (comparative analysis
matched pairs were precluded. between survivors and non-survivors). Due to in-
house quality standards at WNH, a variety of vital,
Data analysis laboratory and medication parameters were available
beyond the data collected in the course of the INRO
Data analysis followed the comparison of a treatment prehospital TBI project. These data were additionally
group with a matched control group. In order to ad- evaluated in order to determine potential differences
dress possible differences between the two groups, between survivors and deceased patients.
a descriptive comparative primary analysis was per-
formed with additional relevant predictors and indica- Statistics
tors of injury severity and treatment. These included
the Rotterdam CT score [33], the Injury Severity Score Means were expressed along with standard devia-
(ISS) [34], the predicted 6 months mortality, the pre- tions (SD) and medians with interquartile ranges
dicted 6 months unfavorable outcome (calculated us- (IQR, range between the 25th and 75th percentile).
ing models that had been validated for the Austrian Categorical data were expressed as frequencies with
population) [35] and the prehospital use of capnogra- percentages from totals in the respective categories.
phy as a surrogate parameter for adequate ventilation The T-test for two independent samples was used
in the field [36]. A complete overview of all evaluated to test for significance of differences of means, the
therapeutic measures within the scope of the INRO Wilcoxon test was used to test the difference be-
prehospital TBI project is given by Brazinova et al. tween medians and the χ2-test was used to test for
[25]. differences in proportions (%). For the analysis of
The GOSE was used to categorize the outcome of relationships to outcome (crude and adjusted ORs),
TBI patients at hospital discharge (dead or alive) and the binomial logistic regression was used. P values
during a long-term follow-up (6 months postinjury) of <0.05 were considered as statistically significant
[30]. The long-term outcome at 6 months was defined differences.
as unfavorable when GOSE was 1–4 (death, vegetative
state or severe disabilities) and favorable when GOSE Results
was 5–8 (referred as moderate disabilities or good re-
covery). Univariate comparisons of severity and out- Study participants
come in both groups were used to detect a possible
effect of citicoline use in TBI patients. Ratios of ob- In the present examination, data of 134 TBI patients
served versus expected 6 months mortality and unfa- from the INRO database were categorized as either
vorable outcome (O/E ratios) were used to further as- having received citicoline, referred to as citicoline
sess and evaluate the obtained results within groups. group (n = 67, WNH) or not having received any citico-
A considerable improvement mediated by any ther- line during hospitalization referred to as control group
apeutic intervention should be significantly reflected (n = 67, 13 Austrian centers). (S1 Fig. Flow diagram of

K Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome

original article

Table 1 Demographic and Variable Citicoline WNH Control Austrian centers p

baseline characteristics of (N = 67) (N = 67)
the treatment groups (citico-
Age (years), mean (SD) 54.6 (21.2) 54.8 (21.2) 0.904
line vs. control)
Extracranial injuries with AIS >2, mean (SD) 1.7 (0.9) 1.6 (0.9) 0.922
Total GCS assessed in the field, mean (SD) 7.8 (4) 7.7 (4) 0.961
Sex, N (% male) 52 (78%) 50 (75%) 0.839
ISS, mean (SD) 27.4 (12.4) 31.7 (17.3) 0.1
Total GCS assessed at admission, mean (SD) 6.4 (4.7) 6.0 (4.2) 0.662
Pupil reactivity in field, N (%)
Both reactive 41 (61%) 36 (54%) 0.702
One reactive 2 (3%) 2 (3%)
None reactive 3 (5%) 6 (9%)
Unknown 21 (31%) 23 (34%)
Pupil reactivity at admission, N (%)
Both reactive 28 (42%) 29 (43%) 0.416
One reactive 2 (3%) 5 (8%)
None reactive 1 (2%) 3 (5%)
Unknown 36 (54%) 30 (45%)
Rotterdam CT score, N (%)
1 2 (3%) 2 (3%) 0.052
2 22 (34%) 19 (31%)
3 31 (48%) 17 (28%)
4 7 (11%) 19 (31%)
5 2 (3%) 3 (5%)
6 0 1 (2%)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, N (% Yes) 39 (58%) 41 (61%) 0.861
Epidural hematoma, N (% Yes) 8 (12%) 13 (19%) 0.342
Subdural hematoma, N (% Yes) 37 (55%) 43 (64%) 0.379
Prehospital hypotension, N (% Yes) 1 (2%) 4 (6%) 0.328
Prehospital hypoxia, N (% Yes) 5 (8%) 12 (18%) 0.19
Prehospital intubation, N (% Yes) 33 (49%) 40 (60%) 0.057
Use of capnography, N (%) 52 (93%) 46 (90%) 0.883
Predicted 6 months mortality, mean % (SD) 30.7% (18.6) 33.4% (21.7) 0.682
Predicted 6 months unfav. outcome, mean % (SD) 51.8% (21.6) 53.9% (23.7) 0.626
AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale, CT computed tomography, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, ISS Injury severity score, SD standard
deviation, unfav. unfavorable outcome (dead, vegetative state or severe disability)

participating Austrian centers and patients from the or unfavorable outcomes and the use of capnography
INRO prehospital database). Patient baseline char- the groups did not differ significantly either.
acteristics of the two groups are depicted in Table 1. Patients were administered a standard dose of
Demographic aspects were well-balanced among both 120 mg/h citicoline via continuous intravenous perfu-
grpoups. With respect to the three matching criteria sion from the first day of ICU admission for scheduled
no significant differences were revealed in our analy- 21 days or until ICU discharge (S1 Table. Patterns of
sis as to trauma severity measured by age (p = 0.904), citicoline use at WNH). Eventual lower average daily
AIS (p = 0.922) and GCS assessed in the field or early dosage was caused by inevitable lower dosage at day 1
hospital phase (p = 0.961). In most cases the variables (depending on time of hospital admission) and dur-
were exactly matched. Comparison of additional ing the last day which was typically not a full 24 h
severity predictors and treatment indicators between treatment day. Beyond that, these averages were also
the two comparator groups revealed marginally worse influenced by periods when the administration of
Rotterdam CT scores (p = 0.052) and ISS values (p = citicoline was stopped (e. g. during surgery, CT scans
0.1) in the control group; however, neither of the two or other procedures) as well as the varying number
was statistically significant, indicating no association of ICU days in different patients. No significant dif-
or impact on differences in outcome between groups. ferences between survivors and non-survivors were
With respect to gender, predicted 6 months mortality observed neither concerning the number (p = 0.795)
and percentage of days of citicoline administration

Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome K

original article

Table 2 Outcomes at hos- Variable Citicoline WNH Control Austrian centers p-value
pital discharge and 6 months (N = 67) (N = 67)
post trauma
ICU mortality, % (N) 5% (3) 24% (16) <0.01
In-hospital mortality, % (N) 9% (6) 24% (16) 0.035
6 months mortality, % (N) 13% (9) 28% (19) 0.031
Predicted 6 months mortality, mean % (SD) 30.7% (18.6) 33.4% (21.7) 0.682
Observed vs. expected ratio for mortality 0.42 0.84 –
6 months unfavorable outcome, % (N) 34% (23) 57% (38) 0.015
Predicted 6 months unfavorable outcome, mean % (SD) 51.8% (21.6) 53.9% (23.7) 0.626
Observed vs. expected ratio for unfavorable outcome 0.66 1.06 –
P-values indicating significant differences are in bold
ICU intensive care unit, SD standard deviation, unfavorable outcome dead, vegetative state or severe disability

Table 3 Results for survival and for 6 months favorable outcome (citicoline group vs. control group)
Factor ICU survival p Hospital survival p 6-months favorable p 6-month survival p
Crude 6.7 (1.8–24.3) <0.01 3.2 (1.2–8.8) 0.024 2.5 (1.3–5.0) <0.01 2.6 (1.05–6.1) 0.037
OR (CI 95%)
Adjusteda 6.7 (1.6–28.8) 0.014 2.8 (0.9–9.1) 0.077 2.6 (1.1–6.0) 0.022 2.3 (0.8–6.1) 0.102
OR (CI 95%)
P-values meaning significant differences are in bold
CI confidence interval, ICU intensive care unit, OR odds ratio
Adjusted for age, first available Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score and Injury Severity Score (ISS)

(p = 0.557) nor the daily dose of citicoline (p = 0.572). ing a significantly improved long-term survival rate
We could not observe any remarkable side effects and functional outcome for citicoline users.
during the entire study period. Logistic regression was used to assess the observed
Additional data further describing the patients differences and to adjust for potential effects of pre-
treated with citicoline at WNH are available (S2 Ta- dictors (age, GCS and ISS). The odds ratios (ORs)
ble. Laboratory parameters of citicoline patients by for survival at various time points and for favorable
clinical outcome. S3 Table. Medication parameters outcome (moderate disability or good recovery) at 6
of citicoline patients at WNH. S2 Fig. Hemodynamic months postinjury are listed in Table 3. Patients in
parameters of survivors and non-survivors under citi- the citicoline group had significantly higher odds of
coline therapy. S3 Fig. Mean S100B levels of survivors ICU survival (OR 6.7; p < 0.01), hospital survival (OR
and non-survivors under citicoline therapy by day of 3.2; p = 0.024), 6 months favorable outcome (OR 2.5;
treatment). Unfortunately, the data could not be ob- p < 0.01) and 6 months survival (OR 2.6; p = 0.037).
tained from other centers in this analysis, as they were After controlling for the effects of age, first available
not collected in the course of the INRO prehospital GCS score and ISS by multivariate analysis, adjusted
project. ORs still revealed significantly better odds for ICU
survival (p = 0.014) and 6 months favorable outcome
Outcome citicoline (WNH) group vs. control group (p = 0.022) in the citicoline group.

The comparison of ICU mortality (p < 0.01), in-hospi- Discussion

tal mortality (p = 0.035), 6 months mortality (p = 0.031)
and 6 months unfavorable outcome (p = 0.015) of pa- In this retrospective analysis we aimed to investigate
tients with citicoline administration vs. patients from the correlation of continuous, immediate, intravenous
the matched control group revealed significant differ- citicoline administration and the outcome of patients
ences. At various time points, all outcome measure- with TBI. In order to establish the optimal settings for
ments as well as the functional outcome at 6 months a comparison we created matched pairs to the pa-
were significantly better in the citicoline group, as pre- tients of WNH and aligned them with respect to age
sented in Table 2. The 6 months mortality was 13% in and TBI injury severity.
patients with citicoline administration vs. 28% in the
control group. At the same time only 34% of patients Key findings
with citicoline administration vs. 57% of the controls
experienced an unfavorable outcome. The compari- The comparison of citicoline treated patients with
son of observed vs. predicted mortality and unfavor- matched control subjects revealed significantly en-
able outcome at 6 months revealed O/E ratios of 0.42 hanced survival rates after ICU, hospital discharge
vs. 0.84 and 0.66 vs. 1.06, respectively, thus suggest- and 6 months after trauma, as well as significantly

K Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome

original article

higher odds for a favorable outcome. After adjusting tilated patients enteral absorption may already be im-
for indicators of trauma severity and age, multivari- paired due to catecholamine administration and/or
ate logistic regression analysis indicated significantly deep sedation. A fundamental review of experimen-
better odds of ICU survival and favorable outcome in tal and clinical studies on citicoline efficacy led to the
the citicoline group. conclusion that patients with an initial GCS score of
Recognizing the abovementioned surveys and the 5–7 particularly benefit from the addition of citicoline
consensus among Austrian trauma surgeons, neuro- to their therapeutic regimen [9, 31].
surgeons and intensive care physicians, our results We are aware that the potential beneficial effects
suggest a possible association between citicoline use of citicoline [9] subsequent to brain trauma may be
at WNH and the notably enhanced survival rates as obscured by age-related factors, the heterogeneous
well as improved physical outcome in patients treated pathology of TBI and the great variability in treat-
after severe head injury. ment and rehabilitation protocols. It is therefore all
the more important to establish a consistent manage-
Citicoline treatment patterns ment starting immediately after the trauma [25] with
particular attention to the complex nature of the dis-
Citicoline has repeatedly shown to be an effective neu- ease [3], the variety of influencing factors [56] and
roprotective and regenerative agent in a variety of the presence of several coexistent pathological mech-
neurodegenerative disorders, brain ischemic condi- anisms in individual patients.
tions as well as traumatic brain injuries and its se-
quelae. Over time, a great number of studies have Study limitations
been issued, covering the mode of action [8, 9, 45] as
well as preclinical and clinical pharmacology of citi- The following limitations of our study necessitate
coline [11, 13, 19, 46, 47], including promising TBI- a cautious approach when interpreting our findings:
related trials [5, 31, 48–50] and recently published re- We conducted a retrospective, post hoc analysis of
views [9, 51–53].;however, many preclinical and clini- a subset of patients, comprising a relatively small
cal studies have been carried out more than 30 years sample size (i. e. citicoline non-survivors) with lim-
ago, thus lacking relevance to the current situation. ited statistical power. We are aware of potential bias
In recent years, especially after the publication of the in alternatively utilizing matched controls with simi-
COBRIT study (a large, randomized, multicenter trial lar injury severity from other Austrian centers. As we
including 1213 patients with TBI) [22] not only the did not have access to the medication patterns and
study methodology but also the effect and role of citi- laboratory parameters of the matched control sub-
coline administration in TBI patients have been re- jects, our analysis was restricted to comparisons of
peatedly called into question [52–54]. The negative outcome measures and checks against the respective
outcome of the COBRIT trial contradicts both the en- prognostic scores. Due to the retrospective character
couraging findings of animal and preliminary clini- of this trial, the complex nature of the disease and
cal pilot studies and our own beneficial experience the variety of system factors and possible individual
with the substance in patients with TBI. With respect treatment approaches it seemed preposterous to cor-
to the heterogeneity of the disease, the wide thera- rect for the so-called center effect without further loss
peutic range (mild, moderate and sTBI) and several of power. Nevertheless, the results of this preliminary
available routes of administration, our strict clinical study suggest that citicoline may play a role in the
assessment prior to the administration of citicoline is treatment of TBI thus confirming the clear need for
a fundamental difference to the methodology of the more carefully controlled studies [5, 9, 10, 20, 49, 57].
COBRIT trial. First, we adhere to early, continuous, In accordance with other authors we are convinced
intravenous drip route of administration at 120 mg/h that the optimal management of TBI requires mul-
from the day of ICU admission for scheduled 21 days tiple therapeutic agents and structured protocols [3,
in order to ensure adherence and reach high citico- 54]. Therefore, we call for further investigation on this
line plasma concentrations from the very beginning topic and feel encouraged to resume the discussion
following the dose regimen of Calatayud et al. [10, 19, about the benefits of citicoline administration in sTBI
31]. At WNH the administration pattern was changed patients. Thus, we are starting to set up a multicen-
from bolus to continuous administration to optimize ter, prospective, randomized, double-blind trial in
the provision of substrate for lecithin metabolism of Austria with well-defined cohorts of sTBI patients, in-
brain cell membranes. Although citicoline bioavail- vestigating all essential variables in terms of injuries,
ability is assumed to be virtually the same between prehospital and clinical treatment as well as outcome
the oral vs. intravenous route, animal studies have parameters to clarify a possible effect of the citicoline
revealed a four times higher brain uptake with in- treatment as described (S4 Table. Preliminary RCT
travenous administration (2%) compared to the oral study design for continuous and early citicoline in
route (0.5%) [45, 53, 55]. The atypical oro-enteral ad- sTBI in Austria). This trial will be supported by the
ministration of citicoline [22] has been criticized [52, Austrian Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and
53] since it may cause poor compliance, while in ven- Intensive Medicine (OEGARI).

Citicoline in severe traumatic brain injury: indications for improved outcome K

original article

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Funding The INRO prehospital project was funded jointly Pcholine and CDPethanolamine on the alterations in rat
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vided a non-educational grant to facilitate initial data analy- 18. Le Poncin-Lafitte M, Duterte D, Lageron A, Rapin JR. CDP
sis at INRO and writing assistance. choline and experimental cerebrovascular disorder. Agres-
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