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Why are you applying for Financial Aid?

At this time, I am a third-year student electrical engineer in my college who does not have
income, and my parents have a limited source of income to afford the certification, especially
in this corona pandemic which makes my parents finances more complicated. Recently, I got
an internship to handle electricity distribution at a distribution substation. However, I do not
have enough experience and knowledge in the distribution of electricity. I am trying to
acquire progressive knowledge especially in this specialization (course) to help me in my
carrier. I hope this can improve my knowledge as I work as internship and contribute more
when I find a job after I graduate from my university. If I get Financial Aid Support, that will
help me through the internship, boost my motivation on learning, and I plan to complete all
assignments on or before time. Also, this will be an opportunity to learn how curriculum in
overseas University feels.

How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals?

My main career goal is to learn every day. I really want to learn and to progress in my career.
Electrical engineering requires constant learning and improving. Taking this specialization
(course) will help me to learn and study this electricity distribution, safety and renewable
energy, and also to implement it. It can help me advance in my knowledge. With joining this
specialization (course) will also help me gain a new perspective of thinking that is teached
within this field. That will beneficial for my dream job as an electrical engineering. This
course will help me in defining substations, transformers, transmission, subtransmission,
distribution, smart grid, utilities and customers, renewable energy, and natural gas
distribution systems, and also understanding how electrical energy is transmitted and
distributed via overhead lines and underground cables and how to recognize potential hazards
in the workplace, then determine what equipment is necessary to stay safe and comply with
the laws and regulations. Completing this specialization (course) will boost my self-
confidence, knowing that I completed a very important task and took the responsibility of
creating a foundation for getting me closer to my career goals. All of this benefit will increase
my opportunity to became a better me and a better information specialist in the future.

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