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Widyawati Sasmita1, Junuda RAF2

Doctor's Professional Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Halu Oleo

Corresponding Author E-mail:

Background: Coastal communities are various parties (both individuals, groups of institutions, and
legal entities) who live in coastal areas and have their livelihoods from natural resources and coastal
environmental services. Mental disorders are a major public health problem and contribute to 13% of the
global burden of disease measured as years of life adjusted for disability. Iran is a large country located in the
Middle East with a population of over 75 million. Iran is classified as an upper middle-income country with a
per capita GNI of 4,520 US $ in 2009 and ranks 88th in terms of the human development index. Discussion: In
doing psychotherapy, the interview should prioritize the therapeutic aspects, the required data will gradually be
collected with the improvement of the interpersonal relationships that exist between doctors and their patients,
so that the meaning of an interview depends on the nature of the therapist's relationship with the patient.
screening patients compared to control areas. The 15 years of expanding the integration of mental health into
Puskesmas have resulted in major improvements in the delivery of mental health services in rural areas.
Regular monitoring of mental health activities is carried out through routine reporting and statistical analysis
as well as regular field visits by responsible professionals in the province and head office in Tehran. An
independent evaluation was carried out by the World Health Organization's Regional Office for the Eastern
Mediterranean. Conclusion: Iran's experience of mental health reform in the country is multifaceted. The
integration of mental health care in the primary health care system is an impressive achievement. The breadth
of coverage, especially in rural areas means that with the necessary infrastructure and political will, mental
health can be integrated into primary health services.
Keywords: development communications, Iranian coast, mental health

Latar Belakang: Masyarakat pesisir adalah berbagai pihak (baik perorangan, kelompok lembaga, maupun
badan hukum) yang bermukim di wilayah pesisir dan memiliki mata pencaharian yang berasal dari
sumberdaya alam dan jasa-jasa lingkungan pesisir. Gangguan mental merupakan masalah kesehatan
masyarakat yang utama dan berkontribusi pada 13% dari beban global penyakit yang diukur sebagai tahun
hidup yang disesuaikan dengan kecacatan. Iran adalah negara besar yang terletak di Timur Tengah dengan
populasi lebih dari 75 juta. Iran diklasifikasikan sebagai negara berpenghasilan menengah ke atas dengan GNI
per kapita sebesar 4.520 US $ pada tahun 2009 dan menempati urutan ke-88 dalam hal indeks pembangunan
manusia. Pembahasan: Dalam melakukan psikoterapi, wawancara harus lebih mengutamakan aspek
terapeutiknya, data yang diperlukan akan berangsur terkumpul dengan kian membaiknya hubungan
interpersonal yang terjalin antara dokter dengan pasiennya, sehingga berartinya suatu wawancara tergantung
dari sifat hubungan terapis dengan pasiennya tersebut Dari 1988 -1990 studi di pusat Republik Islam Iran
menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan pengetahuan petugas kesehatan dan peningkatan keterampilan dalam
skrining pasien dibandingkan dengan area kontrol. 15 tahun perluasan integrasi kesehatan mental dalam
Puskesmas telah menghasilkan perbaikan besar dalam penyediaan layanan kesehatan mental di daerah
pedesaan. Pemantauan rutin kegiatan kesehatan mental dilakukan melalui pengambilan laporan rutin dan
analisis statistik serta kunjungan berkala ke lapangan oleh para profesional yang bertanggung jawab di
provinsi dan kantor pusat di Teheran. Evaluasi independen dilakukan oleh Kantor Wilayah Organisasi
Kesehatan Dunia untuk Mediterania Timur. Kesimpulan: Pengalaman Iran tentang reformasi kesehatan mental
di negara itu memiliki banyak aspek. Integrasi perawatan kesehatan mental dalam sistem perawatan kesehatan
primer merupakan pencapaian yang mengesankan. Luasnya cakupan, terutama di daerah pedesaan
menunjukkan bahwa dengan infrastruktur dan kemauan politik yang diperlukan, kesehatan mental dapat
diintegrasikan ke dalam layanan kesehatan primer.
Kata Kunci: komunikasi pembangunan, pesisir Iran, kesehatan jiwa
Iran is a large country located in the
Middle East with a population of over 75
PRELIMINARY million. Iranians come from an Indo-
Coastal communities are various European race and their official language
parties (both individuals, groups of is Persian. More than 71% of the
institutions, and legal entities) who live in population lives in urban areas and around
coastal areas and have their livelihoods 99% is Muslim. The adult literacy rate is
from natural resources and coastal 85%. Iran is classified as an upper middle-
environmental services. Based on the basis income country with a per capita GNI of
of residence and livelihood, components of 4,520 US $ in 2009 and ranks 88th in
coastal communities can be mapped, terms of the human development index.
namely fishermen, fish farmers, owners or The spring of 2016 showed that the
workers in the tourism industry, owners or Iranian economy has recovered from last
workers of the tourism industry, owners or year's weak growth, particularly in the
workers of sea transportation companies, fast-growing oil sector. In the 2012-2013
mining and energy owners and workers, period, at 6.8 percent and 1.9 percent,
maritime industry owners and workers. respectively, and rising again in 2014, the
Shipyard. (Effendy, 2009). Iranian economy slowed to an estimated
Mental disorders are a major public annual growth rate of 0.6 percent in 2015
health problem and contribute to 13% of ahead of the adoption of the Joint
the global burden of disease measured as Comprehensive Plan of Action. (JCPOA).
years of life adjusted for disability. Low Economic indicators are showing early
and middle income countries have a higher signs of economic recovery, with the first
mental burden than economically quarter of 1395 (as of April - Jun 2016)
developed countries. Mental disorders growth of 5.4 percent. This strong
have serious negative effects on survival, performance was largely due to the
and when present with chronic disease as a accompanying increase in oil production
concomitant condition, serious mental and oil exports, with the oil sector
disorders can reduce life expectancy by accounting for around 19 percent of GDP
about 20 years. Mental disorders are in 2011-2015.
generally not perceived as a health Overall 3% of health care spending
problem and are not a priority in providing by the government health department is
health services. devoted to mental health. Of all
expenditure spent on mental health, 18%
went to mental hospitals. A mental health personality changes in the timing and
bill has been prepared and will be manner in which they occur in that
submitted to parliament in 2007. There are they are a developmental process,
33 mental hospitals available in the which occurs during childhood or
country with a total of 7.9 beds per adolescence and continues into
100,000 population. adulthood. (Sari, 2016)
In recent years, steps have been At any time, 450 million people
taken to improve access and utilization of worldwide have the potential to
services in urban areas. Mental health develop personality disorders due to
promotion and prevention has been on the mental, nervous, and behavioral
agenda. The coverage in urban areas problems. (Sari, 2016)
through the involvement of health B. Iranian Coastal Areas
volunteers has more than doubled so that Iran is located in southwest
development in coastal areas is needed so Asia, covering a vast area of 1,648,000
that it can overcome the problems that km2 of the strategic and oil-rich areas
occur so that people can return to looking of the Middle East. Iran is connected to
for income through the personality-based the high seas via the Persian Gulf and
coastal areas that exist in the coastal the Strait of Hormoz, which connects it
communities of Iran. to the Sea of Oman and the Indian
Ocean. To the north of Iran lies the
DISCUSSION world's largest closed waterway, the
A. Personality Disorders Caspian Sea, where Iran's three coastal
Personality disorders are provinces are located. While the
personality traits that are inflexible and weather south of the Caspian Sea is
maladaptive that cause meaningful temperate, humid and usually very
dysfunction and subjective suffering. pleasant, the weather on the coast of
People with personality disorders have the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman
completely rigid responses to personal is hot, dry, and unfavorable. These
situations, relationships with other large climatic differences lead to huge
people or their surroundings. This differences in lifestyle, culture and
rigidity prevents them from adjusting levels of development. Three provinces
to external demands, so that in the end in northern Iran are overpopulated and
the pattern is self-defeating. considered one of the country's most
Personality disorders differ from attractive regions for tourists,
especially in summer. These provinces C. Development Communication Model
enjoy having good infrastructure and in the Coastal Region and its
can provide relatively good services to Relation to Personality Patterns in
the millions of people who choose the Iranian Territories
north coast for their holidays. On the The communication model is
other hand, the four southern provinces an authentic result of a systematic
of Iran that are connected to the study of various aspects of
Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, communication. The communication
except Khuzestan, are undeveloped, model provides a healthy
coastal cities are sparse, income levels understanding of the system or
are low, and the coastline is almost structure by which people can
untouched. understand similar systems or
The southern coastal region of structures.
the Caspian Sea has enormous reserves The interactional model
of groundwater and surface freshwater. illustrates that a person can be both
The people in this area are farmers. sender and receiver in an interaction,
Rice, tea, cotton, olives, and fruits are but cannot be both at once, whereas the
the main products of this area so that transactional model is cooperative,
these three provinces become one of both sender and receiver are equally
the main agricultural pillars of the responsible for the impact and
country. About 30% of this area is effectiveness of the communication
irrigated agricultural land. Forests that occurs. Thus, the transactional
cover 55.5%, grasslands cover 13%, model makes communication more
and the rest are mostly gardens and effective.
fruit yards. Surface water resources The interactional model does
vary from 4000 million m3 in the west not run dynamically so feedback that is
to 1,235 million m3 in the east. The indirect, occurs delays and takes a long
same trend also occurs in groundwater, time and feedback does not occur
which is estimated to be around 2000 simultaneously, while the transactional
million m3 in the west to 1200 million model with dynamic communication
m3 in the east. All water is consumed and face-to-face communication means
by the agricultural and industrial that verbal and nonverbal responses
sectors. can be known directly. .
For psychotherapy itself, it is patients compared to the control area.
done by means of conversation or The 15 years of expanding the
interview (interview). In an interview, integration of mental health into
there is no separation between Puskesmas have resulted in major
therapeutic properties and diagnosis. improvements in the delivery of mental
Usually, the questions posed contain health services in rural areas.
both aspects, namely to optimize the There is a simple information
interpersonal relationship with the system for mental disorders like
patient (therapeutic properties), and to psychosis, depression, epilepsy, mental
complement the data in an effort to retardation, etc. There are also mental
make a diagnosis. In conducting health reporting systems in the health
psychotherapy, interviews should network. Regular monitoring of mental
prioritize the therapeutic aspects, the health activities is carried out through
required data will gradually be routine reporting and statistical
collected as the interpersonal analysis as well as regular field visits
relationships that exist between doctors by responsible professionals in the
and patients are improving, so that the province and head office in Tehran. An
meaning of an interview depends on independent evaluation was carried out
the nature of the therapist's relationship by the World Health Organization
with the patient. Regional Office for the Eastern
Mental health policies and Mediterranean in 1995. The study
programs were originally formulated in included field surveys and data
1986. Its main components are collection from 266 multipurpose
advocacy, promotion, prevention, health workers (behvarz) and health
treatment and rehabilitation. The main homes, 91 general practitioners and
strategy is to integrate mental health rural health centers, and 737 families
programs into the Primary Health Care living in the rural environment where
system. From 1988 to 1990 successful mental health programs are run.
pilot studies were implemented in Iran's experience of mental
Shahr-e-Kord and Shahreza in the health reform in the country is
center of the Islamic Republic of Iran, multifaceted. The integration of mental
which showed a significant increase in health care in the primary health care
the knowledge of healthcare workers system is an impressive achievement.
and increased skills in screening The breadth of coverage, especially in
rural areas suggests that with the the physical and psychological effects
necessary infrastructure and political of the disease as well as the emotional
will, mental health can be integrated and financial burden of hospitalization.
into primary health care. Public health This point is especially important
workers are capable of providing basic during communication with patients
mental health care, provided they are who have been hospitalized for a long
trained and supervised and supported time and have recurrent chronic
by an appropriate referral system. illnesses.
After the system was created, mental Iranian nursing students
health professionals worked closely tolerate moody and emotional
with it. The success of this integration outbursts of patients and try to
program is highly dependent on the maintain their composure during
existence of a well-structured health interactions. They do not reply to the
system. patient's unwanted words and behavior
Empathy plays an important with angry tones and harsh words as
role in creating a therapeutic this can lead to worse arguments. They
relationship. Empathy is defined as the use strategies such as keeping quiet
ability to understand the patient's and expressing casual phrases to calm
condition and transfer these angry patients, especially in psychiatric
perceptions to the client so that the wards. Also, in another Iranian study,
client realizes love (caregiver). it was reported that Iranian nurses used
Other researchers stated that the same strategy and they did not
the ability of empathy helps nurses and report inappropriate patient behavior to
patients build trust and connect with higher authorities even in cases of
each other in two-way interpersonal verbal and physical abuse.
communication. Implementing
strategies such as showing kindness, CONCLUSION
using therapeutic touch, maintaining Iran's experience of mental health
boundaries, and respecting patient reform in the country is multifaceted. The
privacy are the principles of cultivating integration of mental health care in the
trust in patients while providing primary health care system is an
professional care. In addition, nursing impressive achievement. The breadth of
training must have flexible behavior in coverage, especially in rural areas means
front of the patient, who experiences that with the necessary infrastructure and
political will, mental health can be Johar A, Hartuti P, Palupi DD. 2011.
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