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Lasers Med Sci

DOI 10.1007/s10103-015-1858-7


Effects of photobiomodulation on the fatigue level in elderly

women: an isokinetic dynamometry evaluation
P. G. Vassão 1 & R. L. Toma 1 & H. K. M. Antunes 1 & H. T. Tucci 2 & A. C. M. Renno 1

Received: 19 March 2015 / Accepted: 15 December 2015

# Springer-Verlag London 2015

Abstract Aging is responsible by a series of morphological However, the photobiomodulation was not able of increasing
and functional modifications that lead to a decline of muscle muscle performance measured by the isokinetic dynamometer.
function, particularly in females. Muscle tissue in elderly peo- Thus, it can be conclude that the photobiomodulation was ef-
ple is more susceptible to fatigue and, consequently, to an in- fective in reducing fatigue levels. However, no effects of
creased inability to maintain strength and motor control. In this photobiomodulation on muscle performance was observed.
context, therapeutic approaches able of attenuating muscle fa-
tigue have been investigated. Among these, the Keywords Aged . Muscle fatigue . Photobiomodulation .
photobiomodulation demonstrate positive results to interacts Electromyography . Muscle strength dynamometer .
with biological tissues, promoting the increase in cell energy Muscle changes . Surface electromyography
production. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the
effects of photobiomodulation (808 nm, 250 J/cm2, 100 mW,
7 J each point) in the fatigue level and muscle performance in Introduction
elderly women. Thirty subjects entered a crossover randomized
double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. Photobiomodulation The global proportion of people aged over 60 years is growing
was delivered on the rectus femoris muscle of the dominant faster than any other age groups as a result of a longer life
limb immediately before the fatigue protocol. In both sessions, expectancy combined with decreased fertility rates [1, 2]. It is
peripheral muscle fatigue was analyzed by surface electromy- well known that aging is characterized by a general decline in
ography (EMG) and blood lactate analysis. Muscle perfor- the physiological function of all systems, including in the
mance was evaluated using an isokinetic dynamometer. The musculoskeletal tissue [3]. The specific muscle changes found
results showed that photobiomodulation was able of reducing in the elderly include a marked loss of muscle motor units and
muscle fatigue by a significant increase of electromyographic muscle fibers, with a consequential decrease in muscle mass
fatigue index (EFI) (p = 0.047) and decreasing significantly lac- and strength. The result of these alterations is a decrease of
tate concentration 6 min after the performance of the fatigue muscular performance and an increase in fatigue levels during
protocol (p = 0. 0006) compared the placebo laser session. daily activities [4–9]. As a consequence, a higher index of
intolerance to physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle is pre-
sented by this population [10–12].
* P. G. Vassão Many clinical interventions have been developed with the
aim of attenuating the effects of muscle mass loss and increas-
ing the tolerance to exercises in elderly people, for instance,
physical exercise programs, cryotherapy, stretching [13], and
Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo Campus
Baixada Santista, Rua Silva Jardim, 136, 11015-020 Santos, São
more recently, photobiomodulation [14–16].
Paulo, Brazil Many authors have showed that photobiomodulation is ca-
Department of Human Movement Science, Federal University of São
pable of stimulating the metabolism of many biological tissues
Paulo Campus Baixada Santista, Rua Silva Jardim, 136, mainly through the absorption of light energy by mitochon-
11015-020 Santos, São Paulo, Brazil dria, stimulating the respiratory chain [14]. As a consequence,
Lasers Med Sci

this interaction alters the redox potential of the cytoplasm and After entering the study, participants who developed any os-
accelerates the flow of electrons in the mitochondrial electron seous, muscular, or articular injuries were excluded. All vol-
transport chain, increasing ATP synthesis [17, 18]. According- unteers submitted a medical statement (exercise testing Bruce
ly, an acceleration in cellular metabolism is observed, which protocol) stating that they were capable of performing high-
leads to an increase in the syntheses of DNA, RNA, and pro- intensity exercise.
teins and higher levels of energy [17, 19–22].
Based on these stimulatory effects, studies have reported Study design and randomization
the positive effects of photobiomodulation in increasing mus-
cle performance and attenuating muscle fatigue during phys- This study was a randomized, double-blind, crossover trial
ical exercise in different populations [19–23]. It seems that a with placebo control. The randomization procedure was per-
decreased level of creatine kinase (CK), enhanced anti- formed by a simple drawing of lots (A or B) which determined
oxidative capacity, reduced inflammatory reaction, and cell whether participants would receive the active laser or placebo
apoptosis in exercised muscles were observed after treatment in the first session, initial laser placebo (ILP) proto-
photobiomodulation, resulting in an improvement of muscle col (n = 15) and initial laser active (ILA) protocol (n = 15).
recovery and optimizing the beneficial effects of physical ex- Thus, if the volunteer received active laser in the first session,
ercises in different populations [23–25]. In elderly people, in the second session, they received placebo and vice versa.
Toma et al. (2013) verified that photobiomodulation was ef- The randomization procedure was performed through a com-
fective in increasing the mean number of repetitions during puter program (Microsoft Excel 2010) that created a random
knee flexion–extension exercises in elderly women [16]. table of numbers in which each number corresponded to the
Despite the positive results demonstrated by laser irradia- ILP or ILA group. After that, participants were allocated ac-
tion, some points should be further investigated, such as the cording to the corresponding number of their allocation code.
ideal dose, mechanisms of action, and long-term effects on A researcher conducted the drawing procedures without
muscle recovery, mainly in particular groups such as elderly informing participants and evaluators, to determine which
people. In this context, the aim of the present study was to photobiomodulation (active or placebo) would be applied on
investigate the effect of photobiomodulation on fatigue and muscle. Thus, both participants and researchers were blinded
muscle performance in elderly women through electromyog- to the allocation of treatment.
raphy measurements, lactate concentration levels, and
isokinetic dynamometry. Thus, it was hypothesized that Participants
photobiomodulation (808 nm) lessens the deleterious effects
of muscle fatigue induced by an isokinetic fatigue protocol, Eighty-nine volunteers were recruited through newspapers
thus increasing the electromyographic fatigue index and atten- and radio from 2013 to 2014 (São Paulo, SP, Brazil) and were
uating the increase in lactate concentration, with consequential evaluated. From these, 34 were selected to participate accord-
improvements in muscle performance. ing to the inclusion criteria. However, during the period of the
study, four participants were excluded for the following rea-
sons: three participants missed the second session and one
Material and methods participant had knee pain before the first session. Thus, the
final sample size was 30 volunteers, assessed in the following
Inclusion criteria groups:

Healthy female aged between 60 and 70 years with a body Laser placebo (LP)—participants who received placebo
mass index of 22 to 27 kg/cm2 and classified as irregularly laser in experimental sessions (n = 30);
active or active, who performed physical activity with a fre- Laser active (LA)—participants who received active laser
quency of at least five times a week, totaling a minimum of in experimental sessions (n = 30).
150 min per week, according to International Physical Activ-
ity Questionnaire (IPAQ)–Short Version and reports by partic-
ipants were included. Experimental procedures

Exclusion criteria The experimental procedures were composed of two sessions

of fatigue protocol using an isokinetic dynamometer. The fol-
Those with previous musculoskeletal injury to the quadriceps lowing steps constituted the first session: baseline blood col-
femoris; diagnosis of lung diseases; uncontrolled hypertension lection (for lactate measurement), warm-up on the cycle er-
or diabetes; and orthopedic or rheumatic diseases, fibromyal- gometer, and familiarization with the isokinetic dynamometer.
gia, or pain that may prevent physical exercise were excluded. Afterward, the placebo or active photobiomodulation was
Lasers Med Sci

applied (according to the randomization) and the isokinetic the spina iliaca anterior superior and the superior part of the
fatigue protocol was performed simultaneously with surface patella in the dominant lower limb. The skin at the electrodes’
electromyography (SEMG). At the end, blood samples were sites was shaved and cleaned with alcohol to reduce skin im-
taken again. After 7 days, the second session was performed pedance and achieve good fixation, before the attachment of
following identical procedures to the first session. However, electrodes using adhesive tape. During fatigue protocol, par-
an inverse mode of photobiomodulation from the first session ticipants were verbally encouraged to maintain muscle con-
(placebo or active) was applied for each individual [15, 16, 25, traction by the same examiner. The EMG signal was acquired
26]. The two sessions were held 7 days apart, either on a over two sessions. After 1 week, the same participants per-
Tuesday or Thursday. Procedures are summarized in Table 1. formed the second stage following the same procedures as the
The initial physical assessment consisted of collecting data first session.
about the weight; height; body mass index (BMI); pain assess- The electromyographic signal of the rectus femoris muscle
ment (visual analog scale (VAS) of pain); range of motion of was obtained during 60 repetitions of flexion–extension of the
the hip, knee, and ankle of the dominant lower limb (using a knee, performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. The visuali-
goniometer); and the application of specific orthopedic tests to zation and digital signal processing EMG were analyzed using
shorten the muscles involved (Kendal test). The dominant MyosystemBr1 software, version 3.5 (DataHominis
lower limb test was used to elect the lower limb selected for Tecnologia Ltda, Uberlândia, Brazil). The raw signals were
isokinetic dynamometer and electromyographic evaluation digitally filtered to a frequency bandwidth of 20–1000 Hz.
[27]. The IPAQ was used as a tool to assess the level of phys- After this, the signal obtained in each experimental session
ical activity of volunteers in this step. from 60 contractions was divided into the following two parts:
the median frequency of the first 20 contractions and the me-
Lactate measurement dian frequency of the last 20 contractions. Fast Fourier trans-
form (FFT) analysis was used to calculate the power spectral
Collections of blood samples were obtained in both sessions density of the EMG signal, and the values of median frequen-
for measurement of lactate. In each session, five samples were cy were used to calculate the electromyographic fatigue index
taken at the following times: prior to the isokinetic fatigue using the following formula: electromyographic fatigue index
protocol; immediately afterward (0 min); and then 3, 6, and (EFI) = median frequency of last 20 contractions/the median
30 min after completion of the protocol. Blood samples were frequency of first 20 contractions. The electromyographic fa-
collected from the earlobe using a disposable lancet. The first tigue index was determined according to the formula used for
drop of blood was discarded to avoid contamination, and then, calculating the work fatigue index (%) of the knee extensor
25 μl of arterial blood was collected using a calibrated hepa- muscles by isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex software). These
rinized glass capillary. Blood samples were placed in tubes, indices were obtained in the two experimental sessions and
containing 50 μl of 1 % sodium fluoride, to prevent continued were compared between groups.
glycolysis, and were stored in a freezer at −10 °C for further
analysis. The analyses were effected using a YSI 1500 Sport Isokinetic dynamometry
Lactate Analyzer (YSI Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA),
which was calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instruc- The fatigue protocol in isokinetic dynamometry was based on
tions. This procedure was based on Higashi et al. [28]. previous studies [24] and performed in two sessions. Prior to
protocol, the volunteers held a 5-min cycle ergometer warm-
SEMG up (speed in the range of 60–70 rpm and no load). After that,
participants were positioned on the previously calibrated
The equipment used was a MyosystemBr1 (DataHominis isokinetic dynamometer and were properly aligned and stabi-
Tecnologia Ltda, Uberlândia, Brazil), with a 4-kHz frequency lized with straps in order to avoid possible compensatory
and bandwidth filtered to 10–1.5 kHz, three amplification movements. The dominant lower limb was tested for all par-
stages, input impedance of 10 GΩ, with a 12-bit A/D with ticipants, and all evaluations were performed unilaterally [27].
converter board, and common mode rejection ratio of 130 dB. Thus, the dominant knee axis (lateral epicondyle of the femur)
The EMG signal was captured by active electrode surface of each subject was adjusted to the dynamometer rotation axis.
differential with 2 bars of Ag-AgCl and with a 10-mm inter- The lever arm of the equipment was fixed approximately 2 cm
electrode distance. A circular electrode (3 cm2) attached to the above the tibial malleolus. The chair height, backrest distance,
tibial tuberosity of the ipsilateral limb was used as a reference seat angle, and dynamometer base were adjusted for each
electrode for reducing acquisition noise. subject and noted for the second session. The dominant mem-
The active electrodes were positioned according to the Eu- ber was weighed according to the instruction manual of the
ropean Recommendations for Surface Electromyography, Re- Biodex Multi-Joint System 3 isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex
sults of the SENIAM Project [29], 50 % on the line between Medical System Inc., NY, USA). Before starting the recording
Lasers Med Sci

Table 1 Timeline for the period of evaluation of groups (ILP and ILA)

of isokinetic muscle performance, there was a familiarization used opaque goggles during photobiomodulation in order to
period with the apparatus consisting of five submaximal vol- protect their eyes from the laser.
untary concentric muscle contractions in the full range of stan-
dardized and preprogrammed motion (90–20°) according to Sample size calculation
the guideline procedures of the dynamometer, with a constant
angular velocity of 180°/s. After a 10-min rest, while Sample size was calculated based on lactate concentration
photobiomodulation was applied, the isokinetic protocol was collected during the isokinetic fatigue protocol. Statistical sig-
performed with a set of 60 concentric contractions and recip- nificance level of 0.05 was set as satisfactory, using 208 R
rocal contractions of quadriceps and hamstrings. The partici- Development Core Team software [30].
pants were visually and verbally encouraged throughout the
test protocol to achieve maximum effort from the beginning.
The muscle performance, in terms of work fatigue index, peak Statistical analysis
torque, average power, and total work of the knee extensor
muscles, was evaluated by isokinetic dynamometry in accor- Participants were crossed over during the experiment to com-
dance with the guidelines of the equipment manufacturer pare the possible effects caused by the order of application of
(Biodex Medical System Inc.). placebo and active laser on muscle fatigue, for each subject.
To evaluate if the order of laser application (placebo and ac-
tive) had effects on the variables, the ANOVA model was used
Experimental protocol of laser photostimulation with repeated measurements for experiments in crossover. The
data analysis demonstrated that there was no influence of pla-
Immediately before the fatigue protocol of each session, the cebo or active laser order of application among the two
participants received placebo or active laser. An AsGaAl laser groups. Intra- and inter-group comparisons of EFI, work fa-
(Photon Laser III; DMC Importação e Exportação de tigue index, peak torque, average power, total work, and blood
Equipamentos Ltda, São Carlos, SP, Brazil) was used with lactate sample variables were made. The post hoc compari-
the following parameters: λ = 808 nm, continuous mode, sons were made using Tukey’s test. The significance level
100 mW, 7 J per point, 56-J total energy, 0.028-cm2 spot size, used for all comparisons was set at 5 % (p ≤ 0.05).
250-J/cm2 diode energy density or fluency, 35.7-W/cm2 diode
power density or irradiance, and 70 s at each point [28].
The laser was applied using the punctual contact technique Results
with the beam applied at eight points distributed over the belly
of the rectus femoris muscle of the dominant limb. In order to The final sample was 30 participants. The anthropometric
standardize the laser application, the irradiation treatment characteristics of volunteers are shown in Table 2.
points (active or placebo) were placed at 25, 35, 50, and Figures 1 and 2 show the intra- and inter-group evaluations
75 % of the total measurement obtained between the anterior of the lactate level measurements in both experimental situa-
superior iliac spine and superior border of patella, bilaterally, tions (LP and LA) and in all the periods of time analyzed
with 2 cm between each point. Participants and researchers (basal, 0, 3, 6, and 30 min).
Lasers Med Sci

Table 2 Anthropometric EMG analysis demonstrated that the EFI was significantly
characteristics of Variables Means and SD
higher in the active laser experimental condition compared to
Age (years) 63,70 ± 3,02 the placebo (p = 0.011; Table 3). The isokinetic dynamometer
Body mass (kg) 60,34 ± 9,32 performance analysis demonstrated that no significant differ-
Height (m) 1,55 ± 0,07 ences for any of the variables measured were observed (work
BMI (kg/m2) 24,97 ± 3,21 fatigue index p = 0.796, peak torque p = 0.349, average power
p = 0.295, and total work p = 0.241) between both experimen-
BMI body mass index, kg kilograms, m tal conditions (Table 3).
meters, kg/m2 kilograms per square meter

The intra-group evaluation demonstrated that the basal lactate

levels for both experimental conditions were lower compared to Discussion
the levels measured after the fatigue protocol (0, 3, 6, and
30 min; Fig. 1). Furthermore, a statistically significant difference The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of
was observed between the times 0 vs 3 min (p = 0.0083), 0 vs photobiomodulation on fatigue and muscle performance of
6 min (p = 0.0004), 3 vs 30 min (p < 0.0001), and 6 vs 30 min quadriceps in elderly women submitted to a fatigue exercise
(p < 0.0001) for the placebo laser experimental condition. For protocol using an isokinetic dynamometer. The hypothesis
the active laser experimental condition, significant differences was that photobiomodulation would stimulate muscle metab-
were observed between the times 0 vs 3 min (p = 0.0139), 3 vs olism, consequently decreasing fatigue levels and increasing
6 min (p = 0.0232), and 3 vs 30 min (p < 0.0001). performance. The results showed that the application of
Moreover, the behavior of the lactate concentration be- photobiomodulation was effective in reducing muscle fatigue
tween the groups was also compared at each experimental by decreasing lactate concentration 6 min after the fatigue
time point (Fig. 2). A significant difference between groups protocol and increasing EFI. However, muscle performance,
was observed 6 min after the fatigue protocol, the concentra- as measured by the isokinetic dynamometer, was not im-
tion being higher in the placebo group compared to the active proved by photobiomodulation.
group (p = 0.0006). No other significant difference in the other Recent studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of
periods analyzed was observed (for 0, 3, and 30 min after photobiomodulation on muscle fatigue levels in different pop-
fatigue protocol, p values of 0.17, 0.37, and 0.15, ulations, mainly by the stimulation of cellular bioenergetics
respectively). and ATP synthesis, which contribute to an increase of cellular

Fig. 1 Mean and standard

deviations of intra-group lactate
concentrations over time, before
and after fatigue protocol for LP
and LA groups (*p < 0.05)
Lasers Med Sci

Fig. 2 Mean and standard

deviations of inter-group lactate
concentrations over time before
and after fatigue protocol for LP
(gray) and LA (black) groups
(*p < 0.05)

energy [14, 16, 23, 25, 26, 31, 32]. Moreover, it seems that transmission or propagation of the action potential along the
photobiomodulation is capable of increasing tissue vasculari- muscle fibers [35]. This state may be reflected by electromyo-
zation, which in turn accelerates blood flux and lactate remov- graphic activity. Regarding the EMG data evaluated in the
al during exercise [15, 24, 26]. In addition, studies report that present study, a higher EFI was identified in the active laser
the vasodilatation produced by photobiomodulation occurs group compared to the placebo laser group. Higher EFI indi-
due to active nitric oxide in the endothelial smooth muscle cates a larger attenuation of muscle fatigue, suggesting that
relaxation [33] and due to thermal effects [34]. photobiomodulation prevented the decrease in the excitation
In the present study, the intra-group lactate analysis showed, of the muscle membrane potential, probably due to increased
for both groups, a significant increase in lactate concentration electron transport and mitochondrial respiratory chain ATP
after the isokinetic fatigue protocol. These findings demonstrate synthesis, which provided more energy for muscle contraction
that the isokinetic fatigue protocol used in this study was effec- [36, 37]. In a study by Vieira et al. [36], a higher EFI was
tive in inducing muscle fatigue in the volunteers. Furthermore, also observed in the group irradiated by laser (808 nm).
the inter-group analysis demonstrated a positive effect of laser Thus, in this present study, photobiomodulation possibly
on lactate removal 6 min after the fatigue protocol. Similar increased cellular metabolism with a consequent increase
results were observed in other clinical trials, in which laser in the production of ATP, providing more energy to the
and light-emitting diode therapy were capable of maintaining rectus femoris muscle.
the blood lactate levels immediately after high-intensity exer- Furthermore, it was hypothesized that a decrease in muscle
cise protocols. This was probably due to its effects on energy fatigue would interfere with the increase in muscle perfor-
metabolism causing an increase in microcirculation and conse- mance. However, in the present study, no difference was ob-
quently removing lactate [25, 31, 32]. served between groups in the isokinetic dynamometer param-
It is well known that muscle fatigue leads to changes in eters. These findings do not corroborate studies that similarly
motor unit recruitment due to a deficiency in neuromuscular analyzed the effects of photobiostimulation on muscle tissue
using an isokinetic dynamometer. Baroni et al. [32] and dos
Santos Maciel et al. [31] found that the application of lasers
Table 3 Mean and standard deviation values of isokinetic dynamometer
and electromyographic analysis (810 and 780 nm, respectively) before a fatigue protocol was
effective in increasing the peak torque in healthy young males
Variables LP LA and females.
In spite of the positive results of the present work, some
Work fatigue index (%) 58.37 ± 683 57.93 ± 6.56
limitations should be considered. Although the 808-nm infra-
Peak torque (Nm) 57.26 ± 989 59.72 ± 10.19
red laser used in this study demonstrated the capability of
Average power (W) 55.5 ± 990 58.25 ± 10.05
penetrating deeply into tissues, the laser device used presented
Total work (J) 1794.34 ± 30022 1880.49 ± 280.65
a small spot size, which limited the area of irradiation in the
EFI (score) 0.73 ± 0.07* 0.78 ± 0.09*
quadriceps and necessitated a long period of irradiation.
% percentage, Nm Newton meter, W watts, J joules, EFI electromyo- Therefore, further studies using other devices for irradiation,
graphic fatigue index such as clusters, should be performed with the aim of maxi-
*p < 0.05 mizing the effects of the irradiation.
Lasers Med Sci

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16. Toma RL, Tucci HT, Antunes HK, Pedroni CR, de Oliveira AS,
Acknowledgments The authors thank Mariane Stanev, Ph.D. from the Buck I, Ferreira PD, Vassão PG, Renno AC (2013) Effect of
Comparative Literature Department, University of Michigan, and the 808 nm low-level laser therapy in exercise-induced skeletal muscle
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number 528.166) and registered at (RBR-28mjwb). All 361
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