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ENG3U1: Gr.

11 English - Persuasive Essay Rubric Name: _________________________

The Persuasive Essay Assignment

Rough Draft Due: July 13th (Peer Evaluation)
Final Copy Due: July 14th

Write a carefully constructed, four paragraph persuasive essay on one of the topics below.
Your essay should be approximately 2 - 2 ½ pages (typed, double-spaced), formatted to MLA
guidelines (e.g., one-inch margins, page numbers, left justified, font style Times New Roman,
size 12 font, indent the first line of paragraphs, etc.).

A successful persuasive essay will…:

Start with an introduction that speaks generally about the topic (hook to preamble)
and ends with a thesis statement.
Have a strong thesis statement that takes a clear stance on the topic, includes both
controlling ideas, and ends with a “so what” statement.
Has two distinct controlling ideas – broad reasons why your opinion is true.
Include at least two different methods of development and two different persuasive
devices to convince your reader.
Include one refutation (concession: “It is true that…; however…” proposition) per
controlling idea, at the beginning of the body paragraph.
Have at two distinct points for each controlling idea.
Provide specific proof or examples to support each point made.
Provide an in-depth, three-part explanation for each point and proof made and how
they support the controlling idea and overall opinion (thesis).
End with a conclusion paragraph that restates your thesis in a new way, summarizes
controlling ideas, and a statement that speaks about the topic generally and finishes
off with a recommendation and/or “call to action.”
Follow formal writing conventions (no contractions, personal pronouns, slang, ‘you’
statements, etc.)
Express thoughts clearly and in standard, academic English.
Pays special attention to organization, grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence
Follow the writing process (brainstorming, outline, rough work,
editing/revising/proofreading, final copy).
+ Follow MLA format, and if you use external sources, include in-text citations and a
Works Cited page.

Clearly identify (label & highlight) the following on the GOOD copy:
Thesis statement;
Controlling ideas in the topic sentence of each body paragraph;
Your refutation;
All points, proofs, and explanations (number 3-part explanation);
2 MODs;
2 PDs.
ENG3U1: Gr. 11 English - Persuasive Essay Rubric Name: _________________________

Students should submit the entire completed writing process for full marks::
Brainstorm & Outline Slideshow
A VISIBLY Edited rough draft (Google Doc)
Final, polished copy with well-organized labels with MLA format (Google Doc)

Essays will not be evaluated without the rough work!

TOPICS: Select one of the following topics below , OR select a new one for a fresh start.
1. Should contact sports be banned for people under the age of 18?

2. Should companies be allowed to donate to political candidates?

3. Should students who break the school code of conduct repay their school community
with service hours, instead of suspension/detention?

4. Should post-secondary education in Ontario be free for all Ontario students?

5. Should the Canadian government put more pressure on big corporations who
contribute to climate change and/or environmental destruction?

6. Should parents/guardians be required, under law, to vaccinate their children?

7. Should advertisements geared toward children and youth be more heavily regulated?

8. Your choice! It must be approved by the teacher first.

ENG3U1: Gr. 11 English - Persuasive Essay Rubric Name: _________________________
____/43 Marks = Writing
Knowledge (8)
Adheres to all guidelines (purpose, PPE structure, four paragraphs, takes a stance on topic,
/8 hands in all writing process components on time, etc.) (__/1)
Strong understanding of purpose of assignment demonstrated (elements of persuasion &
persuasive essay form). (__/1)
Complete and correctly label to demonstrate understanding of essay terms and concepts
(thesis, MOD’s & PD’s) (__/4)
Demonstration of correct knowledge of paragraph components (parts correctly used and
labelled) (__/2)
Thinking/Inquiry (10)
Clear and thoughtful thesis that takes a stance on the provided topic and includes all the
relevant information (clear focus, “so what?”, etc.). (__/1)
Strong controlling ideas effectively support thesis and help to develop arguments (ideas, not
examples; completely distinct and discussion-worthy) (__/2)
/10 Includes a minimum of two strong, distinct reasons/points to support each controlling idea - no
overlap/repeating points. (__/2)
Each reason is well supported with a specific example, and the example is detailed enough to
adequately support a point. (__/2)
Evidence of in-depth analysis/explanation; avoid “surface” analysis or simply stating the obvious;
clear and strong links are made between proof and point, and demonstrate connection to thesis.
All points are valid and directly support/develop the author’s stated opinion; sound logic
demonstrated. (__/1)
Communication (5)
Effective transition words create a sense of flow within the paragraph. (__/1)
Appropriate and effective vocabulary used (meets grade expectations, correct use of words,
/5 words used for impact, etc.) (__/1)
Writing is clear (ideas are easily understood by the reader) (__/1)
Writing is direct & concise (no unnecessary info., repetition, wordiness, etc.) (__/1)
Strong organization that logically flows from one idea to another. (__/1)
Effectively Applies Essay Structure (__/8):
Has a strong preamble that addresses the main topic. (__/1)
Thesis is stated at the end of the introduction. (__/1)
Body Paragraphs
Topic sentence clearly states a concession/refutation that highlights the controlling idea of the
/20 paragraph. (__/1)
Uses point-proof-explanation consistently and effectively; all parts are present and fully
developed. (__/1)
Effectively uses three-part explanation: clarifies the example, explicitly links proof to point, and
connects ideas to the thesis (explicitly show how they support your main point; make full
connections). (__/1)
Concluding sentence clearly sums-up the main idea of the body paragraph. (__/1)
Restates thesis and controlling ideas. (__/1)
Has a strong “call-to-action” or recommendation. (__/1)
Effectively Uses the Writing Process (__/4)
Brainstorm, outline and visibly edited rough draft present and effectively used to strengthen the
final product; clear improvements have been made. (__/4)
Effectively Applies the Correct Rules/Conventions of Writing (__/8)
Effective use of spelling, capitalization, grammar and/or punctuation (errors do not distract or
interfere with communication); (__/4)
Standard, academic, formal English is used:
No slang, contractions, etc. (__/1)
Does not use personal pronouns (no “I”, “me”, “my”, etc.), avoids “you” statements (__/1)
Properly MLA formatted,, and includes works cited page and in-text citations (__/2)

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