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What we must do as youths in facing Covid 19 Issues

By: Andreas Juan

Some of us might have a vision of getting better every January. I personally evaluate how my last
year went and planning to get rid of bad habits I used to lived with. But 2020 is new to me. So
different that I myself have to put on a mask so it can’t effect and change the way I live. By mask I
mean new habits that I personally did to face the new kind of normal. Without further ado this is my
“what we must do as youths in facing Covid 19 issues”

First of all, Follow simple and routine WHO guidelines: Properly wash your hands more often, avoid
crowded spaces and avoid close contact. Staying at home with your family is more entertaining than
got infected by one of your friends after a coffee shop hangout.

Second of all, educate yourself, your families, friends and communities. Unfortunately, fake news
spreads so fast in times of uncertainty. So be responsible. Verify every news and information before
sharing. Be a source of calm during this storm. No soul is relieved after you shared one of many
conspiracies video. So instead of watching those you can join an online webinars or visit the WHO or
Kementrian Kesehatan online page.

Last but not least, Donate. Find a reliable charity to donate, it can be to international charities like
The UN foundation or start by local community charities and high school alumnies. By donating you
can help patients who currently fighting, the medical members, and the ones who need because
they are out of jobs.

After it all said and done I hope that the world can recover and we all can live side by side again. No
more police patrol in local places, no more online classes, no more depressed families and no more
overly abundant sarcasm on Instagram.

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