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Aftermath of Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945, during World War II. The blast destroyed 68
percent of the city and damaged another 24 percent, and an estimated 60,000 to 70,000 people were killed or reported missing,
according to United States

Japanese Surrender
Japanese officials formally surrendered to the Allies on September 2, 1945, aboard the United States battleship Missouri. Japan's
surrender brought an end to World War II
World War II's basic statistics qualify it as by far the most costly war in history in terms of
human casualties and material resources expended. In all, 61 countries with 1.7 billion people, three-fourths of the world’s
population, took part. A total of 110 million people were mobilized for military service, more than half of those by three
countries: the USSR (22 million to 30 million), Germany (17 million), and the United States (16 million). For the major
participants the largest numbers on duty at any one time were as follows: USSR (12,500,000); United States (12,245,000);
Germany (10,938,000); British Empire and Commonwealth (8,720,000); Japan (7,193,000); and China (5,000,000).
Refugees Flee Paris
Taking only what they could carry, civilians flee Paris in 1940 in anticipation of the German invasion. Marshal Henri Philippe
Pétain ceded control of northern France to Germany in an armistice signed on

Aftermath of Atomic Bomb in Nagasaki

On August 9, 1945, during World War II, a United States Army Air Force plane released an
atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. The blast destroyed about a third of the city and
left an estimated 40,000 people dead or missing

Allied Bombing of Romanian Oil Fields

On August 1, 1943, United States bombers severely damaged Hitler’s last supply of oil in
Europe by bombing oil fields in Ploieşti, Romania. Americans suffered heavy casualties during
the attack, and it was not until the following year that the Allies completely destroyed these oil

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