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My daily chores are repetitive that an extraordinary activity seems to go out of context

hehehehe nah lies, but if they are, I think they are common, I wake up at six in the morning

I prepare breakfast for my husband and me, I leave the kitchen completely clean and

perform a very above clean the apartment, pick up dirty clothes, organize bed, pass the

broom, from there I go to my work where at eight o'clock I must be at my desk. I work in

the Human Resources department and my activities are very satisfying, because I love my

profession as a business administrator.

There are usually many activities, meetings and issues to resolve with the company's

employees, late arrivals, conflict among them and many more, situations that I love to

solve, because I am very close to our group of collaborators and in what I can help them

they know that I will always be there.

In the evening I arrive home where my husband is waiting for me with dinner prepared and

we share it with a good glass of wine.

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