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A c e t a m i n o p h e n Po i s o n i n g

a, b
Angela L. Chiew, PhD, FACEM *, Nicholas A. Buckley, MD, FRACP

 Acetaminophen  Poisoning  Acetylcysteine  Hepatotoxicity  Acute liver injury

 Acetaminophen is a common cause of poisoning and acute liver injury.
 Patients at risk of acute liver injury should receive acetylcysteine, which ensures survival in
most patients.
 The acetaminophen nomogram assesses the need for treatment in acute immediate-
release acetaminophen ingestions with a known time of ingestion. It has not been vali-
dated for use in other scenarios.
 Cases that require a different management pathway include modified-release acetamin-
ophen overdoses, large/massive overdoses, and repeated supratherapeutic ingestions.
 Those at increased risk of acute liver injury are patients’ receiving acetylcysteine more
than 8 hours after acetaminophen ingestion, with high initial acetaminophen concentra-
tions, with glutathione depletion (ie, malnutrition), or with underlying liver disease.


Acetaminophen is a commonly used analgesic and antipyretic agent and in recom-

mended therapeutic doses, is safe in healthy individuals. Because of wide availability
and minimal cost, acetaminophen is the most common medication taken in deliberate
self-poisoning and unintentional overdose in many countries.1,2 Acetaminophen
toxicity is the leading cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in North America, Europe,
and Australia.3,4


Acetaminophen is mainly metabolized into two nontoxic metabolites, sulfate (w30%)

and glucuronide (w55%) conjugates.5 A highly reactive toxic metabolite, N-acetyl-p-
benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), is also formed by cytochromes P-450 2E1 and 3A4. The
small amounts of NAPQI produced after therapeutic doses are detoxified by
glutathione-dependent reactions to two nontoxic metabolites, mercapturic acid and

Clinical Toxicology Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, Barker Street, Randwick, New South Wales
2031, Australia; b Pharmacology and Biomedical Informatics and Digital Health, Faculty of
Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales 2050, Australia
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Crit Care Clin 37 (2021) 543–561
0749-0704/21/Crown Copyright ª 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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544 Chiew & Buckley

Fig. 1. Time course of AST and ALT concentrations in an actual patient treated for acetamin-
ophen overdose. After the peak concentrations, the AST concentrations decline more
rapidly than the ALT concentrations. (From McGovern AJ, Vitkovitsky IV, Jones DL, Mullins
ME. Can AST/ALT ratio indicate recovery after acute paracetamol poisoning? Clin Toxicol
(Phila). 2015;53(3):164-167.; with permission.13)

cysteine conjugates (w4% each).5 Glutathione is essential in the metabolism of

NAPQI and covalently binds in a 1:1 ratio.6 NAPQI is responsible for the hepatocellular
injury that occurs with acetaminophen toxicity. Once glutathione is depleted, NAPQI
can no longer be detoxified and covalently binds to critical cellular proteins.7 It is hy-
pothesized that this results in loss of activity/function of critical proteins and eventually
causes hepatic cell death. In animals, hepatic necrosis is observed once glutathione is
depleted by approximately 70%.8


Acetaminophen in therapeutic doses (for adults 500–1000 mg, three to four times per
day) has few adverse effects. However, overdose can result in acute liver injury (ALI),
hepatotoxicity (defined as an alanine transaminase [ALT] or aspartate transaminase
[AST] >1000 U/L), ALF, and death. In general, a single dose of more than 10 g or
150 to 200 mg/kg of acetaminophen carries a risk of ALI9; however, smaller doses
may also cause ALI.10 The aminotransferases (ALT/AST) are traditionally measured
to monitor for ALI. Elevation following acetaminophen overdose is a latent event
that may not occur until 24 hours after the overdose. Most patients who develop
ALI recover.11 Peak hepatic aminotransaminase concentrations occur a variable num-
ber of days after acute ingestion, but typically within 3 to 4 days (Fig. 1).12,13 Peak AST
and ALT concentrations may be in the tens of thousands.13 A minority develop ALF,
characterized by acidemia, encephalopathy, and coagulopathy.14
Before an effective antidote was developed, the morbidity following acetaminophen
overdose was high; 89% of people developed hepatotoxicity if they had an initial con-
centration greater than the high-risk 300 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram line, and 28% if
the level was between the 200 mg/L and 300 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram lines
(Fig. 2).15 Before acetylcysteine was introduced, the mortality rate was approximately
5% in untreated patients with an initial acetaminophen concentration greater than the
200 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram line.16 Since its introduction in the 1980s the mortality
rate has fallen to approximately 0.4%.17

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Acetaminophen Poisoning 545

Fig. 2. Thresholds used on acetaminophen treatment nomograms. The 100 mg/L at 4 hours
(green line) nomogram line, treatment threshold used by the United Kingdom. The 150 mg/
L at 4 hours (blue line) nomogram line, treatment threshold used by many countries
including but not exclusively the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and
Singapore. The 300 mg/L at 4 hours (red line), “double” the standard treatment nomogram
line (used to indicate increased doses of acetylcysteine required in some countries). Dotted
lines show extrapolation to 24 hours but lines are not generally validated beyond 15 to 16

Massive ingestions, resulting in extremely high serum acetaminophen concentra-

tions (ie, >800 mg/L [5000 mmol/L]), may be associated with early coma and lactic
acidosis.18 This is secondary to a direct mitochondrial effect, rather than ALI. These
patients have a good prognosis with supportive care and adequate early antidote


The management of acetaminophen poisoning depends on an accurate risk assess-

ment. The key elements to ascertain are:
 Dose and time of ingestion
 Type of ingestion, that is, acute (deliberate) versus repeated supratherapeutic
ingestion (RSTI)
 Preparation ingested, that is, immediate-release versus modified-release
 Laboratory results that guide antidote use, that is, initial acetaminophen and ami-
notransaminase concentrations
 Clinical and laboratory features to monitor for ALI or ALF (late) that is, aminotran-
saminases, hepatic encephalopathy, blood glucose, arterial/venous blood
gases, coagulation profile, renal function, and phosphate
The risk assessment guides treatment interventions required, particularly decon-
tamination and antidote administration. Acetaminophen concentration is a good sur-
rogate marker early postingestion, indicating the potential for ALI. However, clinical or
biochemical evidence of ALI may not be apparent for up to 24 hours after acute

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546 Chiew & Buckley


Acetaminophen guidelines vary worldwide; some administer acetylcysteine in all who

ingest a toxic dose, whereas most use one of several acetaminophen treatment nomo-
grams to guide antidote administration.19–21 The optimum treatment threshold also
varies among guidelines with different nomogram cutoffs used worldwide (see
Fig. 2). The acetaminophen treatment nomogram is only validated for use in acute
immediate-release ingestions, within 4 to 16 hours of ingestion (extrapolated to 24
hours) and where an accurate time of ingestion is known.16 In particular, acetamino-
phen concentrations taken before 4 hours postingestion cannot be interpreted on
the acetaminophen treatment nomogram. There are many scenarios where the acet-
aminophen treatment nomogram should not be relied on to determine need for treat-
ment, including ingestions of modified-release tablets, RSTI, and staggered ingestions
(overdoses not taken at a single timepoint).


Gastrointestinal decontamination is performed in the poisoned patient to decrease the
amount of toxin absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and can involve such modal-
ities as gastric lavage, activated charcoal, or whole-bowel irrigation. The evidence for
activated charcoal following acetaminophen ingestion is predominantly from observa-
tional and human volunteer studies.22 Only one small (n 5 60) randomized controlled
trial compared activated charcoal, gastric lavage, and ipecacuanha. It showed these
interventions may reduce the absorption of acetaminophen if commenced within 1 to
2 hours of ingestion; however, the clinical benefit was unclear.23 Healthy volunteer
studies have shown that activated charcoal administered within 2 hours of ingestion
reduces the absorption of acetaminophen.24,25 Observational studies in poisoned pa-
tients have demonstrated that those receiving activated charcoal within 2 hours of
ingestion are less likely to have an acetaminophen concentration greater than the
treatment nomogram line and hence have a decreased need for acetylcysteine
compared with those who have no decontamination.9,26 In an observational study
of “massive” acetaminophen ingestion of greater than or equal to 40 g of
immediate-release acetaminophen, activated charcoal within 4 hours of ingestion
was shown to significantly lower the initial acetaminophen concentration with a reduc-
tion in the risk of hepatotoxicity.27
The time in which activated charcoal administration is recommended varies be-
tween less than 1 or 2 hours postingestion.19,28 Given the low risk and current evi-
dence, it is reasonable to offer activated charcoal within 2 hours of ingestion in
awake and alert patients who have ingested a toxic dose of acetaminophen.9 In those
who ingest large doses of acetaminophen or modified-release preparations the ben-
efits of charcoal may extend beyond 2 hours,27 and thus some guidelines recommend
activated charcoal for immediate-release ingestions of greater than or equal to 30 g up
to 4 hours postingestion. Repeated doses may be considered in those with evidence
of ongoing absorption or double acetaminophen peaks; most commonly this is
modified-release ingestions and/or those who coingest agents that slow gut motility
(ie, anticholinergic agents or opioids).19

Several antidotes that replenish glutathione and detoxify NAPQI were evaluated in the
1970s, including methionine, cysteine, cysteamine, and dimercaprol.22 Acetylcysteine
is by far the most widely used antidote for acetaminophen toxicity. Cysteamine and

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Acetaminophen Poisoning 547

methionine were shown in small randomized trials to decrease hepatotoxicity.29,30

However, cysteamine was associated with severe headache, nausea, and vomiting
in nearly all patients, whereas methionine is only available as an oral preparation.29,30
Acetylcysteine is a precursor that is hydrolyzed intracellularly to cysteine, which is
the rate-limiting factor in replenishing glutathione31 and thus it stimulates glutathione
synthesis.32 Acetylcysteine also supplies thiol groups, which can directly bind with
NAPQI in hepatocytes and enhances nontoxic sulfate conjugation.33 Prescott and col-
leagues,16 in an observational study, reported intravenous acetylcysteine first-line was
more effective than cysteamine and methionine and “noticeably free of adverse ef-
fects”. Since that study, acetylcysteine has been accepted as an antidote for acet-
aminophen overdose in the intravenous dosing regimen proposed by Prescott and
colleagues16 or a longer 72-hour oral regimen.
Neither the oral nor intravenous regimen was subject to a randomized controlled
trial, or the optimum regimen established by dose ranging studies. Instead, acetylcys-
teine is usually given using the dose calculated by Prescott and colleagues,16 with a
single standard dosage based on weight. This regimen was remarkably effective
but had several issues, including that the infusion schedule is complex and can result
in errors, and adverse effects are common.34 Furthermore, the standard 300 mg/kg
over 21-hour acetylcysteine regimen assumes that “one size fits all.” Recent research
has aimed to decrease adverse effects and tailor acetylcysteine dose and duration to
match the patient’s risk.
The traditional intravenous three-bag acetylcysteine dosage regimen, although effi-
cacious in most patients, frequently causes adverse effects, such as rash, nausea and
vomiting, angioedema, tachycardia, bronchospasm, and hypotension.34,35 The re-
ported rates of adverse effects range widely from 8.5% to 77% depending on study
methodology.34 Various novel acetylcysteine regimens (Table 1) have been studied
(Fig. 3, see Table 1). The two-bag and Scottish and Newcastle Anti-emetic Pre-treat-
ment for Paracetamol Poisoning (SNAP) 12-hour regimens all lengthen the duration of
the loading dose, with the aim to decrease the incidence of infusion reactions.36–38
The SNAP 12-hour regimen and the two-bag regimen (see Table 1) have much
lower rates of adverse effects compared with the traditional three-bag regimen.36–38
It is more difficult to establish equivalent efficacy. The high efficacy of all acetylcys-
teine regimens means large numbers of patients are required to demonstrate noninfer-
iority, and hence a randomized controlled trial is unlikely to eventuate. Both regimens
have now been adopted for use clinically, which has allowed observational studies to
compare outcomes of thousands of acetaminophen-poisoned patients19,38,39 and
these have so far shown similar efficacy (noninferiority) to the traditional three-bag
regimen.39,40 Major limitations of the evidence for both new regimens are insufficient
data on modified-release overdoses and those with very high acetaminophen
There is also a one-bag infusion, which uses a standardized dose of acetylcysteine
(ie, 30 g of acetylcysteine in 1 L) with programable pumps that alter the infusion rate.41
These proposed regimens administer 150 mg/kg over 1-hour loading dose and then
varying subsequent infusions of 10, 12.5, 14, or 15 mg/kg/h depending on the proto-
col.41–44 The aims of these regimens are to simplify acetylcysteine administration and
reduce administration errors; however, study numbers have been small.
Oral acetylcysteine has been used in the United States for more than 30 years (see
Table 1). However, intravenous acetylcysteine is now used in 90% of cases.2 The ef-
ficacy of oral and intravenous acetylcysteine is similar.45,46 The oral regimen is admin-
istered over 72 hours; however, some abbreviate this regimen (48 hours) according
to acetaminophen and aminotransferase concentrations and international normalized

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548 Chiew & Buckley

Table 1
Traditional and modified acetylcysteine regimens, dose, duration, and cumulative dose
(standard course and “massive” ingestions)

Dose (mg/
kg), Cumulative Dose
Acetylcysteine Standard (mg/kg), “Massive”a
Regimen Dose Duration Course Ingestion
Traditional 1/ 200 mg/kg over 20.25–21 h 300 mg/kg 400 mg/kg (dose of
3-step 15–60 min third infusion
regimen 2/ 50 mg/kg over 4 h increased to
3/ 100 mg/kg over 16 200 mg/kg)
2-step regimen 1/ 200 mg/kg over 4 20 h 300 mg/kg 400 mg/kg (dose of
(2-bag h second infusion
infusion) 2/ 100 mg/kg over 16 increased to
h 200 mg/kg)
SNAP 12-h 1/ 100 mg/kg over 2 12 h 300 mg/kg 500 mg/kg (22 h)
regimen h over 12 h (second infusion
2/ 200 mg/kg over 10 repeated)
2-step regimen: 1/ 150 mg/kg over 1 20 h 350–450 350–450 mg/kg
single bag h mg/kg (no change in
infusion 2/ 10–15 mg/kg/h for regimen)
20 h
Oral regimen
Oral 1/ 140 mg/kg over 72 h 490 mg/kg 490 mg/kg over
acetylcysteine 1h over 20 h 20 h
regimen 2/ 70 mg/kg over 1 h 1330 mg/kg 1330 mg/kg over
every 4 h for 17 over 72 h 72 h (no change
doses in regimen)

Abbreviation: SNAP, Scottish and Newcastle Anti-emetic Pre-treatment for Paracetamol Poisoning.
No standardized definition but typically defined as those with an initial acetaminophen con-
centration greater than the 300 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram line.

ratio (INR).47 Nausea and vomiting occur in up to a third of patients.46 Oral doses are
repeated if vomiting occurs within an hour of administration; ongoing vomiting is an
indication to switch to intravenous treatment.

High Initial Acetaminophen Concentrations
The dose of acetylcysteine received is based on patient weight, rather than the acet-
aminophen body burden (ie, dose ingested or initial acetaminophen concentration).
Logically, the dosage should be based on estimated NAPQI production from the
ingested dose.8,48 For most ingestions 300 mg/kg over 20 hours intravenously is
demonstrably adequate. However, it is likely some patients have an insufficient
dose or duration, whereas many more are receiving too much or for too long. Those
with very high initial acetaminophen concentrations are at increased risk of ALI regard-
less of time to treatment.27,49,50 This risk is mitigated by activated charcoal in those

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Acetaminophen Poisoning 549

Fig. 3. Comparison of intravenous acetylcysteine regimens in (A) standard acetaminophen

ingestions and (B) “massivea” ingestions. Comparison of traditional (3-bag) (checkered),
Scottish and Newcastle Anti-emetic Pre-treatment for Paracetamol Poisoning (SNAP) 12-
hour (red), 2-bag (blue), and 1-bag (2 step) infusion (green). Note for “massive” ingestions
2-bag regimen the second infusion dose was doubled and for the 12-hour SNAP regimen the
second infusion was repeated. aNo standardized definition but typically defined as those
with an initial acetaminophen concentration greater than the 300 mg/L at 4-hour nomo-
gram line.

presenting within 4 hours of ingestion or increased acetylcysteine dose in those with

initial acetaminophen concentrations greater than double the 150 mg/L at 4-hour
nomogram line.27 The optimum acetylcysteine dosing regimen to prevent ALI is un-
known. However, the risk is reduced in those with an initial acetaminophen concentra-
tion of greater than double the 150 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram line if the final infusion of
the traditional or two-bag regimen is increased to 200 mg/kg over 16 hours.19,27 How-
ever, the one-bag infusion, oral regimen, or SNAP 12-hour regimen continued to 20
hours (by repeating 200 mg/kg over 10-hour infusion) routinely administer higher
doses of acetylcysteine (see Fig. 3, Table 1).
Some authors have theorized based on NAPQI conversion rates that even higher
doses of acetylcysteine may be required for some patients. For example, those with
extremely high acetaminophen concentrations more than triple and quadruple the
nomogram line perhaps should receive triple and quadruple doses of acetylcys-
teine.8,48 These proposals for simple multiples according to the nomogram are based
on “educated” assumptions rather than evidence and assume that pharmacokinetic
parameters remain much the same despite the massive ingestions.
Extended/Modified Release
Modified-release acetaminophen formulations differ significantly between countries
with (at least) two different formulations. In Australia, Europe, and Asia the common
modified-release acetaminophen formulation contains 665 mg of acetaminophen of
which 69% is slow-release and 31% immediate-release in a bilayer tablet. In the
United States an extended-release formulation contains 650 mg of acetaminophen
in a 50:50 ratio of immediate to extended release. Management guidelines for these
preparations were initially based on data from volunteer studies and extrapolation of
immediate-release overdose guidelines.
Both products have been subject to simulated human volunteer studies of supra-
therapeutic (subtoxic) doses of acetaminophen (75 mg/kg).51–54 The two human
volunteer studies of the US product showed differing results despite similar
methods.51,52 One found a lower area under the curve (AUC) and peak concentration

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550 Chiew & Buckley

(Cmax) when compared with immediate-release acetaminophen.52 The other found

the AUC to be similar for both preparations.51 Both studies reported the time to
Cmax (Tmax) was not delayed with the extended-release preparation. This finding
contrasts with the two human volunteer studies of the 665-mg (69% SR; 31% IR)
modified-release preparation. Both found the modified-release preparation to have
a reduced AUC and Cmax and a significantly later Tmax approximately 2.8 hours
versus approximately 1.3 hours when compared with immediate-release
Overdose data of extended-release acetaminophen from the United States are
limited; however, there are case reports of initial nontoxic acetaminophen concentra-
tions that later cross above the nomogram line.55 Thus, the usual single 4-hour acet-
aminophen concentration is inadequate for risk assessment. An additional
concentration at least 4 to 6 hours after the first may detect such patients, and indicate
the need for (delayed) treatment.55
This approach was initially adopted in some countries treating the modified-
release 665 mg (69% SR; 31% IR) preparation56; however, patients developed ALI
despite standard treatment protocols.57–59 Some were found to have erratic acet-
aminophen pharmacokinetics with persistently high concentrations and double
peaks.57,58 Activated charcoal and increased acetylcysteine did not substantially
mitigate the risk of ALI.58 The optimum management for this preparation is still un-
known; the current approach is to treat based on dose ingested rather than acet-
aminophen concentration.19,57 All toxic ingestions receive a full course of
acetylcysteine and large overdoses greater than or equal to 30 g receive increased

Repeated Supratherapeutic Acetaminophen Ingestion

RSTI of acetaminophen, also referred to in some literature as chronic or staggered
ingestion, is a significant cause of acetaminophen-related morbidity and mortality. It
typically involves patients ingesting multiple doses for therapeutic purposes. Stag-
gered or multiple ingestion may refer to an acute ingestion over more than 1 to 2 hours
for the purpose of deliberate self-harm. There is no single agreed on definition, with
varying dose and timing thresholds used. Dosing thresholds proposed include any
supratherapeutic ingestions over hours or days, or are based on dose ingested per
day (ie, 75 mg/kg per 24 hours, 10 g or 200 mg/kg [whichever is less] in 24 hours,
or 12 g or 300 mg/kg [whichever is less] over a single 48-hour period), or are based
on dose (greater than or equal to a daily therapeutic dose) and symptoms of possible
liver injury (ie, vomiting, nausea, or abdominal pain).19–21,60 Regardless of the exact
term accidental, staggered, RSTI, and chronic overdoses who present to hospital
when symptoms develop have a high rate of hepatotoxicity.61 The delay in presenta-
tion and hence delay in antidotal treatment is a likely contributor.
Risk assessment is guided by symptoms and biochemistry. Minor subclinical eleva-
tions of serum ALT/AST are common with prolonged therapy.62 Hepatotoxicity has
been reported at doses within the therapeutic range and in some cases less. Some
patients are likely to have increased risk caused by glutathione depletion or
CYP450 induction.63 Clinical risk factors include pregnancy; prolonged fasting; malnu-
trition; chronic alcohol use; febrile illness; and chronic use of CYP450-inducing drugs,
such as carbamazepine.63,64
The acetaminophen treatment nomogram is not useful for RSTI (or staggered/mul-
tiple ingestions). Management in some protocols is based on dose ingested, symp-
toms of ALI, acetaminophen concentration, and ALT or AST. Patients presenting
with an ALT less than 50 U/L and an acetaminophen concentration less than 20 mg/

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Acetaminophen Poisoning 551

L are at very low risk of developing hepatotoxicity.60,65 Those who develop ALI
commonly have an elevated ALT or AST greater than 50 U/L on presentation.65 Based
on this evidence, many countries recommend initiating acetylcysteine only in those
with increased acetaminophen concentration or ALT/AST.19,21,60 In contrast others
recommend treating everyone.20,66

Extracorporeal Removal
In the initial management of acetaminophen poisoning, extracorporeal treatment
(ECTR) is rarely indicated for the removal of acetaminophen. This should not be
confused with dialysis as a supportive measure in the context of ALF. An international
consensus guideline recommends ECTR for acetaminophen removal in those with
signs of early mitochondrial failure (ie, early coma, elevated lactate concentration,
and metabolic acidosis) and an acetaminophen concentration greater than 900 mg/
L (5960 mmol/L).67 The rationale was that standard acetylcysteine regimens may be
insufficient to prevent ALI in this setting.67 However, increased doses of acetylcysteine
alone may be sufficient to prevent ALI.8,48 If used, intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) has a
much higher clearance (extraction ratio of w50%–60%) than continuous renal-
replacement therapy and is the preferred modality.67
Acetylcysteine is dialyzable, and this also varies according to the ECTR modality.
Up to 25% of acetylcysteine is extracted by continuous renal-replacement therapy
and up to 50% with IHD. Hence, acetylcysteine doses need to be doubled for patients
on IHD.68

Early Risk Stratification

The aminotransferases are the current biomarkers usually used to indicate ALI; how-
ever, they are slow to rise. An ALT or AST at 24 hours postingestion is often performed
to exclude an evolving ALI because it may not be elevated earlier. Ideally risk stratifi-
cation methods would identify those at higher risk of developing ALI much earlier, and
thus provide an opportunity to augment standard treatment protocols. There are many
proposed risk stratification tools (Table 2) that may be superior in stratifying risk of ALI
at presentation, but none have progressed into widespread use.
Currently, patient history, the initial acetaminophen concentration, and aminotran-
saminases guide most acetylcysteine treatment decisions.19–21 The acetaminophen
ratio (the initial acetaminophen concentration/the nomogram line acetaminophen con-
centration), is currently used to guide increased acetylcysteine doses in some cen-
ters.19,48 Several modifications to these traditional strategies (acetaminophen-
aminotransferase multiplication product; psi parameter; and a combination of initial
acetaminophen ratio, ALT, and time to treatment) have been shown to predict
outcome better in cohort studies (see Table 2)69–74 The advantage of these tools is
that they could easily be integrated into current management protocols because
they use available tests. Possible uses for these risk stratification tools would be to
guide shorter courses or ongoing need for acetylcysteine in RSTI.65,71 Future studies
should examine the temporal profile and optimal window of these risk stratification
tools to predict ALI and whether routine use could improve patient outcomes.

Acute Liver Injury

Acetaminophen is a common cause of ALF. A study from the United States found the
prevalence of ALI among patients admitted for acetaminophen overdose was 7.2%,
with 10% of these developing severe liver failure.75,76 Early symptoms of ALI include
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and right upper quadrant tenderness. The most
important risk factor is the extent of delay beyond 8 hours for acetylcysteine to be

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Table 2
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Traditional strategies and modifications to these strategies for stratification of acute liver injury in acetaminophen poisoning

Chiew & Buckley

Biomarker Description Pros Cons Use/Proposed Use
Traditional strategies
ALT and/or AST Hepatic injury biomarker Widely available Not liver or acetaminophen Current hepatic biomarker
Rapid to perform specific
Can remain normal for up
to 24 h
Acetaminophen Acetaminophen specific Widely available Does not indicate liver Used to indicate need for
concentration vs Rapid to perform injury treatment
nomogram)15,16 Guides acetylcysteine Limited usefulness in RSTI
treatment in acute or unknown time of
ingestion ingestion
Can be undetectable in late
presenters (>24 h)
Modifications to these strategies (highly feasible, but less commonly used in practice)
Acetaminophen- Multiplication of Does not rely on knowing Has not yet been integrated Cutoff values proposed:
aminotransferase acetaminophen time since ingestion into treatment protocols 1500 mg/L  U/L
multiplication concentration  greater Can be used regardless of (10,000 mmol/L  IU/L)
product65,70–72 value of AST or ALT preparation or type of and 10,000 mg/L  U/L
ingestion (66,000 mmol/L  IU/L)
Could be used to guide
management (eg, when
to discontinue or
intensify treatment)
Acetaminophen ratio/ Ratio of the Uses readily available data: Can only be used in acute Currently used by the
nomogram acetaminophen the initial ingestions with a known Australian and New
zone8,19,27,48–50 concentration compared acetaminophen time of ingestion Zealand acetaminophen
with the North American concentration and the guidelines to guide
(150 mg at 4 h) acetaminophen increased acetylcysteine
nomogram line nomogram dose
Higher acetaminophen
ratios may require even
larger acetylcysteine
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AST/ALT ratio11–13 Serial measurements Uses serial measurements Requires serial testing AST/ALT typically rise in 1:1
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examining AST/ALT ratio of ALT and AST, which are AST/ALT ratio has yet to be ratio except in the sickest
readily available validated in a large patients
dataset or used in clinical An AST/ALT ratio >2 in the
protocols to guide need absence of
for transfer to a liver unit rhabdomyolysis may
or identify the sickest indicate a worse
patients prognosis
Half-life/nomogram line Repeat acetaminophen Uses readily available test Not commonly integrated Longer acetaminophen
crossing86,87 concentrations to identify high-risk into treatment protocols half-life correlates with
patients increasing liver injury
High-risk patients are those Proposed that nomogram
that cross into higher line/zone crossing could
zones and low-risk are be used to guide
those who cross into a treatment
lower zone
Psi parameter/psi Pharmacokinetic-derived Uses readily available data Requires data to be entered Rarely used clinically to
nomogram69,72 model using to help predict risk of ALI into an equation and can predict patients at low or
acetaminophen only be used in acute high risk of
concentration and time ingestions of known time hepatotoxicity
to treatment Equation based on
assumptions, such as time
to deplete intrahepatic
glutathione of 6 h,

Acetaminophen Poisoning
patients with early
acetylcysteine treatment
and lower
concentrations are
unlikely to develop

(continued on next page)

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Table 2
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(continued )

Chiew & Buckley

Biomarker Description Pros Cons Use/Proposed Use
Acetaminophen ratio, Risk prediction model using Uses readily available data Model still requires further Initial acetaminophen ratio
ALT, and time to acetaminophen ratio, to help predict risk of ALI development for improved prediction of
treatment73 ALT, and time to clinicians to use hepatotoxicity and INR
treatment Requires validation in other 2, when used with
acetaminophen overdose current known risk
datasets factors of initial ALT and
time to presentation
Acetaminophen Poisoning 555

Box 1
Criteria Adopted in King’s College Hospital for Liver Transplantation in Fulminant Hepatic
Failure Acetaminophen Criteria

King’s College Criteria

pH <7.30 (irrespective of grade of encephalopathy) after fluid resuscitation
Prothrombin time >100 seconds (INR >6.5) and serum creatinine greater than 300 mmol/L in
patients with grade III or IV encephalopathy
Modified King’s College Criteria
Criteria as above
Arterial lactate concentration greater than 3.5 mmol/L after early resuscitation (4 hours)
pH <7.3 OR lactate >3.0 mmol/L after fluid resuscitation (12 hours after admission)

commenced. Other risk factors include a high initial acetaminophen concentration,

hepatitis C, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, age older than
40 years, and malnutrition.50,76,77
Management of acetaminophen ALI involves prolonged acetylcysteine infusion typi-
cally at a dose of 100 mg/kg over 16 hours. The length of treatment varies among
guidelines but is determined by clinical and biochemical parameters including clinical
improvement, decline in aminotransaminases, low or undetectable acetaminophen
concentration, and INR typically lower than 1.3 to 2.0.19,39
Most patients recover following acetaminophen overdose with a small number
developing severe ALI, hepatic encephalopathy, and consequently ALF.78 Since the
late-1980s, survival from acetaminophen-induced ALF has markedly improved
because of improvements in intensive care treatment, earlier illness recognition, and
use of emergency orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) in those expected to die.79
Over this same period, transplant-free survival in those with acetaminophen-induced
ALF has improved to nearly 70%.3,80 However, in those who develop irreversible liver
damage, the ultimate treatment is OLT. The decision to transplant involves balancing
the risks associated with delaying listing for transplant against the potential for spon-
taneous recovery with medical treatment alone, the risks of surgery, the scarcity of
donor organs, and the requirement for lifelong immunosuppression.81 Various criteria
have been proposed to determine which patients with ALF should be referred for OLT.
The most widely used are the King’s College Criteria (KCC) or modified KCC
(Box 1).14,82 The KCC have good negative predictive value but many who meet these
criteria are too medically unwell for transplant.81,83 Furthermore, survival rates of pa-
tients who met KCC from centers other than King’s College are much higher than the
13% initially reported,14,83 with some centers reporting a survival rate without trans-
plant of 50% or greater.79,80 Criteria for OLT that have a much higher positive predic-
tive value (for death without transplant) are required.83 Alternatives or adjuncts to the
KCC include lactate, phosphate (a marker of liver regeneration),84 INR, Sequential Or-
gan Failure Assessment,85 or novel hepatic biomarkers.


Acetaminophen is a common drug taken in overdose and a common cause of ALI.

Most patients make a full recovery with antidotal treatment and good supportive
care. However, acetaminophen poisoning is still a significant cause of morbidity

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556 Chiew & Buckley

because of its wide availability. Future research should focus on optimal acetylcys-
teine doses for high- and low-risk patients and more accurate criteria to predict death
in those with ALF. Despite acetaminophen being one of the most common poisonings,
there is a lack of national guidelines/recommendations in the United States (and many
other countries). The simple standardized management used for many decades may
have made these seem unnecessary. The rapid recent increase in the amount and
complexity of evidence to guide treatment means it may now be warranted to have
a coordinated strategy to translate new evidence into practice.


 Patients at risk of ALI should receive intravenous acetylcysteine.

 The acetaminophen nomogram is used to assess the need for treatment in acute immediate-
release acetaminophen ingestions with a known time of ingestion and is not validated in
other scenarios.
 Activated charcoal within 2 hours of an acute acetaminophen ingestion decreases
acetaminophen absorption and the need for antidote treatment.
 The traditional three-bag intravenous acetylcysteine dosage regimen (300 mg/kg over 21
hours), although efficacious in most patients, is associated with a high rate of adverse
effects. Newer regimens, such as the SNAP 12-hour regimen and the two-bag acetylcysteine
regimen, have a decreased rate of adverse reactions with similar efficacy (noninferiority).
 Patients with very high initial acetaminophen concentrations are at increased risk of ALI
regardless of time to treatment. This risk is mitigated by activated charcoal in those
presenting within 4 hours of ingestion or increased acetylcysteine dose in those with initial
acetaminophen concentrations greater than double the 150 mg/L at 4-hour nomogram line.
 Most patients recover following acetaminophen overdose with a small number developing
severe ALF. Over the past decade there has been a vast improvement in transplant-free
survival in those with ALF secondary to acetaminophen.


The authors have no financial or other conflicts of interest relevant to this article to


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