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Jocelyn Locklear

Ms. Leach

Computer Science 1

27 Aug 2021

AI and Robotics

What can we say about AI and Robotics other than the fact they are cool well for starters they
are completely two different things. AIs were also known as Artificial Intelligence are kinda like
a personality but without the person and instead of memories and emotions it has
programming and circuits. AIs are told what to do or more accurately programmed what to do
and in the process of doing what they are told they can learn from experience like any human
can. They collect data on massive scales and within seconds which allows them to learn from all
that they have collected over time in doing so making them smarter and human-like by the
second. Once one AI learns something new it uploads its data so other AIs can refresh and
acquire that same information so they can add it to their stored data. If an AI gathers enough
data he uploads all so others can get it then goes out to get more but if it keeps it that just
means it needs more storage to store data. AIs are just computer programming and software so
they can easily get a virus or get destroyed or easily deleted but some AIs have ways of
protecting themselves. AI Security is one of those things that can help protect its programming
and saved data it can help respond and or detect potential cyber threats. If the same cyber
threat tries to attempt an attack more than once it won't succeed because it's kinda like our
immune system with bacteria. It knows how to stop it before it even happens and can detect it
before it comes around and stop it. The only way for it to not work is if its someone who is a
really good hacker or knows that said AIs information and programming from head to toe in
which there probably was a problem and they couldn't access it or its a co-creator of the AI
program and he or she is trying to get revenge on the main creator. But we're getting off-topic
here which is funny because an AI can't because they are said to be smarter and capable of
doing things than we cant like job-wise and many more and there is a most crucial thing an AI
doesn't have that would we as humans have that can control our life…...EMOTIONS. AIs don't
have emotions or feelings but they can most definitely probably be programmed with them but
it won't make them anymore human nor will they be able to feel the things we feel well not yet
at least. One day AIs will be everywhere doing things we humans do and most likely feeling
things we feel as well I believe in the future some AIs just may be more human than we are
they probably will be able to feel harder than us. When it comes to love they may love more or
harder than us and when it comes to the sadness they may feel sadder and more devastated
than us but we will never know what the future may hold for us and AI technology. AIs can
technically have gender but not the actual parts-wise more like sound like one studies show
there are more female AIs than the male which is honestly not surprising since most AIs are
created by men anyways. The first-ever AI was created by a male computer scientist named
John McCarthy who attended Stanford University soon later he became a full-time professor
but he then retired from his professor job in 2000. Mr. McCarthy invented what is called Lisp.
It's a family of programming languages with apparently a long history of fully parenthesized
prefix notations. It was invented in the late 1950s but it didn't become known as AI until it was
published in the 1960s by becoming the programming language of choice for AI applications.
Now as for Robotics that's a whole different conversation indeed there may be similarities but
they are two different things. Robotics or simply known as robots are physical inventions that
can move around, walk, grab stuff and even wave to you. They are made up out of bolts, metal,
circuits, wires and all they are solid unlike AIs are and can have joints but are only made out of
metal and other materials of course. In Robotics all they mainly focus on is creating a good
physique for the robot body because if the body ain't good or nearly to perfection then the
robot won't function right. After all, it could fall apart, get jammed somehow, or even catch fire
if wires and stuff aint attached and connected properly. People create robots different from one
another. Some create ones shaped after the human body with legs, arms, and even ahead.
Others just create looking movable robots and some may just make an arm/crane looking thing
that can move and pick up stuff and they might even have wheels at the bottom of them so
they can move around. There are even robot-like inventions in our own home like the small but
mighty vacuum cleaner Roomba, the almost frisbee-looking device that can sense when a mess
happens around it or anywhere in the house. The Roomba will detach from its charging station
and will go over your floor where the mess happens with its little brushes and clean up the spot
with the best of its abilities. After the cleaning, the Roomba returns to its charging stations once
it senses it's done or if the battery is dying and it dumps off all the trash as it gets sucked up into
a little trash container and the Roomba sits and charges until you need it again. Another
example of robotics in our everyday lives is our beloved cars from a beautiful Tesla to our
family-loving Toyota. These name-brand cars and many more have what you called a self-
driving feature where you can put on cruise control or whatever it is they push to activate it and
it will drive itself. It not only drives itself it can stop by itself using sensors in the front and back
of the car. It can sense when a vehicle or any object is too close and it stops itself while also
making sure your seatbelts are nice and snuck around you and your passengers. Some of these
cars even have cameras at the back of them so you can see better behind you when backing up.
Last but not least a robotic system we count on very dearly Security and Surveillance defense.
We all see those detectors that never work at Walmart and their cameras all on their ceiling.
Well, that is an example of a surveillance system but I wouldn't say it's very high tech.
Surveillance systems like Ring and Nest are better examples of high-tech surveillance. The Ring
will alert the homeowner whenever or something comes in view of the doorbell and it will
show the video in the app you download on your phone it also allows you to speak through
your phone and it comes out your Ring doorbell. There are many examples of Robotics in our
modern time right now but that will take me forever in a day to name everything but I tell you
one thing that's very important when it comes to Robotics that has a very big play in its AIs. If
you put an AI inside a movable robot it could work, move, maybe even talk like a human. An AI
is like the conscience and soul of a robot without the AI the robot is kinda like an empty shell. I
mean a robot can move fine without an AI but those who have AIs are more advanced and high
tech. That's what most robotic scientists are trying to push for right now in the world trying to
make artificial robots who are like humans. They're gonna keep pushing and advancing that
technology until Robotic AIs are the very nearest thing to a human being to having emotions
and feelings like us to probably even having vital organs like us too. AIs and Robotics are gonna
keep advancing long after my time and the only thing that's gonna keep it running is our
younger generations.

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