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Your excellency all of the juries.

Firstly, let’s thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us some mercies
and blessing. So, we can attaend in this place in good condition and happy

Secondly, may peace and salutation allways be given to the nobel of islam
prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has been guieded us from the darkness to the
lightness, from jahiliyah era to the Islamic era namely islam.

Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thanks to the MC, who has been giving the
opportunity to deliver my speech.

Ladies and Gentlement.........

The most important people in our life, is our parents and our teachers. No
ones people in here, dont have a parents and a teachers. They are allways do the
best for us. They are as a figure that we must be respected.

Because, they teach us like knowledge, morals, ettitude, and many other
things. Parents also are the first people who are allways take care of us, help us and
provide for us financially and academically. Without them most of us not been

Respecting parents is one of the most significant aspect in islam. Our God
says in the qur’an:“ Your lord has decreed that you worship none but him, and that
be kind to parents. Wheather one or both of them attain old age in your life. Say
not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in the terms of

Our prophet Muhammad SAW said that: “ Who glorify a religious person or
teacher that is same with glorify Allah SWT.”

So, we have to respect them. And make our parents and our teacher proud of
us. They are love us. Of course we love them too.

This is the end of my speech about respect our parents and our teachers. I
apologize if there is a mistake. Thanks for your nice attention. The last i say.....

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