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1. Install Mastercam 2020. Do not start Mastercam!

2. Install MultiKey_18.1.1_x64 for Windows test mode

To do it:

2.1. Uninstall Multikey 18.1 Win64 (if exist)

2.2. Run REGEDIT and remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\MultiKey

(if exist)

2.3. Copy folder "MultiKey_18.1.1_x64_24032019_testmode" on computer

2.4. Run
and confirm to add info into Windows Registry

2.5. Run as Administrator "MultiKey_18.1.1_x64_24032019_testmode\install.cmd" and

wait until
the end of setup

2.6. REBOOT computer!

NOTE: after reboot Windows has to start in test mode. If not- seach in
internet what have
to be done to boot Windows on your computer in test mode

3. Enjoy

NOTE: If you want to use SolidCAM or Imachining for NX on the same computer with
Mastercam 2020
run "MultiKey_18.1.1_x64_24032019_testmode\SolidCAM.reg" and repeate steps

Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ

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