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Thông tin nhóm:

Họ và Tên MSSV Email Khóa
Vũ Hoàng Anh 19126039 19VP
Ngô Thiên Quang 19126031 19VP

II. Bài viết

To be honest, I enjoy working as a team, whether at school or at work. It
cannot be denied that the larger the group is, the more ideas will emerge.
Moreover, working in a group also (Therefore, it) provides an opportunity for
us to consider an issue from many perspectives while also enhancing our own
talents and overcoming our own limits. When working on a topic as a team, for
example, your team must come to a consensus through debate and discussion
(make the benefits of teamwork clear-cut in your example). Furthermore,
collaboration provides (helps) us to not only generate extremely efficient results
but also to improve our soft skills and broaden our knowledge. For instance, I have
a presentation that requires color decoration, but I am unable to do it due to my
color blindness. Consequently, my group will assist me in finishing it in the most
efficient manner feasible (practicably/ easily). Overall, working in groups helps
me to learn from one another and develop my abilities.
Score: 6.5

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