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NPSN : 69726602 NSS : 322051831001
JL. Brigjend Abdul MananWijaya No. 141 Pujon, Malang 65391
Telp. 0341–5100215


Malang, August 9th 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,
This recommendation letter, was written as a request by Arief Sayful Umam to support his
studies in the undergraduate program from the Global Korean scholarship.

Arief Sayful Umam is one of my students at Nurul Haromain Pujon SMKS who has
completed his studies in 2019. While in SMK he was active and showed his seriousness and
commitment while studying. We have known Arief Sayful Umam for three years and
already understand the basics and skills,one of them is active in organizations such as
student councils and has an advantage in foreign languages and once taught a foreign
language somewhere in the city.
He dedicated his life to seizing opportunities for his own ambitions. He not only has the
ability, but also the determination and motivation to get a bright future and carry out a better
mission for change, but on the other hand he has a weakness that is sometimes it is difficult
to balance between organization and academics, even so he can overcome it with some
evidence of achievement from these 2 fields
As a consequence I feel he will be an asset to your program and I highly recommend him.
And hopefully the quality can be put to good use, so that if Arief Sayful Umam has a lot of
knowledge, he can continue the struggle in his country and practice knowledge at his old
school after completing his studies.
I strongly support his plans to join the Global Korean scholarship and I believe that his
participation will greatly enhance his professional qualities.
Thank you for your attention, I hope he can follow your program.


M. Ayyub Syafii, AP. SE

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