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1. To see the solar eclipse depends on.

B. Depends the place you live.

2. The habitants of the earth have ever live a total solar eclipse?
Not because according to many scientists and experts on the subject
in the parts where an eclipse has been observed it has been partial
and not total since according to research this will occur in the next
few years but in one specific part of usa the total eclipse appeared.

3. How are the Biological Phenomenon of a total solar Eclipse?

This happens when the moon is near enough to the Earth to
completely cover the sun and as well as this brief explanation many
scientists have tried to go more in depth on this phenomenon that in
very few places has been seen.

4. Witch are the essential things to enjoy the eclipse

That is in the beliefs that each person has, although many scientific
studies have shown that these eclipses are natural phenomena and
that they have biological effects, for example in the way it is
produced, but to say that witches are necessary that if it would be
necessary to prove it from other areas than It is not the scientist
although you could try to prove it but from something personal that
has not been proven in many years and you might think that it is not

5. It is necessary to take care of your eyes while seeing the eclipse?

and how can you do it?
Whether you are viewing a partial or annular eclipse, you will
need to bring a verified solar filter glasses to protect your eyes
from injury. Sunscreens are especially important if you are using
cameras, binoculars or telescopes, which magnify the sunlight,
and if you are a lover of eclipses you should follow these
recommendations if you want to continue living these fantastic
shows of our nature

6. If you miss this great event. When will you be able to enjoy it
If you miss this wonderful show you can see it in the coming years
and who knows you may have the opportunity to see the complete
eclipses but with good protection

A.Why the astronomers can predict an eclipse?

Astronomers are able to predict eclipses because the
earth and the moon have very predictable orbits.

B. It is possible that an eclipse can happen every month?

Is not possible that an eclipse can happen every month
because the moon orbit is a few degrees north or south in
relation to the earth.

C. What’s a total eclipse?

A total eclipse is when the moon completely covers the
sun surface.

D.What’s a partial eclipse?

A partial eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the
sun off center, never fully covering its surface.

E. What’s de Diamon dring?

A diamond ring is the remaining brilliant shafts of light
signaling that you are justa seconds away to see an

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