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A short summary of Sales People who I admire for several reasons.

Richard Myers (Myers Farms; 803-829-2440)

This being my father and with him being a farmer could be seen as unconventional. He always
had to sell himself or the farm for a loan, investments, or to others who wanted to use our land
for something. How he talked to everyone and treated everyone in any role with the exact same
respect is something I always looked up to. I have always used the saying, Treat the Janitor as
you would Treat the CEO, and it has helped me close sales as you never know who influences

Rusty Cline (UPS;

Rusty brought me under his wing when I graduated Clemson and moved to UPS. He taught me
to look past the corporate talk and really sell myself inside a client. That I will learn the other
things and to not be afraid to make a mistake. It is how I trained reps when I was in a similar
position and it is how I still approach a sale.

Mark Jessen (UPS;

Mark was another one that brought me under his wing. We worked well together and he was
always humble and gave credit where credit was due. He was very lighthearted but also knew
his products very well and was one of the best closers I have seen. He did it a totally different
way than any others I had worked with.

Andrew Moody (UPS/Blue Grace Logistics;

Andy was one that I actually taught and worked closely with. He was in my territory. Always
going and was very coachable. He grew into a great sales person and has all the tools to be an
even better one. I admired his work ethic as he was older and trying to raise a family as well
and he wanted the best for them. It gave him an incredible drive to succeed and learn more

Terrina Henderson (

Terrina and I worked together in Washington D.C. She was put on assignment over our group
and she was very open and understanding. She was open to ideas from everyone and really
listened when the group needed something or if I ever requested something to make our lives a
little easier. She was compassionate with our situation (that included flying weekly for the entire
group) and worked with us. She was a sales leader mentor and I will always value how she
lead a group and stood up for her people.

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