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Distinguish the following definition of Fingerprint and an example.

1. As an impression- It is the reproduction on some smooth surface of the pattern or

design formed by the ridges on the inside of the end joint of the fingers and the thumb,
through the medium of the ink or any coloring substance capable of producing visibility.

Example: In Fingerprint Card you can use the two types of Fingerprint Impressions it
can be “Rolled impression or Plain Impression”. Rolled means nail to nail in order to
obtain all available ridge detail. Plain means it is used to verify the sequence and
accuracy of the rolled impressions.

2. As a science- Is the identification of a person by means of the ridges appearing on

the fingers, on the palms and on the soles of the feet.

Example: The law enforcer conduct crime investigation in doing that they use
fingerprint as a science they investigate using the techniques, patterns to identify the
evidence. Dactyloscopy , the science of fingerprint identification.

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