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ISSN 0215 — 4706 or bund Floribunda 3(4): 85-112. Oktober 2007 DAFTAR ISI Progeny Analysis of the Tasikmalayan Mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana) with E-RAPD Markers Soaloon Sinaga, Sobir, Roedhy Poerwanto, Hajrial Aswidinnoor & Dedy Duryadi . 85-94 Genetic Diversity of Pandanus and Freycinetia from Java Based on ISSR Marker Sri Endarti Rahayu, Alex Hartana, Tatick Chikmawati & Kuswata Kartawinata Anatomi Daun dan Taksonomi racemosum (BIL) DC Siti Sunarti... se ee --- 104-108 Two Wild Edible Russula (Agaricales: Russulaceae) from East Kalimantan Atik Retnowati. ges LOS LZ Terakreditasi B berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Dikti Depdiknas RI No. 26/DIKTI/Kep./2005 Dewan Penyunting Floribunda amat berterima kasih kepada Prof. Dr. Mien A. Rifai (AIPI Jakarta) Prof. Dr. Wasmen Manalu (IPB Bogor) Prof. Dr. Sudarsono (IPB Bogor) Dr. Rugayah (LIPI Bogor) Dr. Pudji Widodo (UNSOED Purwokerto) Dr. Fitmawati (Univ. Riau Pekanbaru) atas kesudiannya bertindak selaku mitra bestari untuk terbitan~ Floribunda 3(4) Terbit: Oktober 2007 Tanggal terlaksana: 31 Desember 2009 sk Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia ingin merekamkan rasa terima kasihnya pada Program Hibah Simposium Nasional Organisasi Profesi Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat - DIKTI untuk ikut mendanai penerbitan Floribunda 3(4) Floribunda merupakan organ resmi Penggalang Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia, diterbitkan dua kali setahun dan menerbitkan makalah dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris mengenai pelbagai gatra sistematika keanekaragaman flora Malesia pada umumnya dan Indonesia pada khususnya yang berasal dari hasil penelitian, pengamatan lapangan, pengalaman pribadi, telaahan bergagasan, dan tinjauan kritis. Sidang Penyunting Ketua Penyunting ‘Tutie Djarwaningsih (BO) Penyunting Tri Mulyaningsih (UNRAM) Atik Retnowati (BO) Novita Kartika Indah (UNESA) Titien N. Praptosuwiryo (KRI) ‘Nunik Sri Ariyanti (IPB) Penyunting Pelaksana ‘Himmah Rustiami (BO) Tata Letak Muhamad Ruslan (BO) Petunjuk kepada pengarang Jenis tulisan Makalah lengkap memuat hasil penelitian floristik, revisi, atau monografi unsur-unsur flora Malesia. Komunikasi pendek mencakup laporan kemajuan kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan dan rekayasa keanekaragaman flora Malesia yang perlu segera diko- munikasikan, Tulisan lain meliputi obituari tokoh keanekaragaman, flora, tinjauan kritis bergagasan, telaahan serta pembahasan persoalan aktual seputar kegiatan penelitian, pengembangan dan rekayasa tetumbuhan Indonesia, serta timbangan buku akan dimuat berdasarkan undangan. Rujukan pembakuan Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia sepenuhnya meng- ikuti Pedoman Umum Ejaan yang Disempurnakan, Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilak, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, serta kamus-kamus istilah yang dikeluarkan Pusat Bahasa. Bahasa Inggris yang dipakai adalah the Queen English dengan berpedoman pada The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language. Ketentuan- kketentuan yang dimuat dalam Pegangan Gaya Penulisan, Penyuntingan, dan Penerbitan Karya Iimiah Indonesia, serta Scientific Style and Format: CBE Manuals for Authors, Editors, and Publishers, dan buku- buku pegangan pembakuan lain akan sangat diperhatikan, Kepatuhan penuh pada International Code of Botanical Nomenclature bersifat mutlak. Gaya penulisan Penulisan naskah yang akan diajukan supaya disesuaikan dengan gaya penulisan yang terdapat dalam nomor terakhir terbitan Floribunda. Abstrak informatif supaya diberikan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang masing-masing tidak melebihi 200 kata, Sediakan sekitar 7 kata kunci untuk keperluan, pengindeksan dan pemindaian Bilamana diperlukan ucapan terima kasih dan bentuk persantunan lain dapat dicantumkan sesudah tubuh teks tetapi sebelum daftar pustaka. Pengacuan pada pustaka hendaklah dilakukan dengan sistem nama-tahun. Daftar pustaka supaya disusun berdasarkan alfabet nama pengarang dengan memakai sistem Harvard. Gambar dan tabel merupakan pendukung teks sehingga perlu disusun secara logis dalam bentuk yang, mudah dimengerti. Data supaya disajikan dalam bentuk teks atau tabel atau sebagai gambar, tetapi tidak dalam. bentuk ketiganya sekaligus. Siapkan gambar yang lebamnya dua kolom cetak. Penyumbangan naskah "Naskah dikirimkan dalam bentuk ketikan atau cetakan Komputer pada kertas HVS berukuran Ad bersama-sama dengan disket komputer yang diprogram untuk serasi dengan IBM, atau melalui e-mail. Naskah yang ingin diterbitkan dalam Floribunda akan dipertimbangkan pemuatannya hanya jika pengirimannya disertai pernyataan tertulis dari 2 (dua) orang mitra bestari yang dipilih sendiri oleh penulisnya (akan lebih ddiutamakan bila mitra bestari dipilihkan dari luarlingkungan, kerja penulis), yang menyatakan bahwa secara ilmiah keorisinalan dan makna sumbangan naskah tersebut memang layak diterbitkan, Pengolahan naskah Sidang penyunting bersama sekelompok mitra bestari akan mengaji ulang kesesuaian isi dan keselarasan format setiap naskah dengan Floribunda. Perubahan yang dilakukan akan dikomunikasikan kepada penulis dalam bentuk contoh cetak akhir sebelum diterbitkan, Cetak lepas Penulis menerima 5 cetak lepas dari tulisannya secara ccuma-cuma. Kantor penyunting Sidang Penyunting Floribunda Herbarium Bogoriense, Cibinong Science Center Jalan Raya Bogor KM 46 Cibinong 16911 Telepon :(021)8765066-67 Fax :(021)8765059 Exmail_: herbogor@indo.netid Floribunda 3(4) 2007 109 TWO WILD EDIBLE RUSSULA (AGARICALES: RUSSULACEAE) FROM EAST KALIMANTAN Atik Retnowati Herbarium Bogoriense, Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIPI, Bogor E-mail: Atik Retowati, 2007. Dua jamur Russula (Agaricales: Russulaceae) yang dapat dimakan dari Kalimantan Timur, Floribunda 3(4): 109-112. — Dikoleksi dua jamur Russula yang dapat dimakan, yaitu R. cyanoxantha dan Russula sp. dari Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, Kata kunci: Agaricales, Russwla, jamur dapat dimakan, Kalimantan Timur. Atik Retnowati. 2007. Two Wild Edible Russula (Agaricales: Russulaceae) from East Kalimantan. Floribunda 3(4): 109-112. — Two wild edible Russula, namely R. cyanoxantha and Russula sp. were encountered during the fieldwork in Kayan Mentarang National Park, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Keywords: Agaricales, Russula, edible mushroom, East Kalimantan, Edible mushrooms are very interesting to be discussed, particularly on how people prepare and cook it. Different country has a different manner to prepare it and different kind of favorite mushrooms. Persson (1997) mentioned that the Ancient Romans appreciated mushrooms as a cooking ingredient, Caesar's mushroom (Amanita caesarea) was a favorite among the ancient Romans, French love Chantarelle and cook them as mushroom salad, mushrooms sauce for pasta, mushroom soup, and several other recipes. Edible mushrooms in Indonesia are not as vary as in other countries. The Indonesians consume the cultivated species, such as Pleurotus ostreatus, Volvariella volvacea, Lentinus edodes, and some wild edible mushrooms, such as Termitomyces eurrhizius, Scleroderma sinnamariense. Another wild edible mushroom usually collected is Russula. Some members of this genus are very popular as a good edible mushrooms in the world. These mushrooms occur not only in temperate regions, but also in tropical country like Indonesia, Overeem (1927) wrote in very simple explanation on the occurrence of four edible Russula in Indonesia; i.e R. cyanoxantha, R. lepida, R virescen, and R. foetens. The local people can not differentiate R. cyanoxantha, R. lepida, R virescen, due to similarity of morphological characters. They called those three Russula as supa palahlar. In fact, taxonomically they are different. During the field work in Kayan Mentarang National Park, located in East Kalimantan, borders with Sabah and Sarawak, the author found eleven species of Russula with high variation of pileus coloration from white, off-white, greenish white or red. Two of them are recognized as edible and one has been mentioned in Overeem (1927), namely R. cyanoxantha. Descriptions of the encountered species from Kayan Mentarang National Park will accomplish the previous work by Overeem (1927), METHOD Descriptions are based on fresh collections made by the author. All micro characters were studied from dried materials rehydrated by distilled water, 3% of KOH solution, Melzer’s reagent or Congo Red. Color terms and notations are those of Kornerup & Wanscher (1978). Spore sizes were based on measurements of 25 basidiospores. All collections examined are deposited in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO). SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS 1, Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeff.) Fr., Monogr. Hymenomyc. Suec. (Upsaliae) 2(2). 194. 1863. Figure 1. Pileus 34-74 mm diameter, conic when young, then becoming convex flattened dise; margin straight, surface glabrous, smooth; violet brown (I~ 7) to dark pink, white underneath, Context thick up to 10 mm, white. Odor not distinctive. Taste slightly bitter. Lamellae adnate, crowded with 0 series of lamellulae, narrow, violet brown marginate (11-F7); white, Stipe 55-90 x 17-25 mm, cylindrical, solid, chalky, central, smooth, glabrous; white. Basidiospores. 8.8-10.4(12) x (6.4)7.2-8.0 um, subglobose to globose, strongly amyloid, with an ornamentation of coarse warts up to 0.8 «um, 110 Floribunda 3(4) 2007 Figure 1. 1. R. cyanovantha: a. Dried material (scale bar= 2.3 em); and b. SEM photomicrograph of basidiospores (scale bar=4 jm); I. Line drawing: a. Basidiocarp; b. Basidia and basidioles; c, Hymenial cystidia; d. Pileipellis (scale bar=3 cm fora and 55.2 jum for b,c, and d) Floribunda 3(4) 2007 it connective rare, yellowish white. Basidia 48-52 x 12-13.6 pm, clavate, bearing 4 sterigmata, Hymenial cystidia 52-104 x 12-16 1m, numerous, projecting from hymenium, clavate to fusoid, thin-walled, hyaline. Pileipellis cutis; hyphae 2.45.6 jm, thin- walled, not gelatinous, scattered dermatocystidia, clavate hyphal tips, Sphaerocysts well define in stipe tissue. Habit, habitat, and distribution, Scattered on soil: Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Kayan Mantarang National Park, Pa’raye Village, 3 April 2003, A. Retnowati 375. Collected by mycologist team. Local people call this mushroom as kulat deriyan. It is characterized by violet brown color to dark pink of pileus, big in size, and growth in cluster onsoil. Pileus of 8. cyanoxantha is variable in color, sometimes entirely but more often a mixture of pinkish-lilac, dull purple, green, olive, yellow, blue- green, white, and or brown (Arora 1999). Morphologically, R. cyanoxantha is similar to B. Figure 2. I. Russula sp. (scale bar= 4 jum); IL, Line drawing: a. B: om for a and $5.2 pm for b and c). a. Dried material (scale bar= 1.7 em); b. SEM photomicrograph of basidiospores sidiocarp; b. Basidia and basidioles, c. Hymenial cystidia (scale bar 112 Floribunda 3(4) 2007 rosacea, but differs in the presence of cystidia. It ‘was found abundance almost in every location, While collecting other Agaricales, I paid attention to the presence of this Russula in forest floor. It was so amazed to see it in abundance. We collected all and put them in plastic bags. Those whole fresh Russula was cut into small pieces. Then we stir fried them, and put some soy sauce on them, Ithas a very good taste. Different from Indonesian, American has different way to prepare and cook Russula, They usually grili them, bake them or stuff them with toasted pecans, seasoned bread crumbs, shallots and cheese, A mixture of Russulas gently fried in butter with onions garlic and seasoning. Russula are also served in cream sauce over pasta (Hurst & Rutherford 1996). 2. Russula sp. Figure 2. Pileus 40-60 mm diam, conic at first, convex with depressed center in age; margin slightly incurved, surface covered by white appressed scales, smooth; white. Context thin, white, Odor and taste not distinctive, Lamellae adnate, distant with 0 series of lamellulae, narrow, non-marginate; white, Stipe 3-75 x 10-12 mm, chalky, central, equal, smooth, glabrous, white. Basidiospores 7.2-8.8 x 6.47.2 4m, broadly ovoid to short ellipsoid, amyloid, with an ornamentation of coarse wart up to 0.5 um, connective rare, with complete reticulum, yellowish brown, Basidia 25.6-32 x 8.0-10.4 um, clavate, bearing 4 sterigmata. Basidioles clavate to fusoid. Hymenial cystidia 48-80 x 8.0-10.4 um, fusoid to clavate, hyaline, thin walled, arising from deep in the hymenium. Pileipellis cutis; hyphae 2.4-4.8 um, thin- walled, hyaline, no hyphal tips, pileocystidia absent. Sphaerocysts present at the pileal trama. Habit, habitat, and distribution. Scattered on soil: Indonesia, East Kalimantan, Kayan Mantarang National Park, Pa’raye Village, 3 April 2003, A. Retnowati 383. Collected by mycologist team, Kulat fidawi is not as popular as kulat deriyan and it is rarely grow in field. Some people are confused to distinguish it with others. Many mushrooms took like kulat fidawi, such as Tricholoma, Hygroporus, and many other Russula itself, Literature searches had been done, but none of the described species either in tropic or temperate region matches with this Kayan Mentarang species. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author deeply indebted to World Wide Fund for Nature Indonesia who gave an opportunity to explore the diversity of mushrooms in Kayan Mentarang National Park. I thank Prof. Dr. Mien A. Rifai for his improvements in the manuscript. REFERENCES Arora D. 1999. Mushrooms Demystified. Ten Speed Press. Berkeley. Hurst J & Rutherford L. 1996, The Mushroom & Truffle Book. Slovenia. Kornerup A & Wanscher JH. 1978. Methuen handbook of colour. 3rd. Ed. Eyre Methuen, London. 252 p. Overeem C van, 1927, Zwammen, in: K. Heyne De Nuttige Planten van Nedherlandsch Indie, ed. I. Batavia. p. 39-89. Persson O. 1997. The Chanterelle Book. Ten Speed. Press. Berkeley. California.

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