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I have various hobbies, some I have practiced since I was a child, others
for a few years. When I was a child I had other hobbies that I stopped
practicing while growing up:
 I like to play video games, especially those that are played as a
team, and since they are online I can meet people from other
countries without having to travel and who share some of my
interests, also doing this hobby, I have learned to work in team and
respect the opinions of others. I usually play in the night and for
work and study purposes only on weekends.
 I love playing soccer, it's a sport, but it's also something I like to do
in my spare time. Now because of the pandemic I can't do it, but
before I used to play every Sunday morning with my friends from
school. As I have done it since I was little, I learned to be tolerant,
socialize and learn to compete healthily.
 I like watching movies, I don't have a genre that I like the most, but
I do know that I don't like horror films very much. Most of the time
I watch the movies alone, but sometimes I watch them with my
family, for example on Sundays or days when I can spend time with
my family, they ask me to put on a movie, because I like to watch
movies from premiere and because I have downloaded most of the
movies that were the most popular, this helped me to be more
understanding about the tastes of others.

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