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Some people are of the opinion that genetic testing is now becoming prevalent as it brings

in numerous advantageous perks for the test-takers. While some argue that it could do harm
to people to some extent, I am inclined to agree with the former view that we should take
genetic testing to ensure our well-being in the long run.
First and foremost, there are some negative aspects to genetic testing. Firstly, it can be
extravagant for some families. Genetic testing offers a cutting-edge service to provide the
most accurate result to the customers, so that is why it can be costly and unaffordable.
Another justification is that the result of genetic testing can increase anxiety or strain for
some individuals. In other words, test-talkers must prepare carefully in terms of mentality
before they take a test.
Nevertheless, I tend to believe that genetic testing can deliver a variety of benefits to
humankind. One evident merit of this is that it would enable everyone to know what disease
or illness that they have been suffering in the exact and quickest way. What is more, it helps
reduce unnecessary treatments when we are already sure about what we encounter, which
takes us lots of time and money. Another reason why it would be advantageous is that people
can make decisions easily to make a specific plan for their healthcare after they receive the
In conclusion, in light of the aforementioned reasons, I am convinced that genetic testing
can do wonders for people’s health.

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