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People have divergent views with regards to the issue related to the animals’ right.

Whilst some argue

that people are not supposed to exploit animals and animals should get the same rights as mankind ,
some are of the opinion that humans need animals to meet their dietary and experimental
requirements. I am inclined to agree with the latter view.

On the one hand, advocates of the former view may argue that because amimals are living entities,
people should give them their own independence, just like human do. First and foremost, this is owing
to the fact that animals also have feelings and sentiments just like humans. They are not inanimate
objects, so they also know pain when being attacked. However, some individuals or organizations
continue to eploit them for profit and keep them in captivity. Another crucial rationale is that animals
play a significant role in our food chain. Other creatures will be harmed if human destroy the structure
of the food chain. In other words, the existence of one species can determine the existence of
another, thus we have to ensure the food chain is complete.

On the other hand, I would argue that animals exist to cater to certain human needs. Firstly,there is a
requirement of human nourishment. The human body needs a sufficient quantity of nutrients to
operate properly, hence humans must consume both plants and animals in order to nourish the body.
To be more exact, vegetarians can have a nutritious diet but still lack some elements given by
animals, such as zinc, iron, calcium, and so on, to maintain the body's immune system. What is more,
animals contribute substantially to the realm of experimentation. Before creating medication or
vaccination samples for direct use on people, animals are utilized as prototypes. Particularly, during
this acute pandemic time, to create a vaccine against covid-19, mice and monkeys are utilized to test
the initial clinical steps before being put into use for everyone.

In conclusion, although there are certain arguments for the former view that we should give animals
the same rights as humans, I am convinced that humans can take advantage of animals in some vital
domains that are needed for the development and extistence of humankind.

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