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Despite the advantages mentioned above, having more immigrants to the US has put some great

pressure on the country in all aspects. With the number of immigrants increasing rapidly every
year, The United State will be in danger of losing control of its resources that needed for both
native dwellers and immigrants. First and foremost, housing is the first matter that the
government must take into account seriously. It can be seen that homelessness in the United
States is alarming, with a large number of natives as well as immigrants leading to a shortage of
housing. According to a new report from mortgage giant Freddie Mac. ,The US is facing a
shortage of nearly 4 million homes to meet booming demand. What is more, many other public
services are also seriously overloaded. When a large number of people immigrate to The United
State, the government have to provide a huge amount of payment for restoring and conducting
more amenities to cater to the needs of their citizens which will put a strain on the government
treasury. The more immigrants enter the country, the more serious the problems become.

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