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8/30/2021 Lab

My best Telescopes

I would consider purchasing the Skywatcher's mount AZ-EQ6 telescopes. The total cost of the

telescope will be around $2200; the telescope cost $1,675, in the absence of the necessary accessory

will. I recommend Skywatcher's mount because it is well-known in Europe, so support and local

knowledge will be available, shipping and import prices will be low, and it is a damned nice piece of

equipment that performs admirably. The AZ-EQ6 has built-in encoders, so you do not lose alignment if

you accidentally bump the mount or want to try star-hopping; it has belt drives, so AP with it is good

with a little fiddling and does not suffer from harmonic problems, is lighter and easier to handle than

the CGEM series. At first, I only used it for visual purposes: planets and deep-sky objects; however, I

imagine deep-sky photography is much more fascinating, so I will prioritize it first.


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