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Targets to achieve:

1. Identify major parts/organs in animals (teeth, bones, lungs, heart, stomach,

muscles and brain).
.( Worksheet 1) (Online)

2. Relate the parts/organs of body of animals to their functions (e.g., teeth

break down food, bones support the body, lungs take in air, the heart
circulates blood, the stomach helps to digests food, muscles move the body).
3. Identify some of the important organs in humans (limited to brain,
heart, stomach, intestine and lungs) and describe their functions. (F2F)

4. Describe the human digestive system including the functions of the

organs involved (limited to mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine, anus).
Activity 1
Worksheet 2 (F2F)

Model of Digestive system (Online)

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