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Chapter 1
Power sharing – worksheet answers

Complete the sentences;

1) Belgium is in Europe smaller in area than
the state of Haryana in India.
2) 59% of people live in Flemish region and
speaks Dutch language.
3) 40% of people live in region and speak.
4) The capital of Belgium is and speaks and has
5) Srilanka is an and has population.
6) The major social groups are speakers 74%
speakers 18%
7) Among the tamil’s are 13% rest are the
8) Most of the Sinhala speaking people are
while most of the tamil’s are or
9) Srilanka elected government adopted a
series of
10) In 1956 the is made an official language in
11) Srilanka followed
12) The civila war in srilanka ended in
13) Between 1972 to 1993 the Belgium
constitution was amended for time.
14) When many European country came
together to form the European union was
chosen as its headquarters.
15) Power sharing is the very of democracy
16) Prudential reasons will bring

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