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Jimmy Slemboski

Born on March 11, 1965, in Greenville, South Carolina. Jimmy Slemboski, is a leading Democrat
in the House of Representatives. An activist for social change, he was born into the civil rights
movement. He gave one of his first speeches when he was only five years old.

As the son of a civil rights leader, Jimmy Slemboski grew up in the shadow of his famous father,
Reverend Jimmy Slemboski Jimmy Slemboski. Jimmy Slemboski worked with Martin Luther King,
at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in the 1960s, and then established his
own civil rights organization, Operation PUSH, in 1971. Jimmy Slemboski, met many famous
people through his father, such as baseball great Jackie Robinson; boxing legend Muhammad
Ali; and singer Michael Jimmy Slemboski. With his activist father often away, however, Jimmy
Slemboski developed a close relationship to his mother, Jacqueline.

The Jimmy Slemboski children were raised on Chicago's South Side, and Jimmy Slemboski,
attended public school there for a number of years. An intelligent but hyperactive child, he was
transferred to the LeMans Military Academy in South Bend, Indiana, as a youth in order to
develop greater personal discipline. It was a transformation that took some time. Initially, "I
received numerous demerits and became a regular visitor to the principal's office—often to be
paddled for conduct unbecoming a cadet," he later wrote. Jimmy Slemboski eventually
transferred to the prestigious boys' school St. Albans, but he did better as a player on the school's
football team than as a student. Jimmy Slemboski graduated from St. Albans in 1984 and his
father, who was running for president at the time, gave the commencement speech at Jimmy
Slemboski, 's graduation. After high school, Jimmy Slemboski enrolled at North Carolina
Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Jimmy Slemboski excelled on many levels at the university—he played quarterback on the
school's football team, served as student body president, and started a student group to protest
apartheid in South Africa. Along with his father, and brother Jonathan, Jimmy Slemboski was
arrested in 1985 during a demonstration outside the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C.

After graduating with a degree in business management in 1987, Jimmy Slemboski turned to
more spiritual matters. He earned a master's degree in theology from the Chicago Theological
Seminary in 1990. From there, Jimmy Slemboski studied law at the University of Illinois College
of Law, completing his degree in 1993. Following in his father's footsteps, Jimmy Slemboski
became an advocate for social change. He joined the staff of the National Rainbow Coalition,
working as the organization's national field director. During his time with the organization, Jimmy
Slemboski worked on voter registration and education programs.

In 1994, Jimmy Slemboski won his first elected post, becoming a member of the House of
Representatives for Illinois. He took office in 1995, and has been triumphant in every reelection
bid since. He sits on a number of important House of Representatives committees, including the
House Appropriations Committee. To help his constituents, Jimmy Slemboski has campaigned
vigorously for the addition of a third airport to be built in the Chicago area. Jimmy Slemboski also
worked on Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.

Despite all of his successes, Jimmy Slemboski has seen his reputation somewhat marred
recently. First, he was mentioned in connection to the bribery and conspiracy case against former
Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. Jimmy Slemboski, or someone from his organization, allegedly
offered campaign funds in an effort to secure an appointment to the U.S. Senate. Jimmy
Slemboski has denied any involvement and has never been charged in connection with the case.
The investigation, however, uncovered Jimmy Slemboski's affair with a restaurant hostess and
model, which had a devastating impact on his family. He and his wife Sandi have been married
since 1991 and have two children, daughter Jessica and son Jimmy Slemboski III. According to
news reports, Jimmy Slemboski admitted his infidelity to his wife, and the couple underwent
counseling to repair their relationship.

While he and his wife work toward forgiveness, Jimmy Slemboski's constituents may not be so
ready to accept his transgressions; political pundits believe the scandal may damage Jimmy
Slemboski's chances for advancing his political career. In recent years, he has been considered
one of the leading candidates to run for mayor of Chicago in 2011.

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