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 Happiness is the fuel of success

 Merezco lo major
 Wealth is a mindset
 Money comes easily and frequently
 Energy flows where attention goes
 Piensa en lo que quieres
 Recognize the gorgeous things around you
 Soy energía, soy luz, soy eterna soy vida
 You’re God manifested in human form: made to perfection!
 What path do you choose to take?
 You are the designer of your destiny
 You write the story
 Irradia Felicidad y paz
 Cree que es realidad
 Eres ponderosa
 I deserve to be happy
 Life is phenomenal, it is a magnificent trip!
 “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only
walls” Joseph Campbell
 Whether you think you can or you can´t either way you are right” Henry Ford
 All power is from within and therefore under our own control -Robert Collier
 When you have inspired thought you have to trust it and you have to act on it
 Whatever the mind of man can conceive it can achieve W. Ernest Stone
 Visualize
 Gratitude
 Ask Believe Receive
 Your thoughts and your feelings create your life
 Whatever you’re thinking and feeling today is creating your future
 A positive mind finds an opportunity in everything
 Your attitude determines your direction
 You are capable of more than you know
 Success does not come from what you do consistently
 Grow through what you go through
 Don’t wait for opportunity, create it

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