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Risk Assessment

Risk/Scenario Level 1 (LOW) Level 2 (MEDIUM) Level 3 (HIGH)


Ordinary sickness like stomach pains, Fever and other sickness that need
If illness continues, or at an extreme
headaches, etc. is to be treated bedrest: student will stay at the hotel
Students Feeling Unwell level of pain, faculty will bring student
through medications prepared by and rest. One faculty will be left with
to the emergency room
faculty-in-charge the student.

For injuries like sprains or fractures,

Students Suffering an
faculty will bring the student to the
emergency room

Faculty contacts student and buddy

Students Getting Lost Faculty looks for the student Faculty reports lost case to the police
through phone

Inside the Hotel

Faculty contacts student through

Sneaking Out Faculty looks for the student

Evacuate and count all the students,

Fire Deal with emergency measures with
the hotel and the authorities


If flight is delayed, faculty makes sure

Delayed Flight
to re-arrange and adjust all schedule.

Lost Luggage Deal with airport staff

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