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Planetary Frequencies The Super New Moon Of September 17 2020 Many people are reporting feeling very drained of energy at this time as well as experiencing numerous other physiological, emotional, and mental activations as LIGHT steadily pours into creation, and accordingly, as cells, molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles are upgraded. A purposeful "Pause" button has b scriptures says, “Be stil, and know en pushed by SOURCE so that, as a verse in one of the world's that | am God!" becomes a profound message. In brief, although aia still experiences hundreds of quakes daily at "Her" core, and although there are still high neutron counts being registered daily, and although there are solar winds pushing forth plasma waves regularly, creati much insistence on everything bein ion on the planet is still being encouraged to step back from so ‘normal High Energy Stereoscopic System — Namibia The Super New Moon Of September 17 2020 SOURCE is endeavoring to constantly send messages to the planet in various ways that astounding new galactic conditions are being put into place, and this requires alignment and acclimation to the newness which subsequently means that in order to receive the upgrades, we must be careful that we do not "put the rubber to the road” and zoom off in all directions only to be halted by the energetic frequencies of SOURCE correction, A powerful verse in the BHAGAVAD GITA states: “In order to bring anyone to knowledge, itis firs necessary to bring him or her to a state of MIND where he or she will isten. It goes on to say: "When the nervous system is pure, BEING reflects more, and the MIND is more powerful.” How else is a person to have a type of consciousness (MIND) and a pure nervous system unless he or she observes stillness from the usual erratic movements of the typical human being? Black Hole The Super New Moon Of September 17 2020 According to the “High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) in Namibia, which is administrated by 46 institutions and 12 countries from around the world, unprecedented galactic cosmic rays are accelerating from a point in space at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy called “Sagittarius-A’ These are high-energy gamma x-rays that are 100 times larger and stronger than those which are ‘artificially’ manufactured by such organizations like CERN centered in Geneva, Switzerland. The rays that HESS has observed are coming from a black hole. Gigantic clouds around this black hole are 500 light years across in size, and these clouds bombarded by cosmic rays moving at close to the speed of light which produces further rays. itis believed that the cosmic gamma rays coming from “Sagittarius-A” are responsible for the bulk of 1e cosmic rays observed today. 8 All of this, although often challenging to fully understand by most of hume SACRED VIBRATIONAL ENERGY SCIENCE" or “SPIRITUAL SCIENC! nity, is an example of” at work. SOURCE is orchestrating all of the LIGHT and all of the necessary cleansings and higher knowledge acquisition that Earth/Gaia needs. We must. hi attune to SOURCE-—not refuse to adhere to the governing principles of existence. The “Su other ‘lec c ose “Archit et us be stuc cepts that we are being taught. @ the lesser LIGHTS of the GREATER LIGHT. We hold the lineage of SOURC od Pa The Super New Moon Of September 17 2020 We are being given an invitation to receive amazing capabilities. We have the free will o accept the invitation to higher studies or to reject it We can be further activated in our “God Particle” if we rely less on our ego and consult more with our HIGHER SELF, our SOUL Make the "New Moon” a time of intensified focus. Its portal opens on Monday, September 14th. Interestingly, solar winds are reported to affect Earth/Gaia’s magnetic and geo-magnetic fields on that day and are now on the way. Another way to look at this is as the “classroom doors opening” after a weekend of relaxation. Let us stay in the LIGHT. Remember the “school motto”: | AM BLESSED BY SOURCE LIGHT!

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