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Eco certification and American wood companies

Eco-labels or eco-certificates are evaluation systems that parameterize construction systems,

materials, products, household appliances and consumer goods so that the consumer can have
more information when choosing. Thinking about a balance with the environment, we will analyze
if "Ecocertification" is a good system that could be adopted in the logging companies of the United
States or not. Among the advantages of eco-certification, is the reduction of polluting material,
brand recognition and positioning as a company in balance with the environment

US companies invade with a wide variety of advertisements offering different prices for wood,
which could lose the buyer's interest in knowing if the product they offer is "eco-certified", but it is
believed that buyers are increasingly Fixing more not only on the price but on the impact we
generate on the environment, so having an eco-certification could give an added value to the
company and buyers prefer it.

As a second, it could be thought that the companies that include "Ecocertification" in their
processes will surely have higher prices than those that do not use it prices could be slightly
higher, but it will be a minimum difference, so customers will not pay attention to this minimum
difference and will choose the '' Ecocertificate ''

Third, the competition of the wood industries would be mainly in the foreign market or imported
wood that has an eco-certification seal, so thinking about not being certified would be a big
mistake since its competitors do and could do so because only selling their products locally would
be a big mistake since their competitors do have it and buyers would prefer it. Therefore, it could
be said with certainty that the companies that receive this certification can attract customers by
advertising their products as environmentally friendly and customers will feel that they are
meeting their needs but the impact on nature is somewhat diminished.

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