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The United Church of Zambia University Coltege in collaboration with The University of Western Cape Biblical and Theological Reflections on HIV/AIDS (Three Units) Course: ETH 113 Lecturer: Rev. Matutu Musonda Semester 1 Semester, 2021 Duration: January ~ May Programme: BTh | & Diaconal Ministry MODULE DESCRIPTION This module is designed to introduce some of the critical issues related to Christian responses to HIV/AIDS in order to better equip future church leaders to serve effectively in their communities. This module is part of a larger whole of the entire HIV/AIDS course the college offers throughout the entire three-year undergraduate programme. The first level is an introduction and overview of the content that the second and taird leve! modules will build up on. COURSE OBJECTIVES The module will help students to: 1. Acquire adequate knowledge and information about HI'//AIDS. 2. Identify and illustrate the role churches may play in addressing tie challenges posed by HIV/AIDS within the Socio-cultural context of the community. Appreciate the potential of the church’s internal resources such as the Bible, theology, church traditions and liturgy to develop an inclusive, compassionate and wholesome framework through which to address HIV/AIDS. Engage in critical analysis of the complex factors that contribute to the disproportionate 4. vulnerability of African people to HIV/AIDS including the socic-economic aud political implications of the pandemic Increase their capacityto engage in HIV/AIDS-related community mobilisation, national advocacy and strategic planning. COURSE OUTCOMES Upon completion of the module, students should be able to: 1. Discuss the current HIV/AIDS facts and research accuratelywith understanding. Reflect biblically and theologically on HIV/AIDS 2 3. Design, develop and evaluate HIV/AIDS training programmes for their congregations and community. MODULE REQUIREMENTS 1. Attend all lectures and participate in class discussions 2 Complete two (2) assessment opportunities in Unit 1 and Unit 3-20 and 20 % each, adding to a final CAM (Continuous Assessment Mark) total of 50%. 3. An impromptu test on any of the readings given in the weekly outline. 10% 4, Attend the Pyscho-Social C Social Counselling tr % of it. — 50% ‘ounselling training and write a final examination at the end COURSE OUTLINE my Week 1&2 Introduction to the module - Unit 1: Human Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Psychosexual Development, STI’s and Facts about HIV/AIDS Week 3 Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS ~ A Theological Perspective Reading: Paterson G, 2009. HIV Prevention, pp78-89 Week 4 HIV/AIDS. Women, youth and children Readings for Unit 1: Jackson H, 2002. AIDS: Africa Continent in Crises:37-46 Ferder F. &Heagle J. 2001. Your Sexual Self, pp. 7-34, 35-48 Dube M. W 2003. HIV/AIDS and the Curriculum, pp. 1-8 Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia Il (SHARe I) 2012. Talking points for Zambian Leaders (Draft), SHAR¢ II, Lusaka. Phiri A. I, Haddad B &Masenya M 2003. African Women, HIV/AIDS and Faith Communities, pp.3-1. N joroge 'N &Dube M, Talitha Cum: Theologies of African Women, pp. 40- Belshaw D, Clderisi R &Sugden C, Faith in development: Partnership between the World Bank and the Churches of Africa, pp. 131-141 UNIT 1 ASSESSMENT 1: Class Test based on readings above and class discussions. March Date 26th Week 5 Unit 2: Biblical Studies and HIV/AIDS > The framework of disease as punishment Week 6 Job challenges the framework of disease as punishment Prophetic healing and HIV/AIDS Week 7: Jesus’ healing ministry and HIV/AIDS The healing ministry of the church and HIV/AIDS Readings for Unit 2: Ferder&Heargle 1992, Your Sexual Self pp.7- 20 Genesis 30; Exodus 1-12; Leviticus 13-15; Numbers 12, 14, & 4-9; Deuteronomy 7:12-16 & 28; 2 Samuel 24; Job 1-2; Job 2:9-13; Job ; Job 38-48 John 4:1-42; James 5:14-16; Hebrews 9:11-28 Week 8&9 Unit 3: Theology in HIV/AIDS Contexts A Theology of creation and life (Gen 1-2) Week 10 African theologies and HIV/AIDS, Reading: Chitando, 2009 — Troubled but not destroyedpp7-43 feck 11 Liberation theologies and HIV/AIDS ree i r cminist/ Womanist theologies and HIV/AIDS- An African Perspective Reading: Chi ee Chitando, 2009 ~ Troubled but not destroyed UNIT 2 ASSESSMENT: Is HIV and Aids an an curse”? Critically discuss in light of African theologies response to HIV and AIDS Week 12 Conclusion Bibliography Books Balswick J.K &Balswick J.0, 1999.Authentic Human Sexuality: An Integrated Approach, Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Belshaw D, Calderisi R &Sugden C, 2001.Faith in development: Partnership between the World Bank and the Churches of Africa. UK, USA, Ghana, Argentina, India,:World Bank & Regnum International. Bukeya, L.B, 2007. Pastoral Care in Ugandan Schools: A Sociological Perspective, Uganda: Marianum Publishing Company. Burchardt M, Hardon A & Klerk J, 2009.Faith Matters: Religion and Biomedical Treatment for HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. Netherlands: MD Diemen. Chikati J, 2010. The Project Proposal Writing Handbook: A Practical Road Map for Integrated Project Planning, Assessment, Conceptualization, Design, Proposal Writing, Submission and Follow up, Nairobi: Regional Partnership for Resource Development Publication. Chitando, E.2006. Troubled but not destroyed. African theology in Dialogue with HIV and AIDS. Geneva: WCC Publications, 2009 Christian Connections for International Health, 2006.The ABC Approach to Preventing the Sexual Transmission of HIV: Common Questions and Answers, USA: Medical Service Corporation International. Dube M. W ed.2003.African Praying: A handbook of HIV/AIDS Sensiive Sermo: Guidelines and Liturgy,Geneva: WCC Dube M. W ed.2003.HIV/AIDS Curriculum.Methods of Integrating HIV/AIDS in Theological programmes. Geneva: WCC 1,2001.Your Sexual Self: Pathway to Authentic Intimacy, Mumbai: St. Pauls Jackson H, 2002. AIDS AFRICA Continent in Crisis, Geneva:SA PAIDSSida/ UNESCO/UNF PA, Garland, J & Blyth M, 2005, AIDS is Real and it's in our Chureh: Information about AIDS in Africa, how to prevent HIV infection and encouragement towards a Christian response to the 's International Ltd. AIDS epidemic, Kelly, M.J 2010, HIV and AIDS: A Social Justice Perspective,Limuru: Paulines Publications A Loader W, 2010.Sexuality in the New Testament, Understanding the Key Texts, Kentucky: John Knox Press. ura P (ed.s), 2008. A Holistic Approach to HIV and AIDS in Moerschhbacher M, Kato J &Rut Africa, Limuru: Paulines Publications Africa Njoroge, N &Dube M.W, 2001.Talitha Cum: Theologies of Ajrican Women, KwaZulu-Natal Cluster Publications Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia II (SHARe II), 2012. Talking points for Zambian Leaders (Draft), LusakaSHARe IL. Paterson G. (ed.),2009. HIV Prevention: A Global Theofogical Conversation, Geneva: Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance. Smith, A & McDonagh, 2003.The Reality of HIV/AIDS. \reland:.CAFOD WCC 2000.HIV&AIDS Curriculum for Theological Institutions in Africa, Geneva: WCC Wheeler, A, 2002.Voices from Africa: Transforming Mission in a Context of Marginalization ‘An Anthology, London: Church Publishing House. Online Resources ic Understanding the Issues. Oslo: NCA, 2000 NCA.Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic ( UNAIDS, Report on Global Epidemic, June 2000 (http:/ Internet Sites: http://www.who.invhelath-topics/hiv.htm; —_; http://www,jag.on.calhivs hutp://; ial Resources . Videovision Entertainment 2003, Yesterday (Academy Award Nominated Best Fore DVD. Language Film) - DVD. One Love Kwasila Media 2011, Club Risky Business (As seen on ZNBC and Muvi TY)

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